* Copyright (C) 2001 Green Light District Team, Utrecht University
* This program (Green Light District) is free software.
* You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation (version 2 or later).
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* See the documentation of Green Light District for further information.
package gld.sim.stats;
import gld.infra.*;
import gld.infra.Drivelane;
import gld.infra.Node.NodeStatistics;
import gld.sim.SimModel;
import gld.sim.stats.sender.AverageSender;
import gld.sim.stats.sender.AverageSenderFactory;
import gld.sim.stats.tracks.JAXBStatisticsUtils;
import gld.sim.stats.tracks.bind.Track;
import gld.sim.stats.tracks.bind.Tracks;
import gld.tools.LaneAction;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
* Class to maintain statistics as shown in extensions of StatisticsView.
* @author Group GUI
* @version 1.0
public class StatisticsModel extends Observable
/** Separator used when saving data. */
public static String SEP = "\t";
/** The length of the delay tables maintained in each Node. */
protected final static int statNumData = Node.STAT_NUM_DATA;
/** Determines whether to use all time averages or 'last <statNumData> averages' */
protected boolean allTimeAvg;
/** The SimModel to get the statistical data from. */
protected SimModel model;
// All variables used to maintain the statistics.
protected String infraName, infraAuthor, simName;
protected int numNodes, numSpecial, numJunctions, cycle;
protected NodeStatistics[][] nodeStats;
protected float allTimeTripWT, lastXTripWT, allTimeJunctionWT, lastXJunctionWT;
protected int roadusersArrived, junctionCrossings, lastXTripCount, lastXJunctionCount;
* Creates a <code>StatisticsModel</code>.
* @param _model The <code>SimModel</code> statistics should be read from.
public StatisticsModel(SimModel _model)
model = _model;
/** Sets the SimModel to be used. */
public void setSimModel(SimModel _model) { model = _model; refresh(); }
/** Returns the SimModel to be shown. */
public SimModel getSimModel() { return model; }
/** Sets whether all time averages should be used or not. */
public void setAllTimeAvg(boolean b) { allTimeAvg = b; setChanged(); notifyObservers(); }
/** Returns whether all time averages should be used or not. */
public boolean getAllTimeAvg() { return allTimeAvg; }
/// GET ///
public String getInfraName() { return infraName; }
public String getInfraAuthor() { return infraAuthor; }
public String getSimName() { return simName; }
public int getNumNodes() { return numNodes; }
public int getNumSpecialNodes() { return numSpecial; }
public int getNumJunctions() { return numJunctions; }
public int getCycle() { return cycle; }
public NodeStatistics[][] getNodeStatistics() { return nodeStats; }
public float getAllTimeTripWT() { return allTimeTripWT; }
public float getLastXTripWT() { return lastXTripWT; }
public float getAllTimeJunctionWT() { return allTimeJunctionWT; }
public float getLastXJunctionWT() { return lastXJunctionWT; }
public int getRoadusersArrived() { return roadusersArrived; }
public int getJunctionCrossings() { return junctionCrossings; }
public int getLastXTripCount() { return lastXTripCount; }
public int getLastXJunctionCount() { return lastXJunctionCount; }
/** Refresh the statistical data from the model and repaint. */
public void refresh()
Infrastructure infra = model.getInfrastructure();
infraName = infra.getTitle();
infraAuthor = infra.getAuthor();
simName = model.getSimName();
cycle = model.getCurCycle();
numNodes = infra.getNumNodes();
numSpecial = infra.getNumSpecialNodes();
numJunctions = infra.getNumJunctions();
NodeStatistics[][] ns = infra.getNodeStatistics();
nodeStats = new NodeStatistics[ns.length][];
for(int i=0; i<ns.length; i++) {
nodeStats[i] = new NodeStatistics[ns[i].length];
for(int j=0; j<ns[i].length; j++)
nodeStats[i][j] = (NodeStatistics)ns[i][j].getClone();
roadusersArrived = junctionCrossings = lastXTripCount = lastXJunctionCount = 0;
allTimeTripWT = lastXTripWT = allTimeJunctionWT = lastXJunctionWT = 0;
