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package stallone.doubles;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import stallone.api.doubles.*;
import stallone.io.BlockFileReader;
import stallone.util.StringTools;
* @author noe
public class DoubleIO
// ************************************************************************
// Double Array Output
// ************************************************************************
public static void print(IDoubleArray arr, String del, Appendable app)
print(arr, del, del, app);
public static void print(IDoubleArray arr, String del,
int predig, int postdig, Appendable app)
print(arr, del, del, predig, postdig, app);
public static String toString(IDoubleArray arr, String del)
StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder();
print(arr, "\t", strb);
public static void print(IDoubleArray arr, String del)
print(arr, del, System.out);
public static String toString(IDoubleArray arr, String del,
int predig, int postdig)
StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder();
print(arr, del, predig, postdig, strb);
public static void print(IDoubleArray arr, String del, int predig, int postdig)
print(arr, del, predig, postdig, System.out);
// ************************************************************************
// Double Array Input
// ************************************************************************
public static IDoubleArray readDoubleArray(String str, String delimiters)
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(str, delimiters);
int n = tok.countTokens();
IDoubleArray res = Doubles.create.array(n);
int k = 0;
res.set(k++, StringTools.toDouble(tok.nextToken()));
public static IDoubleArray readDoubleArray(String str)
return(readDoubleArray(str," ,;\t\n"));
// ************************************************************************
// Double Table
// ************************************************************************
public static void print(IDoubleArray arr, String coldel, String linedel, Appendable app)
for (int i = 0; i < arr.rows(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < arr.columns(); j++)
if (j < arr.columns()-1)
catch (IOException e)
public static void print(IDoubleArray arr, String coldel, String linedel,
int predig, int postdig, Appendable app)
for (int i = 0; i < arr.rows(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < arr.columns(); j++)
app.append(StringTools.toPrecision(arr.get(i,j), predig, postdig));
if (j < arr.columns()-1)
catch (IOException e)
public static String toString(IDoubleArray arr)
if (arr.order() <= 1 && arr.columns() == 1)
return(toString(arr, "\n"));
else if (arr.order() <= 1 && arr.rows() == 1)
return(toString(arr, "\t"));
else if (arr.order() == 2)
return (toString(arr, "\t", "\n"));
throw(new RuntimeException("Trying to print array with order "+arr.order()+". Currently not implemented"));
public static void print(IDoubleArray arr, Appendable out)
if (arr.order() <= 1 && arr.columns() == 1)
print(arr, "\n", out);
else if (arr.order() <= 1 && arr.rows() == 1)
print(arr, "\t", out);
else if (arr.order() == 2)
print(arr, "\t", "\n", out);
throw(new RuntimeException("Trying to print array with order "+arr.order()+". Currently not implemented"));
public static void print(IDoubleArray arr)
print(arr, System.out);
public static String toString(IDoubleArray arr, String coldel, String linedel)
StringBuilder strbuf = new StringBuilder();
print(arr, coldel, linedel, strbuf);
return (strbuf.toString());
public static void print(IDoubleArray arr, String coldel, String linedel)
print(arr, coldel, linedel, System.out);
public static String toString(IDoubleArray arr, String coldel, String linedel,
int predig, int postdig)
StringBuilder strbuf = new StringBuilder("");
print(arr, coldel, linedel, predig, postdig, strbuf);
return (strbuf.toString());
public static void print(IDoubleArray arr, String coldel, String linedel, int predig, int postdig)
print(arr, coldel, linedel, predig, postdig, System.out);
// ************************************************************************
// Double Table Input
// ************************************************************************
private static boolean isSparseFormat(BlockFileReader reader)
// find out whether the matrix is saved in sparse or dense format.
boolean sparse = false;
// is there a header?
String firstWord = reader.getWord(0,0);
if (firstWord.equalsIgnoreCase("SPARSE") || firstWord.equalsIgnoreCase("DENSE"))
sparse = firstWord.equalsIgnoreCase("SPARSE");
else // no, then guess if this is sparse or not.
int[] libd = reader.getLargestIntBlockDimensions();
int[] lnbd = reader.getLargestNumberBlockDimensions();
if (libd[0] == lnbd[0] && (libd[1] == 2 || libd[1] == 3) && lnbd[1] == 3) // guess this is sparse
sparse = true;
return sparse;
public static IDoubleArray readDoubleMatrix(String file)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
BlockFileReader reader = new BlockFileReader(file);
// find out whether the matrix is saved in sparse or dense format.
boolean sparse = isSparseFormat(reader);
double[][] block = reader.getLargestDoubleBlock();
IDoubleArray res = null;
if (sparse)
int nrows = 0, ncols = 0;
for (int i=0; i<block.length; i++)
if (block[i][0] > nrows)
nrows = (int)block[i][0];
if (block[i][1] > ncols)
ncols = (int)block[i][1];
res = Doubles.create.matrix(nrows+1, ncols+1);
for (int i=0; i<block.length; i++)
res.set((int)block[i][0], (int)block[i][1], block[i][2]);
res = Doubles.create.array(block);
return res;
public static void writeMatrixDense(IDoubleArray M, Appendable app)
throws IOException
int nrows = M.rows();
int ncols = M.columns();
for (int i=0; i<nrows; i++)
for (int j=0; j<ncols; j++)
app.append(M.get(i,j)+" ");
public static void writeMatrixDense(IDoubleArray M, String filename)
throws IOException
PrintStream out = new PrintStream(filename);
writeMatrixDense(M, out);
public static void writeMatrixSparse(IDoubleArray M, Appendable app)
throws IOException
for (IDoubleIterator it = M.nonzeroIterator(); it.hasNext();)
IDoubleElement de = it.next();
public static void writeMatrixSparse(IDoubleArray M, String filename)
throws IOException
PrintStream out = new PrintStream(filename);
writeMatrixSparse(M, out);
/*public static IDataList<IDoubleArray> readDoubleArrays(String str, String colDelimiters, String lineDelimiters)
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(str, lineDelimiters);
int n = tok.countTokens();
IDataList<IDoubleArray> res = new DataList<IDoubleArray>(n);
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
res.set(i, readDoubleArray(str, colDelimiters));
public static IDoubleTable readDoubleTable(String str, String colDelimiters, String lineDelimiters)
IDataList<IDoubleArray> arrays = readDoubleArrays(str, colDelimiters, lineDelimiters);
int col = 0;
for (int i=0; i<arrays.size(); i++)
if (arrays.get(i).size() > col)
col = arrays.get(i).size();
public static IDoubleTable readDoubleTable(String str)
return(readDoubleTable(str," ,;\t", "\n"));
} */