Package rlVizLib.utilities

Source Code of rlVizLib.utilities.UtilityShop

Copyright 2007 Brian Tanner

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

package rlVizLib.utilities;

import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import rlVizLib.general.ParameterHolder;
import rlVizLib.general.hasVersionDetails;
import org.rlcommunity.rlglue.codec.types.Observation;

* The Utility Shop is a useful dump for all sorts of odds and ends that come in
* handy. Some day it should probably be deprecated and distributed.
* @author Brian Tanner
* @author Mark Lee
public class UtilityShop {

  public static double normalizeValue(double theValue, double minPossible,
      double maxPossible) {
    return (theValue - minPossible) / (maxPossible - minPossible);

  public static Observation cloneObservation(Observation theObs) {

    Observation newObs = new Observation(theObs.intArray.length,
    for (int i = 0; i < theObs.intArray.length; i++) {
      newObs.intArray[i] = theObs.intArray[i];
    for (int i = 0; i < theObs.doubleArray.length; i++) {
      newObs.doubleArray[i] = theObs.doubleArray[i];
    return newObs;

  public static StringBuffer serializeObservation(
      StringBuffer theRequestBuffer, Observation theObs) {
    for (int i = 0; i < theObs.intArray.length; i++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < theObs.doubleArray.length; i++) {
    return theRequestBuffer;

  public static Observation buildObservationFromString(String thisObsString) {
    StringTokenizer obsTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(thisObsString, "_");

    String intCountToken = obsTokenizer.nextToken();
    int theIntCount = Integer.parseInt(intCountToken);
    int[] theInts = new int[theIntCount];

    for (int i = 0; i < theInts.length; i++) {
      theInts[i] = Integer.parseInt(obsTokenizer.nextToken());

    String doubleCountToken = obsTokenizer.nextToken();
    int theDoubleCount = Integer.parseInt(doubleCountToken);
    double[] theDoubles = new double[theDoubleCount];

    for (int i = 0; i < theDoubles.length; i++) {
      theDoubles[i] = Double.parseDouble(obsTokenizer.nextToken());

    Observation theObs = new Observation(theIntCount, theDoubleCount);
    theObs.intArray = theInts;
    theObs.doubleArray = theDoubles;

    return theObs;

  public static String serializeObservation(Observation o) {
    StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
    return serializeObservation(b, o).toString();

   * Takes the high half of the bits out of a long and tells you what int they
   * are
   * @param thisLong
  public static final int LongHighBitsToInt(Long thisLong) {
    int b = (int) (thisLong >>> 32);
    return b;

   * Takes the low half of the bits out of a long and tells you want int they
   * are
   * @param thisLong
  public static final int LongLowBitsToInt(Long thisLong) {
    int a = (int) (thisLong & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF);

    return a;

   * Takes two int and smooshes them into a long.
   * @param highBits
   * @param lowBits
  public static final long intsToLong(int highBits, int lowBits) {
    long newLong = (4294967295L & (long) lowBits) | (long) highBits << 32;
    return newLong;

   * Returns the path the the RLViz Libraries as has been set by the
   * RLVIZ_LIB_PATH System property or by hopings its at ../../libraries
//  public final static String getLibraryPath() {
//    // Some more dynamic loading goodness
//    String libraryPath = System.getProperty("RLVIZ_LIB_PATH");
//    if (libraryPath == null) {
//      String curDir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
//      File thisDirectoryFile = new File(curDir);
//      String mainLibraryDir = thisDirectoryFile.getParent();
//      File parentDirectoryFile = new File(mainLibraryDir);
//      String workSpaceDirString = parentDirectoryFile.getParent();
//      libraryPath = workSpaceDirString + "/libraries";
//    }
//    return libraryPath;
//  }

   * Given a {@link hasVersionDetails} provider, fills fields into the ParameterHolder formatted
   * so that they show up nicely in the application that might want to display them
   * @param P
   * @param provider
  public final static void setVersionDetails(ParameterHolder P,
      hasVersionDetails provider) {
    if (P != null) {
      P.addStringParam("###name", provider.getName());
      P.addStringParam("###shortname", provider.getShortName());
      P.addStringParam("###url", provider.getInfoUrl());
      P.addStringParam("###authors", provider.getAuthors());
      P.addStringParam("###description", provider.getDescription());
        public final static void addSourceDetails(ParameterHolder P, String fullName, String sourceDescription){
    if (P != null) {
   * Isolates some of the bits from int A and uses bit manipulation to insert them at an offset in B
   * <p>
   * Need an example here.
   * @param A Source of the bits to be copy (they should be stored in the first amount bits)
   * @param B  Destination of the bits
   * @param amount Number of the bits to copy
   * @param offset Offset to put the bits at
   * @return B with the bits transplanted
   * @throws Exception
  public static int putSomeBitsFromIntIntoInt(int A, int B, int amount,
      int offset) {
    if (A < 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("A should be non-negative");
    if (B < 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("B should be non-negative");
    if (amount < 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("amount should be non-negative");
    if (offset < 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("offset should be non-negative");
    if (amount + offset >= 32)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("amount + offset should not be larger than 31");

    if (amount == 0)
      return B;
    // mask off higher values from A
    int mask = (1 << amount) - 1;
    A = A & mask;
    // shift A up to offset
    A = A << offset;
    mask = mask << offset;
    // zero out this section in B
    B = B & (~mask);
    // bitwise or shifted A with cleared B
    B = B | A;
    return B;

   * Isolate some of the bits from B and return them as an int
   * @param B  Int with bits stuffed into it that we want to extract
   * @param amount The number of bits to extract
   * @param offset Where to start extracting
   * @return Int made from the extracted bits
   * @throws Exception
  public static int extractSomeBitsAsIntFromInt(int B, int amount,
      int offset){
    int A=0;
    if (B < 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("B should be non-negative");
    if (amount < 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("amount should be non-negative");
    if (offset < 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("offset should be non-negative");
    if (amount + offset >= 32)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("amount + offset should not be larger than 31");
    if (amount == 0)
      return A;
    // shift down B
    B = B >> offset;
    // mask off higher values from B
    int mask = (1 << amount) - 1;
    B = B & mask;
    // zero out section in A
    A = A & (~mask);
    // or B with A
    A = A | B;
    return A;
     * .getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toString()
     * returns a
     * @param input
     * @return
    private String getPathFromString(String input) {
        String temp;
        String thePath = new String();
        //Is this cross platform compatible
        thePath = "/";
        if (input.endsWith(".jar")) {
            StringTokenizer theTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(input, File.separator);
            while (theTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
                temp = theTokenizer.nextToken();
                if (!temp.endsWith(".jar") && !temp.endsWith(":")) {
                    thePath += temp + File.separator;
            return thePath;
        } else {
            return input;


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