package is.bokun.client;
import is.bokun.dtos.activity.*;
import is.bokun.queries.ActivityQuery;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
import com.ning.http.client.Response;
* Client for the Activity resource.
* @author Olafur Gauti Gudmundsson
public class ActivityClient extends AbstractClient {
private static final String BASE = "/activity.json";
* @see AbstractClient#()
* @param config
public ActivityClient(ClientConfiguration config) {
* Look up Activity by ID.
* @param activityId The ID of the Activity.
* @param lang The language the content should be in.
* @param currency The currency used for prices.
* @return the Activity with the ID supplied
public ActivityDto findById(Long activityId, String lang, String currency) {
String uri = appendLangAndCurrency(BASE + "/" + activityId, lang, currency);
return getAndValidate(uri, ActivityDto.class);
* Look up Activity by slug. Note that slugs are not created automatically, they must
* be defined per product in the Bokun extranet. Also note that the slugs are language
* dependent.
* @param slug The slug to look up by.
* @param lang The language the content should be in.
* @param currency The currency used for prices.
* @return the Activity matching the slug and language provided
public ActivityDto findBySlug(String slug, String lang, String currency) {
String uri = appendLangAndCurrency(BASE + "/slug/" + slug, lang, currency);
return getAndValidate(uri, ActivityDto.class);
* Get the pickup and dropoff places for a particular Activity.
* @param activityId The ID of the Activity.
* @param lang The language the content should be in.
* @return the pickup and dropoff places for the Activity with the ID supplied
public ActivityPlacesDto getPickupAndDropoffPlaces(Long activityId, String lang) {
String uri = appendLangAndCurrency(BASE + "/" + activityId + "/pickup-places", lang, null);
return getAndValidate(uri, ActivityPlacesDto.class);
* Perform a search for Activity. The ActivityQuery object has many ways of
* constraining and ordering the results.
* @param query the query to be used
* @param lang The language the content should be in.
* @param currency The currency used for prices.
* @return search results matching the query
public SearchResultsDto search(ActivityQuery query, String lang, String currency) {
String uri = appendLangAndCurrency(BASE + "/search", lang, currency);
return postAndValidate(uri, query, SearchResultsDto.class);
* Get the next upcoming availabilities (from today) for an Activity.
* @param activityId the ID of the Activity
* @param maxResults the maximum number of results to be returned
* @param includeSoldOut whether to include availabilities that are sold out
* @param lang The language the content should be in.
* @param currency The currency used for prices.
* @return a list of the upcoming availabilities for the Accommodation
public List<ActivityAvailabilityDto> getUpcomingAvailabilities(Long activityId, int maxResults, boolean includeSoldOut, String lang, String currency) {
try {
String uri = appendLangAndCurrency(BASE + "/" + activityId + "/upcoming-availabilities/" + maxResults, lang, currency, new NVP("includeSoldOut", ""+includeSoldOut));
Response r = prepareGet(uri).execute().get();
return json.readValue(r.getResponseBody("UTF-8"), new TypeReference<List<ActivityAvailabilityDto>>(){});
} catch (Exception e) {
throw wrapException(e);
* Get availabilities over a date range for an Activity.
* Note that both the start and end dates MUST be supplied.
* @param activityId the ID of the Activity
* @param start the start date of the range
* @param end the end date of the range
* @param includeSoldOut whether to include availabilities that are sold out
* @param lang The language the content should be in.
* @param currency The currency used for prices.
* @return
public List<ActivityAvailabilityDto> getAvailabilitiesOnRange(Long activityId, Date start, Date end, boolean includeSoldOut, String lang, String currency) {
try {
String uri = appendLangAndCurrency(BASE + "/" + activityId + "/availabilities", lang, currency,
new NVP("start", Long.toString(start.getTime())), new NVP("end", Long.toString(end.getTime())),
new NVP("includeSoldOut", ""+includeSoldOut));
Response r = prepareGet(uri).execute().get();
return json.readValue(r.getResponseBody("UTF-8"), new TypeReference<List<ActivityAvailabilityDto>>(){});
} catch (Exception e) {
throw wrapException(e);
* Asynchronous version of availabilities retrieval over a date range
* for an Activity. Note that both the start and end dates MUST be
* supplied.
* @param activityId the ID of the Activity
* @param start the start date of the range
* @param end the end date of the range
* @param includeSoldOut whether to include availabilities that are sold out
* @param lang The language the content should be in.
* @param currency The currency used for prices.
* @return
public AsyncResponse<List<ActivityAvailabilityDto>> getAvailabilitiesOnRangeAsync(Long activityId, Date start, Date end, boolean includeSoldOut, String lang, String currency) {
try {
String uri = appendLangAndCurrency(BASE + "/" + activityId + "/availabilities", lang, currency,
new NVP("start", Long.toString(start.getTime())), new NVP("end", Long.toString(end.getTime())),
new NVP("includeSoldOut", ""+includeSoldOut));
return new AsyncResponse<List<ActivityAvailabilityDto>>(prepareGet(uri).execute(), this, json.getTypeFactory().constructCollectionType(List.class, ActivityAvailabilityDto.class));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw wrapException(e);