import java.nio.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.BitSet;
import static stallone.api.API.*;
import stallone.api.doubles.IDoubleArray;
import stallone.doubles.fastutils.LongArrayList;
* This class reads data from trajectories which are randomAccessFile gromacs
* xtc format (syntax based on modification of TrrReader by D. Skanda and J.H.
* Prinz)
* @author M. Emal Alekozai, Dominik Skanda, Jan-Hendrik Prinz, Martin Senne
* <pre>
* XTC format:
* ===========
* The xtc format is a portable format for trajectories. It uses the xdr routines for writing and reading data
* which was created for the Unix NFS system. The trajectories are written using a reduced precision algorithm
* which works randomAccessFile the following way: the coordinates (randomAccessFile nm) are multiplied by a scale factor, typically 1000,
* so that you have coordinates randomAccessFile pm. These are rounded to integer values. Then several other tricks are
* performed, for instance making use of the fact that atoms close randomAccessFile sequence are usually close randomAccessFile space too
* (e.g. a water molecule). To this end, the xdr library is extended with a special routine to write 3-D float
* coordinates. This routine was written by Frans van Hoesel as part of an Europort project.
* (Source: )
* XTC file specifications:
* ========================
* A xtc trajectory can have an arbitrary number of frames. Each frames consists of a "frame header", a
* "coordinates header" and the "coordinates". If the number of atoms randomAccessFile the trajectory is <=9 the atoms
* coordinates are not compressed (case a), randomAccessFile the case of >9 atoms the atom coordinates are compressed (case b).
* The "frame header" is build up similar randomAccessFile both cases. Only the "coordinates header" and the "coordinates" differ.
* The floating point number are encoded with the IEEE 754 (single-precision) standard.
* "Frame header" (case a and b):
* ------------------------------
* - int, 4byte: magic number mn (gromacs file versions 1995_10=0x000007cb)
* - int, 4byte: amount atoms n randomAccessFile frame (starts with 1)
* - int, 4byte: frame number randomAccessFile trajectory nf (starts with 0)
* - float, 4byte: simulation time t randomAccessFile trajectory
* - float, 4byte: a_x (3 basisvectors a,b and c of simulation box (tricline PBC))
* - float, 4byte: a_y
* - float, 4byte: a_z
* - float, 4byte: b_x
* - float, 4byte: b_y
* - float, 4byte: b_z
* - float, 4byte: c_x
* - float, 4byte: c_y
* - float, 4byte: c_z
* => Size: 52byte
* "Coordinates header" and "coordinates" (case a: coordinates uncompressed):
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* - int, 4byte: amount atoms n randomAccessFile frame (starts with 1) => redundant, bad file design?!
* - float, 4byte: r1_x (uncompressed x coordinates of atom 1)
* - float, 4byte: r1_y (uncompressed y coordinates of atom 1)
* - float, 4byte: r1_z (uncompressed z coordinates of atom 1)
* ...
* - float, 4byte: rn_x (uncompressed x coordinates of atom n)
* - float, 4byte: rn_y (uncompressed y coordinates of atom n)
* - float, 4byte: rn_z (uncompressed z coordinates of atom n)
* => Size ("coordinates header"): 4byte
* => Size ("coordinates"): 12byte*n
* => Size ("coordinates header" and "coordinates"): 4byte+12byte*n
* "Coordinates header" and "coordinates" (case b: coordinates compressed):
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* - int, 4byte: amount atoms n randomAccessFile frame (starts with 1) => redundant, bad file design?!
* - float, 4byte: precision p, default 1000 (scale factor to reduce coordinate precision from float to int)
* - int, 4byte: minint_x=floatToInt(min(ri_x)*p) (scaled minimal x coordinate of atom randomAccessFile current frame)
* - int, 4byte: minint_y=floatToInt(min(ri_y)*p) (scaled minimal y coordinate of atom randomAccessFile current frame)
* - int, 4byte: minint_z=floatToInt(min(ri_z)*p) (scaled minimal z coordinate of atom randomAccessFile current frame)
* - int, 4byte: maxint_x=floatToInt(max(ri_x)*p) (scaled maximal x coordinate of atom randomAccessFile current frame)
* - int, 4byte: maxint_y=floatToInt(max(ri_y)*p) (scaled maximal y coordinate of atom randomAccessFile current frame)
* - int, 4byte: maxint_z=floatToInt(max(ri_z)*p) (scaled maximal z coordinate of atom randomAccessFile current frame)
* - int, 4byte: number of bits nb used to code atom coordinates
* - int, 4byte: length nc of compressed coordinates stream randomAccessFile bytes
* - bitstream, approx. nc bytes: bitstream of compressed coordinates r1_x,r1_y,r1_z,...,rn_x,rn_y,rn_z
* => Size ("coordinates header"): 40byte
* => Size ("coordinates"): roundUpToNearestMultipleOfFourBytes(nc)byte
* => Size ("coordinates header" and "coordinates"): (40+roundUpToNearestMultipleOfFourBytes(nc))byte
* Due to the compression, the size of each frame is variable.
* => Total size frame (uncompressed): (52+4+12*n)byte=(56+12*n)byte
* => Total size frame (compressed): (52+40+roundUpToNearestMultipleOfFourBytes(nc))byte=(92+roundUpToNearestMultipleOfFourBytes(nc))byte
* Compressing algorithm:
* ======================
* The compressed coordinates are an extremely packed format. Even gzip cannot compress it further.
* The algorithm is partly explained randomAccessFile:
* - and
* -
* The compressing algorithm consist roughly of 5 steps/ tricks.
* Step/ trick 1:
* -----------
* Reduce the precision of the numbers e.g. 1.325 (float 4byte) get to 1.325*1000=1325 (int 4 byte)
* Step/ trick 2:
* -----------
* Remove the offset of the numbers e.g. atom coordinates randomAccessFile frame are all randomAccessFile the range between 1970 and 1999.
* (11 bits needed for coding), range is converted to 0 ... 29 (5 bits ares needed for coding).
* Step/ trick 3:
* -----------
* Each atom coordinate consist of 3 component (x,y,z). Combine all 3 numbers to a single number by changing the coding base.
* In the decimal system the coding base 10-10-...-10 is used. E.g.:
* - 456 (minimum number range 0-0-0, maximum number range 9-9-9) randomAccessFile coding base 10-10-10: (4*10+2)*10+3*10^0=456
* => 9 bits needed for coding
* - 456 (minimum number range 0-0-0, maximum number range 4-7-6) randomAccessFile coding base 5-8-7: (4*5+2)*8+3*7^0=179
* => 8 bits needed for coding
* Step/ trick 4:
* -----------
* To encode the numbers from step 3 don't use full amount of bits.
