* The contents of this file are subject to the GNU General Public License *
* (GPL) Version 2 or later (the "License"); you may not use this file except *
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at *
* http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html *
* *
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, *
* without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. See the License *
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the *
* License. *
* *
* This file was originally developed as part of the software suite that *
* supports the book "The Elements of Computing Systems" by Nisan and Schocken, *
* MIT Press 2005. If you modify the contents of this file, please document and *
* mark your changes clearly, for the benefit of others. *
package Hack.VMEmulator;
import Hack.Controller.ProgramException;
import Hack.Utilities.Definitions;
import java.io.File;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
* A class that runs built-in VM code as a coroutine so that
* built-in code may pause and call VM code that the user may debug and step
* through.
public class BuiltInFunctionsRunner implements Runnable {
// Message types between threads
private static final int CALL_REQUEST = 0;
private static final int RETURN_REQUEST = 1;
private static final int END_PROGRAM_REQUEST = 2; // program => built-in
private static final int THROW_PROGRAM_EXCEPTION_REQUEST = 3; // b.i.=>prog
private static final int INFINITE_LOOP_REQUEST = 4; // b.i.=>prog
// objects for communication between the threads
private class BuiltInToProgramRequest {
int request;
String details;
short[] params;
short returnValue;
private class ProgramToBuiltInRequest {
int request;
Method functionObject;
Object[] params;
short returnValue;
private BuiltInToProgramRequest builtInToProgram;
private ProgramToBuiltInRequest programToBuiltIn;
// The thread that runs the built-in code
private Thread thread;
// The CPU that communicates with this class
private CPU cpu;
// The built-in dir
private File builtInDir;
/********************** Code common to both threads *****/
* Relinquises control to the other thread until it relinquishes back.
* Invariant: at any given time one of the threads is waiting here.
private synchronized void continueOtherThread() {
while (true) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
/********************** Code run by the VM Emulator thread *****/
* Constructs a new BuiltInFunctionsRunner, which will read memory
* and issue call-backs and returns to the given CPU and load built-in
* vm code from the given directory.
public BuiltInFunctionsRunner(CPU cpu, File builtInDir) {
this.cpu = cpu;
this.builtInDir = builtInDir;
builtInToProgram = new BuiltInToProgramRequest();
programToBuiltIn = new ProgramToBuiltInRequest();
thread = new Thread(this);
synchronized (this) {
continueOtherThread(); // Let the built-in code runner init itself
// The notify part of this call does nothing
* Called by the VM emulator. Tells the built-in code runner thread
* to exit all currently running built-in functions. Returns after
* this was completed.
public void killAllRunningBuiltInFunctions() {
programToBuiltIn.request = END_PROGRAM_REQUEST;
* Called by the VM emulator. Tells the built-in code runner thread
* to resume an already-running built-in function which was waiting for
* a return value from another function.
public void returnToBuiltInFunction(short returnValue) throws ProgramException {
programToBuiltIn.request = RETURN_REQUEST;
programToBuiltIn.returnValue = returnValue;
* Called by the VM emulator. Searches for a built-in vm function by its
* name and number of parameters (the length of the params array).
* If found - tells the built-in code runner thread
* to call the named built-in function with the given params.
* Throws a ProgramException if no built-in implementation was found.
public void callBuiltInFunction(String functionName, short[] params) throws ProgramException {
int dotLocation = functionName.indexOf(".");
if (dotLocation == -1) {
throw new ProgramException("Illegal function name: " + functionName);
String className = functionName.substring(0, dotLocation);
String methodName = functionName.substring(dotLocation+1, functionName.length());
if (methodName.equals("new")) {
// new is a reserved Java word - therefore Jack functions named
// new are implemented by Java functions named NEW.
methodName = "NEW";
// Find the implementing class
Class implementingClass;
try {
implementingClass = Class.forName(builtInDir+"."+className);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
throw new ProgramException("Can't find "+className+".vm or a built-in implementation for class "+className);
// Check that the class is a subclass of BuiltInVMClass
// (right now not that important if the class doesn't want to access
// the computer - like math - but good practice anyway).
Class currentClass = implementingClass;
boolean found;
do {
currentClass = currentClass.getSuperclass();
found = currentClass.getName().equals("Hack.VMEmulator.BuiltInVMClass");
} while (!found && !currentClass.getName().equals("java.lang.Object"));
if (!found) {
throw new ProgramException("Built-in implementation for "+className+" is not a subclass of BuiltInVMClass");
// Find the implementing method & fill in the request
Class[] paramsClasses = new Class[params.length];
Object[] requestParams = new Object[params.length];
for (int i=0; i<params.length; ++i) {
requestParams[i] = new Short(params[i]);
paramsClasses[i] = short.class;
Method functionObject;
try {
functionObject =
implementingClass.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, paramsClasses);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
throw new ProgramException("Can't find "+className+".vm or a built-in implementation for function "+methodName+" in class "+className+" taking "+params.length+" argument"+(params.length==1?"":"s")+".");
Class returnType = functionObject.getReturnType();
if (returnType != short.class && returnType != void.class &&
returnType != char.class && returnType != boolean.class) {
throw new ProgramException("Can't find "+className+".vm and the built-in implementation for "+functionName+" taking "+params.length+" arguments doesn't return short/char/void/boolean.");
programToBuiltIn.request = CALL_REQUEST;
programToBuiltIn.params = requestParams;
programToBuiltIn.functionObject = functionObject;
* Sends a request to the built-in thread (the request is a data-member)
* and waits for an answer from the built-in thread and passes it to the
* VM Emulator.
