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package stallone.api.intsequence;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import stallone.api.ints.IIntArray;
import stallone.api.ints.IIntList;
import stallone.api.ints.Ints;
import stallone.intsequence.IntSequenceWriterAsciiDense;
import stallone.intsequence.IntSequenceWriterAsciiSparse;
* @author noe
public class IntSequenceUtilities
public List<IIntArray> loadIntSequences(List<String> files)
throws IOException
return IntSequence.create.intSequenceLoader(files).loadAll();
public IIntArray loadIntSequence(String file)
throws IOException
List<String> files = new ArrayList<String>();
return loadIntSequences(files).get(0);
public void writeIntSequence(IIntArray data, String file)
throws IOException
IntSequenceWriterAsciiDense writer = new IntSequenceWriterAsciiDense(file);
public void writeIntSequences(List<IIntArray> data, List<String> files)
throws IOException
if (data.size() != files.size())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of sequences is different from number of target files");
for (int itraj=0; itraj<data.size(); itraj++)
writeIntSequence(data.get(itraj), files.get(itraj));
public void writeIntSequenceSparse(IIntArray data, String file)
throws IOException
IntSequenceWriterAsciiSparse writer = new IntSequenceWriterAsciiSparse(file);
public void writeIntSequencesSparse(List<IIntArray> data, List<String> files)
throws IOException
if (data.size() != files.size())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of sequences is different from number of target files");
for (int itraj=0; itraj<data.size(); itraj++)
writeIntSequenceSparse(data.get(itraj), files.get(itraj));
public int max(Iterable<IIntArray> paths)
int n = 0;
for (IIntArray p : paths)
n = Math.max(n, Ints.util.max(p));
return n;
* Returns an array of [index, lifetime] for each contiguous path piece
* @param path a sequence of integers
* @return a list of state indexes and corresponding dwell times.
public List<int[]> lifetimesByEvent(IIntArray path)
List<int[]> res = new ArrayList<int[]>();
int begin = 0;
for (int t = 1; t < path.size(); t++)
if (path.get(t) != path.get(begin))
int state = path.get(begin);
int time = t - begin;
res.add(new int[]{state,time});
begin = t;
// add last event.
int state = path.get(begin);
int time = path.size() - begin;
res.add(new int[]{state,time});
return res;
* Returns a list of times each integer value was continuously seen in the given path
* @param path a sequence of integers
* @return a list of dwell times for each occurring integer value.
public IIntList[] lifetimesByState(IIntArray path)
int nstates = Ints.util.max(path)+1;
IIntList[] lists = new IIntList[nstates];
for (int i = 0; i < lists.length; i++)
lists[i] = Ints.create.list(0);
int begin = 0;
for (int t = 1; t < path.size(); t++)
if (path.get(t) != path.get(begin))
lists[path.get(begin)].append(t - begin);
begin = t;
return lists;
* Returns a list of times each integer value was continuously seen in the given path
* @param paths a sequence of integers
* @param ignoreLastVisit true if the last visit in each path should be ignored.
* @return a list of dwell times for each occurring integer value.
public IIntList[] lifetimesByState(List<IIntArray> paths)
IIntList[] res = new IIntList[max(paths)+1];
for (int i=0; i<res.length; i++)
res[i] = Ints.create.list(0);
for (IIntArray path : paths)
IIntList[] ttimes = lifetimesByState(path);
for (int s = 0; s < ttimes.length; s++)
return (res);
* @param em
* @param nstates
* @param ntraj
* @return
public double[][] cumulativeLifetimeDistribution(List<IIntArray> paths)
// get all dwell times from all trajectories
IIntList[] times = lifetimesByState(paths);
int nstates = times.length;
// find the largest lifetime
int maxtime = 0;
for (IIntList l : times)
if (l.size() > 0)
maxtime = Math.max(maxtime, Ints.util.max(l));
// get cum dists by state
double[][] cumdist = new double[maxtime+1][nstates];
for (int s = 0; s < nstates; s++)
// sort times descendingly
// count occurances longer than t
int n = 0;
for (int t = cumdist.length-1; t>=0; t--)
// count occurances longer than t
if (times[s].size() > 0)
while (times[s].get(n) >= t && n < times[s].size()-1)
cumdist[t][s] = (double)n / (double)(times[s].size());
return (cumdist);
public int[] lengths(List<IIntArray> dtrajs)
int[] res = new int[dtrajs.size()];
for (int i=0; i<res.length; i++)
res[i] = dtrajs.size();
return res;