package cl.alejo.jcsim.csim.gates;
* jcsim
* Created on Jul 17, 2004
* This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* The license is included in license.txt
* @author: Alejandro Vera
import cl.alejo.jcsim.csim.circuit.Circuit;
import cl.alejo.jcsim.csim.dom.Gate;
import cl.alejo.jcsim.csim.dom.Pin;
public class TimeDiagram extends Gate {
// La ventana del diagrama de tiempo
transient DiagramFrame df;
public TimeDiagram(Circuit circ, GateDescriptor gatedesc, GateParameters params) {
this._gateDescriptor = gatedesc;
this._circuit = circ;
this._parameters = params;
_pin = new Pin[pinCount()];
for (int i = 0; i < pinCount(); i++)
_pin[i] = new Pin(this, circ, (byte) i);
* Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (16/04/01 18:36:33)
* @param x
* int
* @param y
* int
public void apply(int x, int y) {
// si no existe, la creo
if (df == null) {
df = new DiagramFrame(this._circuit.getAgenda());
df.add("1", _pin[0]);
df.add("2", _pin[1]);
df.add("3", _pin[2]);
df.add("4", _pin[3]);
} else {;
* Limpiamos un poco Creation date: (16/05/01 15:40:36)
public void clean() {
// El frame del diagrama
if (df != null)
* Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (24/04/01 10:40:48)
* @return java.lang.Object
public void config(String[] params) {