* Inlining.java
* Copyright (c) 2013 Mike Strobel
* This source code is based on Mono.Cecil from Jb Evain, Copyright (c) Jb Evain;
* and ILSpy/ICSharpCode from SharpDevelop, Copyright (c) AlphaSierraPapa.
* This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
* A copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution.
* By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of the
* Apache License, Version 2.0.
* You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
package com.strobel.decompiler.ast;
import com.strobel.core.MutableInteger;
import com.strobel.core.StrongBox;
import com.strobel.decompiler.DecompilerContext;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import static com.strobel.core.CollectionUtilities.getOrDefault;
import static com.strobel.decompiler.ast.PatternMatching.*;
import static java.lang.String.format;
final class Inlining {
private final DecompilerContext _context;
private final Block _method;
final Map<Variable, MutableInteger> loadCounts;
final Map<Variable, MutableInteger> storeCounts;
public Inlining(final DecompilerContext context, final Block method) {
_context = context;
_method = method;
loadCounts = new DefaultMap<>(MutableInteger.SUPPLIER);
storeCounts = new DefaultMap<>(MutableInteger.SUPPLIER);
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Load/Store Analysis">
final void analyzeMethod() {
final void analyzeNode(final Node node) {
if (node instanceof Expression) {
final Expression expression = (Expression) node;
final Object operand = expression.getOperand();
if (operand instanceof Variable) {
final AstCode code = expression.getCode();
final Variable localVariable = (Variable) operand;
if (code == AstCode.Load) {
increment(loadCounts, localVariable);
else if (code == AstCode.Store) {
increment(storeCounts, localVariable);
else if (code == AstCode.Inc) {
increment(loadCounts, localVariable);
increment(storeCounts, localVariable);
else if (code == AstCode.PostIncrement) {
increment(loadCounts, localVariable);
increment(storeCounts, localVariable);
else if (code == AstCode.Ret) {
increment(loadCounts, localVariable);
else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected AST op code: " + code.getName());
for (final Expression argument : expression.getArguments()) {
else {
if (node instanceof CatchBlock) {
final CatchBlock catchBlock = (CatchBlock) node;
final Variable exceptionVariable = catchBlock.getExceptionVariable();
if (exceptionVariable != null) {
increment(storeCounts, exceptionVariable);
for (final Node child : node.getChildren()) {
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Inlining">
final boolean inlineAllVariables() {
boolean modified = false;
final Inlining inlining = new Inlining(_context, _method);
for (final Block block : _method.getSelfAndChildrenRecursive(Block.class)) {
modified |= inlining.inlineAllInBlock(block);
return modified;
final boolean inlineAllInBlock(final Block block) {
boolean modified = false;
final List<Node> body = block.getBody();
final StrongBox<Variable> tempVariable = new StrongBox<>();
final StrongBox<Expression> tempExpression = new StrongBox<>();
if (block instanceof CatchBlock && body.size() > 1) {
final CatchBlock catchBlock = (CatchBlock) block;
final Variable v = catchBlock.getExceptionVariable();
if (v != null &&
v.isGenerated() &&
count(storeCounts, v) == 1 &&
count(loadCounts, v) == 1) {
if (matchGetArgument(body.get(0), AstCode.Store, tempVariable, tempExpression) &&
matchLoad(tempExpression.get(), v)) {
modified = true;
for (int i = 0; i < body.size() - 1; ) {
final Node node = body.get(i);
if (matchGetArgument(node, AstCode.Store, tempVariable, tempExpression) &&
inlineOneIfPossible(block.getBody(), i, false)) {
modified = true;
i = 0;//Math.max(0, i - 1);
else {
for (final Node node : body) {
if (node instanceof BasicBlock) {
modified |= inlineAllInBasicBlock((BasicBlock) node);
return modified;
final boolean inlineAllInBasicBlock(final BasicBlock basicBlock) {
boolean modified = false;
final List<Node> body = basicBlock.getBody();
final StrongBox<Variable> tempVariable = new StrongBox<>();
final StrongBox<Expression> tempExpression = new StrongBox<>();
for (int i = 0; i < body.size(); ) {
final Node node = body.get(i);
if (matchGetArgument(node, AstCode.Store, tempVariable, tempExpression) &&
inlineOneIfPossible(basicBlock.getBody(), i, false)) {
modified = true;
i = Math.max(0, i - 1);
else {
return modified;
final boolean inlineIfPossible(final List<Node> body, final MutableInteger position) {
final int currentPosition = position.getValue();
if (inlineOneIfPossible(body, currentPosition, true)) {
position.setValue(currentPosition - inlineInto(body, currentPosition, false));
return true;
return false;
final int inlineInto(final List<Node> body, final int position, final boolean aggressive) {
if (position >= body.size()) {
return 0;
int count = 0;
int p = position;
while (--p >= 0) {
final Node node = body.get(p);
if (node instanceof Expression) {
final Expression e = (Expression) node;
if (e.getCode() != AstCode.Store) {
if (inlineOneIfPossible(body, p, aggressive)) {
else {
return count;
final boolean inlineIfPossible(final Variable variable, final Expression inlinedExpression, final Node next, final boolean aggressive) {
// Ensure the variable is accessed only a single time.
