// This example code uses the InfoCollection library to run the KG allocation
// rule with a fixed stopping rule on a random problem instance drawn from an
// independent normal prior distribution.
// Use independent normal sampling, with independent normal prior and known variance.
import InfoCollection.IndependentNormalVarianceKnown.*;
// import other classes from InfoCollection
import InfoCollection.Simulator;
import InfoCollection.SamplingRule;
import InfoCollection.StoppingRule;
import InfoCollection.FixedStop;
import InfoCollection.Truth;
import java.util.Random;
public class example {
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("InfoCollection Example Program");
// Creates a homogenous belief with 5 alternatives. On each
// alternative, we have an independent normal prior with mean 0
// and precision 2 on its value. Each alternative has a
// sampling precision of 0.5.
Belief prior = new Belief(5,0,2,0.5);
// Use knowledge gradient for our sampling allocation rule.
SamplingRule alloc = new KG(prior);
// Use a fixed stopping rule, that stops after 20 measurements.
// More sophisticated stopping rules may also be used.
// A simulation sampling rule is a combination of allocation
// and stopping rule.
StoppingRule stop = new FixedStop(20);
// Initialize a random number generator
Random rnd;
try { rnd = new Random(); }
catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Initialization of random number generator failed.");
// Generate a random truth from the prior. It is also possible
// to specify a fixed truth, not from the prior.
Truth truth;
try { truth = prior.GenerateTruth(rnd); }
catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Belief.GenerateTruth failed.");
System.out.println("This should only happen for non-informative priors.");
// Number of times we will repeat our sampling policy in the
// Monte Carlo experiment run below.
int nruns = 1000;
// Specify a maximum number of samples that we allow our
// simulation sampling rule to take, even if the stopping rule
// asks for more. This is to prevent experiments from taking
// too long.
int maxN = 100000;
// Run our simulation sampling rule on the truth generated above.
// It is also possible to run the sampling rule on a
// different truth, drawn from the prior, each time.
try {
System.out.println("Allocation rule: " + alloc);
System.out.println("Stopping rule: " + stop);
System.out.println("Running Simulation...");
double[] result = Simulator.LossWhenStopped(alloc, truth, stop, nruns, maxN);
System.out.println("Simulation Results:");
System.out.println(" Expected Opportunity Cost:" + result[0] + "+/-" + result[3]);
System.out.println(" Expected Number of Samples:" + result[1] + "+/-" + result[4]);
// This reports the number of times that the sampling
// algorithm was terminated because it took more than maxN
// samples.
System.out.println(" Number of timeouts:" + result[2]);
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Simulation failed.");