* Step/ trick 5:
* -----------
* The main trick of the compressing algortihm is to shrink the value of the numbers.
* Interchange first with second atom for even better compression of water molecules.
* =========
* To read a single coordinate the following minimal amount of steps have to be done:
* 1. Constructor "XTCTrajectory":
* Read randomAccessFile entire trajectory and find the start of each frame randomAccessFile array "framePos"
* 2. Method "readFrame":
* Read for given frame the "frame header", "coordinate header" and "coordinates" from trajectory.
* If the coordinates are compressed, don't uncompress them !
* 3. Method "uncompressFrameCoordinates":
* Check if function "readFrame" was already called. If the coordinates are compressed, uncompress them !
* ===================================
* To aviod aftereffect errors randomAccessFile the analysis the code does not try to correct errors randomAccessFile the trajectory!
* In general if an error randomAccessFile the trajectory occurs the frame is marked as broken and a warning is issued.
* Which errors randomAccessFile the input trajectory are recognized:
* - total frame size is not a multiple of 4 bytes
* - frame size is not a multiple of 4 bytes
* - size of frame "coordinates" section is not a multiple of 4 bytes
* =====
* - For the implementation it is assumed, that the "magic nr." and the "amount of atoms randomAccessFile frame" are constant over
* the entire trajectory.
* - Coordinates are measured randomAccessFile nm and the time randomAccessFile ps.
* - "3dfcoord" algorithm (compress coordinates) documentation (Frans van Hoesel,
* - VMD gromacs xtc file format reader:
* </pre>
* @version 0.2
public class XtcFile implements IReleasableFile
// general stuff =================================================================
protected String filename;
* The file we are reading from.
protected CachedRandomAccessFile randomAccessFile;
* By this java class supported gromacs versions (="magic number"),
* 1995_10=0x000007cb.
protected final int[] supportedMagicNrs =
// I don't know in detail what this array does, but it has a interesting structure
// First 9 elements are 0 => if system has =< 9 atoms coordinates are not compressed ?!
// Every third element is 2^i , e.g. 2^3=8 (10 element), 2^4=16 (13 element), 2^5=32 (16 element) ...
// The elements randomAccessFile the array are correlated with the amount of bits used for encoding the
// atom coordinates
protected final static int[] xtc_magicints =
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 64,
80, 101, 128, 161, 203, 256, 322, 406, 512, 645,
812, 1024, 1290, 1625, 2048, 2580, 3250, 4096, 5060, 6501,
8192, 10321, 13003, 16384, 20642, 26007, 32768, 41285, 52015, 65536,
82570, 104031, 131072, 165140, 208063, 262144, 330280, 416127, 524287, 660561,
832255, 1048576, 1321122, 1664510, 2097152, 2642245, 3329021, 4194304, 5284491, 6658042,
8388607, 10568983, 13316085, 16777216
* Number of frames (from 1 to n), frameIndex goes from 0 to n-1.
protected int numOfFrames;
* Amount of bytes randomAccessFile file.
protected long fileSize;
* Stores starting positions of each frame randomAccessFile bytes.
protected long[] framePos;
* Stores status of all frames (false:= frame ok, true:= frame broken).
protected BitSet frameBroken;
* Store the number of the current frame (from 0 to numOfFrames-1), to avoid
* reading same frame data.
protected int nrOfCurrentFrameHeader;
* Store the nr. of the current frame (from 0 to numOfFrames-1), to avoid
* reading and decoding same frame data
protected int nrOfCurrentFrameCoordinates;
// frame header data =================================================================
* Size randomAccessFile bytes of current frame => size may change over
* trajectory frames If frameSize is defined as int the trajectory can have
* randomAccessFile the worst case max. 2.1475e+09 atoms. If the simulation
* contains more atoms, it is perhaps safer to switch the variable typ to
* long insteed of int. The largest simulation till 2007 had 2.64e+3 atoms
* (K.Y. Sanbonmatsu and C.-S. Tung. Journal of Structural Biology,
* 157:470-480, 2007).
* <p>Calculation: ------------ Int range: -2^31...2^31-1 Worst case
* (uncompressed) for every atom 3*4byte=12byte are needed to store the
* coordinates The "frame header" has 52byte, the "coordinate header"
* (uncompressed case) has 40byte</p>
* <p>(2^31-1-52-40)/(3*4)=2.1475e+09 atoms (worst case)</p>
protected int frameSize;
* Size randomAccessFile bytes of current frame header => size (52byte) is
* fixed over trajectory frames.
protected final int frameHeaderSize = 52;
* Size randomAccessFile bytes of "coordiantes header".
protected int coordinatesHeaderSize;
* Size randomAccessFile bytes of coordinates block ("coordinates header"
* and "coordinates") randomAccessFile current frame of trajectory => size
* may change over trajectory frames.
protected int coordinatesHeaderAndCoordinatesSize;
* "Magic number" (=Gromacs version= 1995_10=0x000007cb ) read from input
* trajectory.
protected int magicNrFileVersion;
* Amount of atomes randomAccessFile current frame from "frame header"
* (should not change over frames).
protected int nrAtoms;
* Simulation frame number randomAccessFile trajectory (not real frame
* number!), e.g. 0,100,200,....
protected int step;
* Floating point representation of simulation time randomAccessFile
* trajectory.
protected float t;
* 3x3 matrix , computational box which is stored as a set of three basis
* vectors, to allow for triclinic PBC. For a rectangular box the box edges
* are stored on the diagonal of the matrix.
protected float[] box;
// frame coordinates data =================================================================
* Amount atoms randomAccessFile current frame from "coordinates header" =>
* content redundant => ignore it!
protected int nrAtomsCoordinatesHeader;
* Scale factor to reduce coordinate precision from float to int (default
* 1000).
protected float precision;
* Scaled minimal x,y,z coordinate of atom randomAccessFile current frame.
protected int[] minInt;
* Scaled maximal x,y,z coordinate of atom randomAccessFile current frame.
protected int[] maxInt;
* Number of bits nb used to code atom coordinates.
protected int amountBitsForCompressedCoordinates;
* Length of compressed coordinates stream randomAccessFile bytes.
protected int compressedCoordinatesLengthInByte;
* Datastructure to store compressed atom coordinates.
protected int[] coordinatesCompressed;
* Datastructure to store uncompressed atom coordinates.
protected IDoubleArray coordinatesUncompressed;
protected int[] bytes = new int[32];
* will be used while frame-wise reading this file
protected ByteBuffer bb = null;
* indicates, that currently set files header has been scanned.
protected boolean initialized = false;
* Constructor, open and read input file trajectory.
* @param filename trajectory (xtc) filename and path
public XtcFile()
public XtcFile(String _filename) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
this.filename = _filename;
public void setSource(String _filename)
this.filename = _filename;
public void scan()
throws IOException
* Constructor, open and read input file trajectory.
