package org.sikuli.api;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import org.sikuli.core.draw.ImageRenderer;
import org.sikuli.core.draw.PiccoloImageRenderer;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import edu.umd.cs.piccolo.PLayer;
import edu.umd.cs.piccolo.PNode;
import edu.umd.cs.piccolo.nodes.PImage;
import edu.umd.cs.piccolo.nodes.PPath;
import edu.umd.cs.piccolo.nodes.PText;
import edu.umd.cs.piccolox.nodes.PShadow;
public class APILogger {
//apiLogger =
private static APILogger logger = new DefaultLogger();
public static APILogger getLogger(){
return logger;
public static void setLogger(APILogger _logger){
APILogger.logger = _logger;
public void findPerformed(ScreenRegion screenRegion, Target target, ScreenRegion result){
public void findAllPerformed(ScreenRegion screenRegion, Target target, List<ScreenRegion> result){
public void waitPerformed(ScreenRegion screenRegion, Target target, int duration, ScreenRegion result){
public void clickPerformed(ScreenLocation location){
public void rightClickPerformed(ScreenLocation location){
public void doubleClickPerformed(ScreenLocation location){
public void dragPerformed(ScreenLocation location){
public void dropPerformed(ScreenLocation location){
public void typePerformed(String text){
public void copyPerformed(String text) {
public void pastePerformed(String text){
static public APILogger createStdoutLogger(){
return new StdoutLogger();
static public APILogger createVisualLogger(ScreenRegion screenRegion, File outputDir){
return new ScreenRegionImageLogger(screenRegion, outputDir);
class StdoutLogger extends DefaultLogger {
void out(String str){
class ScreenRegionImageLogger extends APILogger {
// void out(String str){
// System.out.println(str);
// }
final private ScreenRegion loggedScreenRegion;
final private File outputDir;
ScreenRegionImageLogger(ScreenRegion region, File outputDir){
this.loggedScreenRegion = region;
this.outputDir = outputDir;
if (!outputDir.exists())
void writeLogImage(BufferedImage image, String postfix){
try {
String filename = System.currentTimeMillis() + "-" + postfix + ".png";
ImageIO.write(image, "png", new File(outputDir, filename));
} catch (IOException e) {
void logMouseAction(final String actionName, final ScreenLocation location){
BufferedImage img = loggedScreenRegion.capture();
ImageRenderer ir = new LogImageRenderer(img){
protected void addContent(PLayer layer) {
PPath c = PPath.createEllipse(0, 0, 10,10);
c.setOffset(location.getX() - loggedScreenRegion.getBounds().getX() - 5, location.getY() - loggedScreenRegion.getBounds().getY() - 5);
addTextLabel(layer, actionName,location.getX() - loggedScreenRegion.getBounds().x - 20, location.getY() - loggedScreenRegion.getBounds().y - 40);
addNodeWithShadow(layer, c);
writeLogImage(ir.render(), actionName);
// base class to provide a set of uniform drawing utility functions
abstract class LogImageRenderer extends PiccoloImageRenderer{
public LogImageRenderer(BufferedImage input) {
void addTextLabel(PNode parent, String txt, int x, int y){
PText t = new PText(txt);
addNodeWithShadow(parent, t);
void addRectangle(PNode parent, int x, int y, int width, int height, Color color){
PPath r = PPath.createRectangle(x, y, width, height);
r.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2f));
addNodeWithShadow(parent, r);
private void logFindHelper(final String actionName, final ScreenRegion screenRegion, final Target target,
final List<ScreenRegion> results){
BufferedImage img = loggedScreenRegion.getLastCapturedImage();
ImageRenderer ir = new LogImageRenderer(img){
protected void addContent(PLayer layer) {
addTextLabel(layer, actionName, 3, 3);
// draw the target image
BufferedImage targetImage = ((DefaultTarget) target).toImage();
if (targetImage != null){
PImage im = new PImage(targetImage);
im.setOffset(3, 30);
addNodeWithShadow(layer, im);
// draw a rectangle around the screen region in which find was performed
addRectangle(layer, screenRegion.getBounds().x - loggedScreenRegion.getBounds().x,
screenRegion.getBounds().y - loggedScreenRegion.getBounds().y, screenRegion.getBounds().width, screenRegion.getBounds().height,;
// draw a rectangle around the found target
for (ScreenRegion result : results){
addRectangle(layer, result.getBounds().x - loggedScreenRegion.getBounds().x,
result.getBounds().y - loggedScreenRegion.getBounds().y, result.getBounds().width, result.getBounds().height,;
writeLogImage(ir.render(), actionName);
public void findAllPerformed(final ScreenRegion screenRegion, final Target target,
final List<ScreenRegion> results) {
logFindHelper("FindAll", screenRegion, target, results);
public void findPerformed(final ScreenRegion screenRegion, final Target target,
final ScreenRegion result) {
List<ScreenRegion> results = Lists.newArrayList();
if (result != null){
logFindHelper("Find", screenRegion, target, results);
public void clickPerformed(ScreenLocation location){
logMouseAction("Click", location);
public void rightClickPerformed(ScreenLocation location){
logMouseAction("RightClick", location);
public void doubleClickPerformed(ScreenLocation location){
logMouseAction("DoubleClick", location);
public void dragPerformed(ScreenLocation location) {
logMouseAction("Drag", location);
public void dropPerformed(ScreenLocation location) {
logMouseAction("Drop", location);
//class PrintStreamLogger extends DefaultLogger {
// PrintStream stream;
// public PrintStreamLogger(PrintStream outstream){
// = outstream;
// }
// void out(String str){
// stream.println(str);
// }
class DefaultLogger extends APILogger {
static Logger apiLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("org.sikuli.api");
String now(){
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
return formatter.format(new Date());
void out(String str){
public void typePerformed(String text){
out(now() + "\t" + "Type " + text);
public void copyPerformed(String text) {
out(now() + "\t" + (text==null?"could not copy text":"Copy text "+text));
public void clickPerformed(ScreenLocation location){
out(now() + "\t" + "Click at " + location);
public void rightClickPerformed(ScreenLocation location){
out(now() + "\t" + "Right click at " + location);
public void doubleClickPerformed(ScreenLocation location){
out(now() + "\t" + "Double click at " + location);
public void findPerformed(ScreenRegion screenRegion, Target target, ScreenRegion result){
out(now() + "\t" + "Find " + target + ((result != null) ? " at " + result : " not found"));
public void findAllPerformed(ScreenRegion screenRegion, Target target, List<ScreenRegion> result){
out(now() + "\t" + "FindAll " + target + "\t" + result.size() + " matches found");
for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i){
out("\t\t" + (i+1) + ":" + result.get(i));
public void waitPerformed(ScreenRegion screenRegion, Target target, int duration, ScreenRegion result){
out(now() + "\t" + "Wait " + target + ((result != null) ? " at " + result : " not found"));