* --------- BEGIN COPYRIGHT NOTICE ---------
* Copyright 2002-2012 Extentech Inc.
* Copyright 2013 Infoteria America Corp.
* This file is part of OpenXLS.
* OpenXLS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* OpenXLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with OpenXLS. If not, see
* <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* ---------- END COPYRIGHT NOTICE ----------
package com.extentech.formats.XLS;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserFactory;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.WorkBookHandle;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.OOXMLConstants;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.Ss_rPr;
import com.extentech.toolkit.*;
* <b>Sst: Shared String Table 0xFCh</b><br>
* Sst records contain a table of Strings possibly spanning multiple Continue
* Records
* <p>
* <pre>
* offset name size contents
* ---
* 4 cstTotal 4 Total number of strings in this and the
* EXTSST record.
* 8 cstUnique 4 Number of unique strings in this table.
* 12 rgb var Array of unique strings
* </p>
* </pre>
* @see Sst
* @see Labelsst
* @see Extsst
public final class Sst extends com.extentech.formats.XLS.XLSRecord {
* serialVersionUID
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6966063306230877101L;
private int cstTotal = -1;
private int cstUnique = -1;
private int boundincrement = 0;
// continue handling
private int numconts = -1;
private int[] boundaries = null;
private byte[] grbits = null;
private List stringvector = new SstArrayList();
private HashSet dupeSstEntries = new HashSet();
private HashSet existingSstEntries = new HashSet();
private Extsst myextsst = null;
int origsstlen = 0;
int getOrigSstLen() {
return origsstlen;
Continue thiscont = null;
int datalen = -1;
int currbound = 0;
byte[] deldata = null;
public int getRealOriginalSize() {
return this.originalsize;
public void setData(byte[] b) {
if (data == null) {
this.originalsize = b.length;
* set the Extsst rec for this Sst
void setExtsst(Extsst e) {
this.myextsst = e;
Extsst getExtsst() {
return this.myextsst;
* removes all existing Continues from the Sst
public void removeContinues() {
this.continues = null;
thiscont = null;
* initialize the Continue Handling counters
private void initContinues() {
// create the array of record boundary offsets
// this allows us to detect spanning UNICODE strings in CONTINUE
// records...
datalen = this.getLength();
numconts = this.getContinueVect().size();
boundaries = new int[numconts + 1];
int thisbound = 0, ir = 0;
grbits = new byte[numconts];
// continues = this.getContinueVect();
Iterator it = this.continues.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Continue ci = (Continue) it.next();
// byte[] b = ci.getData(); // REMOVE
grbits[ir++] = ci.getGrbit();
this.getStreamer().removeRecord(ci); // remove existing continues
// from stream
thisbound = this.getRealOriginalSize();
boundaries[0] = thisbound;
int lastcontlen = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < boundaries.length; i++) {
Continue cxi = (Continue) continues.get(i - 1);
int contlen = cxi.getLength();
if (cxi.getHasGrbit())
thisbound += contlen;
// if(DEBUGLEVEL > 5)Logger.logInfo( contlen + ",");
lastcontlen += contlen;
datalen += contlen;
boundaries[i] = thisbound - (4 * i);
cxi.setContinueOffset(boundaries[i - 1]);
// if(DEBUGLEVEL > 5) Logger.logInfo("");
// for(int i = 1;i<boundaries.length;i++){
// int contlen =continues[i-1].getLength();
// if(DEBUGLEVEL > 5) Logger.logInfo("0x" + continues[i-1].getGrbit() +
// ",");
// }
// if(DEBUGLEVEL > 5) Logger.logInfo("");
thisbound = 0;
* because the SST comes between the BOUNDSHEET records and all BOUNDSHEET
* BOFs, the lbPlyPos needs to change for all of them when record size
* changes.
public boolean getUpdatesAllBOFPositions() {
return true;
public void init() {
if (originalsize == 0)
originalsize = reclen;
* Initializes the sst as well as initializing the UnicodeStrings contained
* within
public static void init(Sst sst) {
sst.origsstlen = sst.getLength();
sst.currbound = 0;
// init the string cache for fast access of init vals
// get the row, col and ixfe information
sst.cstTotal = ByteTools.readInt(sst.getByteAt(0), sst.getByteAt(1),
sst.getByteAt(2), sst.getByteAt(3));
sst.cstUnique = ByteTools.readInt(sst.getByteAt(4), sst.getByteAt(5),
sst.getByteAt(6), sst.getByteAt(7));
int strlen = 0, strpos = 8;
if (sst.DEBUGLEVEL > 5)
Logger.logInfo("INFO: initializing Sst: " + sst.cstTotal
+ " total Strings, " + sst.cstUnique + " unique Strings.");
// Initialize continues records
// initialize the Unicodestrings from the byte array
for (int d = 0; d < sst.cstUnique; d++) {
// Unicodestring values
int numruns = 0, runlen = 0;
// the number of formatting runs each one adds 4 bytes
int basereclen = 3; // the base length of the ustring being created
int cchExtRst = 0; // the length of any Extended string data
boolean doubleByte = false; // whether this is a double-byte string
byte grbit = 0x0;
// the grbit tells us what kind of Unicodestring this is
if (sst.DEBUGLEVEL > 30)
Logger.logInfo("Initializing String: " + String.valueOf(d)
+ "/" + sst.cstTotal);
// figure out the boundary offsets
int offr = sst.boundaries.length;
if (offr < 1)
offr = 0;
offr = 1;
if (strpos >= sst.boundaries[sst.boundaries.length - offr])