* @param filename trajectory (xtc) filename and path
private void init() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
// read file header only once.
if (this.initialized)
// read input file trajectory
this.randomAccessFile = new CachedRandomAccessFile(filename);
// for non cached access
// this.randomAccessFile2 = new RandomAccessFile( filename, "r" );
this.fileSize = randomAccessFile.length(); // get amount of bytes randomAccessFile file
// read main properties from the first frame of the trajectory
this.magicNrFileVersion = this.randomAccessFile.readInt(); // read "magic number" (=Gromacs version)
Arrays.sort(this.supportedMagicNrs); // Ensure array sorted
if (Arrays.binarySearch(this.supportedMagicNrs, this.magicNrFileVersion) == -1)
System.out.println("Warning: Wrong magic number, this Gromacs version is not supported!");
this.nrAtoms = this.randomAccessFile.readInt(); // read number of atoms randomAccessFile current frame (should
// not change over frames)
this.step = this.randomAccessFile.readInt(); // simulation frame number randomAccessFile trajectory (not real
// number!), e.g. 0, 100, 200,....
this.t = this.randomAccessFile.readFloat(); // floating point representation of simulation time randomAccessFile
// trajectory = new float[]
// reset inputfile pointer to start position;
LongArrayList tempFramePositions = new LongArrayList(50000); // tmp vector to store the starting position of the
// frames randomAccessFile input file (length of
// vector can be increased, the length of a array
// not !)
int framesDetected = 0;
long pos = 0;
int magicRead; // frameHeader
int noOfAtomsRead; // frameHeader
int noOfAtomsRead2; // coordinates header
int sizeOfCoordinates; // coordinates header
* double realExpectedTime = 0.0d; double expectedTime = 0.0d; double
* eps = 0.1d;
pos = randomAccessFile.getFilePointer();
// System.out.println("Frame " + framesDetected + " at " + pos );
magicRead = randomAccessFile.readInt(); // 4
if (magicRead == this.magicNrFileVersion)
noOfAtomsRead = randomAccessFile.readInt(); // 4
// frameNoRead = randomAccessFile.readInt(); // 4
// simulationTime = randomAccessFile.readFloat();// 4 is simulation time
// 36 is 3x3 cell axis a 4bytes each
randomAccessFile.skipBytes(4 + 4 + 36);
// 52 randomAccessFile total
* //200 - 0.4 System.out.println( "off: " +
* randomAccessFile.getFilePointer() + " frame# " + frameNoRead
* + " sim t: " + simulationTime + " expected t after reset: " +
* expectedTime + " real t: " + realExpectedTime); if (
* Math.abs( (double)simulationTime - expectedTime ) > eps ) {
* System.out.println( "Missing: off: " +
* randomAccessFile.getFilePointer() + " frame# " + frameNoRead
* + " sim t: " + simulationTime + " expected t after reset: " +
* expectedTime + " real t: " + realExpectedTime); expectedTime
* = simulationTime; } expectedTime += 0.2d; realExpectedTime +=
* 0.2d;
// now entering coordinates header
noOfAtomsRead2 = randomAccessFile.readInt();
if (noOfAtomsRead == noOfAtomsRead2)
if (noOfAtomsRead > 9)
{ // compressed format (case b)
// 4 is precision
// 24 = (4 * 2 * 3 ) is min and max of x, y and z
// 4 is number of bits used for compression
randomAccessFile.skipBytes(4 + 24 + 4);
sizeOfCoordinates = randomAccessFile.readInt();
int mod4 = sizeOfCoordinates % 4;
if (mod4 > 0)
sizeOfCoordinates += (4 - mod4);
randomAccessFile.skipBytes(sizeOfCoordinates); // skip coordinates
{ // uncompressed format (case a)
// x, y and z per atom a 4 bytes each
randomAccessFile.skipBytes(noOfAtomsRead * 3 * 4);
throw new RuntimeException("Problem with atom sizes");
} // end if-else
throw new RuntimeException("No magic bytes found. Error in trajectory.");
} // end if-else
while (randomAccessFile.getFilePointer() < randomAccessFile.length());
this.numOfFrames = framesDetected;
// copy starting postion of frames from vector into an array and check their size
int numberOfFrames = tempFramePositions.size();
this.framePos = new long[numberOfFrames];
this.frameBroken = new BitSet(numberOfFrames);
long tmpPosition_old = 0; // tmp variable to calculate the size of a frame
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFrames; i++)
long tmpPosition = tempFramePositions.getLong(i);
if (((tmpPosition - tmpPosition_old) % 4) != 0)
{ // check if the frame size is a multiple of 4 bytes
this.frameBroken.set(i); // mark frame as broken
System.err.println("WARNING: Frame " + i
+ " (numbering goes from 0 to n-1) has a wrong size. It's not a multiple of 4 bytes. This indicates that the frame may be broken. The frame is marked as broken.");
tmpPosition_old = tmpPosition;
this.framePos[i] = tmpPosition;
if (((this.fileSize - tmpPosition_old) % 4) != 0)
{ // check if the frame size is a multiple of 4 bytes
int frameNr = numberOfFrames - 1;
this.frameBroken.set(frameNr); // mark frame as broken
System.err.println("WARNING: Last frame " + frameNr
+ " (numbering goes from 0 to n-1) which was read from the trajectory has a wrong size. It's not a multiple of 4 bytes. This indicates that this frame may be broken. The frame is marked as broken.");
tempFramePositions = null; // free memory
// fix size of atom coordinates, to improve optimization
this.coordinatesUncompressed = doublesNew.matrix(this.nrAtoms,3);
// clean up and reset stuff; // set inputfile pointer to start position
this.nrOfCurrentFrameHeader = -1; // no proper frame header date is read randomAccessFile at the moment
this.nrOfCurrentFrameCoordinates = -1; // no proper frame coordinates date is read randomAccessFile at the
// moment
// setting header initialized.
this.initialized = true;
* Returns the number of degrees of freedom (nAtoms*3).
public int nDOF()
return this.nrAtoms * 3;
* Returns the number of atoms.
public int nAtoms()
return this.nrAtoms;
* Amount of frames randomAccessFile trajectory.
* @return Amount of frames randomAccessFile trajectory (from 1 to n), 0 :=
* trajectory contains no frames
public int nFrames()
{ // return amount of frames from 1 to n, 0 := trajectory contains no frames
// 2 solutions are possible ( variable numOfFrames= this.framePos.length), the TrrReader uses the second
// solution
if (this.framePos == null)
return 0;
} // trajectory contains no frames
return this.numOfFrames;
* Query if atoms coordinates are stored randomAccessFile the frame.
