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package fr.raversoft.yllisanSkies.engine;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import org.newdawn.slick.Image;
import org.newdawn.slick.Music;
import org.newdawn.slick.SlickException;
import org.newdawn.slick.Sound;
import org.newdawn.slick.util.ResourceLoader;
* @author Jeremie
public class Resources {
private static String FILE_SEPARATOR = File.separator;
private static String getResourceFolder() {
return "fr" + FILE_SEPARATOR + "raversoft" + FILE_SEPARATOR + "yllisanSkies" + FILE_SEPARATOR + "res" + FILE_SEPARATOR;
public static Image getCharSet(String name) throws SlickException {
return new Image(getResourceFolder() + "charset" + FILE_SEPARATOR + name + ".png");
public static Image getChipSet(String name) throws SlickException {
return new Image(getResourceFolder() + "chipset" + FILE_SEPARATOR + name + ".png");
public static InputStream getData(String name) throws FileNotFoundException {
return ResourceLoader.getResourceAsStream(getResourceFolder() + "database" + FILE_SEPARATOR + name + ".properties");
public static String getMap(String name) {
return getResourceFolder() + "maps" + FILE_SEPARATOR + name + ".tmx";
public static Music getMusic(String name) throws SlickException {
return new Music(getResourceFolder() + "music" + FILE_SEPARATOR + name + ".ogg");
public static Sound getSound(String name) throws SlickException {
return new Sound(getResourceFolder() + "sounds" + FILE_SEPARATOR + name + ".wav");
public static Image getPanorama(String name) throws SlickException {
return new Image(getResourceFolder() + "panoramas" + FILE_SEPARATOR + name + ".png");
public static Image getPicture(String name) throws SlickException {
return new Image(getResourceFolder() + "pictures" + FILE_SEPARATOR + name + ".png");
public static InputStream getText(String name) throws FileNotFoundException {
return ResourceLoader.getResourceAsStream(getResourceFolder() + "texts" + FILE_SEPARATOR + name + ".properties");