package zdenekdrahos.Testing;
import zdenekdrahos.AI.NeuralNetwork.Layers.ILayer;
import zdenekdrahos.AI.NeuralNetwork.Layers.Layer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import zdenekdrahos.AI.ActivationFunctions.*;
public class MainBackAlgorithm {
static Map<Integer, List<List<Double>>> weights = new HashMap<Integer, List<List<Double>>>();
// for momentum
static Map<Integer, List<List<Double>>> previousAdjustment = new HashMap<Integer, List<List<Double>>>();
static Map<Integer, List<Double>> values = new HashMap<Integer, List<Double>>();
static Map<Integer, List<Double>> delta = new HashMap<Integer, List<Double>>();
static double[] input, output;
static ILayer[] network;
static double learningRate = 0.75;
static double momentum = 0.9;
static double[][][] initWeight = {
{0.1, -0.1},
{-0.2, 0.2},
{0.15, -0.15},
{-0.05, 0.05}
{0.1, 0.01, 0.15, 0.21, -0.50}
public static void main(String[] args) {
input = new double[]{0};
output = new double[]{1};
//input = new double[]{0, 0};
//output = new double[]{1, 1};
IActivationFactory factory = new ActivationFactory();
ILayer inputLayer = new Layer(1, factory.getLinearFunction());
ILayer hiddenLayer1 = new Layer(4, factory.getHyperbolicTangent());
ILayer hiddenLayer2 = new Layer(4, factory.getHyperbolicTangent());
ILayer outputLayer = new Layer(1, factory.getLinearFunction());
// check
if (input.length != output.length || input.length != inputLayer.getNeuronsCount() || output.length != outputLayer.getNeuronsCount()) {
network = new ILayer[]{inputLayer, hiddenLayer1, outputLayer};
for (int i = 1; i <= 1; i++) {
System.out.println("Iteration " + i);
private static void initValues() {
System.out.println("Init values: ");
for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < network.length; layerIndex++) {
// input to neu
int neurons = network[layerIndex].getNeuronsCount();
List<Double> initValues = new ArrayList<Double>(neurons);
List<Double> deltaValues = new ArrayList<Double>(neurons);
System.out.print(layerIndex + " = ");
for (int neuronIndex = 0; neuronIndex < neurons; neuronIndex++) {
double w = layerIndex == 0 ? input[neuronIndex] : Double.NaN;
System.out.print(w + ", ");
values.put(layerIndex, initValues);
delta.put(layerIndex, deltaValues);
private static void initWeights() {
// init weights
Random rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
Integer bias = new Integer(1);
System.out.println("Init weights: ");
for (int layerIndex = 1; layerIndex < network.length; layerIndex++) {
// input to neu
int previousNeurons = network[layerIndex - 1].getNeuronsCount() + 1;
int currentNeurons = network[layerIndex].getNeuronsCount();
List<List<Double>> initWeights = new ArrayList<List<Double>>(currentNeurons);
List<List<Double>> initMomentum = new ArrayList<List<Double>>(currentNeurons);
System.out.println((layerIndex - 1) + " -> " + layerIndex + " layer");
for (int neuronIndex = 0; neuronIndex < currentNeurons; neuronIndex++) {
List<Double> neuronWeights = new ArrayList<Double>(previousNeurons);
List<Double> momentumValues = new ArrayList<Double>(previousNeurons);
System.out.print(neuronIndex + ": ");
for (int prevIndex = 0; prevIndex < previousNeurons; prevIndex++) {
double w = rand.nextGaussian() - 0.5;
w = initWeight[layerIndex - 1][neuronIndex][prevIndex];
System.out.print(w + ", ");
weights.put(layerIndex, initWeights);
previousAdjustment.put(layerIndex, initMomentum);
private static void feedforward() {
List<Double> previousLayerValues, previousLayerWeights;
System.out.println("Feedforward: ");
for (int layerIndex = 1; layerIndex < network.length; layerIndex++) {
previousLayerValues = values.get(layerIndex - 1);
double sum;
System.out.println(layerIndex + ".layer:");
for (int neuronIndex = 0; neuronIndex < network[layerIndex].getNeuronsCount(); neuronIndex++) {
previousLayerWeights = weights.get(layerIndex).get(neuronIndex);