* @param frameIndex number of frame randomAccessFile trajectory, frameIndex
* goes from 0 to n-1
* @return query result (false:= coordinates don't exist, true:= coordinates
* exist)
public boolean frameHasPosition(int frameIndex) throws IOException
if (!readFrame(frameIndex))
return false;
} // frame doesn't exists => atoms randomAccessFile frame have no coordinates
else if (this.coordinatesHeaderAndCoordinatesSize > 0)
return true;
return false;
* Get size of frame randomAccessFile bytes.
* @param frameIndex number of frame randomAccessFile trajectory, frameIndex
* goes from 0 to n-1
* @return frame size randomAccessFile bytes
public int getFrameSize(int frameIndex)
if ((this.numOfFrames == 0) || (frameIndex >= this.numOfFrames)) // trajectory contains no frames or query for a
// frameIndex which is larger then the total
// amount of frames randomAccessFile trajectory
return 0;
else if (frameIndex < (this.numOfFrames - 1)) // query for frame 0 to n-1
return (int) (this.framePos[frameIndex + 1] - this.framePos[frameIndex]);
else // query for last frame
return (int) (this.fileSize - this.framePos[frameIndex]);
public int getFrameSize(int frameIndex, boolean show)
System.out.println("From: " + this.framePos[frameIndex]);
System.out.println("To: " + this.framePos[frameIndex + 1]);
return getFrameSize(frameIndex);
* Check if frame exists randomAccessFile trajectory, read "frame header",
* "coordinate header" and coordinates (if compressed don't decode them) of
* current frame.
* @param frameIndex number of frame randomAccessFile trajectory, frameIndex
* goes from 0 to n-1
* @return read result (true:=frame exists, false:=frame does not exist
protected boolean readFrame(int frameIndex) throws IOException
// Check if frame exists randomAccessFile trajectory
if (frameIndex >= this.numOfFrames)
{ // frame does not exist
return false;
{ // frame is marked as broken
System.err.println("WARNING: You are trying to read from a broken frame " + frameIndex
+ " (numbering goes from 0 to n-1). This is not allowed! Please fix first the error in your trajectory.");
return false;
{ // frame exist and is not marked as brocken => read header information from current frame
if (this.nrOfCurrentFrameHeader != frameIndex)
{ // only read data of new (not current) frame
this.nrOfCurrentFrameHeader = frameIndex; // store the nr. of the current frame (from 0 to
// numOfFrames-1), to avoid reading and decoding same frame
// data
this.frameSize = getFrameSize(frameIndex); // frame size randomAccessFile bytes
this.coordinatesHeaderAndCoordinatesSize = this.frameSize - this.frameHeaderSize; // size
// randomAccessFile
// byts of coordinates
// + coordiantesHeader[frameIndex]); // set file pointer to corresponiding postion
// randomAccessFile input file
// no checking for end of file etc has to be done, this was already done randomAccessFile the
// constructor
// create a buffer array which has the size randomAccessFile bytes
// and ensure current frameSize fits in capacity of byte buffer.
if(bb == null || bb.capacity() < this.frameSize) {
// in case of underrun, allocate 1.5 times more memory than for last frame
// to avoid further reallocations.
int newSize = (int)Math.floor(this.frameSize*1.5);
bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[newSize]);
// reset input positions and read current frameSize bytes.
this.randomAccessFile.readFully(bb.array(), this.frameSize);
this.magicNrFileVersion = bb.getInt(); // read "magic number" (=Gromacs version)
this.nrAtoms = bb.getInt(); // read amount atomes randomAccessFile current frame from frame header
this.step = bb.getInt(); // simulation frame number randomAccessFile trajectory (not real number!),
// e.g. 0,100,200,....
this.t = bb.getFloat(); // floating point representation of simulation time randomAccessFile
// trajectory = new float[]
this.nrAtomsCoordinatesHeader = bb.getInt(); // in the compressed atom coordinates
// block the number of atoms is allso added =>
// redundant => read it and throw it away !
if (this.nrAtoms > 9)
{ // coordinates of atoms are compressed
this.coordinatesHeaderSize = 40; // size randomAccessFile byts of "coordiantes header"
this.precision = bb.getFloat(); // read precision of compressed atom coordinates
this.minInt = new int[]
bb.getInt(), bb.getInt(), bb.getInt()
this.maxInt = new int[]
bb.getInt(), bb.getInt(), bb.getInt()
this.amountBitsForCompressedCoordinates = bb.getInt();
this.compressedCoordinatesLengthInByte = bb.getInt();
int compressedCoordinatesSizeInFourBytesMeasure = (int) (((this.coordinatesHeaderAndCoordinatesSize) / 4) - 10); // size randomAccessFile bytes of
// compressed coordinates (without
// coordinates header
// 40byte=10*4byte)
this.coordinatesCompressed = new int[compressedCoordinatesSizeInFourBytesMeasure + 3];
if ((this.compressedCoordinatesLengthInByte
+ ((4 - (this.compressedCoordinatesLengthInByte % 4)) % 4))
!= (this.coordinatesHeaderAndCoordinatesSize - this.coordinatesHeaderSize))
{ // check if frame "coordinates" is a multiple of 4
this.frameBroken.set(frameIndex); // mark frame as broken
System.err.println("WARNING: Coordinates section of frame " + frameIndex
+ " (numbering goes from 0 to n-1) has a wrong size. It's not a multiple of 4 bytes. This indicates that this frames may be broken. Frame marked as broken.");
for (int ii = 3; ii < (compressedCoordinatesSizeInFourBytesMeasure + 3); ii++)
this.coordinatesCompressed[ii] = bb.getInt();
{ // coordinates of atoms are not compressed
this.coordinatesHeaderSize = 4; // size randomAccessFile byts of "coordiantes header"
this.precision = 0; // coordinates are not compressed => set precision to the arbitary value 0
this.minInt = new int[]
0, 0, 0
this.maxInt = new int[]
0, 0, 0
this.amountBitsForCompressedCoordinates = 0;
this.compressedCoordinatesLengthInByte = 0;
for (int iiAtom = 0; iiAtom < this.nrAtoms; iiAtom++)
this.coordinatesUncompressed.set(iiAtom, 0, bb.getFloat()); // read x coordinate of atom
this.coordinatesUncompressed.set(iiAtom, 1, bb.getFloat()); // read y coordinate of atom
this.coordinatesUncompressed.set(iiAtom, 2, bb.getFloat()); // read z coordinate of atom
} // end if-else
} catch (BufferUnderflowException e)
System.out.println("Frame current " + frameIndex + " from " + framePos[frameIndex] + " to "
+ framePos[frameIndex + 1]);
byte[] buf = bb.array();
for (int i = 0; i < buf.length; i++)
if ((i % 16) == 0)
byte b = buf[i];
System.out.print(byteToString(b) + " ");
System.out.println("Frame current - 1 " + (frameIndex - 1) + " from " + framePos[frameIndex - 1]
+ " to " + framePos[frameIndex - 1 + 1]);
System.out.println("Frame current + 1 " + (frameIndex + 1) + " from " + framePos[frameIndex + 1]
+ " to " + framePos[frameIndex + 1 + 1]);
throw new RuntimeException("Unrecoverable trajectory error.");
} // end try-catch
// System.out.println("nrAtomsCoordinatesHeader=" + nrAtomsCoordinatesHeader + " precision="+ precision
// +" minInt=<" + minInt[0] + "," + minInt[1] + "," + minInt[2]+">
// maxInt=<"+maxInt[0]+","+maxInt[1]+","+maxInt[2] + "> amountBitsForCompressedCoordinates="+
// amountBitsForCompressedCoordinates + " compressedCoordinatesLengthInByte=" +
// compressedCoordinatesLengthInByte +"\n");
} // end if
return true;
} // end if-else
public static String byteToString(byte in)
byte ch = 0x00;
String out = new String("");
final String[] pseudo =
"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"
ch = (byte) (in & 0xF0); // Strip off high nibble
ch = (byte) (ch >>> 4); // shift the bits down
ch = (byte) (ch & 0x0F); // must do this is high order bit is on!
