Package com.strobel.decompiler

Source Code of com.strobel.decompiler.InstructionHelper

* Copyright (c) 2013 Mike Strobel
* This source code is based on Mono.Cecil from Jb Evain, Copyright (c) Jb Evain;
* and ILSpy/ICSharpCode from SharpDevelop, Copyright (c) AlphaSierraPapa.
* This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
* A copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution.
* By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of the
* Apache License, Version 2.0.
* You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

package com.strobel.decompiler;

import com.strobel.assembler.metadata.*;
import com.strobel.core.VerifyArgument;
import com.strobel.assembler.metadata.JvmType;
import com.strobel.util.ContractUtils;

import java.util.List;

public final class InstructionHelper {
    public static int getLoadOrStoreSlot(final Instruction instruction) {
        final OpCode code = instruction.getOpCode();

        if (!code.isLoad() && !code.isStore()) {
            return -1;

        if (code.getOpCodeType() == OpCodeType.Macro) {
            return OpCodeHelpers.getLoadStoreMacroArgumentIndex(code);

        final VariableDefinition variable = instruction.getOperand(0);

        return variable.getSlot();

    public static int getPopDelta(final Instruction instruction, final MethodBody body) {
        VerifyArgument.notNull(instruction, "instruction");
        VerifyArgument.notNull(body, "body");

        final OpCode code = instruction.getOpCode();

        switch (code.getStackBehaviorPop()) {
            case Pop0:
                return 0;

            case Pop1: {
                if (code == OpCode.PUTSTATIC) {
                    final FieldReference field = instruction.getOperand(0);
                    if (field.getFieldType().getSimpleType().isDoubleWord()) {
                        return 2;
                return 1;

            case Pop2:
                return 1;

            case Pop1_Pop1:
                return 2;

            case Pop1_Pop2:
                return 3;
//                return 2;

            case Pop1_PopA: {
                if (code == OpCode.PUTFIELD) {
                    final FieldReference field = instruction.getOperand(0);
                    if (field.getFieldType().getSimpleType().isDoubleWord()) {
                        return 3;
                return 2;

            case Pop2_Pop1:
                return 3;
//                return 2;

            case Pop2_Pop2:
                return 4;
//                return 2;

            case PopI4:
                return 1;

            case PopI8:
                return 2;
//                return 1;

            case PopR4:
                return 1;

            case PopR8:
                return 2;
//                return 1;

            case PopA:
                return 1;

            case PopI4_PopI4:
                return 2;

            case PopI4_PopI8:
                return 3;
//                return 2;

            case PopI8_PopI8:
                return 4;
//                return 2;

            case PopR4_PopR4:
                return 2;

            case PopR8_PopR8:
                return 4;
//                return 2;

            case PopI4_PopA:
                return 2;

            case PopI4_PopI4_PopA:
                return 3;

            case PopI8_PopI4_PopA:
                return 4;
//                return 3;

            case PopR4_PopI4_PopA:
                return 3;

            case PopR8_PopI4_PopA:
                return 4;
//                return 3;

            case PopA_PopI4_PopA:
                return 3;

            case PopA_PopA:
                return 2;

            case VarPop: {
                if (code == OpCode.ATHROW) {
                    return 1;

                if (code == OpCode.MULTIANEWARRAY) {
                    return instruction.getOperand(1);

                if (code.getFlowControl() != FlowControl.Call) {

                final IMethodSignature signature;

                if (code == OpCode.INVOKEDYNAMIC) {
                    signature = instruction.<DynamicCallSite>getOperand(0).getMethodType();
                else {
                    signature = instruction.getOperand(0);

                final List<ParameterDefinition> parameters = signature.getParameters();

                int count = parameters.size();

                if (instruction.getOpCode() != OpCode.INVOKESTATIC &&
                    instruction.getOpCode() != OpCode.INVOKEDYNAMIC) {


                for (int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) {
                    if (parameters.get(i).getParameterType().getSimpleType().isDoubleWord()) {

                return count;

        throw ContractUtils.unsupported();

    public static int getPushDelta(final Instruction instruction, final MethodBody body) {
        VerifyArgument.notNull(instruction, "instruction");
        VerifyArgument.notNull(body, "body");

        final OpCode code = instruction.getOpCode();

        switch (code.getStackBehaviorPush()) {
            case Push0:
                return 0;

            case Push1: {
                if (code == OpCode.GETFIELD || code == OpCode.GETSTATIC) {
                    final FieldReference field = instruction.getOperand(0);
                    if (field.getFieldType().getSimpleType().isDoubleWord()) {
                        return 2;
                return 1;

            case Push1_Push1:
                return 2;

            case Push1_Push1_Push1:
                return 3;

            case Push1_Push2_Push1:
                return 4;
//                return 3;

            case Push2:
                return 2;
//                return 1;

            case Push2_Push2:
                return 4;
//                return 2;

            case Push2_Push1_Push2:
                return 5;
//                return 3;

            case Push2_Push2_Push2:
                return 6;
//                return 3;

            case PushI4:
                return 1;

            case PushI8:
                return 2;
//                return 1;

            case PushR4:
                return 1;

            case PushR8:
                return 2;
//                return 1;

            case PushA:
                return 1;

            case PushAddress:
                return 1;

            case VarPush: {
                if (code.getFlowControl() != FlowControl.Call) {

                final IMethodSignature signature;

                if (code == OpCode.INVOKEDYNAMIC) {
                    signature = instruction.<DynamicCallSite>getOperand(0).getMethodType();
                else {
                    signature = instruction.getOperand(0);

                final TypeReference returnType = signature.getReturnType();
                final JvmType jvmType = returnType.getSimpleType();

                if (jvmType == JvmType.Void) {
                    return 0;

                return jvmType.isDoubleWord() ? 2 : 1;

        throw ContractUtils.unsupported();

Related Classes of com.strobel.decompiler.InstructionHelper

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