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package stallone.ints;
import stallone.api.ints.IIntArray;
import stallone.api.ints.IIntIterator;
import stallone.ints.PrimitiveIntTable;
* @author noe
public class IntArrayView implements IIntArray
private IIntArray data;
private int left, top, right, bottom;
private int nrows, ncols, size;
* Generates a view to the data using the window top,left (inclusive) to bottom,right (exclusive)
public IntArrayView(IIntArray _data, int _top, int _left, int _bottom, int _right)
this.data = _data;
setView(_top, _left, _bottom, _right);
* Costructor for order 1 array views
* @param _data
* @param _from
* @param _to
public IntArrayView(IIntArray _data, int _from, int _to)
if (_data.order() > 1)
throw(new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot use order-1 array view constructor for a table"));
this.data = _data;
this.setView(_from, _to);
public final void setView(int _top, int _left, int _bottom, int _right)
this.left = _left;
this.top = _top;
this.right = _right;
this.bottom = _bottom;
this.nrows = _bottom - _top;
this.ncols = _right - _left;
this.size = nrows*ncols;
public final void setView(int _from, int _to)
if (data.order() > 1)
throw(new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot use order-1 array view constructor for a table"));
this.top = _from;
this.bottom = _to;
this.left = 0;
this.right = 1;
this.nrows = _to - _from;
this.ncols = 1;
this.size = nrows;
public int size()
public int order()
int order = 0;
if (nrows>1)
if (ncols>1)
public int rows()
public int columns()
public int get(int i)
public int get(int i, int j)
public void set(int i, int x)
public void set(int i, int j, int x)
public int[] getArray()
int[] res = new int[size];
for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
res[i] = get(i);
return res;
public int[][] getTable()
int[][] res = new int[nrows][ncols];
for (int i=0; i<nrows; i++)
for (int j=0; j<ncols; j++)
res[i][j] = get(i,j);
return res;
public int[] getRow(int row)
int[] res = new int[ncols];
for (int i=0; i<ncols; i++)
res[i] = get(row,i);
return res;
public IIntArray viewRow(int i)
return(new IntArrayView(this, i, 0, i+1, ncols));
public int[] getColumn(int col)
int[] res = new int[nrows];
for (int i=0; i<nrows; i++)
res[i] = get(i, col);
return res;
public IIntArray viewColumn(int j)
return(new IntArrayView(this, 0, j, nrows, j+1));
public IIntIterator iterator()
return(new IntTableIterator(this));
public IIntIterator nonzeroIterator()
return(new IntTableNonzeroIterator(this));
public IIntArray copy()
return(new PrimitiveIntTable(getTable()));
public void copyFrom(IIntArray other)
if (size!= other.size())
throw(new IllegalArgumentException("Incosistent sizes: This array has size "+size+" the other array has size "+other.size()));
for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
public void copyInto(IIntArray other)
if (size!= other.size())
throw(new IllegalArgumentException("Incosistent sizes: This array has size "+size+" the other array has size "+other.size()));
for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
public IIntArray create(int size)
public IIntArray create(int rows, int columns)
return (data.create(rows,columns));
public boolean isSparse()
return data.isSparse();