Package Hack.CPUEmulator

Source Code of Hack.CPUEmulator.CPU

* The contents of this file are subject to the GNU General Public License      *
* (GPL) Version 2 or later (the "License"); you may not use this file except   *
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at      *
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* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,   *
* without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. See the License   *
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the         *
* License.                                                                     *
*                                                                              *
* This file was originally developed as part of the software suite that        *
* supports the book "The Elements of Computing Systems" by Nisan and Schocken, *
* MIT Press 2005. If you modify the contents of this file, please document and *
* mark your changes clearly, for the benefit of others.                        *

package Hack.CPUEmulator;

import Hack.Assembler.AssemblerException;
import Hack.Assembler.HackAssemblerTranslator;
import Hack.ComputerParts.Bus;
import Hack.ComputerParts.Register;
import Hack.Controller.ProgramException;
import Hack.Utilities.Definitions;

* A computer with memory (ROM & RAM) and two registers (A & D). Includes
* a method for loading a program (HACK file) into the ROM and another
* method for running the program which is currently in them ROM. Also gives
* read access to the memory.
public class CPU
    // The address and program counter registers.
    protected PointerAddressRegisterAdapter A, PC;

    // The data register
    protected Register D;

    // The RAM array.
    protected RAM M;

    // The ROM array
    protected ROM rom;

    // The ALU
    protected ALU alu;

    // The bus.
    protected Bus bus;

    // The time that passed since the program started running.
    protected long time;

    // An assembler transltor
    protected HackAssemblerTranslator assemblerTranslator;

     * Constructs a new cpu with the given ROM, RAM, A, D, PC & ALU.
    public CPU(RAM ram, ROM rom, PointerAddressRegisterAdapter A, Register D,
               PointerAddressRegisterAdapter PC, ALU alu, Bus bus) {
        this.M = ram;
        this.rom = rom;
        this.A = A;
        this.D = D;
        this.PC = PC;
        this.alu = alu;
        this.bus = bus;


        assemblerTranslator = HackAssemblerTranslator.getInstance();

     * Returns the bus.
    public Bus getBus() {
        return bus;

     * Returns the A register.
    public Register getA() {
        return A;

     * Returns the D register.
    public Register getD() {
        return D;

     * Returns the PC register.
    public Register getPC() {
        return PC;

     * Returns the RAM (random access memory).
    public RAM getRAM() {
        return M;

     * Returns the ROM (read only memory).
    public ROM getROM() {
        return rom;

     * Returns the ALU.
    public ALU getALU() {
        return alu;

     * Returns the time that passed since the program started running.
    public long getTime() {
        return time;

     * Restarts the program from the beginning.
    public void initProgram() {

        time = 0;

     * Executes the current instruction (ROM at pc).
     * Throws ProgramException if the current instruction is illegal or
   * if it causes an illegal effect (read/write from M when A is an illegal
   * address or jump when A is an illegal address).
    public void executeInstruction() throws ProgramException {
        short instruction = rom.getValueAt(PC.get());
        boolean pcChanged = false;

        if ((instruction & 0x8000) == 0)
            bus.send(rom, PC.get(), A, 0);
        else if ((instruction & 0xe000) == 0xe000) {
            pcChanged = checkJump(instruction);
        else if (instruction != HackAssemblerTranslator.NOP)
            throw new ProgramException("At line " + PC.get() +
                     ": Illegal instruction");

        if (!pcChanged) {
            short newPC = (short)(PC.get() + 1);
            if (newPC < 0 || newPC >= Definitions.ROM_SIZE)
                throw new ProgramException("At line " + PC.get() +
                       ": Can't continue past last line");
            PC.setValueAt(0, newPC, true);


    // computes the exp part of the given instruction.
    // The result will be at the alu's output.
    // Throws ProgramException if the calculation involves M and A contains
  // an illegal address.
    protected void computeExp(short instruction) throws ProgramException {
        boolean indirect = (instruction & 0x1000) > 0;
        boolean zd = (instruction & 0x0800) > 0;
        boolean nd = (instruction & 0x0400) > 0;
        boolean zm = (instruction & 0x0200) > 0;
        boolean nm = (instruction & 0x0100) > 0;
        boolean f = (instruction & 0x0080) > 0;
        boolean no = (instruction & 0x0040) > 0;

        try {
            alu.setCommand(assemblerTranslator.getExpByCode((short)(instruction & 0xffc0)),
                           zd, nd, zm, nm, f, no);
        } catch (AssemblerException ae) {}

        bus.send(D, 0, alu, 0); // sends D to input0 of the alu

        // sends A or M[A] to input1 of the alu
        if (indirect) {
      int address = A.get();
      if (address < 0 || address >= M.getSize())
        throw new ProgramException("At line " + PC.get() +
                       ": Expression involves M but A=" +
                       address +
                       " is an illegal memory address.");
            bus.send(M, address, alu, 1);
            bus.send(A, 0, alu, 1);


    // Sets the registers with the alu's output according to
  // the given instruction
    // Throws ProgramException if destination contains M and A contains
  // an illegal address.
    protected void setDestination(short instruction) throws ProgramException {
        boolean destA = (instruction & 0x0020) > 0;
        boolean destD = (instruction & 0x0010) > 0;
        boolean destM = (instruction & 0x0008) > 0;

        if (destM) {
      int address = A.get();
      if (address < 0 || address >= M.getSize())
        throw new ProgramException("At line " + PC.get() +
                       ": Destination is M but A=" +
                       address +
                       " is an illegal memory address.");
      bus.send(alu, 2, M, address);
        if (destA)
            bus.send(alu, 2, A, 0);
        if (destD)
            bus.send(alu, 2, D, 0);

    // Sets the program counter (if necessary) according to
  // the given instruction and the alu's output.
  // If the program counter was changed, returns true, otherwise false.
    // Throws ProgramException if the program counter should be changed and A
  // contains an illegal address.
    protected boolean checkJump(short instruction) throws ProgramException {
        boolean jumpNegative = (instruction & 0x0004) > 0;
        boolean jumpEqual = (instruction & 0x0002) > 0;
        boolean jumpPositive = (instruction & 0x0001) > 0;
        boolean changed = false;

        short exp = alu.getValueAt(2);

        if ((exp < 0 && jumpNegative) ||
            (exp == 0 && jumpEqual) ||
            (exp > 0 && jumpPositive)) {
      int newPC = A.get();
            if (newPC < 0 || newPC >= Definitions.ROM_SIZE)
        throw new ProgramException("At line " + PC.get() +
                       ": Jump requested but A=" + newPC +
                       " is an illegal program address.");
            bus.send(A, 0, PC, 0);
            changed = true;

        return changed;

Related Classes of Hack.CPUEmulator.CPU

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