Package com.techwarriors.simples3

Source Code of com.techwarriors.simples3.Tool

package com.techwarriors.simples3;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;


public class Tool {

  private static DecimalFormat FMT = new DecimalFormat("###,###,###,###,###") ;
  private enum Commands {
    ls(2) ;
    private int requiredArgs ;
    private Commands (int requiredArgs) {
      this.requiredArgs = requiredArgs ;
    public int getRequiredArgs() {
      return requiredArgs;
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    boolean exitWithError = false ;
    Commands comm = args.length > 0 ? Commands.valueOf(args[0]) : null ;
    if (comm == null) {
      showUsage() ;
      exitWithError = true ;
    } else {

      if (args.length < comm.getRequiredArgs()) {
        showUsage() ;
        exitWithError = true ;
      AmazonS3Client client = new AmazonS3Client() ;
      try {
        switch (comm) {
          case get:
            getOperation (client, args[1], args[2]) ;
          case getdir:
            getDirOperation (client, args[1], args[2]) ;

          case put:
            putOperation (client, args[1], args[2]) ;
            break ;
          case putdir:
            putDirOperation (client, args[1], args[2]) ;
            break ;

          case ls:
            lsOperation (client, args[1]) ;
            break ;
      } catch (Throwable e) {
        e.printStackTrace() ;
        exitWithError = true ;
      } finally {
        client.shutdown() ;
    System.exit (exitWithError ? 1 : 0) ;
  public static void putOperation (AmazonS3Client client, String source, String destination) {
    File srcFile = new File(source) ;
    if (srcFile.exists() && srcFile.isFile()) {
      String [] destParts = StringUtils.split(destination, '/') ;
      String bucketName = destParts[0] ;

      String s3Key = null ;
      if (destParts.length > 1) {
        if (destination.endsWith("/"))
          s3Key = StringUtils.join(destParts, '/', 1, destParts.length) + "/" + srcFile.getName();
          s3Key = StringUtils.join(destParts, '/', 1, destParts.length) ;
      } else {
        s3Key = srcFile.getName() ;
      System.out.println ("Attempting PUT - '" + srcFile + "' --> '" + bucketName + "/" + s3Key + "'");

      long time = System.currentTimeMillis() ;
      client.putObject(bucketName, s3Key, srcFile) ;
      time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time ;
      System.out.println ("Completed  PUT - Transferred [" + FMT.format(srcFile.length()) + " bytes] in " + FMT.format (time) + " msecs");
  public static void putDirOperation (AmazonS3Client client, String source, String destination) {
    File srcFile = new File(source) ;
    if (srcFile.exists() && srcFile.isDirectory()) {
      String [] destParts = StringUtils.split(destination, '/') ;
      String bucketName = destParts[0] ;

      String s3Key = null ;
      if (destParts.length > 1) {
        if (destination.endsWith("/"))
          s3Key = StringUtils.join(destParts, '/', 1, destParts.length) + "/" + srcFile.getName();
          s3Key = StringUtils.join(destParts, '/', 1, destParts.length) ;
      } else {
        s3Key = srcFile.getName() ;
      putDirOperation(client, srcFile, bucketName, s3Key) ;

  public static void putDirOperation (AmazonS3Client client, File sourceDir, String s3Bucket, String s3Key) {
    for (File f : sourceDir.listFiles()) {
      if (f.isDirectory()) {
        putDirOperation(client, f, s3Bucket, s3Key + "/" + f.getName()) ;
      } else {
        long time = System.currentTimeMillis() ;
        client.putObject(s3Bucket, s3Key + "/" + f.getName(), f) ;
        time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time ;
        System.out.println ("Transferred '" + f.getAbsolutePath() + "' --> '" + s3Bucket + "/" + s3Key + "/" + f.getName() + "' [" + FMT.format(f.length()) + " bytes] in " + FMT.format (time) + " msecs");
  public static void getOperation (AmazonS3Client client, String source, String destination) {
    File destObj = new File(destination) ;
    boolean explicitFilename = !destObj.isDirectory() ;