short[] recdef = sst.getNextStringDefData(strpos);
// get the length of the Unicodestring
strlen = recdef[0];
grbit = (byte) recdef[1];
// we only want the bottom 4 bytes of the grbit, & not bit 2.. other
// stuff is junk
// grbit = (byte)(0xD & grbit);
// init the string cache for fast access of init vals
// st.initCacheBytes(strpos, 10); // commented out as it causes
// array errors when short strings at end of continue boundary
XLSRecord currec = sst;
if (sst.DEBUGLEVEL > 5)
Logger.logInfo("INFO: StrLen:" + strlen + " Strpos:" + strpos + " bound:" + sst.boundaries[sst.currbound]);
if (strpos >= sst.boundaries[0])
currec = sst.thiscont;
switch (grbit) {
case 0x1: // non-rich, double-byte string
doubleByte = true;
case 0x4: // non-rich, single byte string
cchExtRst = ByteTools.readInt(currec.getByteAt(strpos + 3),
currec.getByteAt(strpos + 4),
currec.getByteAt(strpos + 5),
currec.getByteAt(strpos + 6));
basereclen = 7;
doubleByte = false;
case 0x5: // extended, non-rich, double-byte string
cchExtRst = ByteTools.readInt(currec.getByteAt(strpos + 3),
currec.getByteAt(strpos + 4),
currec.getByteAt(strpos + 5),
currec.getByteAt(strpos + 6));
basereclen = 7;
doubleByte = true;
case 0x8: // rich single-byte UNICODE string
numruns = ByteTools.readShort(currec.getByteAt(strpos + 3),
currec.getByteAt(strpos + 4));
runlen = numruns * 4;
basereclen = 5;
doubleByte = false;
case 0x9: // rich double-byte UNICODE string
numruns = ByteTools.readShort(currec.getByteAt(strpos + 3),
currec.getByteAt(strpos + 4));
runlen = numruns * 4;
basereclen = 5;
doubleByte = true;
case 0xc: // rich single-byte eastern string
numruns = ByteTools.readShort(currec.getByteAt(strpos + 3),
currec.getByteAt(strpos + 4));
cchExtRst = ByteTools.readInt(currec.getByteAt(strpos + 5),
currec.getByteAt(strpos + 6),
currec.getByteAt(strpos + 7),
currec.getByteAt(strpos + 8));
runlen = numruns * 4;
basereclen = 9;
doubleByte = false;
case 0xd: // rich double-byte eastern string
numruns = ByteTools.readShort(currec.getByteAt(strpos + 3),
currec.getByteAt(strpos + 4));
cchExtRst = ByteTools.readInt(currec.getByteAt(strpos + 5),
currec.getByteAt(strpos + 6),
currec.getByteAt(strpos + 7),
currec.getByteAt(strpos + 8));
runlen = numruns * 4;
basereclen = 9;
doubleByte = true;
doubleByte = false;
cchExtRst = 0;
basereclen = 3;
if (grbit != 0x0) {
// if(st.DEBUGLEVEL > 10)
Logger.logWarn("ERROR: Invalid Unicodestring grbit:"
+ String.valueOf(grbit));
// create the String
if (strlen == 0) {
if (sst.DEBUGLEVEL > 10)
Logger.logWarn("WARNING: Attempt to initialize Zero-length String.");
if (doubleByte)
strlen *= 2;
// it's a double-byte string so total size is *2
try {
strpos = sst.initUnicodeString(strlen, strpos, basereclen, cchExtRst, runlen, doubleByte);
// Logger.logInfo("SST Currbound: " + sst.currbound +" strpos: "
// + strpos);
// if(st.DEBUGLEVEL > 5)Logger.logInfo("numruns: "
// +String.valueOf(numruns)+" @"+String.valueOf(strpos)
// +" len: " + String.valueOf(strlen) + " gr: "
/// +String.valueOf(grbit) +
// " base: "+String.valueOf(basereclen)+
// " cchExtRst: "+String.valueOf(cchExtRst));
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.logWarn("ERROR: Error Reading String @ " + strpos + e.toString() + " Skipping...");
strpos += strlen + basereclen + runlen;
if (sst.DEBUGLEVEL > 5)
Logger.logInfo("Done reading SST.");
* retrieves the sst string at the location pos and returns the next
* position
* @param ustrLen
* actual unicode string length, (not including formatting runs,
* phonetic data or double byte multiplication)
* @param pos
* position in the source data buffer
* @param ustrStart
* start of unicode string within single sst record
* @param cchExtRst
* phonetic data length
* @param runlen
* fomratting run length
* @param doublebyte
* true if unicode string data is double byte (and then the size
* of the unicode string data array is ustrLen * 2)
* @return
int initUnicodeString(int ustrLen, int pos, int ustrStart, int cchExtRst, int runlen, boolean doublebyte){
int bufferBoundary = boundaries[currbound]; // get the current boundary
int totalStrLen = ustrStart + ustrLen + cchExtRst + runlen; // calculate the total byte length of the unicode string
int posEnd = pos + totalStrLen; // end position -- if > current record length must span and access next record/continues
AtomicInteger uLen= new AtomicInteger(ustrLen); // same as ustrLen but mutable in order to allow changing value in getData method
// begin checking string against current record buffer boundary
if(posEnd < bufferBoundary){// string does not cross current boundary - easy! retrieve totalStringLen bytes and create unicode string
byte[] newStringBytes = getData(uLen, pos, ustrStart, cchExtRst, runlen, doublebyte, false);
this.initString(newStringBytes, pos, false);
return posEnd;
}else if(posEnd == bufferBoundary){// string is on the boundary - easy!
if((this.numconts==0)||(this.numconts == this.contcounter)){
if(DEBUGLEVEL > 5)Logger.logInfo("Last String in SST encountered.");
byte[] newStringBytes = getData(uLen, pos, ustrStart, cchExtRst, runlen, doublebyte, false);
this.initString(newStringBytes, pos,false);
/* "If fHighByte is 0x1 and rgb is extended with a Continue record the break
MUST occur at the double-byte character boundary."
