import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
import java.awt.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
public class JoeUtilTest {
public ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none();
public void testConvertStringArrayToList() throws Exception {
JustArrays justArrays = new JustArrays();
assertNotNull("Your (peopleNames) Array Is NULL, DUDE.", justArrays.getPeopleNames());
List<String> peopleNamesList = JoeUtil.convertStringArrayToList( justArrays.getPeopleNames());
assertNotNull("List Is Empty, Champ", peopleNamesList);
for ( String listNames : peopleNamesList) {
System.out.println("Name Is: "+ listNames);
System.out.println("Congratulations! Looks like you have converted array to list successfully!");
public void testAmountIsGreaterThanZero() throws Exception {
BigDecimal testAmount = null;
assertFalse( JoeUtil.amountIsGreaterThanZero( testAmount));
testAmount = BigDecimal.ZERO;
assertFalse( JoeUtil.amountIsGreaterThanZero( testAmount));
exception.expect( NumberFormatException.class);
testAmount = new BigDecimal("");
exception.expect( NumberFormatException.class);
testAmount = new BigDecimal("asfdasd");
testAmount = new BigDecimal("-1");
assertFalse( JoeUtil.amountIsGreaterThanZero( testAmount));
testAmount = new BigDecimal("0");
assertFalse( JoeUtil.amountIsGreaterThanZero( testAmount));
testAmount = new BigDecimal("1");
assertTrue( JoeUtil.amountIsGreaterThanZero( testAmount));
public void testCustomersAndAccounts() throws Exception {
List<Customer> customerList = JoeUtil.getCustomers();
List<Account> accountList = JoeUtil.getAccounts();
assertNotNull( customerList);
assertNotNull( accountList);
assertTrue( customerList.size() > 0);
assertTrue( accountList.size() > 0);
Map<Long, String> tempMap = new HashMap<Long, String>();
//Looping through customers
for ( Customer customer : customerList) {
* Here I am catching the scenario where the Map already has something.
* We need to do a check to see if that current Loop Key is already inside the Map.
* */
if ( tempMap.size() > 0) {
if ( tempMap.containsKey( Long.valueOf( customer.getAccountID()))) {
//Since the key (accountID) already exists then pull the existing value
String existingNames = tempMap.get( Long.valueOf( customer.getAccountID()));
//Append then new value (Customer Name) to the existing one since they share the same value (AccID).
existingNames = existingNames + customer.getName() + "|";
//When done with appeding, then push back the new value to the same key
tempMap.put( Long.valueOf( customer.getAccountID()), existingNames);
//Nothing more so we continue to the next Entry loop
* Just add a new unique key.
* Only if the key does not exist in the Map
* */
tempMap.put( Long.valueOf( customer.getAccountID()), customer.getName() + "|");
assertTrue( tempMap.size() > 0);
* Demonstration of how to loop through a map
* Just loop through the map and Print out stuff iside it (Keys & Values)
* */
for ( Map.Entry<Long, String> mapRow : tempMap.entrySet()) {
System.out.println("ACCOUNT NUMBER: "+ JoeUtil.getAccountNumberFromID(
accountList, mapRow.getKey().toString()) + " IS USED BY: "+ mapRow.getValue());
//ACCOUNT NUMBER: 6222-12345 IS USED BY: Jeremiah|Thali|Gugu|Rudzani|
//ACCOUNT NUMBER: 6333-12346 IS USED BY: Thabo|Aubrey|Rudzani|
//ACCOUNT NUMBER: 6444-12347 IS USED BY: Mack|Nelson|Prince|
public void testAmountIsWithinRange() throws Exception {
BigDecimal tranAmount = new BigDecimal("05.00");
assertFalse( JoeUtil.amountIsWithinRange( tranAmount));
tranAmount = new BigDecimal("10.00");
assertTrue( JoeUtil.amountIsWithinRange( tranAmount));
tranAmount = new BigDecimal("351.00");
assertFalse( JoeUtil.amountIsWithinRange( tranAmount));
tranAmount = new BigDecimal("280.00");
assertTrue(JoeUtil.amountIsWithinRange( tranAmount));
public void testCalculateWordLetters() throws Exception {