Package stallone.api.stat

Source Code of stallone.api.stat.StatisticsUtilities

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package stallone.api.stat;

import static stallone.api.API.*;
import stallone.api.doubles.Doubles;
import stallone.api.doubles.IDoubleArray;
import stallone.api.algebra.Algebra;
import stallone.api.doubles.IDoubleList;
import stallone.api.ints.IIntArray;
import stallone.api.ints.IIntList;
import stallone.api.ints.Ints;
import stallone.stat.modelselection.ExitTimeSplitter;

* @author noe
public class StatisticsUtilities
    @return the mean (or average) value of the array
    public double mean(IDoubleArray arr)
        return (Doubles.util.sum(arr) / (double)arr.size());

        @return the variance from the mean. Returns 0 for single-value arrays
    public double variance(IDoubleArray arr)
        if (arr.size() == 1)
            return (0);
        double meanval = mean(arr);
        double sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++)
            double err = arr.get(i) - meanval;
            sum += err * err;
        return (sum / (double)(arr.size() - 1));

        @return the variance from the mean. Returns 0 for single-value arrays
    public double covariance(IDoubleArray X, IDoubleArray Y)
        if (X.size() == 1)
            return (0);
        if (X.size() != Y.size())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot compute covariance between double arrays of different length: "+X.size()+","+Y.size());

        double meanX = mean(X);
        double meanY = mean(Y);
        double sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < X.size(); i++)
            sum += (X.get(i)-meanX) * (Y.get(i)-meanY);
        return (sum / (double)(X.size() - 1));

    @return the std dev from the mean
    public double stdDev(IDoubleArray arr)
        return (Math.sqrt(variance(arr)));

    @return the arithmetic mean row
    public IDoubleArray meanRow(IDoubleArray arr)
        int nrows = arr.rows();
        int ncols = arr.columns();

        IDoubleArray res = Doubles.create.array(ncols);
        for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
            Algebra.util.addTo(res, arr.viewRow(i));
        Algebra.util.scale(1.0 / (double) nrows, res);


    @return the arithmetic mean row
    public IDoubleArray meanColumn(IDoubleArray arr)
        int nrows = arr.rows();
        int ncols = arr.columns();

        IDoubleArray res = Doubles.create.array(nrows);
        for (int i = 0; i < ncols; i++)
            Algebra.util.addTo(res, arr.viewColumn(i));
        Algebra.util.scale(1.0 / (double) ncols, res);


     * Bins the data
     * @param data
     * @param grid grid points. data is assigned to closest grid point
     * @return the histogram counts related to the specified grid
    public IIntArray histogram(IDoubleArray data, IDoubleArray grid)
        if (!doubles.isSorted(grid))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Grid passed to histogram must be sorted");

        int[] res = new int[grid.size()];

        for (int i=0; i<data.size(); i++)
            res[doubles.findClosest(grid, data.get(i))]++;

        return intsNew.arrayFrom(res);

     * Returns the gaussian density at x
     * @param mean mean of the gaussian
     * @param stddev standard deviation of the gaussian
     * @param x
     * @return
    public double gaussianDensity(double mean, double variance, double x)
  double dev = (mean - x);
  double f = 1/(Math.sqrt(2*Math.PI*variance)) *
      Math.exp(-(dev*dev) / (2*variance));

     * Splits states with nonexponential lifetime distributions.
     * @param states for each event the state index of that event
     * @param lifetimes for each event its lifetime
     * @return the new state index assignment
    public int[] splitNonexponentialLifetimes(IIntList states, IDoubleList lifetimes)
        ExitTimeSplitter splitter = new ExitTimeSplitter();
        for (int i=0; i<states.size(); i++)
            splitter.add(states.get(i), lifetimes.get(i));;
        return splitter.getNewStateAssignment();

     * Splits states with nonexponential lifetime distributions.
     * @param states for each event the state index of that event
     * @param lifetimes for each event its lifetime
     * @return the new state index assignment
    public int[] splitNonexponentialLifetimes(int[] states, double[] lifetimes)
        ExitTimeSplitter splitter = new ExitTimeSplitter();
        for (int i=0; i<states.length; i++)
            splitter.add(states[i], lifetimes[i]);;
        return splitter.getNewStateAssignment();

Related Classes of stallone.api.stat.StatisticsUtilities

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