out += pseudo[(int) ch]; // convert the nibble to a String Character
ch = (byte) (in & 0x0F); // Strip off low nibble
out += pseudo[(int) ch]; // convert the nibble to a String Character
return out;
* Check if frame exists, uncompress coordinates of frame (if new frame read
* first randomAccessFile coordinates) Compressed coordinates of all atoms
* randomAccessFile current frame are stored randomAccessFile the variable
* "this.coordinatesCompressed" the uncompressed coordinates are stored
* randomAccessFile "this.coordinatesUncompressed"
* @param frameIndex number of frame randomAccessFile trajectory, frameIndex
* goes from 0 to n-1
* @return read result (true:=frame exists, false:=frame does not exist)
protected boolean uncompressFrameCoordinates(int frameIndex, IDoubleArray out) throws IOException
if (frameIndex >= this.numOfFrames)
{ // frame does not exist
return false;
{ // frame is marked as broken
System.err.println("WARNING: You are trying to read from a broken frame " + frameIndex
+ " (numbering goes from 0 to n-1). This is not allowed! Please fix first the error in your trajectory.");
return false;
// frame exist => read header information from current frame
if (this.nrOfCurrentFrameCoordinates != frameIndex)
{ // only read frame header and coordinates if it is a
// new frame, if it is already the current frame don't
// do anything
if (this.nrOfCurrentFrameHeader != frameIndex)
} // reread frame header, only needed randomAccessFile cases of programming errors
this.nrOfCurrentFrameCoordinates = frameIndex; // store the nr. of the current frame (from 0 to
// numOfFrames-1), to avoid reading and decoding same
// frame data
if (this.nrAtoms > 9)
{ // coordinates of atoms are compressed => uncompress them , if coordinates are
// not compressed don't do anything
// uncompress coordinates
this.coordinatesUncompressed = xdr3dfcoord(this.coordinatesCompressed, this.nrAtoms, this.precision, out);
return true;
* Return positions of atoms randomAccessFile current frame. Check if
* current frame exists and return coordinates
* @param frameIndex number of frame randomAccessFile trajectory, frameIndex
* goes from 0 to n-1
* @return coordinates of atoms randomAccessFile current frame ((amount
* atoms)x3 array )
public IDoubleArray getPositionsAt(int frameIndex, IDoubleArray out) throws IOException
// System.out.println("frame index "+frameIndex+" "+randomAccessFile.getFilePointer());
if (!readFrame(frameIndex))
return null;
} // check if frame exists, read "frame header", "coordinate header" and coordinates (if compressed do not
// decode them) of current frame
if (!uncompressFrameCoordinates(frameIndex, out))
return null;
} // read header of current frame and check if frame exists
return this.coordinatesUncompressed;
* Return precision of compressing algorithm for current frame The default
* value is 1000 (scale factor to reduce coordinate precision from float to
* int).
* @param frameIndex number of frame randomAccessFile trajectory, frameIndex
* goes from 0 to n-1
* @return precision used randomAccessFile current frame (default 1000)
public float getPrecisionAt(int frameIndex) throws IOException
if (!readFrame(frameIndex))
return 0;
} // read header of current frame and check if frame exists
return this.precision;
* Return forces of atoms randomAccessFile current frame Xtc trajectories
* contain per defintion no forces!
* @param frameIndex number of frame randomAccessFile trajectory, frameIndex
* goes from 0 to n-1
* @return null
public float[] getForcesAt(int frameIndex) throws IOException
return null;
* Return basis vectors of simulation box for current frame The simulation
* box (tricline PBC) can be defined by 3 basisvectors a,b and c .
* @param frameIndex number of frame randomAccessFile trajectory, frameIndex
* goes from 0 to n-1
* @return simulation box vectors of current frame (3x3 array )
public float[] getBoxAt(int frameIndex) throws IOException
{ // read box vectors from frame header
if (!readFrame(frameIndex))
return null;
} // read header of current frame and check if frame exists
* Return number of atoms randomAccessFile current frame Read header of
* current frame and check if frame exists.
* @param frameIndex number of frame randomAccessFile trajectory, frameIndex
* goes from 0 to n-1
* @return number of atoms randomAccessFile current frame
public int getNumberOfAtomsAt(int frameIndex) throws IOException
if (!readFrame(frameIndex))
return 0;
} // read header of current frame and check if frame exists
return this.nrAtoms;
* Return simulation frame number randomAccessFile trajectory.
* @param frameIndex number of frame randomAccessFile trajectory, frameIndex
* goes from 0 to n-1
* @return simulation frame number randomAccessFile trajectory
public int getStepAt(int frameIndex) throws IOException
if (!readFrame(frameIndex))
return 0;
} // read header of current frame and check if frame exists
return this.step;
* Return simulation time of frame randomAccessFile trajectory.
* @param frameIndex number of frame randomAccessFile trajectory, frameIndex
* goes from 0 to n-1
* @return simulation time which corresponds to cuurent frame number
* randomAccessFile trajectory
public float getTimeAt(int frameIndex) throws IOException
if (!readFrame(frameIndex))
return 0;
} // read header of current frame and check if frame exists
return this.t;
* Close input file trajectory.
public void close()
throws IOException
public void open()
throws IOException
this.randomAccessFile = new CachedRandomAccessFile(filename);
public String getFileName()
return (filename);
* Simplified java implementation of the funtion "static int sizeofint(
* const int maxSize)" from libxdrf.c.
