* The contents of this file are subject to the GNU General Public License *
* (GPL) Version 2 or later (the "License"); you may not use this file except *
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at *
* http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html *
* *
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, *
* without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. See the License *
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the *
* License. *
* *
* This file was originally developed as part of the software suite that *
* supports the book "The Elements of Computing Systems" by Nisan and Schocken, *
* MIT Press 2005. If you modify the contents of this file, please document and *
* mark your changes clearly, for the benefit of others. *
package Hack.VMEmulator;
import Hack.CPUEmulator.RAM;
import Hack.ComputerParts.*;
import Hack.Controller.ProgramException;
import Hack.Utilities.Definitions;
import Hack.VirtualMachine.HVMInstructionSet;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Vector;
* A CPU of a computer. Runs the program on the virtual machine emulator.
public class CPU {
// stack identification
private static final int MAIN_STACK = 1;
private static final int METHOD_STACK = 2;
// The program that will be executed
private VMProgram program;
// The memory used by the CPU
private RAM ram;
// The call stack
private CallStack callStack;
// The calculator
private Calculator calculator;
// The bus.
private Bus bus;
// The memory segments
private AbsolutePointedMemorySegment stackSegment;
private TrimmedAbsoluteMemorySegment workingStackSegment;
private MemorySegment staticSegment;
private MemorySegment localSegment;
private MemorySegment argSegment;
private MemorySegment thisSegment;
private MemorySegment thatSegment;
private MemorySegment tempSegment;
// A mapping from memory segment codes to the MemorySegment objects (not including stack).
private MemorySegment[] segments;
// A stack of method frame addresses
private Vector stackFrames;
// The last instruction that was executed.
private VMEmulatorInstruction currentInstruction;
// Runner for built-in vm code
private BuiltInFunctionsRunner builtInFunctionsRunner;
* Constructs the CPU with given program, RAM, call stack, bus, stack and other
* memory segments.
public CPU(VMProgram program, RAM ram, CallStack callStack,
Calculator calculator, Bus bus,
AbsolutePointedMemorySegment stackSegment,
TrimmedAbsoluteMemorySegment workingStackSegment,
MemorySegment staticSegment, MemorySegment localSegment,
MemorySegment argSegment, MemorySegment thisSegment,
MemorySegment thatSegment, MemorySegment tempSegment,
File builtInDir) {
this.program = program;
this.ram = ram;
this.callStack = callStack;
this.calculator = calculator;
this.bus = bus;
this.stackSegment = stackSegment;
this.workingStackSegment = workingStackSegment;
this.staticSegment = staticSegment;
this.localSegment = localSegment;
this.argSegment = argSegment;
this.thisSegment = thisSegment;
this.thatSegment = thatSegment;
this.tempSegment = tempSegment;
segments = new MemorySegment[HVMInstructionSet.NUMBER_OF_ACTUAL_SEGMENTS];
segments[HVMInstructionSet.LOCAL_SEGMENT_CODE] = localSegment;
segments[HVMInstructionSet.ARG_SEGMENT_CODE] = argSegment;
segments[HVMInstructionSet.THIS_SEGMENT_CODE] = thisSegment;
segments[HVMInstructionSet.THAT_SEGMENT_CODE] = thatSegment;
segments[HVMInstructionSet.TEMP_SEGMENT_CODE] = tempSegment;
stackFrames = new Vector();
if (program.getGUI() != null) {
builtInFunctionsRunner =
new BuiltInFunctionsRunner(this, builtInDir);
* Initializes the cpu.
public void boot() {
Definitions.STACK_END_ADDRESS, true);
Definitions.STACK_END_ADDRESS, true);
Definitions.HEAP_END_ADDRESS, true);
Definitions.SCREEN_END_ADDRESS, true);
Definitions.VAR_END_ADDRESS - 1, true);
if (builtInFunctionsRunner != null) {
* Returns the bus.
public Bus getBus() {
return bus;
* Returns the RAM (random access memory).
public RAM getRAM() {
return ram;
* Returns the program.
public VMProgram getProgram() {
return program;
* Returns the call stack.
public CallStack getCallStack() {
return callStack;
* Returns the calculator.
public Calculator getCalculator() {
return calculator;
* Returns an array of the memory segments.
public MemorySegment[] getMemorySegments() {
return segments;
* Returns the stack PointedMemorySegment.
public PointedMemorySegment getStack() {
return stackSegment;
* Returns the working stack PointedMemorySegment.
public PointedMemorySegment getWorkingStack() {
return workingStackSegment;
* Returns the last instruction that was executed.
public VMEmulatorInstruction getCurrentInstruction() {
return currentInstruction;
* Executes the current instruction (Program at pc).
