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package stallone.mc.estimator;
import stallone.api.doubles.IDoubleList;
import stallone.api.doubles.Doubles;
import stallone.api.doubles.IDoubleIterator;
import stallone.api.doubles.IDoubleArray;
import stallone.api.algebra.*;
import stallone.api.mc.*;
* @author noe
public final class TransitionMatrixEstimatorRevFixPi implements ITransitionMatrixEstimator
// convergence
//private int nIterMax = 10000;
//private int nIterPer1 = 100;
private int nIterMax = 1000000;
private int nIterPer1 = 1000;
private IDoubleList logliks = Doubles.create.list(nIterMax);
private IDoubleArray C;
private IDoubleArray pi = null;
private IDoubleArray X;
private IDoubleIterator itX;
private boolean verbose = false;
public TransitionMatrixEstimatorRevFixPi(IDoubleArray _C, IDoubleArray _pi)
this.pi = _pi;
public TransitionMatrixEstimatorRevFixPi(IDoubleArray _pi)
this.pi = _pi;
private void initX()
// initial T(tau)
IDoubleArray T = C.copy();
for (int i = 0; i < T.rows(); i++)
IDoubleArray r = T.viewRow(i);
Algebra.util.scale(Doubles.util.sum(r), r);
/*double s = DoubleArrays.sum(T[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < T.length; j++)
if (T[i][j] != 0)
T[i][j] /= s;
else if (i == j)
T[i][j] = 1;
// initial off-diagonals
this.X = C.create(C.rows(),C.columns());
for (IDoubleIterator it = T.nonzeroIterator(); it.hasNext(); it.advance())
int i = it.row();
int j = it.column();
if (i != j)
X.set(i,j, 0.5 * (pi.get(i) * T.get(i,j) + pi.get(j) * T.get(j,i)));
if (Double.isNaN(X.get(i,j)))
System.out.println("NaN: " + i + " " + j);
// scale all off-diagonals if necessary to realize stationary dist.
double o = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < X.rows(); i++)
o = Math.max(o, Doubles.util.sum(X.viewRow(i)) / pi.get(i));
if (o > 0.9)
Algebra.util.scale((0.9 / o), X);
// enforce stationary distribution
for (int i = 0; i < X.rows(); i++)
X.set(i,i, pi.get(i) - Doubles.util.sum(X.viewRow(i)));
this.itX = X.nonzeroIterator();
/*System.out.println("Testing X: ");
IDoubleArray T2 = X.copy();
alg.normalizeRows(T2, 1);
IDoubleArray pitest = msm.stationaryDistribution(T2);
for (int i=0; i<pitest.size(); i++)
private double logL()
// compute likelihood using the matrix iterator
double ll = 0;
int i,j;
i = itX.row();
j = itX.column();
if (X.get(i,j) > 0)
ll += C.get(i,j) * Math.log(X.get(i,j) / pi.get(i));
return (ll);
private boolean isConverged()
// check for number of iterations
if (this.logliks.size() >= this.nIterMax)
return (true);
// check for good convergence
if (this.logliks.size() <= this.nIterPer1)
return (false);
int i2 = this.logliks.size() - 1;
int i1 = i2 - this.nIterPer1;
double dL = this.logliks.get(i2) - this.logliks.get(i1);
return (dL <= 1.0);
private double dLL(int i, int j, double d)
double dll = C.get(i,i)*Math.log(X.get(i,i) - d)
+C.get(j,j)*Math.log(X.get(j,j) - d)
+(C.get(i,j)+C.get(j,i))*Math.log(X.get(i,j) + d);
private double opt(int i, int j, double dmin, double dmax)
double x_ii = X.get(i,i);
double x_jj = X.get(j,j);
double x_ij = X.get(i,j);
double c_ii = C.get(i,i);
double c_jj = C.get(j,j);
double c_ij = C.get(i,j);
double c_ji = C.get(j,i);
double E = c_ij*x_ii + c_ji*x_ii + c_jj*x_ii - c_ii*x_ij - c_jj*x_ij + c_ii*x_jj + c_ij*x_jj + c_ji*x_jj;
double A = Math.pow(-c_ij*x_ii - c_ji*x_ii - c_jj*x_ii + c_ii*x_ij + c_jj*x_ij - c_ii*x_jj - c_ij*x_jj - c_ji*x_jj, 2);
double B = 4*(c_ii + c_ij + c_ji + c_jj)*(-c_jj*x_ii*x_ij + c_ij*x_ii*x_jj + c_ji*x_ii*x_jj - c_ii*x_ij*x_jj);
double D = 2*(c_ii + c_ij + c_ji + c_jj);
double d1 = (E - Math.sqrt(A - B))/D;
double d2 = (E + Math.sqrt(A - B))/D;
double lbest = dLL(i,j,0);
double dbest = 0;
double l = dLL(i,j,dmin);
if (l>lbest)
lbest = l;
dbest = dmin;
l = dLL(i,j,dmax);
if (l>lbest)
lbest = l;
dbest = dmax;
// test d1
if (d1 >= dmin && d1 <= dmax)
l = dLL(i,j,d1);
if (l>lbest)
lbest = l;
dbest = d1;
// test d2
if (d2 >= dmin && d2 <= dmax)
l = dLL(i,j,d2);
if (l>lbest)
lbest = l;
dbest = d2;
private void optimizeElement(int i, int j)
double dmin = -X.get(i,j);
double dmax = Math.min(X.get(i,i), X.get(j,j));
//System.out.println("X before: " + X[i][i] + "\t" + X[i][j] + "\t" + X[j][i] + "\t" + X[j][j]);
double d = opt(i,j,dmin,dmax);
// Newton step:
/*double d = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 30; k++)
d = newtonStep(i, j, d);
if (d < dmin)
d = dmin;
if (d > dmax)
d = dmax;
//System.out.println("mod d " + d);
X.set(i,i, X.get(i,i)-d);
X.set(i,j, X.get(i,j)+d);
X.set(j,i, X.get(j,i)+d);
X.set(j,j, X.get(j,j)-d);
//System.out.println("X after: " + X[i][i] + "\t" + X[i][j] + "\t" + X[j][i] + "\t" + X[j][j]);
private void step()
int i,j;
i = itX.row();
j = itX.column();
if (i<j)
double ll = logL();
if (verbose)
System.out.println((logliks.size() + 1) + "\t" + ll);
public void setMaxIter(int nmax)
this.nIterMax = nmax;
* Sets the convergence criterion. Convergence accepted when the likelihood has not changed more than 1
* for nIterPer1 Consecutive steps.
* @param nIterPer1
public void setConvergence(int niter)
this.nIterPer1 = niter;
public void setCounts(IDoubleArray _C)
this.C = _C;
double ll = logL();
this.logliks = Doubles.create.list(nIterMax);
public void estimate()
while (!isConverged())
public IDoubleArray getTransitionMatrix()
// output likelihood list
//for (int i=0; i<this.logliks.size(); i++)
// System.err.println("# "+i+"\t"+this.logliks.get(i));
IDoubleArray T = X.create(X.rows(),X.columns());
for (IDoubleIterator it = X.nonzeroIterator(); it.hasNext(); it.advance())
int i = it.row();
int j = it.column();
T.set(i, j, X.get(i,j) / pi.get(i));
T.set(j, i, X.get(i,j) / pi.get(j));
return (T);
public double[] getLikelihoodHistory()
public int getIterations()
public void setVerbose(boolean _verbose)
this.verbose = _verbose;