import static stallone.api.API.*;
import stallone.api.IAlgorithm;
import stallone.api.algebra.Algebra;
import stallone.api.algebra.IEigenvalueDecomposition;
import stallone.api.cluster.IClustering;
import stallone.api.doubles.Doubles;
import stallone.api.doubles.IDoubleArray;
import stallone.api.ints.IIntArray;
import stallone.api.ints.Ints;
import stallone.ints.PrimitiveIntArray;
* A java implementation of the Inner Simplex Algorithm (ISA) from Marcus Weber. For details refer to:<br>
* <i>Marcus Weber: Improved Perron Cluster Analysis, ZIB-Report 03-04.<br>
* Marcus Weber and Tobias Galliat: Charakterization of Transition States in Conformational Dynamics using Fuzzy States,
* ZIB-Report 02-12.</i><br>
* See <tt><A HREF=""><CODE></CODE></A></tt>.
* <p>A typical application is the computation of meta stable sets of a Markov chain represented by a given reversible
* transition matrix. This requires the following steps:<br>
* 1) Compute a reversible transition matrix, say <b>P</b>.<br>
* 2) Determine the number of meta stable sets, for instance via the size of the Perron Cluster, say <i>k</i>.<br>
* 3) Compute the <i>k</i> eigenvectors belonging to the <i>k</i> eigenvalues closest to 1.<br>
* 4) Use the eigenvectors as input data to the cluster algorithm.<br>
* 5) With {@link #getClusters} you get an array containing the allocation of each indices to a cluster, which is a
* number between 0,...,k-1.<br>
* 6) Use {@link #getPermutationArray} to obtain a permutation array. With this array you can permute the state space of
* <b>P</b>, such that states belonging to the same cluster are neighbours.</p>
* @author
public final class PCCA implements IAlgorithm
* The condition of the transformation matrix. The transformation matrix transforms a given dataset with
* simplex-like structure to a dataset with standard simplex-like structure. Large condition indicates an ill
* conditioned cluster problem.
//public double COND_TRANS;
* An indikator for the deviation of the data-points from simplex structure. Is this indikator negative, than there
* are data points outside the computed simplex, so this indikator should be close to zero.
public double INDIKATOR;
private int[] CLUSTER;
private int[] SORTARRAY;
private int[] CLUSTER_SIZE;
private IDoubleArray FUZZY;
private IDoubleArray eigenvectors;
* Creates a new instance of ClusterByIsa and computes a clustering of a data set with the Isa-algorithm. The
* created instance will be immutable. The results will be:<br>
* <i>Cluster allocation</i>: An integer array containing the allocation of the given data points to the clusters:
* <code>CLUSTER[i]</code> is the cluster of data point <i>i</i>.<br>
* <i>Fuzzy allocations</i>: A (number of data points times number of clusters) -matrix containing the fuzzy
* allocation for each data point.<br>
* <i>Simplex indikator</i>: An indikator for the deviation of the shape of the set of data-points from a simplex
* structure.<br>
* <i>Condition indikator</i>: Large condition indicates an ill conditioned cluster problem.<br>
* Use the {@link #allData()} method to display all results and the {@link #getClusters()}, resp. {@link #getFuzzy}
* method to achieve them. The simplex and the condition indikator are public fields.
* @param dataSet the data points in a <code>DoubleMatrix2D</code>. <code>dataSet.rows()</code> is the number of
* data points, while <code>dataSet.columns()</code> is the number of cluster.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if there are more clusters than data points.