*/ // because we ended on a string, there is no grbit on the next continue
if(this.continues.size() > this.currbound){
thiscont =(Continue)this.continues.get(this.currbound);
return posEnd;
// spans or crosses the continue boundary
byte[] newStringBytes= getData(uLen, pos, ustrStart, cchExtRst, runlen, doublebyte, true); // retrieve the bytes, accounting for spanning (true)
this.initString(newStringBytes, pos, false);
return pos + (uLen.intValue()+ustrStart+cchExtRst+runlen); // in most cases should be same as pos + totalStrLen but it's possible for uLen to be changed in getData
* gets the sst string at strpos length allstrlen and returns the next
* position
* @param allstrlen
* @param strpos
* @param strend
* @param STATE
* @return
* KSC: replacing int getString(int allstrlen, int strpos, int
* strend, int[] STATE){ byte[] newStringBytes = getData(allstrlen,
* strpos, STATE); int nextpos = strpos + allstrlen;
* this.initString(newStringBytes, strpos,true); }else{
* this.initString(newStringBytes, strpos,false); }
* if(strend != nextpos) Logger.logWarn(
* "Sanity Check in Sst initUnicodeString(): strend != nextpos.");
* return nextpos; }
* Adjust the boundary pointers based on whether we need to compensate for
* grbit anomalies
void shiftBoundariesX(int x) {
int ct = 0;
Iterator it = continues.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Continue nextcont = (Continue) it.next();
if (ct++ >= this.currbound) {
nextcont.setContinueOffset(nextcont.getContinueOffset() + x);
boundaries[ct] = nextcont.getContinueOffset();
if (DEBUGLEVEL > -5)
Logger.logInfo("Sst.shiftBoundaries() Updated " + nextcont
+ " : " + nextcont.getContinueOffset());
if (boundaries.length == (this.continues.size() + 1)) {
boundaries[this.continues.size()] += x;
* Adjust the boundary pointers based on whether we need to compensate for
* grbit anomalies
* */
void shiftBoundaries(int x) {
// int ret = 0;
for (int t = currbound; t < this.continues.size(); t++) {
Continue nextcont = (Continue) this.continues.get(t);
nextcont.setContinueOffset(nextcont.getContinueOffset() + x);
boundaries[t] = nextcont.getContinueOffset();
Logger.logInfo("Sst.shiftBoundaries() Updated " + nextcont
+ " : " + nextcont.getContinueOffset());
if (boundaries.length == (this.continues.size() + 1)) {
boundaries[this.continues.size()] += x;
* Refactoring Continue data access
* @param i
* @return
short[] getNextStringDefData(int start) {
short[] ret = { (short) 0x0, (short) 0x0 };
try {
// int thiscont = -1;
int end = start + 3;
if (end <= boundaries[0]) { // it's in the main Sst data
ret[0] = ByteTools.readShort(getByteAt(start++),
ret[1] = (short) getByteAt(start);
return ret;
// KSC: no need as Sst.getData increments correctly ...
// this.thiscont = this.getContinue(end);
byte b0 = this.thiscont.getByteAt(start++);
byte b1 = this.thiscont.getByteAt(start++);
byte b2 = this.thiscont.getByteAt(start++);
ret[0] = (short) ByteTools.readShort(b0, b1);
ret[1] = (short) b2;
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.logWarn("possible problem parsing String table getting next string def data: "
+ e);
return ret;
* return the continue that contains up to t length
* @param t
* @return
Continue getContinue(int t) {
if (t - 1 == datalen) {
return (Continue) this.continues.get(this.continues.size() - 1);
for (int x = this.boundaries.length - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
if (t > boundaries[x]) {
return (Continue) this.continues.get(x);
return null;
* get the string data from the proper place (either this sst record, or one or more continues)
* <br>
* NOTES: if the string spans a continue, the length in bytes of each part
* is contained in the first two ints.
* if the record spans a Continue, we need to see if the border falls within
* text data or extra data
* 10 len, really 15 bytes uncomp ||gr comp 2,0,1,0,2,0,3,0,3,0,||0
* ,4,5,5,7,8
* @param ustrLen unicode string length
* @param pos position in buffer
* @param ustrStart start of unicode string part (after initial length(s))
* @param cchExtRst phonetic data length or 0 if none
* @param runlen formatting runs length or 0 if none
* @param doublebyte true of doublebyte
* @param bSpans true if spans records
* @return byte[] defining unicode string
byte[] getData(AtomicInteger ustrLen, int pos, int ustrStart, int cchExtRst, int runlen, boolean doublebyte, boolean bSpans) { int totalStrLen = ustrStart + ustrLen.intValue() + cchExtRst + runlen;
int posEnd = pos + totalStrLen; // buffer end position
if (posEnd <= boundaries[0]) { // it's in the main Sst data just grab string and return
return this.getBytesAt(pos, totalStrLen);
// if it's in the current continues without spanning, just get the bytes and return
if (!bSpans) { // Simple -- no Span, return data
pos += thiscont.grbitoff;
int thisoff = pos - thiscont.getContinueOffset();
return thiscont.getBytesAt(thisoff, totalStrLen);
// if string spans two or more records, must deal with boundaries and grbits and lots of complications ...
int bufferBoundary = boundaries[currbound]; // get the current boundary
Logger.logInfo("Crossing Boundary: " + bufferBoundary
+ ". Double-Bytes: " + doublebyte);
// get ensuing record (previous==thiscont.predecessor)
if ((currbound) < continues.size()) {
thiscont = (Continue) continues.get(currbound++);
// find out where break is
int currpos = pos + totalStrLen;
boolean bfoundBreak = false;
boolean bUnCompress = false; // true if string on previous boundary must be uncompressed
boolean bUnCompress1 = false; // true if string1 must be uncompressed ** this one is confusing but works **
// check if break is in ExtRst data (==phonetic data)
if (cchExtRst > 0) {
currpos -= cchExtRst;
if (currpos <= bufferBoundary) {
Logger.logInfo("Continue Boundary in ExtRst data.");
if (thiscont.getHasGrbit()) {
bfoundBreak = true;
// check if break is in formatting run data
if (runlen > 0) {
currpos -= runlen;
if (!bfoundBreak && currpos <= bufferBoundary) { // check against japanese!
Logger.logInfo("Continue Boundary in Formatting Run data.");
if (thiscont.getHasGrbit()) {
bfoundBreak = true;
// otherwise the break is in unicode stringdata part
currpos = pos + ustrStart;
if (!bfoundBreak && currpos < bufferBoundary) {
if (ustrLen.intValue() == 0) { // a ONE BYTE String on the boundary! Add the grbit back to the Continue
Logger.logInfo("1 byte length String on the Continue Boundary.");
boundaries[boundaries.length - 1]++; // increment the last boundary...
// check if break is within the actual ustring data
if (((currpos <= bufferBoundary) && ((currpos + ustrLen.intValue()) > bufferBoundary))) { // is break within String portion// ?