* Returns false if END command, true otherwise.
public void executeInstruction() throws ProgramException {
currentInstruction = program.getNextInstruction();
if (currentInstruction == null)
throw new ProgramException("No more instructions to execute");
switch (currentInstruction.getOpCode()) {
case HVMInstructionSet.ADD_CODE:
case HVMInstructionSet.SUBSTRACT_CODE:
case HVMInstructionSet.NEGATE_CODE:
case HVMInstructionSet.EQUAL_CODE:
case HVMInstructionSet.GREATER_THAN_CODE:
case HVMInstructionSet.LESS_THAN_CODE:
case HVMInstructionSet.AND_CODE:
case HVMInstructionSet.OR_CODE:
case HVMInstructionSet.NOT_CODE:
case HVMInstructionSet.PUSH_CODE:
push(currentInstruction.getArg0(), currentInstruction.getArg1());
case HVMInstructionSet.POP_CODE:
pop(currentInstruction.getArg0(), currentInstruction.getArg1());
case HVMInstructionSet.GOTO_CODE:
case HVMInstructionSet.IF_GOTO_CODE:
case HVMInstructionSet.FUNCTION_CODE:
if (program.getCurrentPC() == program.getPreviousPC() + 1)
throw new ProgramException("Missing return in " + callStack.getTopFunction());
case HVMInstructionSet.RETURN_CODE:
case HVMInstructionSet.CALL_CODE:
callFunction(currentInstruction.getArg0(), currentInstruction.getArg1(),
currentInstruction.getStringArg(), false);
* integer addition (binary operation).
public void add() throws ProgramException {
calculate(2, Calculator.ADD);
* 2's complement integer substraction (binary operation)
public void substract() throws ProgramException {
calculate(2, Calculator.SUBTRACT);
* 2's complement negation (unary operation)
public void negate() throws ProgramException {
calculate(1, Calculator.NEGATE);
* Equalaty operation (binary operation). Returns(to the stack)
* 0xFFFF as true,0x0000 as false
public void equal() throws ProgramException {
calculate(2, Calculator.EQUAL);
* Greater than operation (binary operation). Returns(to the stack)
* 0xFFFF as true,0x0000 as false
public void greaterThan() throws ProgramException {
calculate(2, Calculator.GREATER_THAN);
* Less than operation (binary operation). Returns(to the stack)
* 0xFFFF as true,0x0000 as false
public void lessThan() throws ProgramException {
calculate(2, Calculator.LESS_THAN);
* Bit wise "AND" (binary operation).
public void and() throws ProgramException {
calculate(2, Calculator.AND);
* Bit wise "OR" (binary operation).
public void or() throws ProgramException {
calculate(2, Calculator.OR);
* Bit wise "NOT" (unary operation).
public void not() throws ProgramException {
calculate(1, Calculator.NOT);
//---- Memory access instructions ---//
* Pushes the n'th entry of the given segment onto the stack
public void push(short segment, short n) throws ProgramException {
if (segment == HVMInstructionSet.CONST_SEGMENT_CODE)
pushValue(METHOD_STACK ,n);
else if (segment == HVMInstructionSet.POINTER_SEGMENT_CODE)
switch (n) {
case 0: pushFromRAM(METHOD_STACK, Definitions.THIS_POINTER_ADDRESS);
case 1: pushFromRAM(METHOD_STACK, Definitions.THAT_POINTER_ADDRESS);
pushFromSegment(METHOD_STACK, segment, n);
* Pops an item from the stack and stores it in the n'th entry of the given segment
public void pop(short segment, short n) throws ProgramException {
if (segment == HVMInstructionSet.POINTER_SEGMENT_CODE) {
switch (n) {
case 0: popToThisPointer(METHOD_STACK);
case 1: popToThatPointer(METHOD_STACK);
popToSegment(METHOD_STACK, segment, n);
//---- Program flow instructions ---//
* Goes to the label at the given address
public void goTo(short address) {
* Pops a value from the stack and goes to the given address if the value
* is not zero.
public void ifGoTo(short address) throws ProgramException {
if (popAndReturn() != 0) {
//---- Function calls instructions ---//
* Here Starts the code of a function according to the given function name
* that has the given number of local variables.
* @param numberOfLocals The number of local variables
public void function(short numberOfLocals) throws ProgramException {
short newSP = (short)(getSP() + numberOfLocals);
// disable non relevant range of the local segment - enable only the number
// of locals of this function.
localSegment.setEnabledRange(getSP(), newSP - 1, true);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLocals; i++) {
pushValue(MAIN_STACK, (short)0);
String functionName = currentInstruction.getStringArg();
// adds the new function to the top of the call stack.