final int storeCount = count(storeCounts, variable);
final int loadCount = count(loadCounts, variable);
if (storeCount != 1 || loadCount > 1) {
return false;
Node n = next;
if (n instanceof Condition) {
n = ((Condition) n).getCondition();
else if (n instanceof Loop) {
n = ((Loop) n).getCondition();
if (!(n instanceof Expression)) {
return false;
final StrongBox<Expression> parent = new StrongBox<>();
final MutableInteger position = new MutableInteger();
if (findLoadInNext((Expression) n, variable, inlinedExpression, parent, position) == Boolean.TRUE) {
if (!aggressive &&
!variable.isGenerated() &&
!nonAggressiveInlineInto((Expression) n, parent.get())) {
return false;
final List<Expression> parentArguments = parent.get().getArguments();
// Assign the ranges of the Load instruction.
parentArguments.set(position.getValue(), inlinedExpression);
return true;
return false;
private boolean nonAggressiveInlineInto(final Expression next, final Expression parent) {
switch (next.getCode()) {
case Return:
case IfTrue:
case TableSwitch:
case LookupSwitch:
final List<Expression> arguments = next.getArguments();
return arguments.size() == 1 && arguments.get(0) == parent;
case DefaultValue:
return true;
return false;
final Boolean findLoadInNext(
final Expression expression,
final Variable variable,
final Expression expressionBeingMoved,
final StrongBox<Expression> parent,
final MutableInteger position) {
if (expression == null) {
return Boolean.FALSE;
final AstCode code = expression.getCode();
final List<Expression> arguments = expression.getArguments();
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.size(); i++) {
// Stop when seeing an opcode that does not guarantee that its operands will be evaluated.
// Inlining in that case might result in the inlined expression not being evaluated.
if (i == 1 &&
(code == AstCode.LogicalAnd ||
code == AstCode.LogicalOr ||
code == AstCode.TernaryOp)) {
return Boolean.FALSE;
final Expression argument = arguments.get(i);
if (argument.getCode() == AstCode.Load && argument.getOperand() == variable) {
return Boolean.TRUE;
final StrongBox<Expression> tempExpression = new StrongBox<>();
final StrongBox<Object> tempOperand = new StrongBox<>();
if (matchGetArgument(argument, AstCode.PostIncrement, tempOperand, tempExpression) &&
matchGetOperand(tempExpression.get(), AstCode.Load, tempOperand) && tempOperand.get() == variable) {
return Boolean.FALSE;
final Boolean result = findLoadInNext(argument, variable, expressionBeingMoved, parent, position);
if (result != null) {
return result;
if (isSafeForInlineOver(expression, expressionBeingMoved)) {
// Continue searching.
return null;
// Abort; inlining not possible.
return Boolean.FALSE;
final boolean isSafeForInlineOver(final Expression expression, final Expression expressionBeingMoved) {
switch (expression.getCode()) {
case Load: {
final Variable loadedVariable = (Variable) expression.getOperand();
for (final Expression potentialStore : expressionBeingMoved.getSelfAndChildrenRecursive(Expression.class)) {
if ((potentialStore.getCode() == AstCode.Store || potentialStore.getCode() == AstCode.Inc) &&
potentialStore.getOperand() == loadedVariable) {
return false;
// The expression is loading a non-forbidden variable.
return true;
default: {
// Expressions with no side effects are safe (except for Load, which is handled above).