Logger.logInfo("Continue Boundary in String data.");
if (!thiscont.getHasGrbit()) { // when does this happen???
byte b = thiscont.getGrbit();
// If it changes double --> single or single --> double then adjust accordingly (plus set bUnCompress or bUnCompress1 flags which govern how bytes are accessed)
if (doublebyte && (b == 0x0)) { // it is in doublebytes but it really should be compressed
int preBoundaryBytes = bufferBoundary - pos - ustrStart;
int postBoundaryBytes = pos + ustrStart + ustrLen.intValue() - bufferBoundary;
postBoundaryBytes = postBoundaryBytes / 2;
ustrLen.set(preBoundaryBytes + postBoundaryBytes);
bUnCompress1 = true; // dunno what this means but it works ...
} else if (!doublebyte && (b == 0x1)) { // string portion on prevouos boundary should be uncompressed/converted to doublebyte
int preBoundaryBytes = bufferBoundary - pos - ustrStart;
int postBoundaryBytes = pos + ustrStart + ustrLen.intValue() - bufferBoundary;
postBoundaryBytes = postBoundaryBytes * 2;
ustrLen.set(preBoundaryBytes + postBoundaryBytes);
bUnCompress = true;
// ustrLen may have changed above - reset vars
totalStrLen = ustrStart + ustrLen.intValue() + cchExtRst + runlen;
posEnd= pos + totalStrLen;
// calculate length on current record (=thiscont.predecessor) and length on ensuing continues
int string1ByteLength = pos - this.thiscont.getContinueOffset(); // bytes on 1st record or continue
if (string1ByteLength < 0)
string1ByteLength *= -1;
int string2ByteLength = totalStrLen - string1ByteLength; // bytes on 2nd// or// ensuing// continues// ==// spanned// bytes
int extraData = (cchExtRst + runlen); // non-string-data (phonetic info// and/or formatting runs)
// remove ExtRst and runlen info from 2nd String length
string2ByteLength -= extraData;
if (string2ByteLength <= 0) {
// if it spans we want extr just to be the bytes on the second continue
extraData = string2ByteLength + extraData;
string2ByteLength = 0;// all String data is contained in prior // Continue
byte[] string1bytes = null, string2bytes = null;
// we need to expand the first section bytes to fit the last one (????)
if (this.thiscont.predecessor instanceof Continue) {
pos = ((this.thiscont.predecessor.getLength()) - (string1ByteLength));
pos -= 4;
if (this.thiscont.getHasGrbit()) {
thiscont.grbitoff = 1;
} else {
thiscont.grbitoff = 0;
// *********************************************************************************************************
// handle the part of unicode string on previous continues
if (!bUnCompress) {
string1bytes = this.thiscont.predecessor.getBytesAt(pos, string1ByteLength);
} else { // portion of string on previous boundary is singlebyte; ensuing portion is doublebyte; must convert previous to doublebyte
string1bytes = convertCompressedBytesToDoubleBytes(pos, string1ByteLength, ustrStart);
// *********************************************************************************************************
// handle part on current (and ensuing, if necessary) continues
if (string2ByteLength < MAXRECLEN) { // 99.9% usual case
if (!bUnCompress1) {
string2bytes = thiscont.getBytesAt(0 + thiscont.grbitoff, string2ByteLength);
} else { // Expand the second string bytes
string2ByteLength *= 2;
string2bytes = new byte[string2ByteLength];
for (int t = 0; t < string2ByteLength / 2; t++) {
string2bytes[(t * 2)] = this.thiscont.getByteAt(t + this.thiscont.getContinueOffset());
// since we've accessed the last bytes of the prior Continue, blow
// it out!
if (this.thiscont.predecessor instanceof Continue) this.thiscont.predecessor.setData(null);
} else { // string2ByteLength spans continue(s) ************************************************* see infoteria/cannotread824315.xls
int blen = string2ByteLength;
int idx = 0;
int start= 0;
string2bytes = new byte[blen];
while (blen > 0) { // loop thru ensuing continues until correct length is read in
int curlen = Math.min(start+thiscont.getLength()-thiscont.grbitoff, blen);
if (!bUnCompress1) {
byte[] tmp = thiscont.getBytesAt(start+thiscont.grbitoff, curlen);
System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, string2bytes, idx, curlen);
} else { // Expand the second string bytes - NOTE: This has not been hit so hasn't been tested ...
curlen *= 2;
byte[] tmp = new byte[curlen];
for (int t = 0; t < curlen / 2; t++) {
tmp[(t * 2)] = this.thiscont.getByteAt(t + this.thiscont.getContinueOffset());
System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, string2bytes, idx, curlen);
// since we've accessed the last bytes of the prior Continue, blow it out!
if (this.thiscont.predecessor instanceof Continue) this.thiscont.predecessor.setData(null);
if (curlen >= thiscont.getLength()-thiscont.grbitoff) { // finished this one, get next continue
if ((currbound) < continues.size())
thiscont = (Continue) continues.get(currbound++);
if (this.thiscont.getHasGrbit())
thiscont.grbitoff = 1;
thiscont.grbitoff = 0;
start= 4; // don't understand this but, hey, it works ...
} else { // we are done
// get current length in current continues only (==start postion for extra data, if any)
string2ByteLength= curlen+start;
idx += curlen;
blen -= curlen;
// ***********************************************************************************************************
// now put together the string bytes - string1bytes and string2bytes are the ustring only, excluding extraData (formatting or phoentic data)
byte[] returnstringbytes = new byte[string1bytes.length + string2bytes.length + extraData];
System.arraycopy(string1bytes, 0, returnstringbytes, 0, string1bytes.length);
System.arraycopy(string2bytes, 0, returnstringbytes, string1bytes.length, string2bytes.length);
// does it have ExtRst or Formatting Runs?
if (extraData > 0) {
if (posEnd <= boundaries[currbound]) { // usual case!!
int startpos = string2ByteLength;
if (bUnCompress1) startpos /= 2;
if (string2ByteLength!=0)startpos+=this.thiscont.grbitoff; // dunno why but it works ...
byte[] rx2 = thiscont.getBytesAt(startpos, extraData);
System.arraycopy(rx2, 0, returnstringbytes, (string1bytes.length + string2bytes.length), extraData);
} else { // extraData spans continues ...
