* Copyright 2008 Brian Tanner
* http://rl-glue-ext.googlecode.com/
* brian@tannerpages.com
* http://brian.tannerpages.com
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Revision: 998 $
* $Date: 2009-02-08 22:21:50 -0500 (Sun, 08 Feb 2009) $
* $Author: brian@tannerpages.com $
* $HeadURL: http://rl-library.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/packages/examples/mines-sarsa-java/SampleMinesEnvironment.java $
import java.util.Random;
import org.rlcommunity.rlglue.codec.EnvironmentInterface;
import org.rlcommunity.rlglue.codec.types.Action;
import org.rlcommunity.rlglue.codec.types.Observation;
import org.rlcommunity.rlglue.codec.types.Reward_observation_terminal;
import org.rlcommunity.rlglue.codec.util.EnvironmentLoader;
import org.rlcommunity.rlglue.codec.taskspec.TaskSpecVRLGLUE3;
import org.rlcommunity.rlglue.codec.taskspec.TaskSpec;
import org.rlcommunity.rlglue.codec.taskspec.ranges.IntRange;
import org.rlcommunity.rlglue.codec.taskspec.ranges.DoubleRange;
* This code is adapted from the Mines.cpp code written by Adam White
* for earlier versions of RL-Glue.
* See the RL-Library page:
* http://library.rl-community.org/environments/mines
* This is a very simple discrete-state, episodic grid world that has
* exploding mines in it. If the agent steps on a mine, the episode
* ends with a large negative reward.
* The reward per step is -1, with +10 for exiting the game successfully
* and -100 for stepping on a mine.
* This example follows my (Brian Tanner) favorite pattern of keeping the dynamics
* of the world fairly separate from the class that implements EnvironmentInterface.
* In this case, I've put it in the class WorldDescription, which is inside this
* same Java file as SampleMinesEnvironment. Usually I would put it in a separate
* file. This separation means that SampleMinesEnvironment doesn't need to know
* much about the dynamics of the world, and WorldDescription doesn't need to know
* much about RL-Glue.
* @author Brian Tanner
public class SampleMinesEnvironment implements EnvironmentInterface {
static final int WORLD_FREE = 0;
static final int WORLD_OBSTACLE = 1;
static final int WORLD_MINE = 2;
static final int WORLD_GOAL = 3;
//WorldDescription contains the state of the world and manages the dynamics.
WorldDescription theWorld;
//These are used if the environment has been sent a message to use a fixed
//starting state.
boolean fixedStartState = false;
int startRow = 0;
int startCol = 0;
public String env_init() {
//This is hard coded, but there is no reason it couldn't be automatically
//generated or read from a file.
int world_map[][] = new int[][]{
{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1},
{1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1},
{1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1},
{1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1},
{1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1},
{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}
theWorld = new WorldDescription(world_map);
//Create a task spec programmatically. This task spec encodes that state, action, and reward space for the problem.
//You could forgo the task spec if your agent and environment have been created specifically to work with each other
//ie, there is no need to share this information at run time. You could also use your own ad-hoc task specification language,
//or use the official one but just hard code the string instead of constructing it this way.
TaskSpecVRLGLUE3 theTaskSpecObject = new TaskSpecVRLGLUE3();
//Specify that there will be an integer observation [0,107] for the state
theTaskSpecObject.addDiscreteObservation(new IntRange(0, theWorld.getNumStates() - 1));
//Specify that there will be an integer action [0,3]
theTaskSpecObject.addDiscreteAction(new IntRange(0, 3));
//Specify the reward range [-100,10]
theTaskSpecObject.setRewardRange(new DoubleRange(-100.0d, 10.0d));
theTaskSpecObject.setExtra("SampleMinesEnvironment(Java) by Brian Tanner.");
String taskSpecString = theTaskSpecObject.toTaskSpec();
return taskSpecString;
* Put the environment in a random state and return the appropriate observation.
* @return
public Observation env_start() {
if (fixedStartState) {
boolean stateIsValid = theWorld.setAgentState(startRow, startCol);
if (!stateIsValid) {
} else {
Observation theObservation = new Observation(1, 0, 0);
theObservation.setInt(0, theWorld.getState());
return theObservation;
* Make sure the action is in the appropriate range, update the state,
* generate the new observation, reward, and whether the episode is over.