System.out.print(neuronIndex + ".neuron = ");
// bias
sum = 1 * previousLayerWeights.get(0);
System.out.printf("%.2f * %.2f + ", previousLayerWeights.get(0), 1.0);
for (int i = 1; i < previousLayerWeights.size(); i++) {
double x = previousLayerValues.get(i - 1);
double w = previousLayerWeights.get(i);
sum += x * w;
System.out.printf("%.2f * %.2f + ", w, x);
double a = network[layerIndex].getActivationFunction().activate(sum);
System.out.printf(" = sum = %f -> active = %f\n", sum, a);
values.get(layerIndex).set(neuronIndex, a);
private static void backPropagation() {
System.out.println("Back propagation (delta calculation): ");
// output
int indexOutput = network.length - 1;
List<Double> currentDelta = delta.get(indexOutput);
List<Double> currentValues = values.get(indexOutput);
System.out.println("Output layer:");
for (int i = 0; i < output.length; i++) {
double error = output[i] - currentValues.get(i);
double derivate = network[indexOutput].getActivationFunction().derivate(currentValues.get(i));
double deltaValue = error * derivate;
System.out.printf("%d: (%f - %f) * %f = %f\n", i, output[i], currentValues.get(i), derivate, deltaValue);
currentDelta.set(i, deltaValue);
for (int layerIndex = indexOutput - 1; layerIndex > 0; layerIndex--) {
System.out.println(layerIndex + ".layer");
currentValues = values.get(layerIndex);
currentDelta = delta.get(layerIndex);
int neurons = network[layerIndex].getNeuronsCount();
for (int neuronIndex = 0; neuronIndex < neurons; neuronIndex++) {
System.out.print(neuronIndex + ": ");
double sumDeltaWeight = 0;
int nextLayer = layerIndex + 1;
System.out.print("SUM( ");
for (int i = 0; i < network[nextLayer].getNeuronsCount(); i++) {
double tempDelta = delta.get(nextLayer).get(i);
double tempWeight = weights.get(nextLayer).get(i).get(neuronIndex + 1);
sumDeltaWeight += tempDelta * tempWeight;
System.out.print(tempDelta + " * " + tempWeight + ", ");
System.out.print(" ) * ");
double derivate = network[layerIndex].getActivationFunction().derivate(currentValues.get(neuronIndex));
double deltaValue = sumDeltaWeight * derivate;
System.out.print("derivate (" + currentValues.get(neuronIndex) + ") = ");
System.out.print(sumDeltaWeight + " * " + derivate);
System.out.print(" = " + deltaValue);
currentDelta.set(neuronIndex, deltaValue);
private static void updateWeights() {
System.out.println("Update weights: ");
for (int layerIndex = network.length - 1; layerIndex > 0; layerIndex--) {
int currentNeurons = network[layerIndex].getNeuronsCount();
int previousNeurons = network[layerIndex - 1].getNeuronsCount() + 1;
System.out.println(layerIndex + " -> " + (layerIndex - 1) + " layer");
for (int neuronIndex = 0; neuronIndex < currentNeurons; neuronIndex++) {
double neuronDelta = delta.get(layerIndex).get(neuronIndex);
System.out.println(neuronIndex + " - delta = " + neuronDelta + ": ");
for (int prevIndex = 0; prevIndex < previousNeurons; prevIndex++) {
double prevNeuronValue = prevIndex == 0 ? 1 : values.get(layerIndex - 1).get(prevIndex - 1);
double prevNeuronWeight = weights.get(layerIndex).get(neuronIndex).get(prevIndex);
double weightAdjustment = learningRate * neuronDelta * prevNeuronValue;
System.out.print(prevIndex + ".previous neuron: ");
System.out.printf("alfa(%f) * delta(%f) * value(%f)", learningRate, neuronDelta, prevNeuronValue, weightAdjustment);
double prevAdjustment = previousAdjustment.get(layerIndex).get(neuronIndex).get(prevIndex);
weightAdjustment += momentum * prevAdjustment;
System.out.printf("+ momentum(%f) * previous(%f) = %f -> ", momentum, prevAdjustment, weightAdjustment);
double newWeight = prevNeuronWeight + weightAdjustment;
previousAdjustment.get(layerIndex).get(neuronIndex).set(prevIndex, weightAdjustment);
System.out.printf(" new weight = currenWeight(%f) + %f = %f\n", prevNeuronWeight, weightAdjustment, newWeight);
weights.get(layerIndex).get(neuronIndex).set(prevIndex, newWeight);