Package com.extentech.formats.XLS

Source Code of com.extentech.formats.XLS.Shrfmla

* --------- BEGIN COPYRIGHT NOTICE ---------
* Copyright 2002-2012 Extentech Inc.
* Copyright 2013 Infoteria America Corp.
* This file is part of OpenXLS.
* OpenXLS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* OpenXLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with OpenXLS.  If not, see
* <>.
* ---------- END COPYRIGHT NOTICE ----------
package com.extentech.formats.XLS;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.ExcelTools;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.formulas.FormulaParser;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.formulas.GenericPtg;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.formulas.Ptg;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.formulas.PtgAreaN;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.formulas.PtgExp;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.formulas.PtgRef;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.formulas.PtgRefN;
import com.extentech.toolkit.ByteTools;
import com.extentech.toolkit.Logger;

/** SHRFMLA is a file optimization that stores many identical formulas once.
* The SHRFMLA record appears immediately after the first FORMULA record in the
* group. Each FORMULA record in the group will have fShrFmla set and will
* contain only a PtgExp pointing to the cell containing the SHRFMLA record.
* <p>
* Occasionally Excel writes a FORMULA record with fShrFmla set whose
* expression is an instantiation of the relevant shared formula instead of the
* usual PtgExp. We currently handle these by clearing fShrFmla. At some point
* in the future we will attempt to detect which shared formula is applied and
* make the cell a member of its group.
* <p>
* ExtenXLS does not currently create shared formulas or add cells to existing
* ones. Existing shared formulas will be preserved in output. Removal of
* formulas from the group is supported, including the cell currently hosting
* the SHRFMLA record. Shared formula member cells will be reference-tracked
* and recalculated properly.
* <pre>
* 0      rwFirst     2    First Row
* 2      rwLast      2    Last Row
* 4      colFirst    1    First Column
* 5      colLast     1    Last Column
* 6      (reserved)  2    pass through, zero for new
* 8      cce         2    Length of the parsed expression
* 10     rgce        cce  Parsed Expression
* </pre>
public final class Shrfmla extends XLSRecord {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -6147947203791941819L;
  private int rwFirst;
    private int rwLast;
    private int colFirst;
    private int colLast;
    private Stack expression;
    private Ptg[] ptgcache;
    private Formula host;
    /** The set of Formula records referring to this shared formula. */
    private SortedSet members = new TreeSet( new CellAddressComparator() );
    /** Whether this formula contains an indirect reference. */
    boolean containsIndirectFunction = false;
    public int getFirstRow(){
        return (int)rwFirst;
    public int getLastRow(){
        return (int)rwLast;
    public int getFirstCol(){
        return (int)colFirst;  
    public int getLastCol(){
        return (int)colLast;
     * update location upon a shift (row insertion or deletion)-- ensure member formulas cache are cleared
     * @param shiftamount
    public void updateLocation(int shiftamount, PtgRef pr) {
      // remove original reference
      if (ptgcache.length > 1) {
          // for shrfmlas which contain multiple ptgs, ensure formulas get shifted only 1x!
        if (ptgcache[0] instanceof PtgRefN) {
          if (pr.hashcode!=((PtgRefN)ptgcache[0]).getArea().hashcode)
            return// it's already been shifted
        } else {
          if (pr.hashcode!=((PtgAreaN)ptgcache[0]).getArea().hashcode)
            return// it's already been shifted
      for (int i= 0; i < ptgcache.length; i++) {
      if (ptgcache[i] instanceof PtgRefN)
      Iterator<Formula> ii= members.iterator();
      while (ii.hasNext()) {
        Formula f=;
        // also update PtgExp
        PtgExp pointer = (PtgExp) f.getExpression().get(0);
      setFirstRow(rwFirst + shiftamount);
      setLastRow(rwLast + shiftamount);
      for (int i= 0; i < ptgcache.length; i++) {
      if (ptgcache[i] instanceof PtgRefN)
    public void setFirstRow(int row) {     
      rwFirst= row;
      rw= rwFirst;
    public void setLastRow(int row) {
      rwLast= row;
    public void init()
      rwFirst = ByteTools.readUnsignedShort(this.getByteAt(0),this.getByteAt(1));
      rwLast = ByteTools.readUnsignedShort(this.getByteAt(2),this.getByteAt(3));
      colFirst = this.getByteAt(4);
      colLast = this.getByteAt(5)
      short cce = ByteTools.readShort(this.getByteAt(8), this.getByteAt(9));
      byte[] rgce = this.getBytesAt(10,cce);
      rw= rwFirst;