* @param maxSize maximum size of rescaled integers (atom coordinate) to
* compress
* @return Method returns the number of bits needed to store an integer with
* given max size
private static int sizeofint(int maxSize)
int num = 1;
int num_of_bits = 0;
while ((maxSize >= num) && (num_of_bits < 32))
num <<= 1;
return num_of_bits;
* Simplified java implementation of the funtion "static int sizeofints(
* const int num_of_ints, unsigned int sizes[])" from libxdrf.c.
* <pre>
* Calculate 'bitsize' of compressed ints given the maximum value for all 3 dimensions randomAccessFile array sizes() (3x1) and the
* number of small unsigned integers (:=3). Function returns the number of bits needed to read or write the compressed
* coordinates with the routines receiveints and sendints.
* The compression uses the following trick it compares each set of x,y and z coordinates with the previous one, and if
* the difference turns out to be small, it writes only the difference, thereby taking advantage of the reduced number of bits
* needed to store the difference. The difference are combined into one big integer, saving even more bits. This is best
* explaned with an example: Suppose dx, dy, dz are all less than 80, then writing these separatly would require 3 times
* 7 bits or 21 bits. However the integer created by calculating (dx * 80 + dy) * 80 + dz needs only 19 bits of storage.
* The mutiplication is special randomAccessFile the sense that, by using division, one can recover the exact values of dx, dy and dz. It is
* like writing the integer randomAccessFile a base 80 number system.
* The code is optimesed. In general it calculates something similar to
* - given: dxMax , dyMax , dzMax
* - result similar to: roundUp [log2 [ ((dxMax*dxMax+dyMax)*dyMax+dzMax) ]]
* Modification from c to java code:
* - For Gromacs the variable num_of_ints=3 => randomAccessFile Java implementation the variable is replaced by the number 3 to help
* the compiler during optimisation
* - In Java unsigned types does not exist => the corresponding signed types are used, this could cause a error for large
* inputs (could be interpretated as negative numbers).
* Using the next larger typ needs more bytes for encoding this could cause problem during the bitshift operations.
* - Java int (32 bits): -2^31 ... 2^31 - 1 long (64 bits): -2^63 ... 2^63-1
* - C unsigned int (32 bits): 0 ... 2^32
* The variables are interpreted as bits and not as numbers => change of variable may not cause any error
* => Add to the ToDo list: make a detialed testing to analyse if a error occurs
* </pre>
* @param sizes rescaled and shifted size of atom coordinates
* @return Method returns the number of bits needed to store an integer with
* given max size
private static int sizeofints(int[] sizes)
int i, num;
int num_of_bytes;
int num_of_bits;
int[] bytes = new int[32];
// randomAccessFile c: int bytes[32]
int bytecnt;
int tmp;
num_of_bytes = 1;
bytes[0] = 1;
num_of_bits = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
{ // loop over all 3 dimensions; c variable "num_of_ints" replaced by 3;
tmp = 0;
for (bytecnt = 0; bytecnt < num_of_bytes; bytecnt++)
tmp = (bytes[bytecnt] * sizes[i]) + tmp;
bytes[bytecnt] = tmp & 0xff;
tmp >>= 8;
while (tmp != 0)
bytes[bytecnt++] = tmp & 0xff;
tmp >>= 8;
num_of_bytes = bytecnt;
num = 1;
while (bytes[num_of_bytes] >= num)
num *= 2;
// int tmpsum = num_of_bits + (num_of_bytes * 8);
// System.out.println("num_of_ints=3" +" sizes[0]=" +sizes[0]+" sizes[1]=" +sizes[1]+" sizes[2]=" +sizes[2]+ "
// num_of_bits=" +num_of_bits+" num_of_bytes=" +num_of_bytes+" tmpsum="+tmpsum);
return num_of_bits + (num_of_bytes * 8);
* simplified java implementation of the funtion "static int receivebits(int
* buf[], int num_of_bits)" from libxdrf.c.
* <pre>
* Method decodes number (integer) from buffer "buf" using the specified number of bits "num_of_bits".
* Each atom coordinates would in general need uncompressed 4 byte=32 bits. The compressed coordinates are
* encoded with a smaller amount of bits. The bits of the compressed coordinates are concated to a large
* bitstream and then splited into 8 bit (=1 byte) blocks to store them in a byte array.
* The buffer "buf" contains from position 3 to the end the compressed coordinates of all atoms randomAccessFile the current frame.
* This function only decodes the coordinates of a single atom. The information which atom coordinate to decode
* is stored randomAccessFile the first three elements of the buffer "buf":
* - buf[0]=cnt : counts the byte position (1 to end) of the "reading head" randomAccessFile the buffer
* - buf[1]=lastbits: counts the bit position (7 to 0) randomAccessFile the current byte of the "reading head" in the buffer
* - buf[2]=lastbyte: contains the last 8 bit which were read form the buffer "buf"
* In the next step reading start from the position right from the "reading head" !
* An integer (num) is constructed from the extracted bits. This value is returned.