for(int i=0; i<numSpecial; i++) {
int ru = nodeStats[i][0].getTotalRoadusers();
roadusersArrived += ru;
allTimeTripWT += nodeStats[i][0].getAvgWaitingTime(true) * ru;
int tmp = Math.min(ru, statNumData);
lastXTripWT += nodeStats[i][0].getAvgWaitingTime(false) * tmp;
lastXTripCount += tmp;
allTimeTripWT = roadusersArrived > 0 ? allTimeTripWT / roadusersArrived : 0;
lastXTripWT = lastXTripCount > 0 ? lastXTripWT / lastXTripCount : 0;
for(int i=numSpecial; i<numNodes; i++) {
int ru = nodeStats[i][0].getTotalRoadusers();
junctionCrossings += ru;
allTimeJunctionWT += nodeStats[i][0].getAvgWaitingTime(true) * ru;
int tmp = Math.min(ru, statNumData);
lastXJunctionWT += nodeStats[i][0].getAvgWaitingTime(false) * tmp;
lastXJunctionCount += tmp;
allTimeJunctionWT = junctionCrossings > 0 ? allTimeJunctionWT / junctionCrossings : 0;
lastXJunctionWT = lastXJunctionCount > 0 ? lastXJunctionWT / lastXJunctionCount : 0;
/** GASTON: sends runtime statistics. */
public void sendStatistics(ResourceBundle rb)
Infrastructure infra = model.getInfrastructure();
Node[] nodes = infra.getAllNodes();
JAXBStatisticsUtils su = new JAXBStatisticsUtils();
//Tracks tracks = su.makeNewTracks("");
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
Node node = nodes[i];
try {
Drivelane[] lanes = node.getInboundLanes();
for (int j = 0; j < lanes.length; j++) {
Drivelane drivelane = lanes[j];
Drivelane.DrivelaneStatistics dls = drivelane.getStatistics();
Track track = su.makeNewTrack(Integer.toString(drivelane.getId()),dls.getAvgNumberRUWaiting());
} catch (InfraException e) {
AverageSender sender = AverageSenderFactory.getAverageSender(rb);
PrintWriter out = sender.getSender();
catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("Simulator runtime data could not be sent. Please check SenderFactory being used");
System.out.println("Causes could be (if using socket factory), incorrect port number or host");
/* SAVING */
* Save data to a CSV file.
protected void saveData(String filename) throws IOException
int[] ruTypes = new int[nodeStats[0].length];
for(int i=0; i<ruTypes.length; i++)
ruTypes[i] = RoaduserFactory.statIndexToRuType(i);
PrintWriter out=new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(new File(filename)));
out.println("# Data exported by Green Light District"); out.println("#");
Infrastructure infra = model.getInfrastructure();
out.println("# Infrastructure: \"" + infra.getTitle() + "\" by " + infra.getAuthor());
out.println("# Simulation: \"" + model.getSimName() + "\""); out.println("#");
out.println("# Data at cycle: " + cycle);
out.println("# #nodes = " + numNodes + ", #specialnodes = " + numSpecial + ", #junctions = " + numJunctions);
out.println("# Total number of roadusers that has arrived at its destination: " + roadusersArrived);
out.println("# Total number of junction crossings: " + junctionCrossings);
out.println("# Average trip waiting time (based on all roadusers arrived): " + allTimeTripWT);
if(roadusersArrived != lastXTripCount)
out.println("# Average trip waiting time (based on last " + lastXTripCount + " roadusers arrived): " + lastXTripWT);
out.println("# Average junction waiting time (based on all junction crossings): " + allTimeJunctionWT);
if(junctionCrossings != lastXJunctionCount)
out.println("# Average junction waiting time (based on last " + lastXJunctionCount + " junction crossings): " + lastXJunctionWT);
out.println("#"); out.println("# EdgeNodes");
out.println("# Data format: " + "<id"+SEP+"ruType"+SEP+"roadusersArrived"+SEP+"avgTripWaitingTimeAllTime"+SEP+"avgTripWaitingTimeLast" + Node.STAT_NUM_DATA + ">"); out.println("#");
for(int id=0; id<numNodes; id++) {
if(id==numSpecial) { out.println("#"); out.println("# Junctions"); out.println("#"); }
for(int statIndex=0; statIndex<nodeStats[id].length; statIndex++) {
NodeStatistics ns = nodeStats[id][statIndex];
out.println(id + SEP + ruTypes[statIndex] + SEP + ns.getTotalRoadusers() + SEP +
ns.getAvgWaitingTime(true) + SEP + ns.getAvgWaitingTime(false));