        } catch (Exception e) { ; }
      expression = ExpressionParser.parseExpression(rgce, this);
      if (containsIndirectFunction) {
      // Cache Relative Ptgs for quickness of access
      ArrayList<Ptg> ptgs= new ArrayList();
      for (int idx = 0; idx < expression.size(); idx++) {
        Ptg ptg = (Ptg) expression.get( idx );
        if (ptg instanceof PtgRefN){
        }else if (ptg instanceof PtgAreaN){
      ptgcache= new Ptg[ptgs.size()];
    public void preStream() {
      byte[] data = getData();
      System.arraycopy (
          ByteTools.shortToLEBytes( (short) rwFirst ), 0,
          data, 0, 2 );
      System.arraycopy (
          ByteTools.shortToLEBytes( (short) rwLast ), 0,
          data, 2, 2 );
      data[ 4 ] = (byte) colFirst;
      data[ 5 ] = (byte) colLast;
      data[ 7 ] = (byte) members.size();
      setData( data );
    boolean isInRange(String s){
      return ExcelTools.isInRange(s, rwFirst, rwLast, colFirst, colLast);   
     *  Converts an expression stack that uses relative PTGs to
     *  a standard stack for calculation
    // NOTE: now these ptgs are not reference-tracked; see ExpressionParser and PtgRefN,PtgAreaN for reference-tracking these entities
    public static Stack convertStack (Stack in, Formula f){
      Stack out = new Stack();
      for (int idx = 0; idx < in.size(); idx++) {
        Ptg ptg = (Ptg) in.get( idx );
        // convert the Ptg if necessary, otherwise clone it
        if (ptg instanceof PtgRefN){
          ptg = ((PtgRefN)ptg).convertToPtgRef(f);
        }else if (ptg instanceof PtgAreaN){
          ptg = ((PtgAreaN)ptg).convertToPtgArea(f);
        } else {
          ptg = (Ptg) ptg.clone();
            ptg.setParentRec( f );
        out.add( ptg );
      return out;
  public String toString(){
    return "Shared Formula [" + getCellRange() + "] "
        + FormulaParser.getExpressionString( expression );

