Package builtInChips

Source Code of builtInChips.RAM

* The contents of this file are subject to the GNU General Public License      *
* (GPL) Version 2 or later (the "License"); you may not use this file except   *
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at      *
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* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,   *
* without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. See the License   *
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* License.                                                                     *
*                                                                              *
* This file was originally developed as part of the software suite that        *
* supports the book "The Elements of Computing Systems" by Nisan and Schocken, *
* MIT Press 2005. If you modify the contents of this file, please document and *
* mark your changes clearly, for the benefit of others.                        *

package builtInChips;

import Hack.ComputerParts.ComputerPartEvent;
import Hack.ComputerParts.ComputerPartEventListener;
import Hack.Gates.BuiltInGateWithGUI;
import Hack.Gates.GateException;
import Hack.Gates.GatesManager;
import HackGUI.PointedMemoryComponent;
import java.awt.Component;

* RAM chip of a variable size, each memory location is 16 bit-wide. The output is the value stored
* at the memory location specified by address. If load=1, loads the input into the memory location
* specified by address (this loaded value will be available starting from the next time step.) The
* chip contains a gui that displays the memory contents and enables the user to change them. Used
* as a base class for all RAM chips.
public abstract class RAM extends BuiltInGateWithGUI implements ComputerPartEventListener {

    // The memory array.
    protected short[] values;
    // The gui of the memory.
    protected PointedMemoryComponent memoryGUI;

     * Constructs a new RAM of the given size.
    public RAM(int size) {
        values = new short[size];

        if (GatesManager.getInstance().isChipsGUIEnabled()) {
            memoryGUI = new PointedMemoryComponent();
            memoryGUI.setLocation(166, 10);

    protected void clockUp() {
        short in = inputPins[0].get();
        short load = inputPins[1].get();
        short address = inputPins[2].get();
        if (load == 1) {
            values[address] = in;
            if (memoryGUI != null) {
                memoryGUI.setValueAt(address, in);

    protected void reCompute() {
        short address = inputPins[2].get();
        if (memoryGUI != null) {

    protected void clockDown() {

    public Component getGUIComponent() {
        return memoryGUI;

     * Called when the contents of the memory are changed through the memory gui.
    public void valueChanged(ComputerPartEvent event) {
        short newValue = event.getValue();
        int newAddress = event.getIndex();
        updateValue(newAddress, newValue);

    // updates the given value
    private void updateValue(int address, short value) {
        values[address] = value;
        if (memoryGUI != null) {
            memoryGUI.setValueAt(address, value);

    public void guiGainedFocus() {

    public short getValueAt(int index) throws GateException {
        return values[index];

    // checks the given index. If illegal throws GateException.
    private void checkIndex(int index) throws GateException {
        if (index < 0 || index >= values.length) {
            throw new GateException("Illegal index");

    public void setValueAt(int index, short value) throws GateException {
        updateValue(index, value);

Related Classes of builtInChips.RAM

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