// have to get portion on prev continue and rest on next continue ... sigh ....
int startpos = string2ByteLength;
if (bUnCompress1) startpos /= 2;
byte[] rx2= new byte[extraData];
string1ByteLength = this.thiscont.getLength()-startpos; // bytes on 1st record or continue
string2ByteLength = extraData- string1ByteLength; // bytes on 2nd// or// ensuing// continues// ==// spanned// bytes
if ((currbound) < continues.size()) {
thiscont = (Continue) continues.get(currbound++);
if (this.thiscont.getHasGrbit()) {
thiscont.grbitoff = 1;
} else {
thiscont.grbitoff = 0;
pos = ((this.thiscont.predecessor.getLength()) - (string1ByteLength));
pos -= 4;
int start= 4; // why?????
System.arraycopy(this.thiscont.predecessor.getBytesAt(pos, string1ByteLength), 0, rx2, 0, string1ByteLength);
System.arraycopy(thiscont.getBytesAt(start + thiscont.grbitoff, string2ByteLength), 0, rx2, string1ByteLength, string2ByteLength);
System.arraycopy(rx2, 0, returnstringbytes, (string1bytes.length + string2bytes.length), extraData);
ustrLen.set(ustrLen.get()-1); // ???? DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS BUT IT APPEARS TO WORK - hits on infoteria/cannotread824315.xls
if (DEBUGLEVEL > 23)
Logger.logInfo("Total Length from Continue: " + returnstringbytes.length);
return returnstringbytes;
* for rare occurrences where string portion on previous boundary is flagged singlebyte/compressed,
* and the ensuing continue is flagged doublebyte; in these cases the unicode-string-portion on the
* previous boundary must be converted to doublebyte
* @param pos positon on previous boundary
* @param totallen total string length on previous boudary
* @param uStrStart start of unicode string portion
* @return
byte[] convertCompressedBytesToDoubleBytes(int pos, int totallen, int uStrStart) {
int uLenOnPrevious= (totallen-uStrStart); // unicode string portion on previous boundary
byte[] converted= new byte[uStrStart + uLenOnPrevious*2];
System.arraycopy(this.thiscont.predecessor.getBytesAt(pos, uStrStart), 0, converted, 0, uStrStart);
byte[] ustr= this.thiscont.predecessor.getBytesAt(pos+uStrStart, uLenOnPrevious);
converted[2]= (byte)(converted[2] | 0x1); // flag as doublebyte/uncompressed for unicode string processing
for (int i= 0; i < uLenOnPrevious; i++) { // copy rest of unicode string portion on prev boundary as doublebyte
converted[uStrStart+ (i*2)]= ustr[i];
return converted;
* given unicode bytes, create a Unicodestring and add it to the string vector
Unicodestring initString(byte[] newStringBytes, int strpos,
boolean extrstbrk) {
// create a new Unicodestring, set its data
Unicodestring newString = new Unicodestring();
newString.init(newStringBytes, extrstbrk);
// add the new String to the String table and return the new pointer
Logger.logInfo(" val: " + newString.toString());
if (newString.getLen() == 0) {
Logger.logInfo("Adding zero-length string!");
} else {
return newString;
int retpos = -1;
private int putString(Unicodestring newString) {
((SstArrayList) stringvector).put((Object) newString, Integer.valueOf(
return retpos;
* clear out object references in prep for closing workbook
public void close() {
stringvector = new SstArrayList();
dupeSstEntries = new HashSet();
existingSstEntries = new HashSet();
* call this method after changing the value of an SST Unicode string to
* update the underlying SST byte array.
void updateUnicodestrings() {
// TODO: OPTIMIZE: check that the Sst has changed
// reset defaults
cbounds = new CompatibleVector();
sstgrbits = new CompatibleVector();
lastwasbreakable = true;
stringisonbound = false;
laststringwasonbound = false;
islast = false;
thisbounds = WorkBookFactory.MAXRECLEN;
lastbounds = 0;
contcounter = 0;
lastlen = 0;
grbitct = 0;
dl = 0;
leftoverlen = 0;
gr = 0x0;
// loop through the strings and copy their
// bytes to the SST byte array.
// byte[] tmp = new byte[0];
byte[] cstot = ByteTools.cLongToLEBytes(cstTotal);
byte[] cstun = ByteTools.cLongToLEBytes(cstUnique);
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.logInfo("Exception getting String bytes: " + e);
if (this.stringvector.size() > 0) {
// now get the continue boundaries
int thispos = 8, lastpos = 0;
byte[] strb = null;
Iterator it = stringvector.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Object ob = it.next();
Unicodestring str = (Unicodestring) ob;
// from updateUnicodeStrings()
strb = str.read();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.logInfo("Exception getting String bytes: " + e);
lastpos = thispos;
thispos = lastpos + strb.length;
checkOnBoundary(str, lastpos, thispos + 4, strb); // add 4
// because 4
// added to
// boundaries
if (leftoverlen > 0) {// there was leftover data!
sstgrbits.add(new Byte(gr));
if (cbounds.size() > 0)
numconts = cbounds.size() - 1;
numconts = 0;
byte[] bb = out.toByteArray();
if (sanityCheck(bb.length)) {
} else {
this.datalen = bb.length + 4;
if ((DEBUGLEVEL > 15) && (cbounds != null)) {
for (int t = 0; t < cbounds.size(); t++)
Logger.logInfo(((Integer) cbounds.get(t)).intValue() + ",");
if ((DEBUGLEVEL > 150) && (sstgrbits != null)) {
for (int t = 0; t < sstgrbits.size(); t++)
Logger.logInfo("0x" + ((Byte) sstgrbits.get(t)).byteValue()
+ ",");
* Checks that the continues make sense. In some cases the continue lengths
* will be wrong due to the datalen being off. Datalen is created via
* offsets, not absolutes, so this can occur. If so, we will reset the
* datalen to the correct number.