  /** Gets the area where references to this shared formula may occur.
   * @return an A1-style range string
  public String getCellRange() {
    return ExcelTools.formatRange(
        new int[]{ colFirst, rwFirst, colLast, rwLast } );
    /** Sets the formula record in which this record resides.
    public void setHostCell (Formula newHost) {
      if (host != null) host.removeInternalRecord( this );
      host = newHost;
      host.addInternalRecord( this );
      rw = host.getRowNumber();
      col = host.getColNumber();
    /** Gets the formula record in which this record resides.
    public Formula getHostCell() {
      return host;
    /** Gets a {@link PtgExp} pointer to this <code>ShrFmla</code>.
     * The returned <code>PtgExp</code> points to this record at its current
     * location. If the host cell or its address changes the pointer will
     * become invalid.
    public PtgExp getPointer() {
      PtgExp pointer = new PtgExp();
    pointer.init( host.getRowNumber(), host.getColNumber() );
    return pointer;
    /** Adds a member formula to this shared formula.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if there are already 255 members
    public void addMember (Formula member) {
      if (members.size() >= 255) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
          "shared formula already has 255 members" );
      members.add( member );
      if (members.size()==1// KSC: ADDED
        setHostCell( member );
      // Only do range/host manipulation if we're not parsing
      if (!getWorkBook().getFactory().iscompleted()) return;
      // If the newly added member is the first one it must become the host
//      if (members.first() == member) setHostCell( member );  KSC: replaced with above
      int row = member.getRowNumber();
      int col = member.getColNumber();
      if (row < rwFirst) rwFirst = row;
      if (row > rwLast) rwLast = row;
      if (col < colFirst) colFirst = col;
      if (col > colLast) colLast = col;
    public void removeMember (Formula member) {
      members.remove( member );
      // If we've just removed the last member, don't bother adjusting
      // because we're about to be deleted.
      if (members.size() == 0) return;
      /* Ideally we would shrink the range to the smallest possible value,
       * but it's not actually required. Finding the column bounds is somewhat
       * expensive as it requires iterating the member list. Therefore we
       * only update the row components of the range.
      if (member.getRowNumber() == rwLast)
        rwLast = (short) ((Formula) members.last() ).getRowNumber();
      // If we're removing the host cell, choose another one
      if (member == host) {
        setHostCell( (Formula)members.first() );
        rwFirst = host.getRowNumber();
     * return all the formulas that use this Shrfmla
     * @return
    public SortedSet getMembers() { return members; }
  public Stack getStack() {
    return expression;
   * convert expression using dimensions of specific member formula
   * @param parent
   * @return
  public Stack instantiate (Formula parent) {
    return convertStack( expression, parent );
    /**Set if the formula contains Indirect()
     * @param containsIndirectFunction The containsIndirectFunction to set.
    protected void setContainsIndirectFunction(boolean containsIndirectFunction) {
        this.containsIndirectFunction = containsIndirectFunction;
   * Adds an indirect function to the list of functions to be evaluated post load
   * *
   protected void registerIndirectFunction() {
     * determine which formula in set of shared formula members is affected by cell br
     * @param br  cell
     * @return    formula which references cell
    protected Formula getAffected(BiffRec br) {
      int[] rc= new int[2];
      rc[0]= br.getRowNumber();
      rc[1]= br.getColNumber();
      Iterator<Formula> ii= members.iterator();
      boolean isExcel2007= this.getWorkBook().getIsExcel2007();
      while (ii.hasNext()) {
        Formula f=;
        int[] frc= new int[2];
          frc[0]= f.getRowNumber();
          frc[1]= f.getColNumber();
          for (int i= 0; i < ptgcache.length; i++) {
          if (ptgcache[i] instanceof PtgRefN) {
            int[] refrc= ((PtgRefN)ptgcache[i]).getRealRowCol();
            if ((refrc[0]+frc[0])==rc[0] &&
                (adjustCol(refrc[1]+frc[1], isExcel2007))==rc[1]) 
              return f;
          } else // it's a PtgAreaN
            int[] refrc= ((PtgAreaN)ptgcache[i]).getRealRowCol();
            refrc[0]+= frc[0];
            refrc[2]+= frc[1];
            refrc[1]= adjustCol(refrc[1]+frc[0], isExcel2007);
            refrc[3]= adjustCol(refrc[3]+frc[0], isExcel2007);
            if (refrc[0] <= rc[0] &&
                refrc[1] <= rc[1] &&
                refrc[2] >= rc[0] &&
                refrc[3] >= rc[1])
              return f;
      return null;
     * basic algorithm to adjust column dimensions when > MAXCOLS
     * @param c
     * @param isExcel2007
     * @return
    private int adjustCol(int c, boolean isExcel2007) {
      if (c>=MAXCOLS_BIFF8 && !isExcel2007
      return c;
    public void close() {
      if (members!=null)
      members= null;
        if (expression!=null) {
          while (!expression.isEmpty()) {
            GenericPtg p= (GenericPtg) expression.pop();
            if (p instanceof PtgRef)
              ((PtgRef) p).close();
            p= null;
        ptgcache= null;
        host= null;       
    protected void finalize() {

Related Classes of com.extentech.formats.XLS.Shrfmla

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