/* VChannel.java
* Component: ProperJavaRDP
* Revision: $Revision: $
* Author: $Author: suvarov $
* Date: $Date: 2007/03/08 00:26:39 $
* Copyright (c) 2005 Propero Limited
* Purpose: Abstract class for RDP5 channels
package com.lixia.rdp.rdp5;
import com.alssoftrd.utils.RDPConnection;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.lixia.rdp.RdesktopException;
import com.lixia.rdp.Secure;
import com.lixia.rdp.crypto.CryptoException;
import com.lixia.rdp.Package.RdpPackage;
public abstract class VChannel {
// protected static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(VChannel.class);
private int mcs_id = 0;
* Provide the name of this channel
* @return Channel name as string
public abstract String name();
* Provide the set of flags specifying working options for this channel
* @return Option flags
public abstract int flags();
* Process a packet sent on this channel
* @param data Packet sent to this channel
* @throws RdesktopException
* @throws IOException
* @throws CryptoException
public abstract void process(RdpPackage data) throws RdesktopException, IOException, CryptoException;
public int mcs_id() {
return mcs_id;
* Set the MCS ID for this channel
* @param mcs_id New MCS ID
public void set_mcs_id(int mcs_id) {
this.mcs_id = mcs_id;
* Initialise a packet for transmission over this virtual channel
* @param length Desired length of packet
* @return Packet prepared for this channel
* @throws RdesktopException
public RdpPackage init(int length) throws RdesktopException {
RdpPackage s;
s = RDPConnection.conf.secure.init(RDPConnection.conf.encryption ? Secure.SEC_ENCRYPT : 0, length + 8);
return s;
* Send a packet over this virtual channel
* @param data Packet to be sent
* @throws RdesktopException
* @throws IOException
* @throws CryptoException
public void send_packet(RdpPackage data) throws RdesktopException, IOException, CryptoException {
if (RDPConnection.conf.secure == null) {
int length = data.size();
int data_offset = 0;
int packets_sent = 0;
int num_packets = (length / VChannels.CHANNEL_CHUNK_LENGTH);
num_packets += length - (VChannels.CHANNEL_CHUNK_LENGTH) * num_packets;
while (data_offset < length) {
int thisLength = Math.min(VChannels.CHANNEL_CHUNK_LENGTH, length - data_offset);
RdpPackage s = RDPConnection.conf.secure.init(RDPConnection.conf.encryption ? Secure.SEC_ENCRYPT : 0, 8 + thisLength);
int flags = ((data_offset == 0) ? VChannels.CHANNEL_FLAG_FIRST : 0);
if (data_offset + thisLength >= length) {
flags |= VChannels.CHANNEL_FLAG_LAST;
if ((this.flags() & VChannels.CHANNEL_OPTION_SHOW_PROTOCOL) != 0) {
//System.out.printf("Sending %d bytes with flags %d\n", thisLength, flags);
s.copyFromPacket(data, data_offset, s.getPosition(), thisLength);
data_offset += thisLength;
if (RDPConnection.conf.secure != null) {
RDPConnection.conf.secure.send_to_channel(s, RDPConnection.conf.encryption ? Secure.SEC_ENCRYPT : 0, this.mcs_id());