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package stallone.mc.pcca;
import static stallone.api.API.*;
import stallone.api.algebra.IEigenvalueDecomposition;
import stallone.api.doubles.IDoubleArray;
* Computes the dominant eigenvectors of a transition matrix and offers computations on this subspace,
* such as PCCA and transition matrix coarse-graining
* @author noe
public class MetastableSubspace
private static double MINIMAL_MEMBERSHIP = 1e-4;
private static boolean ENFORCE_REVERSIBILITY = true;
// transition matrix
private IDoubleArray T;
// Eigenvalue decomposition of t
private IEigenvalueDecomposition evd;
// stationary distribution
private IDoubleArray pi = null;
// Diagonal matrix with stationary distribution
private IDoubleArray Pi = null;
// size of subspace
private int subspaceSize;
// pcca
private PCCA pcca;
// metastable state memberships
private IDoubleArray M;
// coarse-grained stationary distribution
private IDoubleArray piC = null;
// coarse-grained stationary distribution diagonal matrix
private IDoubleArray PiC;
// probability matrix to observe a microstate given a metastable state
private IDoubleArray PObs;
// coarse-grained transition matrix
private IDoubleArray Tcoarse;
* @param T the transition matrix
* @param nEigenvectors the number of dominant eigenvectors defining the metastable subspace
public MetastableSubspace(IDoubleArray _T)
this.T = _T;
// Eigenvalue decomposition
this.evd = alg.evd(T);
// compute stationary distribution
this.pi = msm.stationaryDistribution(T);
this.Pi = doublesNew.diag(pi);
private void enforceMembershipBounds(IDoubleArray M)
for (int i = 0; i < M.size(); i++)
alg.normalizeRows(M, 1);
private IDoubleArray symmetrize(IDoubleArray C)
return alg.addWeightedToNew(0.5, C, 0.5, alg.transposeToNew(C));
private void ensureNonnegativeElements(IDoubleArray C)
// make sure correlation matrix is nonnegative
for (int i = 0; i < C.rows(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < C.columns(); j++)
if (C.get(i, j) < 0)
C.set(i, j, 0);
public void coarseGrain(int nStates)
this.subspaceSize = nStates;
// do PCCA
this.pcca = new PCCA();
IDoubleArray evec = this.evd.getRightEigenvectorMatrix().viewReal();
IDoubleArray evecSub = evec.viewBlock(0, 0, T.rows(), nStates);
// PCCA memberships
this.M = pcca.getFuzzy();
// coarse-grain stationary distribution
this.piC = alg.product(alg.transposeToNew(M),pi);
this.PiC = doublesNew.diag(piC);
// restriction and interpolation operators
IDoubleArray Res = alg.transposeToNew(M);
IDoubleArray Int = alg.product(alg.product(Pi,M),alg.inverse(PiC));
// compute observation probability
this.PObs = Int;
// compute coarse-grained correlation matrix
IDoubleArray RItinv = alg.transposeToNew(alg.inverse(alg.product(Res,Int)));
IDoubleArray IntT = alg.transposeToNew(Int);
IDoubleArray ResT = alg.transposeToNew(Res);
IDoubleArray TC = alg.product(alg.product(alg.product(RItinv,IntT),T),ResT);
IDoubleArray CC = alg.product(PiC, TC);
// symmetrize if requested
CC = symmetrize(CC);
// make sure matrix is nonnegative
// compute coarse-grained transition matrix
this.Tcoarse = CC.copy();
alg.normalizeRows(this.Tcoarse, 1);
public IDoubleArray getMemberships()
return M;
public IDoubleArray getObservationProbabilities()
return this.PObs;
public IDoubleArray getCoarseGrainedStationaryDistribution()
return this.piC;
public IDoubleArray getCoarseGrainedTransitionMatrix()
return this.Tcoarse;