// sets the static segment range
* Enters an infinite loop requested by a built-in function,
* de-facto halting the program.
* important so that tests and other scripts finish counting
* (since a built-in infinite loop doesn't count as steps).
* also needed because there is no good way to use the stop button to
* stop an infinite loop in a built-in jack class.
* A message containing information may be provided (can be null).
public void infiniteLoopFromBuiltIn(String message) {
* Returns from a built-in function
public void returnFromBuiltInFunction(short returnValue) throws ProgramException {
// Push the return value
pushValue(METHOD_STACK ,returnValue);
// Return as we normally would
* Returns the value of the function to the top of the stack.
public void returnFromFunction() throws ProgramException {
// make sure that there's somewhere to return to (old local <> 0)
if (stackSegment.getValueAt(Definitions.LOCAL_POINTER_ADDRESS) == 0)
throw new ProgramException("Nowhere to return to in " +
getCallStack().getTopFunction() + "." +
// done in order to clear the method stack's contents
bus.send(ram, Definitions.LOCAL_POINTER_ADDRESS, ram, Definitions.R13_ADDRESS); // R13 = lcl
bus.send(stackSegment, stackSegment.getValueAt(Definitions.LOCAL_POINTER_ADDRESS) - 5, ram, Definitions.R14_ADDRESS); // R14 = return address
bus.send(stackSegment, getSP() - 1, stackSegment, ram.getValueAt(Definitions.ARG_POINTER_ADDRESS)); // *arg = return value
setSP((short)(ram.getValueAt(Definitions.ARG_POINTER_ADDRESS) + 1)); // SP = arg + 1
bus.send(stackSegment, ram.getValueAt(Definitions.R13_ADDRESS) - 1, ram, Definitions.THAT_POINTER_ADDRESS); // that = *(R13 - 1)
bus.send(stackSegment, ram.getValueAt(Definitions.R13_ADDRESS) - 2, ram, Definitions.THIS_POINTER_ADDRESS); // this = *(R13 - 2)
bus.send(stackSegment, ram.getValueAt(Definitions.R13_ADDRESS) - 3, ram, Definitions.ARG_POINTER_ADDRESS); // arg = *(R13 - 3)
bus.send(stackSegment, ram.getValueAt(Definitions.R13_ADDRESS) - 4, ram, Definitions.LOCAL_POINTER_ADDRESS); // lcl = *(R13 - 4)
// removes the top function from the call stack
// check whether there is a "calling frame"
if (stackFrames.size() > 0) {
// retrieve stack frame address of old function
int frameAddress = ((Integer)stackFrames.lastElement()).intValue();
stackFrames.removeElementAt(stackFrames.size() - 1);
// disable non relevant range of the local segment - enable only the locals
// of the function that we returned to.
localSegment.setEnabledRange(Math.max(localSegment.getStartAddress(), Definitions.STACK_START_ADDRESS), frameAddress - 1, true);
// enable in the arg segment only the number of args that were sent to the function
// that we returned to.
localSegment.getStartAddress() - 6, true);
// enable this, that according to their retrieved pointers
thisSegment.setEnabledRange(Math.max(thisSegment.getStartAddress(), Definitions.HEAP_START_ADDRESS), Definitions.HEAP_END_ADDRESS, true);
thatSegment.setEnabledRange(Math.max(thatSegment.getStartAddress(), Definitions.HEAP_START_ADDRESS), Definitions.SCREEN_END_ADDRESS, true);
}/* else {
error("Nowhere to return to");
} */ // Allow return if we previously had "function" even with no call -
// For the SimpleFunction test
short returnAddress = ram.getValueAt(Definitions.R14_ADDRESS);
if (returnAddress == VMProgram.BUILTIN_FUNCTION_ADDRESS) {
staticSegment.setEnabledRange(0, -1, true); // empty static segment
} else if (returnAddress >= 0 && returnAddress < program.getSize()) {
// sets the static segment range
if (stackFrames.size() > 0) {
} else {
Definitions.VAR_END_ADDRESS - 1,
program.setPC((short)(returnAddress-1)); // set previousPC currectly
program.setPC(returnAddress); // pc = *sp
} else {
error("Illegal return address");
* Calls a function according to the given function name
* with the given parameters from a built-in function
public void callFunctionFromBuiltIn(String functionName, short[] params)
throws ProgramException {
// Push the arguments onto the stack
for (int i=0; i<params.length; ++i) {
pushValue(METHOD_STACK, params[i]);
callFunction(program.getAddress(functionName), (short)params.length,
functionName, true);
* Calls a function according to the given function number stating
* that the given number of arguments have been pushed onto the stack
* If callerIsBuiltIn then the caller is a builtIn function that called
* this function through callFunctionFromBuiltIn.
