Package com.lixia.rdp

Source Code of com.lixia.rdp.MCS

* Component: ProperJavaRDP
* Revision: $Revision: $
* Author: $Author: suvarov $
* Date: $Date: 2007/03/08 00:26:14 $
* Copyright (c) 2005 Propero Limited
* Purpose: MCS Layer of communication
package com.lixia.rdp;

import com.alssoftrd.utils.RDPConnection;

import com.lixia.rdp.crypto.CryptoException;
import com.lixia.rdp.Package.RdpPackage;
import com.lixia.rdp.rdp5.VChannels;

public class MCS {

//    static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("MCS");
    private ISO IsoLayer = null;
    private int McsUserID;

    /* this for the MCS Layer */
    private static final int CONNECT_INITIAL = 0x7f65;
    private static final int CONNECT_RESPONSE = 0x7f66;

    private static final int BER_TAG_BOOLEAN = 1;
    private static final int BER_TAG_INTEGER = 2;
    private static final int BER_TAG_OCTET_STRING = 4;
    private static final int BER_TAG_RESULT = 10;
    private static final int TAG_DOMAIN_PARAMS = 0x30;

    public static final int MCS_GLOBAL_CHANNEL = 1003;
    public static final int MCS_USERCHANNEL_BASE = 1001;

    private static final int EDRQ = 1; /* Erect Domain Request */

    private static final int DPUM = 8; /* Disconnect Provider Ultimatum */

    private static final int AURQ = 10; /* Attach User Request */

    private static final int AUCF = 11; /* Attach User Confirm */

    private static final int CJRQ = 14; /* Channel Join Request */

    private static final int CJCF = 15; /* Channel Join Confirm */

    private static final int SDRQ = 25; /* Send Data Request */

    private static final int SDIN = 26; /* Send Data Indication */

    private VChannels channels;

     * Initialise the MCS layer (and lower layers) with provided channels
     * @param channels Set of available MCS channels
    public MCS(VChannels channels) {
        this.channels = channels;
        IsoLayer = new ISO_Localised();

     * Connect to a server
     * @param host Address of server
     * @param port Port to connect to on server
     * @param data Packet to use for sending connection data
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws RdesktopException
     * @throws OrderException
     * @throws CryptoException
    public void connect(InetAddress host, int port, RdpPackage data) throws IOException, RdesktopException, OrderException, CryptoException {
//        logger.debug("MCS.connect");
        IsoLayer.connect(host, port);


//        logger.debug("connect response received");


        this.McsUserID = receive_aucf();
        send_cjrq(this.McsUserID + MCS_USERCHANNEL_BASE);

        for (int i = 0; i < channels.num_channels(); i++) {

     * Disconnect from server
    public void disconnect() {

     * Initialise a packet as an MCS PDU
     * @param length Desired length of PDU
     * @return
     * @throws RdesktopException
    public RdpPackage init(int length) throws RdesktopException {
        RdpPackage data = IsoLayer.init(length + 8);
        //data.pushLayer(RdpPackage.MCS_HEADER, 8);
        return data;

     * Send a packet to the global channel
     * @param buffer Packet to send
     * @throws RdesktopException
     * @throws IOException
    public void send(RdpPackage buffer) throws RdesktopException, IOException {
        send_to_channel(buffer, MCS_GLOBAL_CHANNEL);

     * Send a packet to a specified channel
     * @param buffer Packet to send to channel
     * @param channel Id of channel on which to send packet
     * @throws RdesktopException
     * @throws IOException
    public void send_to_channel(RdpPackage buffer, int channel) throws RdesktopException, IOException {
        int length;

        length = buffer.getEnd()
                - buffer.getHeader(RdpPackage.MCS_HEADER) - 8;
        length |= 0x8000;

        buffer.set8((SDRQ << 2));
        buffer.set8(0x70); //Flags

     * Receive an MCS PDU from the next channel with available data
     * @param channel ID of channel will be stored in channel[0]
     * @return Received packet
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws RdesktopException
     * @throws OrderException
     * @throws CryptoException
    public RdpPackage receive(int[] channel) throws IOException,
            RdesktopException, OrderException, CryptoException {
//    logger.debug("receive");
        int opcode = 0, appid = 0, length = 0;
        RdpPackage buffer = IsoLayer.receive();
        if (buffer == null) {
            return null;
        opcode = buffer.get8();