* @return
private boolean sanityCheck(int realLen) {
long contLens = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cbounds.size(); i++) {
Integer intgr = (Integer) cbounds.get(i);
contLens += intgr.intValue();
if (((datalen - 4) - contLens) > 8223) {
Logger.logWarn("SST continue lengths not correct, regenerating");
return false;
return true;
CompatibleVector cbounds = new CompatibleVector();
CompatibleVector sstgrbits = new CompatibleVector();
boolean lastwasbreakable = true, stringisonbound = false,
laststringwasonbound = false, islast = false;
int thisbounds = WorkBookFactory.MAXRECLEN, lastbounds = 0,
contcounter = 0, lastlen = 0, grbitct = 0, dl = 0, leftoverlen = 0;
byte gr = 0x0;
* handle the checking of Continue boundary strings
int stringnumber = 0;
int continuenumber = -1;
int lastgrbit = 0;
void checkOnBoundary(Unicodestring str, int lastpos, int thispos,
byte[] strb) {
if (false)
Logger.logInfo("Checking Sst boundary: " + lastpos + "/" + thispos
+ ":" + thisbounds + " ContinueNumber: " + continuenumber
+ " StringNumber:" + stringnumber++ + "numboundaries"
+ cbounds.size());
while (thispos >= (thisbounds)) {
// check whether the string can safely be split
boolean breaksok = str.isBreakable(thisbounds);
int contlen = 0;
// get the Continue grbit
gr = strb[0]; // default is a non-grbit -- if it doesn't break, we
// don't want it
if ((breaksok))
gr = this.getContinueGrbitFromString(str);
Logger.logInfo(" String @: " + thispos + " is breakable: "
+ breaksok);
// deal with string break subtleties
contlen = WorkBookFactory.MAXRECLEN; // the default
if (islast) {
contlen = leftoverlen;
leftoverlen = 0;
if (!lastwasbreakable)
} else if (!breaksok) {
stringisonbound = true; // we are
contlen = lastpos - lastbounds;
lastbounds = lastpos;
} else {
// check if it's double byte, if so, make sure that the break is
// not in the middle of a character.
if (breaksok && (gr == 1)) {
if (str.charBreakOnBounds(thisbounds + lastgrbit)) {
// set continue length
if ((!laststringwasonbound) && lastwasbreakable
&& (contcounter > 0)) { // normal w/grbit
if (!breaksok) {
} else {
if (!islast)
cbounds.add(Integer.valueOf(contlen - 1));
} else {
// set grbit add null if the Continue should not have a grbit
if (str.cch < 2) {
lastgrbit = 0;
} else if (!breaksok && ((gr < 0x2) && (gr >= 0x0))) {
lastgrbit = 0;
} else {
sstgrbits.add(new Byte(gr));
lastgrbit = 1;
// reset stuff
lastwasbreakable = breaksok;
laststringwasonbound = stringisonbound;
stringisonbound = false;
lastlen = contlen;
if (breaksok)
lastbounds = thisbounds;
// datalen will be smaller than reclen
// if continues were not created
if (reclen > datalen)
dl = this.reclen;
dl = this.datalen;
// 20060518 KSC: handle segments that fall between the extra 4 added
// to the boundary ...
if ((thisbounds + contlen + 4) < dl) { // not the last one
thisbounds += contlen;
lastpos += contlen; // 20090407 KSC: If !breaksok but still
// loops, must increment lastpos or infinite
// loops [BUGTRACKER 2355 Infoteria OOM]
} else if (!islast) {
leftoverlen = dl + 4 - lastlen;
if (!lastwasbreakable && (leftoverlen > 0))
thisbounds = dl;
islast = true;
} else {
thisbounds += contlen;
* This returns the Continue record grbit which is either 0 or 1 -- NOT the
* string's grbit which determines much more...
byte getContinueGrbitFromString(Unicodestring str) {
byte grb = 0x0;
switch (str.getGrbit()) {
case 0x1:
grb = 0x1;
case 0x5:
grb = 0x1;
case 0x9:
grb = 0x1;
case 0xd:
grb = 0x1;
return grb;
Object[] continueDef;
* return the sizes of Continue records for an Sst caches the read if
* neccesary
public static Object[] getContinueDef(Sst rec, boolean cached) {
if (cached) {
return rec.continueDef;
} else {
Integer[] cbs = new Integer[rec.cbounds.size()];
Byte[] sstgrs = new Byte[rec.sstgrbits.size()];
for (int t = 0; t < cbs.length; t++) {
cbs[t] = ((Integer) rec.cbounds.get(t));
for (int t = 0; t < sstgrs.length; t++) {
sstgrs[t] = ((Byte) rec.sstgrbits.get(t));
rec.continueDef = new Object[2];
rec.continueDef[0] = cbs;
rec.continueDef[1] = sstgrs;
return rec.continueDef;
* Called from LabelSst on initialization from a new workbook, this
* pre-populates the list of strings that are currently shared.
void initSharingOnStrings(int isst) {
Integer iSst = Integer.valueOf(isst);
if (existingSstEntries.contains(iSst)) {
if (!dupeSstEntries.contains(iSst)) { // really is just a switch -doesn't track # times string is shared ...
} else {
// Optimization -- don't check UStr on add
public void setStringEncodingMode(int mode) {
* remove a Unicodestring from the table
* @param idx
void removeUnicodestring(Unicodestring str) {
this.reclen -= str.getLen();
* used when modifying existing sst entry update data + rec lens
* @param delta
* amt of adjustment
void adjustSstLength(int delta) {
this.reclen += delta;
this.datalen += delta;
* insert a new Unicodestring into the array of strings composing this
* String Table
int insertUnicodestring(Unicodestring us) {
int retpos = -1;
boolean isuni = false;
// get the existing position of this string
// but only if we're not ignoring dupes
if (this.getWorkBook().isSharedupes()) {
retpos = ((SstArrayList) stringvector).find(us); // indexOf will not
// match entire
// unicode
// string
// (including
// formatting)
if (retpos == -1) { // unicode string isn't in yet
int strlen = us.getLen();
reclen += strlen + (us.isRichString() ? 5 : 3);
datalen += strlen + (us.isRichString() ? 5 : 3);
if (isuni) {
reclen += strlen; // utf double encoding.
datalen += strlen;
retpos = this.putString(us);
} else {
// this is a duplicate string, track it!