    String [] srcParts = StringUtils.split(source, '/') ;
    String bucketName = srcParts[0] ;
    String s3Key = StringUtils.join(srcParts, '/', 1, srcParts.length) ;
    File destFile = explicitFilename ? destObj : new File (destObj, srcParts[srcParts.length-1]) ;
    System.out.println ("Attempting GET - '" + source + "' --> '" + destFile + "'");

    long time = System.currentTimeMillis() ;
    client.getObject (new GetObjectRequest (bucketName, s3Key), destFile) ;
    time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time ;
    System.out.println ("Completed  GET - Transferred [" + FMT.format(destFile.length()) + " bytes] in " + FMT.format (time) + " msecs");
  public static void getDirOperation (AmazonS3Client client, String source, String destination) {
    File destObj = new File(destination) ;
    if (!destObj.exists())
      destObj.mkdirs() ;
    if (destObj.isDirectory()) {
      String [] srcParts = StringUtils.split(source, '/') ;
      String bucketName = srcParts[0] ;
      String s3Key = StringUtils.join(srcParts, '/', 1, srcParts.length) ;
      String marker = null ;
      do {
        ListObjectsRequest lor = new ListObjectsRequest().withBucketName(bucketName).withPrefix(s3Key).withMarker(marker) ;
        ObjectListing objectListing = client.listObjects (lor) ;
        marker = objectListing.getNextMarker() ;
        for (S3ObjectSummary s : objectListing.getObjectSummaries()) {
          String fullKey = s.getKey().substring(s3Key.length()) ;
          String[] keyParts = StringUtils.split(fullKey, '/') ;

          File dir = (keyParts.length > 1) ? new File (destObj, StringUtils.join(keyParts, '/', 0, keyParts.length-1)) : destObj;
          if (!dir.exists())
            dir.mkdirs() ;
          long time = System.currentTimeMillis() ;
          File f = new File (dir, keyParts[keyParts.length-1]) ;
          client.getObject (new GetObjectRequest (bucketName, s.getKey()), f) ;
          time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time ;
          System.out.println ("Transferred '" + bucketName + "/" + s.getKey()  + "' --> '" + f.getAbsolutePath() + "' [" + FMT.format(s.getSize()) + " bytes] in " + FMT.format (time) + " msecs");
      } while (!StringUtils.isEmpty(marker)) ;
  public static void lsOperation (AmazonS3Client client, String prefix) {
    String [] srcParts = StringUtils.split(prefix, '/') ;
    String bucketName = srcParts[0] ;
    String s3prefix = StringUtils.join(srcParts, '/', 1, srcParts.length) ;
    String marker = null ;
    do {
      ListObjectsRequest lor = new ListObjectsRequest().withBucketName(bucketName).withPrefix(s3prefix).withMarker(marker) ;

      ObjectListing objectListing = client.listObjects (lor) ;
      marker = objectListing.getNextMarker() ;

      for (S3ObjectSummary s : objectListing.getObjectSummaries())
        System.out.println ("Object\t" + FMT.format(s.getSize()) + "\t" + s.getLastModified() + "\t" + s.getKey());
    } while (!StringUtils.isEmpty(marker)) ;

  public static void showUsage () {
    System.out.println ("\nUsages:\n") ;
    System.out.println ("java -jar xxx-executable.jar put {source-file} {s3-destination}");
    System.out.println ("\n * Transfers a single local file to S3. If the destination ends in" +
              "\n * '/', it is used as a prefix, otherwise it is used as the key.\n");
    System.out.println ("java -jar xxx-executable.jar putdir {source-dir} {s3-destination}");
    System.out.println ("\n * Transfers a directory and all its contents to S3. If the" +
              "\n * destination ends in '/', it is used as a prefix, otherwise" +
              "\n * it is used as the key.\n");
    System.out.println ("java -jar xxx-executable.jar get {s3-source-key} {destination-dir-or-file}");
    System.out.println ("\n * Transfers a single S3 object to local file. If the destination" +
              "\n * is a directory, the object is transfered into it, otherwise it" +
              "\n * is used as the filename.\n");

    System.out.println ("java -jar xxx-executable.jar getdir {s3-source-prefix} {destination-dir}");
    System.out.println ("\n * Transfers all S3 objects with the given prefix to local directory." +
              "\n * If the destination directory does not exist, it is created.\n");
    System.out.println ("java -jar xxx-executable.jar ls {s3-source-prefix}");
    System.out.println ("\n * Lists all S3 objects with the given prefix to stdout.\n") ;

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