        appid = opcode >> 2;

        if (appid != SDIN) {
            if (appid != DPUM) {
                throw new RdesktopException("Expected data got" + opcode);
            throw new EOFException("End of transmission!");

        buffer.incrementPosition(2); // Skip UserID
        channel[0] = buffer.getBigEndian16(); // Get ChannelID
//    logger.debug("Channel ID = " + channel[0]);
        buffer.incrementPosition(1); // Skip Flags

        length = buffer.get8();

        if ((length & 0x80) != 0) {

        return buffer;


     * send an Integer encoded according to the ISO ASN.1 Basic Encoding Rules
     * @param buffer Packet in which to store encoded value
     * @param value Integer value to store
    public void sendBerInteger(RdpPackage buffer, int value) {
        int len = 1;

        if (value > 0xff) {
            len = 2;
        sendBerHeader(buffer, BER_TAG_INTEGER, len);
        if (value > 0xff) {
        } else {

     * Determine the size of a BER header encoded for the specified tag and data
     * length
     * @param tagval Value of tag identifying data type
     * @param length Length of data header will precede
     * @return
    private int berHeaderSize(int tagval, int length) {
        int total = 0;
        if (tagval > 0xff) {
            total += 2;
        } else {
            total += 1;

        if (length >= 0x80) {
            total += 3;
        } else {
            total += 1;
        return total;

     * Send a Header encoded according to the ISO ASN.1 Basic Encoding rules
     * @param buffer Packet in which to send the header
     * @param tagval Data type for header
     * @param length Length of data header precedes
    public void sendBerHeader(RdpPackage buffer, int tagval, int length) {
        if (tagval > 0xff) {
        } else {

        if (length >= 0x80) {
        } else {

     * Determine the size of a BER encoded integer with specified value
     * @param value Value of integer
     * @return Number of bytes the encoded data would occupy
    private int BERIntSize(int value) {
        if (value > 0xff) {
            return 4;
        } else {
            return 3;

     * Determine the size of the domain parameters, encoded according to the ISO
     * ASN.1 Basic Encoding Rules
     * @param max_channels Maximum number of channels
     * @param max_users Maximum number of users
     * @param max_tokens Maximum number of tokens
     * @param max_pdusize Maximum size of an MCS PDU
     * @return Number of bytes the domain parameters would occupy
    private int domainParamSize(int max_channels, int max_users, int max_tokens, int max_pdusize) {
        int endSize = BERIntSize(max_channels) + BERIntSize(max_users)
                + BERIntSize(max_tokens) + BERIntSize(1) + BERIntSize(0)
                + BERIntSize(1) + BERIntSize(max_pdusize) + BERIntSize(2);
        return berHeaderSize(TAG_DOMAIN_PARAMS, endSize) + endSize;

     * send a DOMAIN_PARAMS structure encoded according to the ISO ASN.1 Basic
     * Encoding rules
     * @param buffer Packet in which to send the structure
     * @param max_channels Maximum number of channels
     * @param max_users Maximum number of users
     * @param max_tokens Maximum number of tokens
     * @param max_pdusize Maximum size for an MCS PDU
    public void sendDomainParams(RdpPackage buffer, int max_channels, int max_users, int max_tokens, int max_pdusize) {
        int size = BERIntSize(max_channels) + BERIntSize(max_users)
                + BERIntSize(max_tokens) + BERIntSize(1) + BERIntSize(0)
                + BERIntSize(1) + BERIntSize(max_pdusize) + BERIntSize(2);

        sendBerHeader(buffer, TAG_DOMAIN_PARAMS, size);
        sendBerInteger(buffer, max_channels);
        sendBerInteger(buffer, max_users);
        sendBerInteger(buffer, max_tokens);

        sendBerInteger(buffer, 1); // num_priorities
        sendBerInteger(buffer, 0); // min_throughput
        sendBerInteger(buffer, 1); // max_height

        sendBerInteger(buffer, max_pdusize);
        sendBerInteger(buffer, 2); // ver_protocol