return retpos;
* create a new unicode string from string and formatting information and
* add it to the Sst string array formatting runs, if present, contain list
* of short[] {char index, font index} where char index is start index in
* the string to apply font at font index
* @param s
* @param formattingRuns
* @return
int addUnicodestring(String s, ArrayList formattingRuns) {
Unicodestring str = createUnicodeString(s, formattingRuns,
reclen += str.getLen();
datalen += str.getLen();
retpos = this.putString(str);
return retpos;
* Create a unicode string
* @param s
* @param formattingRuns
* @return
public static Unicodestring createUnicodeString(String s,
ArrayList formattingRuns, int ENCODINGMODE) {
try {
boolean isuni = false;
isuni = ByteTools.isUnicode(s);
isuni = false;
isuni = true;
if (formattingRuns != null)
isuni = true;
byte[] charbytes = s.getBytes(XLSConstants.DEFAULTENCODING);
int strlen = charbytes.length; // .length();
byte[] strbytes = null;
// handle string sizes
if (strlen * 2 > Short.MAX_VALUE)
isuni = false; // can't fit larger than Short String length
if (strlen > (Short.MAX_VALUE - 3)) { // if strlen is greater than
// the maximum value for
// excel cells, truncate
strlen = Short.MAX_VALUE - 3; // maximum value
charbytes = new byte[strlen];
System.arraycopy(s.getBytes(XLSConstants.DEFAULTENCODING), 0,
charbytes, 0, strlen);
if (formattingRuns != null)
isuni = true;
if (isuni) { // encode string bytes
try {// if you use a string here for the encoding rather than a
// reference to a static String, performance in JDK 4.2
// will suffer. Why? Dunno, but it's bad!
charbytes = s.getBytes(WorkBook.UNICODEENCODING);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
Logger.logWarn("error encoding string: " + e
+ " with default encoding 'UnicodeLittleUnmarked'");
if (formattingRuns == null)
strbytes = new byte[charbytes.length + 3];
strbytes = new byte[charbytes.length + 5]; // need 2 extra
// bytes to
// store
// formatting
// run info
} else
strbytes = new byte[charbytes.length + 3];
// given info, create strbytes for Unicode init
int pos = 0;
int encodedlen = charbytes.length;
byte[] lenbytes = ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short) strlen);
strbytes[pos++] = lenbytes[0]; // cch bytes 0 & 1
strbytes[pos++] = lenbytes[1];
if (!isuni) {
strbytes[pos++] = (byte) 0x0; // grbit byte 2
} else {
strbytes[pos++] = (byte) 0x1; // grbit byte 2
if (formattingRuns != null) { //
strbytes[pos - 1] |= 0x8; // set Rich Text attribute
byte[] fr = ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short) formattingRuns
strbytes[pos++] = fr[0]; // # formatting runs bytes 3 & 4
strbytes[pos++] = fr[1];
System.arraycopy(charbytes, 0, strbytes, pos, encodedlen);
if (formattingRuns != null) {
// formatting runs (charindex, fontindex)*n after string data
byte[] frs = new byte[(formattingRuns.size() * 4)];
for (int i = 0; i < formattingRuns.size(); i++) {
short[] o = (short[]) formattingRuns.get(i);
byte[] charIndex = ByteTools.shortToLEBytes(o[0]);
byte[] fontIndex = ByteTools.shortToLEBytes(o[1]);
System.arraycopy(charIndex, 0, frs, (i * 4), 2);
System.arraycopy(fontIndex, 0, frs, (i * 4) + 2, 2);
// Append frs to end of strbytes
byte[] newdata = new byte[strbytes.length + frs.length];
System.arraycopy(strbytes, 0, newdata, 0, strbytes.length);
System.arraycopy(frs, 0, newdata, strbytes.length, frs.length);
strbytes = newdata;
// create a new one, set its data
Unicodestring str = new Unicodestring();
str.init(strbytes, false);
return str;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
Logger.logWarn("error encoding string: " + e.toString());
return null;
* insert a new Unicodestring into the array of strings composing this
* String Table
int insertUnicodestring(String s) {
int retpos = -1;
// get the existing position of this string
// but only if we're not ignoring dupes
if (this.getWorkBook().isSharedupes()) {
retpos = ((SstArrayList) stringvector).indexOf(s);
if (retpos > -1) {
Unicodestring str = (Unicodestring) stringvector.get(retpos);
if (str.hasFormattingRuns())
retpos = -1; // do not match if there are formatting runs
// embedded
if (retpos == -1) { // it's a new string
retpos = addUnicodestring(s, null); // add with no formatting
// information
} else {
// this is a duplicate string, track it!
return retpos;
* Determine if the isst passed in is for a duplicate string or not.
boolean isSharedString(int sstLoc) {
if (dupeSstEntries.contains(Integer.valueOf(sstLoc)))
return true;
return false;
* Return the Unicodestring at the corresponding index
Unicodestring getUStringAt(int i) {
return (Unicodestring) stringvector.get(i);
* find this unicode string (including formatting) in stringarray
* @param us
* @return
int find(Unicodestring us) {
return ((SstArrayList) stringvector).find(us);
* Returns the String vector
public List getStringVector() {
return this.stringvector;
* return the total number of strings in the SST
* @return
public int getNumTotal() {
return cstTotal;
* return the number of unique strings in the SST
* @return
public int getNumUnique() {
return cstUnique;
* return # continues
* @return
public int getNumContinues() {
return numconts;
* we need to override stream to update changes to the byte array
public void preStream() {
// For debugging purposes
public String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append("cstTotal:" + cstTotal + " cstUnique:" + cstUnique
+ " numConts:" + numconts);
for (int i = 0; i < stringvector.size(); i++) {
sb.append("\n " + stringvector.get(i));
return sb.toString();
* Override ArrayList to allow matching based on .toString. Required because
* we call ArrayList.indexOf(String) when ArrayList contains UnicodeStrings.
