package name.mjw.jamber;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3d;
import name.mjw.jamber.util.Torsion;
import name.mjw.jamber.util.TorsionGradients;
* Dihedral interaction between four atoms. It is a function of the plane
* generated by the first three atoms and the plane generated by the last three
* atoms
* @author mjw
public class Dihedral extends ForceFieldTerm {
* i--j
* /
* k--l
* Atom i in dihedral term.
private Atom i;
* Atom j in dihedral term.
private Atom j;
* Atom k in dihedral term.
private Atom k;
* Atom l in dihedral term.
private Atom l;
* Barrier height, also known as PK
private double barrierHeight = 0.0;
* Phase, the phase shift angle in the torsional function, in degrees.
private double phase = 0.0;
* Number of repeats of the cosine function in the range -180 to 180 degrees
* Also known as PN
private double periodicity = 0.0;
* The factor by which the torsional barrier is divided. Also know as IDIVF
private final double multiplicity = 1.0;
* Is the dihedral made up of multiple terms?
private boolean multiTermed = false;
* Should the the 1-4 atom in this dihedral contribute to the Non Bonded Vdw
* and Electrostatic terms?
* This is to discriminate against some ring dihedrals that may be counted
* twice by the 14NB terms.
private boolean contributeTo14NonBondedTerms = true;
* Is this an improper dihedral?
private boolean improper = false;
* Dihedral (PK/IDIVF) * (1 + cos(PN*phi - PHASE))
* @param i
* Atom i in dihedral term.
* @param j
* Atom j in dihedral term.
* @param k
* Atom k in dihedral term.
* @param l
* Atom l in dihedral term.
* @param barrierHeight
* Barrier height, also known as PK
* @param phase
* Phase in degrees
* @param periodicity
* Number of repeats of the cosine function in the range -180 to
* 180 degrees. Also known as PN
public Dihedral(Atom i, Atom j, Atom k, Atom l, Double barrierHeight,
Double phase, Double periodicity) {
* Sets atom i in the dihedral.
private void setAtomI(Atom i) {
this.i = i;
* Gets atom i in the dihedral.
public Atom getAtomI() {
return i;
* Sets atom j in the dihedral.
private void setAtomJ(Atom j) {
this.j = j;
* Gets atom j in the dihedral.
public Atom getAtomJ() {
return j;
* Sets atom k in the dihedral.
private void setAtomK(Atom k) {
this.k = k;
* Gets atom k in the dihedral.
public Atom getAtomK() {
return k;
* Sets atom l in the dihedral.
private void setAtomL(Atom l) {
this.l = l;
* Gets atom l in the dihedral.
public Atom getAtomL() {
return l;
* Sets the dihedral parameter barrier height (PK) in kcal/mol
private void setBarrierHeight(double barrierHeight) {
this.barrierHeight = barrierHeight;
* Returns the dihedral parameter barrier height (PK) in kcal/mol
public double getBarrierHeight() {
return barrierHeight;
* Sets the dihedral parameter phase (PHASE) in degrees
private void setPhase(Double phase) {
this.phase = phase;
* Returns the dihedral parameter phase (PHASE) in degrees
* @return dihedral parameter phase (PHASE) in degrees
public double getPhase() {
return phase;
* Sets the dihedral parameter periodicity (PN)
private void setPeriodicity(Double periodicity) {
this.periodicity = periodicity;
* Gets the dihedral parameter periodicity (PN)
public double getPeriodicicity() {
return periodicity;
* Gets the dihedral parameter multiplicity (IDIVF)
public double getMultiplicity() {
return multiplicity;
* Gets the dihedral angle (phi) in degrees
public double getCurrentDihedralAngle() {
Torsion torsion = new Torsion();
return torsion.getAngle(i.getPosition(), j.getPosition(),
k.getPosition(), l.getPosition());
* Returns the potential energy of the dihedral in kcal/mol
public double getPotentialEnergy() {
// page 257
// Etors = ( PK / IDIVF ) * ( 1 + cos( PN * phi - PHASE) )
double phi = Math.toRadians(getCurrentDihedralAngle());
return (barrierHeight / multiplicity)
* (1 + Math.cos(periodicity * phi - phase));
* Returns the current (scalar) gradient of the potential energy term. This
* is the analytical derivative of the potential energy at this point wrt to
* phi
public double getAnalyticalGradient() {
double phi = Math.toRadians(getCurrentDihedralAngle());
return (barrierHeight / multiplicity)
* (periodicity * Math.sin(phase - (periodicity * phi)));
public void evaluateForce() {
Vector3d temp3d = new Vector3d();
temp3d.sub(j.getPosition(), k.getPosition());
double unitForce = getAnalyticalGradient() / temp3d.length();
Torsion gt = new Torsion();
TorsionGradients grad = gt.getGradients(i.getPosition(), j.getPosition(),
k.getPosition(), l.getPosition());
Vector3d tempI = grad.getI();
Vector3d tempJ = grad.getJ();
Vector3d tempK = grad.getK();
Vector3d tempL = grad.getL();
public String toString() {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
String NEW_LINE = System.getProperty("line.separator");
result.append(this.getClass().getName()).append(" Object {")
String.format(" Atoms:\t\t\t\t\t\t%-2s-%-2s-%-2s-%-2s",
i.getName(), j.getName(), k.getName(), l.getName()))
String.format(" AtomTypes:\t\t\t\t\t%-2s-%-2s-%-2s-%-2s",
i.getAMBERAtomType(), j.getAMBERAtomType(),
k.getAMBERAtomType(), l.getAMBERAtomType())).append(
result.append(" barrierHeight: " + "\t\t\t\t")
.append(barrierHeight * 2).append(NEW_LINE);
result.append(" phase (radians): " + "\t\t\t\t").append(phase)
result.append(" periodicity: " + "\t\t\t\t\t").append(periodicity)
result.append(" current dihedral angle (degrees) " + "\t\t")
result.append(" current potential contribution: (kcal/mol) " + "\t")
result.append(" contributeTo14NonBondedTerms:\t\t\t")
result.append(" improper:\t\t\t\t\t").append(this.isImproper())
return result.toString();
public void setMultiTermed() {
this.multiTermed = true;
public boolean isMultiTermed() {
return multiTermed;
public void setContributeTo14NonBondedTerms(
boolean contributeTo14NonBondedTerms) {
this.contributeTo14NonBondedTerms = contributeTo14NonBondedTerms;
public boolean isContributeTo14NonBondedTerms() {
return contributeTo14NonBondedTerms;
public void setImproper() {
this.improper = true;
public boolean isImproper() {
return improper;