     * Send an MCS_CONNECT_INITIAL message (encoded as ASN.1 Ber)
     * @param data Packet in which to send the message
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws RdesktopException
    public void sendConnectInitial(RdpPackage data) throws IOException, RdesktopException {
//        logger.debug("MCS.sendConnectInitial");
        if (false) {
            int length = 7 + (3 * 34) + 4 + data.getEnd();
            RdpPackage buffer = IsoLayer.init(length + 5);

            sendBerHeader(buffer, CONNECT_INITIAL, length);
            sendBerHeader(buffer, BER_TAG_OCTET_STRING, 0); //calling domain
            sendBerHeader(buffer, BER_TAG_OCTET_STRING, 0); // called domain

            sendBerHeader(buffer, BER_TAG_BOOLEAN, 1);
            buffer.set8(255); //upward flag

            sendDomainParams(buffer, 2, 2, 0, 0xffff); //target parameters
            sendDomainParams(buffer, 1, 1, 1, 0x420); // minimun parameters
            sendDomainParams(buffer, 0xffff, 0xfc17, 0xffff, 0xffff); //maximum parameters

            sendBerHeader(buffer, BER_TAG_OCTET_STRING, data.getEnd());

            data.copyToPacket(buffer, 0, buffer.getPosition(), data.getEnd());

//        logger.debug("MCS.sendConnectInitial");
        int datalen = data.getEnd();
        int length = 9 + domainParamSize(34, 2, 0, 0xffff)
                + domainParamSize(1, 1, 1, 0x420)
                + domainParamSize(0xffff, 0xfc17, 0xffff, 0xffff) + 4 + datalen; // RDP5 Code

        RdpPackage buffer = IsoLayer.init(length + 5);

        sendBerHeader(buffer, CONNECT_INITIAL, length);
        sendBerHeader(buffer, BER_TAG_OCTET_STRING, 1); //calling domain
        buffer.set8(1); // RDP5 Code
        sendBerHeader(buffer, BER_TAG_OCTET_STRING, 1); // called domain
        buffer.set8(1); // RDP5 Code

        sendBerHeader(buffer, BER_TAG_BOOLEAN, 1);
        buffer.set8(0xff); //upward flag

        sendDomainParams(buffer, 34, 2, 0, 0xffff); //target parameters // RDP5 Code
        sendDomainParams(buffer, 1, 1, 1, 0x420); // minimum parameters
        sendDomainParams(buffer, 0xffff, 0xfc17, 0xffff, 0xffff); //maximum parameters

        sendBerHeader(buffer, BER_TAG_OCTET_STRING, datalen);

        data.copyToPacket(buffer, 0, buffer.getPosition(), data.getEnd());

     * Receive and handle a connect response from the server
     * @param data Packet containing response data
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws RdesktopException
     * @throws OrderException
     * @throws CryptoException
    public void receiveConnectResponse(RdpPackage data) throws IOException, RdesktopException, OrderException, CryptoException {
//        logger.debug("MCS.receiveConnectResponse");

        String[] connect_results = {"Successful", "Domain Merging",
            "Domain not Hierarchical", "No Such Channel", "No Such Domain",
            "No Such User", "Not Admitted", "Other User ID",
            "Parameters Unacceptable", "Token Not Available",
            "Token Not Possessed", "Too Many Channels", "Too Many Tokens",
            "Too Many Users", "Unspecified Failure", "User Rejected"};

        int result;
        int length = 0;

        RdpPackage buffer = IsoLayer.receive();
//        logger.debug("Received buffer");
        length = berParseHeader(buffer, CONNECT_RESPONSE);
        length = berParseHeader(buffer, BER_TAG_RESULT);

        result = buffer.get8();
        if (result != 0) {
            throw new RdesktopException("MCS Connect failed: "
                    + connect_results[result]);
        length = berParseHeader(buffer, BER_TAG_INTEGER);
        length = buffer.get8(); //connect id
        length = berParseHeader(buffer, BER_TAG_OCTET_STRING);;