* If address is -1 then a native function should be looked up and called.
public void callFunction(short address, short numberOfArguments, String functionName, boolean callerIsBuiltIn)
throws ProgramException {
stackFrames.addElement(new Integer(workingStackSegment.getStartAddress()));
workingStackSegment.setStartAddress(getSP() + 5);
if (callerIsBuiltIn) {
} else {
pushValue(MAIN_STACK, program.getPC());
ram.setValueAt(Definitions.ARG_POINTER_ADDRESS, (short)(getSP() - numberOfArguments - 5), false);
ram.setValueAt(Definitions.LOCAL_POINTER_ADDRESS, getSP(), false);
// enable in the arg segment only the number of args that were sent to the called function.
argSegment.getStartAddress() + numberOfArguments - 1, true);
if (address == VMProgram.BUILTIN_FUNCTION_ADDRESS) {
// Perform some actions normally done in the function() method
true); // no local variables
callStack.pushFunction(functionName + " (built-in)");
staticSegment.setEnabledRange(0, -1, true); // empty static segment
// Read parameters from the stack
short[] params = new short[numberOfArguments];
for (int i=0; i<numberOfArguments; ++i) {
params[i] = argSegment.getValueAt(i);
// Call the built-in implementation
builtInFunctionsRunner.callBuiltInFunction(functionName, params);
} else if (address >= 0 || address < program.getSize()) {
program.setPC(address); // make sure previouspc isn't pc-1
// which might happen if the calling
// function called this function in the
// last line before the "return" and
// was declared just before this function.
// In this case encountering the "function"
// command will issue an error about
// "missing return"...
} else {
error("Illegal call address");
* Sets the static segment range according to the the given function (file) name.
protected void setStaticRange(String functionName) throws ProgramException {
int dotLocation = functionName.indexOf(".");
if (dotLocation == -1)
throw new ProgramException("Illegal function name: " + functionName);
String className = functionName.substring(0, dotLocation);
int[] range = program.getStaticRange(className);
if (range == null)
throw new ProgramException("Function name doesn't match class name: " + functionName);
staticSegment.setEnabledRange(range[0], range[1], true);
// Pops the given number of arguments from the method stack to the calculator,
// computes the result according to the given operator and pushes the result
// back into the method stack.
private void calculate(int numberOfArgs, int operator) throws ProgramException {
calculator.showCalculator(operator, numberOfArgs);
popToCalculator(METHOD_STACK, 1);
if (numberOfArgs > 1)
popToCalculator(METHOD_STACK, 0);
pushFromCalculator(METHOD_STACK, 2);
// Pushes the given value at the top of the stack and increments sp by 1.
private void pushValue(int stackID, short value) throws ProgramException {
short sp = getSP();
if (stackID == MAIN_STACK)
stackSegment.setValueAt(sp, value, false);
workingStackSegment.setValueAt(sp, value, false);
checkSP((short)(sp + 1));
setSP((short)(sp + 1));
// Pushes a value from the RAM at the given index into the appropriate stack.
private void pushFromRAM(int stackID, int index) throws ProgramException {
short sp = getSP();
bus.send(ram, index,
(stackID == MAIN_STACK ? stackSegment : workingStackSegment), sp);
checkSP((short)(sp + 1));
setSP((short)(sp + 1));
// Push a value from the calculator at the given index into the appropriate stack.
private void pushFromCalculator(int stackID, int index) throws ProgramException {
short sp = getSP();
bus.send(calculator, index,
(stackID == MAIN_STACK ? stackSegment : workingStackSegment), sp);
checkSP((short)(sp + 1));
setSP((short)(sp + 1));
// sends a value from the given segment at the the given index to the appropriate stack (at sp)
// and increments sp.
private void pushFromSegment(int stackID, short segmentCode, int index)
throws ProgramException {
short sp = getSP();
MemorySegment segment = (segmentCode == HVMInstructionSet.STATIC_SEGMENT_CODE) ?
staticSegment : segments[segmentCode];
checkSegmentIndex(segment, segmentCode, index);
bus.send(segment, index, (stackID == MAIN_STACK ? stackSegment : workingStackSegment), sp);
checkSP((short)(sp + 1));
setSP((short)(sp + 1));
// sends a value from the appropriate stack (at sp-1) to the given segment at the given index
// and increments sp.
