package cl.alejo.jcsim.window.states;
* jcsim
* Created on Jul 17, 2004
* This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* The license is included in license.txt
* @author: Alejandro Vera
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import cl.alejo.jcsim.csim.circuit.Circuit;
import cl.alejo.jcsim.csim.circuit.Point;
import cl.alejo.jcsim.csim.circuit.SelectionContainer;
import cl.alejo.jcsim.csim.gates.IconGate;
import cl.alejo.jcsim.window.Window;
public abstract class State {
public final static State STATE_INIT = new StateInit();
protected final static State STATE_CONNECT = new StateConnectWires();
protected final static State STATE_SELECT = new StateSelect();
protected final static State STATE_DRAG_GATE = new StateDragGate();
protected final static State STATE_DRAG_VIEWPORT = new StateDragViewport();
protected final static State STATE_DRAG_SELECTION = new StateDragSelection();
protected static cl.alejo.jcsim.csim.circuit.Point pointSrc = null; // El
// inicio
// del
// dnd
protected static cl.alejo.jcsim.csim.circuit.Point pointDrop = null; // El
// final
// del
// dnd
protected static int button_modiff = 0; // El modificador
protected static Circuit circSrc = null; // El circuito fuente
protected static Circuit circDrop = null; // El circuito del drop
protected static Window winDrop = null;
protected static Window winSrc = null;
protected static IconGate _iconTarget = null;
protected static IconGate iconClone = null;
protected static boolean isContact = false;
protected static cl.alejo.jcsim.csim.circuit.Point pointDelta = null;
protected final static int MODIF_NORMAL = 0;
protected final static int MODIF_ALT = 3;
protected final static int MODIF_SHIFT = 1;
protected final static int MODIF_CONTROL = 2;
* Al hacer drag en este estado Creation date: (03/04/01 16:40:39)
* @return jcsimwindow.State
public State drag(Window window, MouseEvent event) {
return this;
* Convierte coordenadas de la ventana fuente a coordenadas de del circuito
* en la ventana destino Creation date: (01/06/01 0:12:16)
* @return circuit.Point
* @param winSrc
* jcsimwindow.JCSimWindow ventana fuente
* @param winDrop
* jcsimwindow.JCSimWindow ventana destino
public Point getCoords(Window winSrc, Window winDrop, int _x, int _y) {
// Primero, obtenemos las posiciones de las ventanas
// c/r a la pantalla
java.awt.Point pointSrc = winSrc.getLocation();
java.awt.Point pointDrop = winDrop.getLocation();
// Obtenemos el punto en relacion a la pantalla
int x = _x + pointDrop.x;
int y = _y + pointDrop.y;
// Ahora lo convierto a coordenadas de la ventana destino
x = x - pointSrc.x;
y = y - pointSrc.y;
// y ahora lo convierto a coordenas de
x = winSrc.getCanvas().getTransformedX(x);
y = winSrc.getCanvas().getTransformedY(y);
// Listo
return new Point(x, y);
* Convierte coordenadas de la ventana fuente a coordenadas de del circuito
* en la ventana destino Creation date: (01/06/01 0:12:16)
* @return circuit.Point
* @param winSrc
* jcsimwindow.JCSimWindow ventana fuente
* @param winDrop
* jcsimwindow.JCSimWindow ventana destino
public Point getLocalCoords(Window window, int x, int y) {
// y ahora lo convierto a coordenas de
int _x = Circuit.gridTrunc(window.getCanvas().getTransformedX(x));
int _y = Circuit.gridTrunc(window.getCanvas().getTransformedY(y));
// Listo
return new Point(_x, _y);
* DEvuelve el modificador del mouse Creation date: (31/05/01 20:47:00)
* @return int
* @param event
* java.awt.event.MouseEvent
public int getModif(MouseEvent event) {
if (event.isControlDown())
else if (event.isShiftDown())
else if (event.isAltDown())
return MODIF_ALT;
* DEvuelve el punto donde comienza el drag and drop en coordenadas del
* circuito Creation date: (31/05/01 20:44:30)
* @return circuit.Point
* @param window
* jcsimwindow.JCSimWindow
* @param event
* java.awt.event.MouseEvent
public Point getSrcPoint(Window window, MouseEvent event) {
int x = cl.alejo.jcsim.csim.circuit.Circuit.gridTrunc(window.getCanvas().getTransformedX(event.getX()));
int y = cl.alejo.jcsim.csim.circuit.Circuit.gridTrunc(window.getCanvas().getTransformedY(event.getY()));
// Devuelvo el nuevo punto
return new Point(x, y);
* Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (12/06/01 14:49:41)
* @param window
* jcsimwindow.JCSimWindow
* @param event
* java.awt.event.MouseEvent
public State mouseClick(Window window, MouseEvent event) {
return this;
* Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (12/06/01 14:49:41)
* @param window
* jcsimwindow.JCSimWindow
* @param event
* java.awt.event.MouseEvent
public State mouseDoubleClick(Window window, MouseEvent event) {
return this;
* Evento cuando se suelta el mouse Creation date: (05/04/01 17:32:43)
* @param window
* jcsimwindow.JCSimWindow
* @param event
* java.awt.event.MouseEvent
public State mouseDown(Window window, MouseEvent event) {
return this;
* Evento invocado cuando el mouse entra a una ventana Creation date:
* (31/05/01 17:47:27)
* @return jcsimwindow.State
* @param window
* jcsimwindow.JCSimWindow la ventana que genero el evento
* @param event
* java.awt.event.MouseEvent el evento
public State mouseEntered(Window window, MouseEvent event) {
return this;
* Evento invocado cuando el mouse sale de una ventana Creation date:
* (31/05/01 17:47:27)
* @return jcsimwindow.State
* @param window
* jcsimwindow.JCSimWindow la ventana que genero el evento
* @param event
* java.awt.event.MouseEvent el evento
public State mouseExited(Window window, MouseEvent event) {
return this;
* Mientras estamos moviendo el mouse
public State mouseMove(Window window, MouseEvent event) {
return this;
* Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (03/04/01 16:42:17)
* @return jcsimwindow.State
public State mouseUp(Window window, MouseEvent event) {
return this;
protected SelectionContainer _selectionTarget;