* If a built-in function finished, calls
* cpu.returnFromBuiltInFunction with the return value.
* If the function requested another function call,
* calls cpu.callFunctionFromBuiltIn with the function name and parameters.
* If an exception was thrown by a built-in function, throws a
* ProgramException.
private void sendBuiltInRequestAndWaitForAnswer() throws ProgramException {
switch(builtInToProgram.request) {
throw new ProgramException(builtInToProgram.details);
//break - unreachable
/********************** Code run by the Built In Code Runner thread *****/
* Runs the built-in code runner thread
public void run() {
// Nothing on this thread should work while
// the main program isn't waiting
synchronized (this) {
// Make sure that callbacks / memory access for built-in code
// run on this thread is done by this instance of
// BuiltInFunctionsRunner.
while (true) {
try {
// Tell the VM Emulator that we finished init
// by issueing a request for calling a "null function" -
// The emulator expects us to tell it we finished init
// and will ignore the actual function call request and
// continue as normal.
builtInFunctionRequestsCall(null, null);
} catch (TerminateVMProgramThrowable e) {
* Called by a built-in function through the BuiltInVMClass class.
* Requests that the VM Emulator run a function (either built-in or not).
* Once the function completes, the function's return value is returned.
* If due to a user's request or due to an error the VM program is
* required to terminate, a TerminateVMProgramThrowable object is thrown.
* The calling built-in function may catch this object, perform any
* necessary cleanups, and rethrow it.
public short builtInFunctionRequestsCall(String functionName, short[] params) throws TerminateVMProgramThrowable {
builtInToProgram.request = CALL_REQUEST;
builtInToProgram.details = functionName;
builtInToProgram.params = params;
// Wait for a command and loop while we're getting call commands
for(continueOtherThread(); programToBuiltIn.request == CALL_REQUEST;
continueOtherThread()) {
try { // Try to run the built-in implementation
// programToBuiltIn might be overwritten until the return
// from the call. Save what's needed.
Class returnType = programToBuiltIn.functionObject.getReturnType();
functionName =
// Execute
Object returnValue =
builtInToProgram.request = RETURN_REQUEST;
if (returnType == short.class) {
builtInToProgram.returnValue = ((Short)returnValue).shortValue();
} else if (returnType == char.class) {
builtInToProgram.returnValue = (short)((Character)returnValue).charValue();
} else if (returnType == boolean.class) {
if (((Boolean)returnValue).booleanValue()) {
builtInToProgram.returnValue = (short)-1;
} else {
builtInToProgram.returnValue = 0;
} else { // returnType == void.class
builtInToProgram.returnValue = 0;
} catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
// Error running - abort VM program
builtInToProgram.details = "Error trying to run the built-in implementation of "+functionName;
} catch (InvocationTargetException ita) {
// Rethrow a TerminateVMProgramThrowable object that was thrown
try {
throw (TerminateVMProgramThrowable)ita.getTargetException();
} catch (ClassCastException cce) {
// Error in the built-in function - abort VM program
builtInToProgram.details = "The built-in implementation of "+functionName+" caused an exception: "+ita.getTargetException().toString();
if (programToBuiltIn.request == RETURN_REQUEST) {
return programToBuiltIn.returnValue;
throw new TerminateVMProgramThrowable();
* Makes sure an address that a built-in function requested
* to write/read from is legal. If not - notifies the vm emulator
* Thread that an exception occured, waits for a signal from it and
* throws a TerminateVMProgramThrowable.
private void checkMemoryAddress(short address) throws TerminateVMProgramThrowable {
if (!((address >= Definitions.HEAP_START_ADDRESS && address <= Definitions.HEAP_END_ADDRESS) ||
(address >= Definitions.SCREEN_START_ADDRESS && address <= Definitions.SCREEN_END_ADDRESS) ||
address == 0)) {
builtInToProgram.details = "A built-in function tried to access memory outside the Heap or Screen range";
// now programToBuiltIn.request == END_PROGRAM_REQUEST
throw new TerminateVMProgramThrowable();
* Called by a built-in functio through the BuiltInVMClass class.
* Enters an infinite loop, de-facto halting the program.
* Important so that tests and other scripts finish counting
* (since a built-in infinite loop doesn't count as steps).
* Also needed because there is no good way to use the stop button to
* stop an infinite loop in a built-in Jack class.
* A message containing information may be provided (can be null).
public void builtInFunctionRequestsInfiniteLoop(String message)
throws TerminateVMProgramThrowable {
builtInToProgram.request = INFINITE_LOOP_REQUEST;
builtInToProgram.details = message;
// now programToBuiltIn.request == END_PROGRAM_REQUEST
throw new TerminateVMProgramThrowable();
* Called by a built-in function through the BuiltInVMClass class.
* Writes the given value top the given address in the VM memory.
public void builtInFunctionRequestsMemoryWrite(short address, short value) throws TerminateVMProgramThrowable {
cpu.getRAM().setValueAt(address, value, false);
* Called by a built-in function through the BuiltInVMClass class.
* Returns the contents of the given address in the VM memory.
public short builtInFunctionRequestsMemoryRead(short address) throws TerminateVMProgramThrowable {
return cpu.getRAM().getValueAt(address);