private class SstArrayList extends ArrayList {
* serialVersionUID
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7904551471519095640L;
private HashMap container = new HashMap();
public boolean put(Object o, Integer isst) {
container.put(((Unicodestring) o).toCachingString(), isst);
return super.add(o);
public int indexOf(Object o) {
Object oo = container.get(o.toString());
if (oo == null)
return -1;
return ((Integer) oo).intValue();
public boolean remove(Object o) {
Logger.logWarn("String being removed from SST array, Indexing may be off");
container.remove(((Unicodestring) o).toCachingString());
return super.remove(o);
* find this particular unicode string, including formatting
* @param us
* @return
public int find(Unicodestring us) {
return (super.indexOf(us));
* generate the OOXML necessary to describe this string table, also fill
* sststrings list with unique sststrings
* @param sststrings
* @return sstooxml
* @throws IOException
public void writeOOXML(Writer zip) throws IOException {
StringBuffer sstooxml = new StringBuffer();
zip.write(("<sst xmlns=\"" + OOXMLConstants.xmlns + "\" count=\""
+ cstTotal + "\" uniqueCount=\"" + cstUnique + "\">"));
for (int i = 0; i < this.getStringVector().size(); i++) {
Unicodestring us = ((Unicodestring) this.getStringVector().get(i));
ArrayList frs = us.getFormattingRuns();
String s = us.getStringVal();
s = OOXMLAdapter.stripNonAscii(s).toString();
// sststrings.add(OOXMLAdapter.stripNonAscii(s));// zip.write(s); //
// used as an index for cell values in parsing sheet ooxml
// TODO: below should be in Unicodestring as .getOOXML?
if (frs == null) { // no intra-string formattingz
if (s.indexOf(" ") == 0 || s.lastIndexOf(" ") == s.length() - 1) {
zip.write(("<t xml:space=\"preserve\">" + s + "</t>"));
} else {
zip.write(("<t>" + s + "</t>"));
} else { // have formatting runs which split up string into areas
// with separate formats applied
int begIdx = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < frs.size(); j++) {
short[] idxs = (short[]) frs.get(j);
if (idxs[0] > begIdx) { // +1!!
if (j == 0) {
zip.write("<r>"); // new rich text run
zip.write(("<t xml:space=\"preserve\">"
+ OOXMLAdapter.stripNonAscii(s.substring(
begIdx, idxs[0])) + "</t>"));
} else {
zip.write(("<t xml:space=\"preserve\">"
+ OOXMLAdapter.stripNonAscii(s.substring(
begIdx, idxs[0])) + "</t>"));
begIdx = idxs[0];
zip.write("<r>"); // new rich text run
Ss_rPr rp = Ss_rPr.createFromFont(this.getWorkBook()
if (begIdx < s.length()) // output remaining string
s = s.substring(begIdx);
s = "";
zip.write(("<t xml:space=\"preserve\">"
+ OOXMLAdapter.stripNonAscii(s) + "</t>"));
// return sstooxml.toString();
* given SharedStrings.xml OOXML inputstream, read in string and formatting
* data, if any and parse into ArrayList for later use in parseSheetOOXML
* @param bk
* WorkBookHandle
* @param ii
* InputStream
* @return String ArrayList return list of shared strings
* @see parseSheetOOXML
public static ArrayList parseOOXML(WorkBookHandle bk, InputStream ii) {
// NOTE:
// apparently can have dup entries in sharedstring.xml
// index of string links to cell value so must keep dups here
// reset after parsing
boolean shareDups = false;
if (bk.getWorkBook().isSharedupes()) {
shareDups = true;
try {
XmlPullParserFactory factory = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance();
XmlPullParser xpp = factory.newPullParser();
xpp.setInput(ii, "UTF-8"); // using XML 1.0 specification
int eventType = xpp.getEventType();
while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
if (eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
String tnm = xpp.getName();
if (tnm.equals("si")) { // parse si single string table
// entry
String s = "";
ArrayList formattingRuns = null;
while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
if (eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
if (xpp.getName().equals("rPr")) { // intra-string
// formatting
// properties
int idx = s.length(); // index into
// character string
// to apply
// formatting to
Ss_rPr rp = (Ss_rPr) Ss_rPr.parseOOXML(xpp, bk)
Font f = rp.generateFont(bk); // NOW CONVERT
// ss_rPr to
// a font!!
int fIndex = bk.getWorkBook().getFontIdx(f); // index
// for
// specific
// font
// formatting
if (fIndex == -1) // must insert new font
fIndex = bk.getWorkBook().insertFont(f) + 1;
if (formattingRuns == null)
formattingRuns = new ArrayList();
formattingRuns.add(new short[] {
Integer.valueOf(fIndex).shortValue() });
} else if (xpp.getName().equals("t")) {
* boolean bPreserve= false; if
* (xpp.getAttributeCount()>0) { if
* (xpp.getAttributeName(0).equals("space")
* &&
* xpp.getAttributeValue(0).equals("preserve"
* )) bPreserve= true; }
eventType = xpp.next();
while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT
&& eventType != XmlPullParser.END_TAG
&& eventType != XmlPullParser.TEXT) {
eventType = xpp.next();
if (eventType == XmlPullParser.TEXT) {
s += xpp.getText();
} else if (eventType == XmlPullParser.END_TAG
&& xpp.getName().equals("si")) {
.addUnicodestring(s, formattingRuns); // create
// a
// new
// unicode
// string
// with
// formatting
// runs
eventType = xpp.next();
} else if (eventType == XmlPullParser.END_TAG) {
eventType = xpp.next();
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.logErr("SST.parseXML: " + e.toString());
if (shareDups)
return (ArrayList) bk.getWorkBook().getSharedStringTable()
* Returns all strings that are in the SharedStringTable for this workbook.
* The SST contains all standard string records in cells, but may not
* include such things as strings that are contained within formulas. This
* is useful for such things as full text indexing of workbooks
* @return Strings in the workbook.
public ArrayList getAllStrings() {
ArrayList al = new ArrayList(stringvector.size());
for (int i = 0; i < stringvector.size(); i++) {
return al;
* Returns the length of this record, including the 4 header bytes
public int getLength() {
int len = super.getLength();
// if "hasGrbit" must account for additional size taken up by it
// see ContinueHandler.createSstContinues
for (int i = 0; i < sstgrbits.size() - 1; i++) {
Byte b = (Byte) sstgrbits.get(i);
if (b != null) {
byte grbyte = b.byteValue();
if ((grbyte < 0x2) && (grbyte >= 0x0)) // Sst grbit is either 0h
// or 1h, otherwise it's
// String data
return len;