* Modification from c to java code:
* - c uses pointer arithmetik to split content of buf (int array=>32bit) to cbuf (unsigned char array=>8bit) => introduce a for loop and bit opertations to do this randomAccessFile java
* - cbuf is implemented in c as unsigned char array (1 byte), java char can store unicode (2 byte), java byte has 1 byte => change variable datatyp to byte
* - Converting from byte (8bit) to int (32bit), java adds 24 times 0 but c adds 24 times 1 => introduce bitmask "0...01...1" (16*0 and 16*1) to flip bits (correctResult=wrongResult & bitmask)
* </pre>
* @param buf bitstream (array) of compressed atom coordinates (postion
* randomAccessFile bitstream to decode is written in first three bytes of
* buffer)
* @param num_of_bits number of bits used to decode atom coordinates
* @return Method returns the current (encoded randomAccessFile first three
* bytes of buf) partial uncompressed coordinate
private int receivebits(int[] buf, int num_of_bits)
int cnt, num, cnt_tmp, buf_readPosition, cnt_tmpStart;
int lastbits, lastbyte; // randomAccessFile c unsigned int => tmp. variable only used for storing bits
// (bitlevel not numberlevel !) => should cause no error
final int mask = (1 << num_of_bits) - 1; // create bitmask "0...001...1" (24 zeros and 8 ones)
final int bitMaskToConvertByteProperlyToIntInJava = 0xff; // =0...01...1 (16*0 and 16*1), converting from
// byte (8bit) to int (32bit), java adds 24 times
// 0 but c adds 24 times 1 => introduce bitmask
// to flip bits
cnt = buf[0];
lastbits = buf[1]; // lastbits = (unsigned int) buf[1]; randomAccessFile c unsigned int
lastbyte = buf[2]; // lastbyte = (unsigned int) buf[2];
buf_readPosition = (int) (cnt / 4) + 3; // roundDown(cnt/4)+3 ; 1byte=4bit =>4; first 3 elements of buf are
// reserved;
cnt_tmp = cnt % 4; // remainder
cnt_tmpStart = cnt_tmp; // create a copy of remainder for updating cnt=buf[0]
// int ii_timesFour=0, ii_plusThree=0 , bufLegth_minusThree=buf.length-3; // tmp variables to optimise
// loop execution
byte[] cbuf = new byte[4]; // randomAccessFile c unsigned char array (1 byte), java char can store unicode
// (2 byte), java byte (1 byte) => change variable datatyp to byte
num = 0;
while (num_of_bits >= 8)
// unelegent java implemtation of the c commands :
// unsigned char * cbuf;
// cbuf = ((unsigned char *)buf) + 3 * sizeof(*buf);
// => cbuf is a tmp variable (1 byte array) which holds a copy of buf (4 byte array) from postion
// buf[3] to end
cbuf[0] = (byte) ((buf[buf_readPosition] >> 24) & 0xFF);
cbuf[1] = (byte) ((buf[buf_readPosition] >> 16) & 0xFF);
cbuf[2] = (byte) ((buf[buf_readPosition] >> 8) & 0xFF);
cbuf[3] = (byte) (buf[buf_readPosition] & 0xFF);
lastbyte = (lastbyte << 8) | (cbuf[cnt_tmp++] & bitMaskToConvertByteProperlyToIntInJava);
num |= (lastbyte >> lastbits) << (num_of_bits - 8);
num_of_bits -= 8;
if (num_of_bits > 0)
if (lastbits < num_of_bits)
cbuf[0] = (byte) ((buf[buf_readPosition] >> 24) & 0xFF);
cbuf[1] = (byte) ((buf[buf_readPosition] >> 16) & 0xFF);
cbuf[2] = (byte) ((buf[buf_readPosition] >> 8) & 0xFF);
cbuf[3] = (byte) (buf[buf_readPosition] & 0xFF);
lastbits += 8;
lastbyte = (lastbyte << 8) | (cbuf[cnt_tmp++] & bitMaskToConvertByteProperlyToIntInJava);
lastbits -= num_of_bits;
num |= (lastbyte >> lastbits) & ((1 << num_of_bits) - 1);
num &= mask;
buf[0] = cnt + cnt_tmp - cnt_tmpStart;
buf[1] = lastbits;
buf[2] = lastbyte;
// System.out.print("**arb**"+Integer.toHexString(buf[0])+" " + Integer.toHexString(buf[1]) +" "
// +Integer.toHexString(buf[2]) + " " + Integer.toHexString(buf[3])+ " " + Integer.toHexString(buf[4])+ " "
// + Integer.toHexString(buf[5])+ " " +num_of_bits +" " + Integer.toHexString(lastbyte));
return num;
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
{ // last try to catch a error if the frame "coordinates" block is
// broken
System.err.println("ERROR: Incomplete frame " + this.nrOfCurrentFrameCoordinates
+ " (numbering goes from 0 to n-1). It's probably an error in the 'coordinates' section of this frame. For safty reasons the JVM is terminated!");
return 0;
} // end try-catch
* Simplified java implementation of the funtion "static void
* receiveints(int buf[], const int num_of_ints, int num_of_bits, unsigned
* int sizes[], int nums[])" from libxdrf.c.
* <pre>
* Modification from c to java code:
* - Calculation result "int nums[]" was passed in c code as function parmater (call be reference)
* => in java call be reference not possible => give result as return value back to main
* - For Gromacs the variable num_of_ints=3 => in Java implementation the variable is replaced by the number 3 to help the compiler during optimisation
* </pre>
* @param buf bitstream (array) of compressed atom coordinates (postion
* randomAccessFile bitstream to decode is written randomAccessFile first
* three bytes of buffer)
* @param num_of_bits number of bits used to decode atom coordinates
* @param sizes rescaled and shifted size of atom coordinates
* @return Method returns the current (encoded randomAccessFile first three
* bytes of buf) partial uncompressed coordinate
private int[] receiveints(int[] buf, int num_of_bits, int[] sizes)
final int num_of_ints = 3;
Arrays.fill(this.bytes, 0);
int[] nums =
0, 0, 0
}; // in c function parameter
int i, j, num_of_bytes = 0, p, num, sizes_valueAtPostionI;
// {int tmpII=0; printf("*riB* buf=");for(tmpII=1; tmpII<=4; tmpII++){printf("%x " ,buf[tmpII]);} printf(",
// num_of_ints=%d num_of_bits=%d sizes[]={%d %d %d} nums[]={%d %d %d}\n", num_of_ints, num_of_bits,
// sizes[0],sizes[1],sizes[2],nums[0],nums[1],nums[2]);}
while (num_of_bits > 8)
bytes[num_of_bytes++] = receivebits(buf, 8);
num_of_bits -= 8;
if (num_of_bits > 0)
bytes[num_of_bytes++] = receivebits(buf, num_of_bits);
for (i = num_of_ints - 1; i > 0; i--)
num = 0;
sizes_valueAtPostionI = sizes[i];
for (j = num_of_bytes - 1; j >= 0; j--)
num = (num << 8) | bytes[j];
p = num / sizes_valueAtPostionI; // round (p is int not double!)
bytes[j] = p;
num = num - (p * sizes_valueAtPostionI);
nums[i] = num;
nums[0] = bytes[0] | (bytes[1] << 8) | (bytes[2] << 16) | (bytes[3] << 24);
// System.out.print("**ari**"+Integer.toHexString(buf[0])+" " + Integer.toHexString(buf[1]) +" "
// +Integer.toHexString(buf[2]) + " " + Integer.toHexString(buf[3])+ " " + Integer.toHexString(buf[4])+ " " +
// Integer.toHexString(buf[5])+ " " +num_of_bits +" Sizes:" + Integer.toHexString(sizes[0])+" "+
// Integer.toHexString(sizes[1])+" "+ Integer.toHexString(sizes[2])+" nums:"+nums[0]+" "+ nums[1]+" "+
// nums[2]+"\n");
// {int tmpII=0; printf("*riA* buf=");for(tmpII=0; tmpII<=4; tmpII++){printf("%x " ,buf[tmpII]);} printf(",
// num_of_ints=%d num_of_bits=%d sizes[]={%d %d %d} nums[]={%d %d %d}\n", num_of_ints, num_of_bits,
// sizes[0],sizes[1],sizes[2],nums[0],nums[1],nums[2]);}
return nums;
* Simplified java implementation of the funtion "int xdr3dfcoord(XDR *xdrs,
* float *fp, int *size, float * precision)" from libxdrf.c.