return hasNoSideEffect(expression);
final boolean inlineOneIfPossible(final List<Node> body, final int position, final boolean aggressive) {
final StrongBox<Variable> variable = new StrongBox<>();
final StrongBox<Expression> inlinedExpression = new StrongBox<>();
final Node node = body.get(position);
if (matchGetArgument(node, AstCode.Store, variable, inlinedExpression)) {
if (inlineIfPossible(variable.get(), inlinedExpression.get(), getOrDefault(body, position + 1), aggressive)) {
// Assign the ranges of the Store instruction.
inlinedExpression.get().getRanges().addAll(((Expression) node).getRanges());
// Remove the store instruction.
return true;
if (count(loadCounts, variable.get()) == 0 &&
canInline(variable.get())) {
// The variable is never loaded.
if (hasNoSideEffect(inlinedExpression.get())) {
// Remove the expression completely.
return true;
if (canBeExpressionStatement(inlinedExpression.get())) {
// Assign the ranges of the Store instruction.
inlinedExpression.get().getRanges().addAll(((Expression) node).getRanges());
// Remove the store, but keep the inner expression;
body.set(position, inlinedExpression.get());
return true;
return false;
private boolean canInline(final Variable variable) {
return variable.isGenerated() ||
!variable.isParameter() && !variable.getOriginalVariable().isFromMetadata();
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Copy Propagation">
final void copyPropagation() {
for (final Block block : _method.getSelfAndChildrenRecursive(Block.class)) {
final List<Node> body = block.getBody();
final StrongBox<Variable> variable = new StrongBox<>();
final StrongBox<Expression> copiedExpression = new StrongBox<>();
for (int i = 0; i < body.size(); i++) {
if (matchGetArgument(body.get(i), AstCode.Store, variable, copiedExpression) &&
!variable.get().isParameter() &&
count(storeCounts, variable.get()) == 1 &&
canPerformCopyPropagation(copiedExpression.get(), variable.get())) {
// Un-inline the arguments of the Load instruction.
final List<Expression> arguments = copiedExpression.get().getArguments();
final Variable[] uninlinedArgs = new Variable[arguments.size()];
for (int j = 0; j < uninlinedArgs.length; j++) {
final Variable newVariable = new Variable();
newVariable.setName(format("%s_cp_%d", variable.get().getName(), j));
uninlinedArgs[j] = newVariable;
body.add(i++, new Expression(AstCode.Store, uninlinedArgs[j]));
// Perform copy propagation.
for (final Expression expression : _method.getSelfAndChildrenRecursive(Expression.class)) {
if (expression.getCode() == AstCode.Load &&
expression.getOperand() == variable.get()) {
for (final Variable uninlinedArg : uninlinedArgs) {
expression.getArguments().add(new Expression(AstCode.Load, uninlinedArg));
if (uninlinedArgs.length > 0) {
// If we un-inlined anything, we need to update the usage counters.
// Inlining may be possible after removal of body.get(i).
inlineInto(body, i, false);
i -= uninlinedArgs.length + 1;
final boolean canPerformCopyPropagation(final Expression expr, final Variable copyVariable) {
switch (expr.getCode()) {
case Load: {
final Variable v = (Variable) expr.getOperand();
if (v.isParameter()) {
// Parameters can be copied only if they aren't assigned to.
return count(storeCounts, v) == 0;
// Variables can be copied only if both the variable and the target copy variable are generated,
// and if the variable has only a single assignment.
return v.isGenerated() &&
copyVariable.isGenerated() &&
count(storeCounts, v) == 1;
default: {
return false;
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Helper Methods">
static boolean hasNoSideEffect(final Expression expression) {
switch (expression.getCode()) {
case Load:
case LoadElement:
case AConstNull:
case LdC:
return true;
return false;
private static boolean canBeExpressionStatement(final Expression expression) {
switch (expression.getCode()) {
case PutStatic:
case PutField:
case InvokeVirtual:
case InvokeSpecial:
case InvokeStatic:
case InvokeInterface:
case InvokeDynamic:
case __New:
case NewArray:
case __NewArray:
case __ANewArray:
case MultiANewArray:
case Store:
case StoreElement:
case Inc:
case PreIncrement:
case PostIncrement:
return true;
return false;
private static int count(final Map<Variable, MutableInteger> map, final Variable variable) {
final MutableInteger count = map.get(variable);
return count != null ? count.getValue() : 0;
private static void increment(final Map<Variable, MutableInteger> map, final Variable variable) {
final MutableInteger count = map.get(variable);
if (count == null) {
map.put(variable, new MutableInteger(1));
else {
// </editor-fold>