* --------- BEGIN COPYRIGHT NOTICE ---------
* Copyright 2002-2012 Extentech Inc.
* Copyright 2013 Infoteria America Corp.
* This file is part of OpenXLS.
* OpenXLS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* OpenXLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with OpenXLS. If not, see
* <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* ---------- END COPYRIGHT NOTICE ----------
package com.extentech.formats.XLS;
import java.util.*;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.*;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.charts.Ai;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.charts.Chart;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.formulas.*;
import com.extentech.toolkit.Logger;
/** This class is responsible for registering cell references (Ptgs) and managing
* reference updates etc.
* Here's the scenario:
* as we parse workbooks, WorkBook.addFormula() extracts all PtgRefs and
* puts them in various ReferenceTracker maps.
* as cells are inserted/and or changed, referenced cells can be updated
* after calling 'getAffectedCells'.
* TODO: retrofit all methods to use sheet_map cache
* All PtgRefs and Areas
public class ReferenceTracker {
// the sheets allow for faster refs
// each sheet contains a collection of rows.
private Map sheetMap = new HashMap();
// store ptgNames
private Map nameRefs = new HashMap();
// Database calc caches
private Map criteriaDBs = new HashMap();
private Map CollectionDBs = new HashMap();
private Map vlookups = new HashMap();
private Collection crs = new Vector();
// VLOOKUPs and other lookups need to calc col ptgs
private Map lookupColsCache = new HashMap();
public Map getLookupColCache(){
return lookupColsCache;
* @return Returns the vlookups.
public Map getVlookups() {
return vlookups;
* @return Returns the criteriaDBs.
public Map getCriteriaDBs() {
return criteriaDBs;
* @return Returns the CollectionDBs.
public Map getListDBs() {
return CollectionDBs;
/** Blow out all the cacheing
public void clearCaches() {
// Should we?
// crPtgMap = new HashMap();
// refPtgMap = new HashMap();
// Databases
criteriaDBs = new HashMap();
CollectionDBs = new HashMap();
vlookups = new HashMap();
* clear out VLOOKUP and related function caches
public void clearLookupCaches() {
lookupColsCache= new HashMap();
criteriaDBs = new HashMap();
CollectionDBs = new HashMap();
vlookups = new HashMap();
* Returns ALL formulas on the cellhandles sheet that reference this CellHandle.
* Clears the cached value on said cells so a recalc will be forced upon any getVal method
* Please note that these cells have already been calculated, so in order
* to get their values without re-calculating them
* Extentech suggests setting the book level non-calculation flag, ie
* book.setFormulaCalculationMode(WorkBookHandle.CALCULATE_EXPLICIT);
* or
* FormulaHandle.getCachedVal()
* @return Collection of of calculated cells
public synchronized Map clearAffectedFormulaCellsOnSheet(CellHandle cx, String sheetname){
HashMap hm = (HashMap)clearAffectedFormulaCells(cx);
HashMap retmap = new HashMap();
Iterator i = hm.keySet().iterator();
while(i.hasNext()) {
String s= (String)i.next();
retmap.put(s, hm.get(s));
return retmap;
* Returns a Collection Map of cells that are affected by formula
* references to this CellHandle.
* Clears the cached value on said cells and recalcs.
* Please note that these cells are calculated before return.
* To get their values without re-calculating them set the book level non-calculation flag, ie
* book.setFormulaCalculationMode(WorkBookHandle.CALCULATE_EXPLICIT);
* or
* FormulaHandle.getCachedVal()
* @return Map of calculated cells
public synchronized Map clearAffectedFormulaCells(CellHandle cx) {
return clearAffectedFormulaCells(cx.getCell(), new HashMap());
* Returns a Collection Map of cells that are affected by formula
* references to this CellHandle.
* Clears the cached value on said cells and recalcs.
* Please note that these cells are calculated before return.
* To get their values without re-calculating them set the book level non-calculation flag, ie
* book.setFormulaCalculationMode(WorkBookHandle.CALCULATE_EXPLICIT);
* or
* FormulaHandle.getCachedVal()
* @return Map of calculated cells
public synchronized Map clearAffectedFormulaCells(BiffRec cx) {
return clearAffectedFormulaCells(cx, new HashMap());
* Returns ALL formulas on the cellhandle's sheet that reference
* record changedRec.