public PCCA()
public void setEigenvectors(IDoubleArray dataSet)
this.eigenvectors = dataSet;
public void perform()
if (eigenvectors == null)
throw new RuntimeException("No eigenvectors set. Aborting.");
/* initialisation */
int noOfClusters = eigenvectors.columns();
int noOfPoints = eigenvectors.rows();
IDoubleArray fuzzyAllocation;
IDoubleArray transMatrix;
double condTrans;
double indikator = 0;
int[] clusterAllocation = new int[noOfPoints];
int[] counter;
/* Special cases: */
/* a) less than two clusters. */
if (noOfClusters < 2)
fuzzyAllocation = Doubles.create.matrix(noOfPoints, 1, 1);
transMatrix = Doubles.create.matrix(1, 1, 1 / eigenvectors.get(0, 0));
condTrans = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < noOfPoints; i++)
clusterAllocation[i] = 0;
counter = new int[2];
counter[0] = 0;
counter[1] = noOfPoints;
/* b) more cluster than states. */
else if (noOfClusters > noOfPoints)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("There are more clusters than points given!");
else if (noOfClusters == noOfPoints)
fuzzyAllocation = Doubles.create.array(noOfPoints,noOfPoints);
for (int i=0; i<fuzzyAllocation.rows(); i++)
transMatrix = Algebra.util.inverse(eigenvectors);
// currently, we do not calculate the condition number because we lack the method
//condTrans = A.cond(transMatrix);
counter = new int[noOfPoints + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < noOfPoints; i++)
clusterAllocation[i] = i;
counter[i + 1] = 1;
/* Start of the Isa-algorithm. */
double skalar = 0;
double maxDist = 0;
double comp = 0;
double entry = 0;
int[] index = new int[noOfClusters];
int[] indexAll = Ints.create.arrayRange(0, noOfClusters).getArray();
IDoubleArray orthoSys = eigenvectors.copy();
IDoubleArray dummy;
/* Compute the two data-points with the largest distance
*(quantified by the 2-norm)*/
for (int i = 0; i < noOfPoints; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < noOfPoints; j++)
double dij = Algebra.util.distance(eigenvectors.viewRow(i), eigenvectors.viewRow(j));
if (dij > maxDist)
maxDist = dij;
index[0] = i;
index[1] = j;
/* compute the other representatives by modified gram-schmidt
* (i.e. the data points with the
*largest distance to them computed before).*/
for (int i = 0; i < noOfPoints; i++)
for (int j=0; j<orthoSys.columns(); j++)
orthoSys.set(i, j, orthoSys.get(i,j)-eigenvectors.get(0, j));
// divide by norm of index 1.
double d = Algebra.util.norm(orthoSys.viewRow(index[1]));
Algebra.util.scale(1.0/d, orthoSys);
// ??
for (int i = 2; i < noOfClusters; i++)
maxDist = 0;
dummy = orthoSys.viewRow(index[i - 1]).copy();
for (int j = 0; j < noOfPoints; j++)
skalar =, orthoSys.viewRow(j));
for (int k = 0; k<dummy.size(); k++)
orthoSys.set(j, k, orthoSys.get(j,k) - (dummy.get(k) * skalar));
comp = Algebra.util.norm(orthoSys.viewRow(j));
if (comp > maxDist)
maxDist = comp;
index[i] = j;
double normi = Algebra.util.norm(orthoSys.viewRow(index[i]));
Algebra.util.scale(1.0/normi, orthoSys);
/* Use the index-array with the representatives to compute the
* transformation matrix, i.e., the matrix that maps the
* representative to the edges of the standard simplex.*/
transMatrix = Algebra.util.inverse(eigenvectors.view(index, indexAll));
// currently cannot compute condition number
//condTrans = A.cond(transMatrix);
/* Transform the data set to a (hopefully) nearly standard simplex
* structure, by mapping all data points with the computed
* transformation matrix. */
fuzzyAllocation = Doubles.create.matrix(Algebra.util.product(eigenvectors, transMatrix).getTable());
/* Extract from soft (fuzzy) allocation the sharp allocation vektor.*/
counter = new int[noOfClusters + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < noOfPoints; i++)
comp = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < noOfClusters; j++)
entry = fuzzyAllocation.get(i, j);
if (entry < indikator)
indikator = entry;
if (entry > comp)
clusterAllocation[i] = j;
comp = entry;
counter[clusterAllocation[i] + 1]++;
} // end if-else
/* Compute a sorting array and an array with the number of data points
*in each cluster*/
int[] counter2 = new int[noOfClusters];
int[] sortarray = new int[noOfPoints];
for (int i = 1; i < counter.length; i++)
counter[i] += counter[i - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < sortarray.length; i++)
sortarray[counter[clusterAllocation[i]] + counter2[clusterAllocation[i]]] = i;
/* define fields */
INDIKATOR = indikator;
FUZZY = fuzzyAllocation;
//COND_TRANS = condTrans;
CLUSTER = clusterAllocation;
SORTARRAY = sortarray;
CLUSTER_SIZE = counter2;
* Returns an array with cluster allocations. <code>int[i]</code> is the cluster to which data point i was
* allocated.
public IIntArray getClusters()
return(new PrimitiveIntArray(CLUSTER));
* Returns an array containing the number of data points in each cluster.
public IIntArray getClusterSize()
return(new PrimitiveIntArray(CLUSTER_SIZE));
public IDoubleArray getFuzzy()
* Returns the permutation which is needed to arrange the data points according to their cluster.
public IIntArray getPermutationArray()
return(new PrimitiveIntArray(SORTARRAY));