     * Transmit an EDrq message
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws RdesktopException
    public void send_edrq() throws IOException, RdesktopException {
//        logger.debug("send_edrq");
        RdpPackage buffer = IsoLayer.init(5);
        buffer.set8(EDRQ << 2);
        buffer.setBigEndian16(1); //height
        buffer.setBigEndian16(1); //interval

     * Transmit a CJrq message
     * @param channelid Id of channel to be identified in request
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws RdesktopException
    public void send_cjrq(int channelid) throws IOException, RdesktopException {
        RdpPackage buffer = IsoLayer.init(5);
        buffer.set8(CJRQ << 2);
        buffer.setBigEndian16(this.McsUserID); //height
        buffer.setBigEndian16(channelid); //interval

     * Transmit an AUcf message
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws RdesktopException
    public void send_aucf() throws IOException, RdesktopException {
        RdpPackage buffer = IsoLayer.init(2);
        buffer.set8(AUCF << 2);

     * Transmit an AUrq mesage
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws RdesktopException
    public void send_aurq() throws IOException, RdesktopException {
        RdpPackage buffer = IsoLayer.init(1);
        buffer.set8(AURQ << 2);

     * Receive and handle a CJcf message
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws RdesktopException
    public void receive_cjcf() throws IOException, RdesktopException, OrderException, CryptoException {
//        logger.debug("receive_cjcf");
        int opcode, result;
        RdpPackage buffer = IsoLayer.receive();

        opcode = buffer.get8();
        if ((opcode >> 2) != CJCF) {
            throw new RdesktopException("Expected CJCF got" + opcode);

        result = buffer.get8();
        if (result != 0) {
            throw new RdesktopException("Expected CJRQ got " + result);

        buffer.incrementPosition(4); //skip userid, req_channelid

        if ((opcode & 2) != 0) {
            buffer.incrementPosition(2); // skip join_channelid

        if (buffer.getPosition() != buffer.getEnd()) {
            throw new RdesktopException();

     * Receive an AUcf message
     * @return UserID specified in message
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws RdesktopException
     * @throws OrderException
     * @throws CryptoException
    public int receive_aucf() throws IOException, RdesktopException, OrderException, CryptoException {
//        logger.debug("receive_aucf");
        int opcode, result, UserID = 0;
        RdpPackage buffer = IsoLayer.receive();

        opcode = buffer.get8();
        if ((opcode >> 2) != AUCF) {
            throw new RdesktopException("Expected AUCF got " + opcode);

        result = buffer.get8();
        if (result != 0) {
            throw new RdesktopException("Expected AURQ got " + result);

        if ((opcode & 2) != 0) {
            UserID = buffer.getBigEndian16();

        if (buffer.getPosition() != buffer.getEnd()) {
            throw new RdesktopException();
        return UserID;

     * Parse a BER header and determine data length
     * @param data Packet containing header at current read position
     * @param tagval Tag ID for data type
     * @return Length of following data
     * @throws RdesktopException
    public int berParseHeader(RdpPackage data, int tagval) throws RdesktopException {
        int tag;
        int length;
        int len;

        if (tagval > 0x000000ff) {
            tag = data.getBigEndian16();
        } else {
            tag = data.get8();

        if (tag != tagval) {
            throw new RdesktopException("Unexpected tag got " + tag
                    + " expected " + tagval);

        len = data.get8();

        if ((len & 0x00000080) != 0) {
            len &= ~0x00000080; // subtract 128
            length = 0;
            while (len-- != 0) {
                length = (length << 8) + data.get8();
        } else {
            length = len;

        return length;

     * Parse domain parameters sent by server
     * @param data Packet containing domain parameters at current read position
     * @throws RdesktopException
    public void parseDomainParams(RdpPackage data) throws RdesktopException {
        int length;
        length = this.berParseHeader(data, TAG_DOMAIN_PARAMS);
        if (data.getPosition() > data.getEnd()) {
            throw new RdesktopException();

     * Retrieve the user ID stored by this MCS object
     * @return User ID
    public int getUserID() {
        return this.McsUserID;

Related Classes of com.lixia.rdp.MCS

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