* @param thisAction
* @return
public Reward_observation_terminal env_step(Action thisAction) {
/* Make sure the action is valid */
assert (thisAction.getNumInts() == 1) : "Expecting a 1-dimensional integer action. " + thisAction.getNumInts() + "D was provided";
assert (thisAction.getInt(0) >= 0) : "Action should be in [0,4], " + thisAction.getInt(0) + " was provided";
assert (thisAction.getInt(0) < 4) : "Action should be in [0,4], " + thisAction.getInt(0) + " was provided";
Observation theObservation = new Observation(1, 0, 0);
theObservation.setInt(0, theWorld.getState());
Reward_observation_terminal RewardObs = new Reward_observation_terminal();
return RewardObs;
public void env_cleanup() {
public String env_message(String message) {
/* Message Description
* 'set-random-start-state'
* Action: Set flag to do random starting states (the default)
if (message.startsWith("set-random-start-state")) {
fixedStartState = false;
return "Message understood. Using random start state.";
/* Message Description
* 'set-start-state X Y'
* Action: Set flag to do fixed starting states (row=X, col=Y)
if (message.startsWith("set-start-state")) {
String[] theTokens = message.split(" ");
startRow = Integer.parseInt(theTokens[1]);
startCol = Integer.parseInt(theTokens[2]);
fixedStartState = true;
return "Message understood. Using fixed start state.";
/* Message Description
* 'print-state'
* Action: Print the map and the current agent location
if (message.startsWith("print-state")){
return "Message understood. Printed the state.";
return "SamplesMinesEnvironment(Java) does not understand your message.";
* This is a trick we can use to make the agent easily loadable.
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
EnvironmentLoader theLoader = new EnvironmentLoader(new SampleMinesEnvironment());
* This class holds all of the internal state information about the environment,
* and manages the dynamics, state update, reward calculation, etc.
* @author btanner
class WorldDescription {
private final int numRows;
private final int numCols;
public int agentRow;
public int agentCol;
private final int[][] theMap;
private Random randGen = new Random();
public WorldDescription(int[][] worldMap) {
this.theMap = worldMap;
this.numRows = theMap.length;
this.numCols = theMap[0].length;
public int getNumStates() {
return numRows * numCols;
* Puts the agent into a random state. Uses a generate and test method, in
* a loop, only accepts the state if it is valid and not terminal.
public void setRandomAgentState() {
int startRow = randGen.nextInt(numRows);
int startCol = randGen.nextInt(numCols);
while (isTerminal(startRow, startCol) || !isValid(startRow, startCol)) {
startRow = randGen.nextInt(numRows);
startCol = randGen.nextInt(numCols);
this.agentRow = startRow;
this.agentCol = startCol;
* Convert the row/col state into a single number.
* @return
public int getState() {
return agentCol * numRows + agentRow;
* Sets the agent current state to startRow,startCol.
* @param startRow
* @param startCol
* @return true if the state is valid and not terminal, otherwise
* return false.
boolean setAgentState(int startRow, int startCol) {
this.agentRow = startRow;
this.agentCol = startCol;
return isValid(startRow, startCol) && !isTerminal();
public boolean isTerminal() {
return isTerminal(agentRow, agentCol);
private boolean isTerminal(int row, int col) {
if (theMap[row][col] == SampleMinesEnvironment.WORLD_GOAL || theMap[row][col] == SampleMinesEnvironment.WORLD_MINE) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean isValid(int row, int col) {
boolean valid = false;
if (row < numRows && row >= 0 && col < numCols && col >= 0) {
if (theMap[row][col] != SampleMinesEnvironment.WORLD_OBSTACLE) {
valid = true;
return valid;
* Calculate the reward for the current agent state.
* @return
public double getReward() {
if (theMap[agentRow][agentCol] == SampleMinesEnvironment.WORLD_GOAL) {
return 10.0f;
if (theMap[agentRow][agentCol] == SampleMinesEnvironment.WORLD_MINE) {
return -100.0f;
return -1.0f;
public void updatePosition(int theAction) {
/* When the move would result in hitting an obstacles, the agent simply doesn't move */
int newRow = agentRow;
int newCol = agentCol;
if (theAction == 0) {/*move down*/
newCol = agentCol - 1;
if (theAction == 1) { /*move up*/
newCol = agentCol + 1;
if (theAction == 2) {/*move left*/
newRow = agentRow - 1;
if (theAction == 3) {/*move right*/
newRow = agentRow + 1;
/*Check if new position is out of bounds or inside an obstacle */
if (isValid(newRow, newCol)) {
agentRow = newRow;
agentCol = newCol;
* Print out the current state to the screen
void print_state() {
System.out.printf("Agent is at: %d,%d\n", agentRow, agentCol);
System.out.printf("Columns:0-10 10-17\n");
System.out.printf("Col ");
for (int col = 0; col < 18; col++) {
System.out.printf("%d ", col % 10);
for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
System.out.printf("\nRow: %d ", row);
for (int col = 0; col < 18; col++) {
if (agentRow == row && agentCol == col) {
System.out.printf("A ");
} else {
if (theMap[row][col] == SampleMinesEnvironment.WORLD_GOAL) {
System.out.printf("G ");
if (theMap[row][col] == SampleMinesEnvironment.WORLD_MINE) {
System.out.printf("M ");
if (theMap[row][col] == SampleMinesEnvironment.WORLD_OBSTACLE) {
System.out.printf("* ");
if (theMap[row][col] == SampleMinesEnvironment.WORLD_FREE) {
System.out.printf(" ");