package cl.alejo.jcsim.csim.gates;
* jcsim
* Created on Jul 17, 2004
* This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* The license is included in license.txt
* @author: Alejandro Vera
import cl.alejo.jcsim.csim.circuit.Circuit;
import cl.alejo.jcsim.csim.circuit.Point;
import cl.alejo.jcsim.csim.dom.Gate;
public class AssocDescriptor extends IconGateDescriptor {
// La matriz de comportamiento
int[][] behavior;
* AssocDescriptor constructor comment.
public AssocDescriptor(ParamAssocGate params) {
// Los parametros
this.params = params;
// Usamos estos parametros
int inPins = ((ParamAssocGate) params).pinCount;
// Asocio el comportamiento
this.behavior = ((ParamAssocGate) params).behavior;
// Construyo las posicones
this.pointPin = new Point[inPins + 1];
// Los de entrada
int dy = (int) (inPins * Circuit.GRIDSIZE / 2);
for (int i = 0; i < inPins; i++)
this.pointPin[i] = new Point(-16, i * Circuit.GRIDSIZE - dy);
// El pin de salida
this.pointPin[inPins] = new Point(16, 0);
this.sGateName = "AssocDesc";
this.pinCount = inPins + 1;
* Calcula el valor asociativo Creation date: (02/04/01 18:08:08)
* @return int
* @param val1
* int
* @param val2
* int
public int computeAssocVal(int val1, int val2) {
return behavior[val1 + 1][val2 + 1];
* Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (26/06/01 21:27:43)
* @return csim.Gate
* @param params
* gates.GateParameters
public Gate make(Circuit circuit, GateParameters params) {
// Creamos un nuevo gate
return new GateAssoc(circuit, (GateDescriptor) this, (GateParameters) params.clone());