* <pre>
* It is introduced to store specifically 3d coordinates of molecules and it writes it randomAccessFile a compressed way.
* It starts by multiplying all numbers by precision and rounding the result to integer. Effectively converting
* all floating point numbers to fixed point. It uses an algorithm for compression that is optimized for
* molecular data.
* Modification from c to java code:
* - Function input "XDR *xdrs" (xdr stream with compressed coordinates) was passed randomAccessFile c code as pointer. In Java use insteed a reference to int array
* - The decompressed coordinates where stored randomAccessFile the c code randomAccessFile the float pointer "float *fp" (pointer to array of floats, each array has 3 elements). In Java shift this to function return value.
* </pre>
* @param coordinatesCompressed bitstream buffer with compressed atom
* coordinates (postion randomAccessFile bitstream to decode is written
* randomAccessFile first three bytes of buffer)
* @param nrAtoms number of atoms randomAccessFile current frame
* @param precision used for compressing atom coordinates
* @return Method returns the uncompressed coordinates of the atoms
* randomAccessFile the current frame
private IDoubleArray xdr3dfcoord(int[] coordinatesCompressed, int nrAtoms, float precision, IDoubleArray out)
* private float[][] xdr3dfcoord(boolean readWriteMode) { XDR *xdrs :=
* filepointer to xdr stream => float *fp := pointer to array of floats,
* each array has 3 elements int *size := amount of atoms (=amount of
* coordinates/3) => nrAtomsFrameHeader float *precision := precision of
* compresed coordinates => precision readWriteMode: true=:read,
* false=:write
int[] sizeInt = new int[3];
int[] sizeSmall = new int[3];
int[] thiscoord = new int[3];
int[] prevcoord = new int[3];
int[] bitsizeInt = new int[3];
int flag, k, run, i, iOutput,/* prevrun,*/ is_smaller, bitSize, tmp;
final int firstidx = 9; // start postion in array xtc_magicints of first number !=0
// final int lastidx = xtc_magicints.length; // max. position of elements in array
int smallidx = amountBitsForCompressedCoordinates;
// int maxidx = Math.min(lastidx, smallidx + 8); // select minimum number btween the amount of bits used for
// compresisng coordinates and the maximum element
// randomAccessFile array xtc_magicints
// int minidx = maxidx - 8;
* often this equal smallidx
int smaller = xtc_magicints[Math.max(firstidx, smallidx - 1)] / 2;
int small = xtc_magicints[smallidx] / 2;
// int larger = xtc_magicints[maxidx];
sizeSmall[0] = sizeSmall[1] = sizeSmall[2] = xtc_magicints[smallidx];
float inv_precision = (float) (1.0 / precision); // calculate invers precision for decoding atom coordinates
int[] buf = coordinatesCompressed; // randomAccessFile array buf points to buffer with the compressed
// coordinates
buf[0] = buf[1] = buf[2] = 0; // buf[0-2] are special and do not contain actual data
// Calculate the coding base from the maximal digit randomAccessFile the base by adding 1. E.g. 10 base:
// maximal digit 9 =>9+1=10 =coding base !
sizeInt[0] = maxInt[0] - minInt[0] + 1;
sizeInt[1] = maxInt[1] - minInt[1] + 1;
sizeInt[2] = maxInt[2] - minInt[2] + 1;
// calculate the amount of bits needed to encode numbers randomAccessFile the range sizeInt
if ((sizeInt[0] | sizeInt[1] | sizeInt[2]) > 0xffffff)
bitsizeInt[0] = sizeofint(sizeInt[0]);
bitsizeInt[1] = sizeofint(sizeInt[1]);
bitsizeInt[2] = sizeofint(sizeInt[2]);
bitSize = 0;
* flag the use of large sizes
bitSize = sizeofints(sizeInt);
run = 0;
i = 0;
iOutput = 0;
while (i < nrAtoms)
{ // for loop implemented a while (easier to optimse)=> for every atom randomAccessFile
// frame decode coordinate
if (bitSize == 0)
thiscoord[0] = receivebits(buf, bitsizeInt[0]);
thiscoord[1] = receivebits(buf, bitsizeInt[1]);
thiscoord[2] = receivebits(buf, bitsizeInt[2]);
thiscoord = receiveints(buf, bitSize, sizeInt);
i++; // increse for loop counter
// add intial offset to "compressed coordinates" to get the original atom coordinates
thiscoord[0] += minInt[0];
thiscoord[1] += minInt[1];
thiscoord[2] += minInt[2];
prevcoord[0] = thiscoord[0];
prevcoord[1] = thiscoord[1];
prevcoord[2] = thiscoord[2];
flag = receivebits(buf, 1);
is_smaller = 0;
if (flag == 1)
run = receivebits(buf, 5);
is_smaller = run % 3;
run -= is_smaller;
if (run > 0)
for (k = 0; k < run; k += 3)
thiscoord = receiveints(buf, smallidx, sizeSmall);
thiscoord[0] += prevcoord[0] - small;
thiscoord[1] += prevcoord[1] - small;
thiscoord[2] += prevcoord[2] - small;
if (k == 0)
// interchange first with second atom for better compression of water molecules
tmp = thiscoord[0];
thiscoord[0] = prevcoord[0];
prevcoord[0] = tmp;
tmp = thiscoord[1];
thiscoord[1] = prevcoord[1];
prevcoord[1] = tmp;
tmp = thiscoord[2];
thiscoord[2] = prevcoord[2];
prevcoord[2] = tmp;
out.set(iOutput, 0, prevcoord[0] * inv_precision);
out.set(iOutput, 1, prevcoord[1] * inv_precision);
out.set(iOutput, 2, prevcoord[2] * inv_precision);
prevcoord[0] = thiscoord[0];
prevcoord[1] = thiscoord[1];
prevcoord[2] = thiscoord[2];
// undo the conversion of atom coordinates from float to int
out.set(iOutput, 0, thiscoord[0] * inv_precision);
out.set(iOutput, 1, thiscoord[1] * inv_precision);
out.set(iOutput, 2, thiscoord[2] * inv_precision);
} // end for
// undo the conversion of atom coordinates from float to int
out.set(iOutput, 0, thiscoord[0] * inv_precision);
out.set(iOutput, 1, thiscoord[1] * inv_precision);
out.set(iOutput, 2, thiscoord[2] * inv_precision);
} // end if-else
smallidx += is_smaller;
if (is_smaller < 0)
small = smaller;
if (smallidx > firstidx)
smaller = xtc_magicints[smallidx - 1] / 2;
smaller = 0;
else if (is_smaller > 0)
smaller = small;
small = xtc_magicints[smallidx] / 2;
sizeSmall[0] = sizeSmall[1] = sizeSmall[2] = xtc_magicints[smallidx];
} // end while
return out; // return decompressed atom coordinates