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package stallone.mc.sampling;
import cern.jet.random.Beta;
import cern.jet.random.engine.MersenneTwister;
import static stallone.api.API.*;
import stallone.api.doubles.IDoubleArray;
import stallone.api.doubles.IDoubleIterator;
import stallone.api.mc.IReversibleSamplingStep;
import stallone.util.MathTools;
* @author noe
public class Step_Rev_Row_Beta implements IReversibleSamplingStep
// input, fixed
private int n;
private IDoubleArray C;
private int[] dof;
private double[] Csum;
// variables
private IDoubleArray mu;
private IDoubleArray u;
private IDoubleArray T;
// the beta distributions for sampling the rows
private Beta[] rowDistribution;
// pre-instantiated data holders
private double[] backupRow;
int nprop=0;
int nacc=0;
public Step_Rev_Row_Beta()
public void init(IDoubleArray _C, IDoubleArray _T, IDoubleArray _mu)
this.n = _C.rows();
this.C = _C;
this.T = _T;
this.mu = _mu;
// data holders
this.backupRow = new double[n];
// free energies
u = doublesNew.array(n);
for (int i=0; i<u.size(); i++)
u.set(i, -Math.log(mu.get(i)));
// degrees of freedom.
this.dof = new int[C.rows()];
this.Csum = new double[C.rows()];
for (IDoubleIterator it = C.nonzeroIterator(); it.hasNext(); it.advance())
int i = it.row();
int j = it.column();
if (C.get(i, j) >= -1)
Csum[i] += C.get(i, j);
// init beta distributions
rowDistribution = new Beta[Csum.length];
for (int i = 0; i < Csum.length; i++)
//double alpha = Csum[i] - C.get(i, i) + 1;
double alpha = Csum[i] + dof[i] - C.get(i, i) - 1;
double beta = C.get(i, i) + 1;
rowDistribution[i] = new Beta(alpha, beta, new MersenneTwister());
// check counts.
if (!checkCounts())
throw (new IllegalArgumentException("This Matrix cannot be sampled reversibly as it has no row with positive diagonal counts and at least 2 degrees of freedom"));
* Checks whether there is at least one row that can be sampled from
* @return
protected final boolean checkCounts()
boolean valid = false;
for (int i = 0; i < C.rows(); i++)
if (C.get(i, i) > -1 && dof[i] >= 2)
valid = true;
return (valid);
* backs up row i
* @param row
private void backupRow(int row)
for (int k=0; k<n; k++)
backupRow[k] = T.get(row, k);
private void restoreRow(int row)
for (int k=0; k<n; k++)
T.set(row, k, backupRow[k]);
* Samples from one row shift distribution via a beta distribution
public void sampleRow(int i)
double x = rowDistribution[i].nextDouble();
double a = x / (1.0 - T.get(i, i));
// backup
// update matrix
double sum = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < T.columns(); k++)
if (k != i)
T.set(i, k, T.get(i, k) * a);
//ensureValidElement(i, k);
sum += T.get(i, k);
T.set(i, i, 1 - sum);
// check if there are problems and then revert to backup
if (TransitionMatrixSamplingTools.isRowIn01(T, i))
u.set(i, u.get(i) + Math.log(a));
mu.set(i, Math.exp(-u.get(i)));
// rescale u if necessary
if (Math.abs(doubles.min(u)) > 1)
alg.addTo(u, -doubles.min(u));
for (int k=0; k<T.columns(); k++)
mu.set(k, Math.exp(-u.get(k)));
public boolean step()
int i = MathTools.randomInt(0, T.rows());
while (C.get(i, i) <= 0 || dof[i] < 2)
i = MathTools.randomInt(0, T.rows());
return true;
public int[] getStepCount(){
int[] count=new int[2];
return count;