private void popToSegment(int stackID, short segmentCode, int index) throws ProgramException {
short newSP = (short)(getSP() - 1);
MemorySegment segment = (segmentCode == HVMInstructionSet.STATIC_SEGMENT_CODE) ?
staticSegment : segments[segmentCode];
checkSegmentIndex(segment, segmentCode, index);
bus.send((stackID == MAIN_STACK ? stackSegment : workingStackSegment), newSP,
segment, index);
// Pops the a value from the appropriate stack, decrements sp, and returns
// the popped value.
private short popValue(int stackID) throws ProgramException {
short newSP = (short)(getSP() - 1);
short value;
if (stackID == MAIN_STACK)
value = stackSegment.getValueAt(newSP);
value = workingStackSegment.getValueAt(newSP);
return value;
// sends a value from the appropriate stack (at sp-1) to the ram at the given index
// and increments sp.
private void popToRAM(int stackID, int index) throws ProgramException {
short newSP = (short)(getSP() - 1);
bus.send((stackID == MAIN_STACK ? stackSegment : workingStackSegment), newSP,
ram, index);
// sends a value from the appropriate stack (at sp-1) to the this pointer
// and increments sp.
private void popToThisPointer(int stackID) throws ProgramException {
short value = ram.getValueAt(getSP() - 1);
if ((value < Definitions.HEAP_START_ADDRESS || value > Definitions.HEAP_END_ADDRESS)
&& value > 0)
error("'This' segment must be in the Heap range");
popToRAM(stackID, Definitions.THIS_POINTER_ADDRESS);
thisSegment.setEnabledRange(value, Definitions.HEAP_END_ADDRESS, true);
// sends a value from the appropriate stack (at sp-1) to the that pointer
// and increments sp.
private void popToThatPointer(int stackID) throws ProgramException {
short value = ram.getValueAt(getSP() - 1);
if (!((value >= Definitions.HEAP_START_ADDRESS && value <= Definitions.HEAP_END_ADDRESS) ||
(value >= Definitions.SCREEN_START_ADDRESS && value <= Definitions.SCREEN_END_ADDRESS) ||
value == 0))
error("'That' segment must be in the Heap or Screen range");
popToRAM(stackID, Definitions.THAT_POINTER_ADDRESS);
thatSegment.setEnabledRange(value, Definitions.SCREEN_END_ADDRESS, true);
// sends a value from the appropriate stack (at sp-1) to the calculator at the given index
// and increments sp.
private void popToCalculator(int stackID, int index) throws ProgramException {
short newSP = (short)(getSP() - 1);
bus.send((stackID == MAIN_STACK ? stackSegment : workingStackSegment), newSP,
calculator, index);
// Returns the element at the top of the stack and decrements sp by 1.
private short popAndReturn() throws ProgramException {
short newSP = (short)(getSP() - 1);
return stackSegment.getValueAt(newSP);
* Returns the static segment.
public MemorySegment getStaticSegment() {
return staticSegment;
* Returns the value at the i'th position in the given segment
public short getSegmentAt(short segmentCode, short i) {
return segments[segmentCode].getValueAt(i);
* Sets the value at the i'th position in the given segment with the given value.
public void setSegmentAt(short segmentCode, short i, short value) {
segments[segmentCode].setValueAt(i, value, false);
* Returns the stack pointer
public short getSP() {
return ram.getValueAt(Definitions.SP_ADDRESS);
* Sets the stack pointer with the given value.
public void setSP(short value) {
ram.setValueAt(Definitions.SP_ADDRESS, value, true);
// Checks the given sp value. If not legal, throws an exception.
private void checkSP(short sp) throws ProgramException {
if (sp < Definitions.STACK_START_ADDRESS || sp > Definitions.STACK_END_ADDRESS)
error("Stack overflow");
// Verifies that the given index of the given segment is valid.
private void checkSegmentIndex(MemorySegment segment, int segmentCode, int index)
throws ProgramException {
short loc = (short)(index + segment.getStartAddress());
if (segmentCode == HVMInstructionSet.THIS_SEGMENT_CODE) {
if (loc < Definitions.HEAP_START_ADDRESS || loc > Definitions.HEAP_END_ADDRESS)
error("Out of segment space");
else {
int[] range = segment.getEnabledRange();
if (loc < range[0] || loc > range[1]) {
error("Out of segment space");
// Throws a program exception with the given message.
private void error(String message) throws ProgramException {
throw new ProgramException(message + " in " + callStack.getTopFunction() + "." +