* Clears the cached value on said cells so a recalc will be
* forced upon any getVal method
* Please note that these cells have not yet been calculated, so
* in order pass a null value of sheetname in order to get all sheets
* @return Collection of of calculated cells
private synchronized Map clearAffectedFormulaCells(BiffRec changedRec, Map affectedCellHandles) {
affectedCellHandles = new HashMap();
String newRecSheetName = changedRec.getSheet().getSheetName();
// get ref collection for the sheet
TrackedPtgs ptgRefs= (TrackedPtgs)sheetMap.get(GenericPtg.qualifySheetname(newRecSheetName)); // now tracked ptgs are stored per sheet
if (ptgRefs==null) return affectedCellHandles;
Iterator parents= ptgRefs.getParents(changedRec); // finds ALL parents affected by cell newRec
while(parents.hasNext()) {
BiffRec br = (BiffRec) parents.next();
short op= br.getOpcode();
if(op == XLSRecord.NAME){
String theName = ((Name)br).getNameA();
if (nameRefs.containsKey(theName)){
// add all formulas that refer
ArrayList list = (ArrayList)(nameRefs.get(theName)); // gets the ptgname
for (int i=0;i<list.size();i++) {
BiffRec ptgParent = ((Ptg)list.get(i)).getParentRec();
if (ptgParent.getOpcode()==XLSConstants.NAME)
continue; // a Named Range referencing another named range ... will be caught later
String adr = ptgParent.getSheet().getSheetName()+"!" +ptgParent.getCellAddress();
if(affectedCellHandles.get(adr)==null) {
ReferenceTracker.addRec(ptgParent, affectedCellHandles);
affectedCellHandles = (HashMap) clearAffectedFormulaCells(ptgParent,affectedCellHandles); // recurse parent formula and get cells it affects
} else if (op==XLSConstants.CONDFMT ||
op==XLSConstants.AI) { // ignore since these records are not themselves referenced
} else if (op==XLSConstants.SHRFMLA) { // Shared Formula references are now reference-tracked; to find specific formula affected, use Shrfmla.getAffected
Shrfmla sh= (Shrfmla) br;
Formula f= sh.getAffected(changedRec);
if (f!=null) {
String adr = f.getSheet().getSheetName()+"!" +f.getCellAddress();
if(!affectedCellHandles.containsKey(adr)) {
ReferenceTracker.addRec(f, affectedCellHandles);
affectedCellHandles = (HashMap) clearAffectedFormulaCells(f,affectedCellHandles); // recurse parent formula and get cells it affects
} else { // regular Formula
if (br.getSheet()!=null) {
String adr = br.getSheet().getSheetName()+"!" +br.getCellAddress();
if(!affectedCellHandles.containsKey(adr)) {
ReferenceTracker.addRec(br, affectedCellHandles);
affectedCellHandles = (HashMap) clearAffectedFormulaCells(br,affectedCellHandles); // recurse parent formula and get cells it affects
} // ignore no sheet
return affectedCellHandles;
* retrieve all chart-related (==Ai) references to the particular cell
* @param newRec cell to lookup references
* @return list of Ai records that reference cell
public List<Ai> getChartReferences(BiffRec newRec) {
String newRecSheetName = newRec.getSheet().getSheetName();
ArrayList<Ai> ret= new ArrayList();
// get ref collection for the sheet
TrackedPtgs ptgRefs= (TrackedPtgs)sheetMap.get(GenericPtg.qualifySheetname(newRecSheetName)); // now tracked ptgs are stored per sheet
if (ptgRefs==null) return ret;
Iterator parents= ptgRefs.getParents(newRec); // finds ALL parents affected by cell newRec
while(parents.hasNext()) {
BiffRec br = (BiffRec) parents.next();
short op= br.getOpcode();
if (op==XLSConstants.AI)
ret.add((Ai) br);
return ret;
* Add to the collection of PtgNames for referenceTracker
public void addPtgNameReference(PtgName p) {
String name = p.getTextString().toUpperCase(); // case-insensitive
Object refs = nameRefs.get(name);
if(refs==null) {
refs = new ArrayList();
nameRefs.put(name, refs);
}else {
ArrayList ptgNames = (ArrayList) refs;
if (!ptgNames.contains(p))ptgNames.add(p);
* Add a cell to the Collection of afected cell handles
* @param celly
private static void addRec(BiffRec celly, Map affectedCellHandles) {
String address = celly.getSheet().getSheetName()+"!" +celly.getCellAddress();
affectedCellHandles.put(address, celly);
// add the new val to the reftracker and clear any cached
// formula vals pointing to it, but do not recalc them
// yes get rid of them all...
try {
}catch(ClassCastException e) {};
/** adds a cellrange Ptg (Area, Area3d etc.) to be tracked
* These records are stored in a row based lookup,
* this row map is looked up off actual row number, ie row 1 is get(1).
* @param cr
* @return
public Ptg addCellRange(Ptg ptgRef) {
// system setting to disable ref tracking...
String trackprop = System.getProperty(WorkBookHandle.REFTRACK_PROP);
if(trackprop != null)
return ptgRef;
if(!(ptgRef instanceof PtgRef))
return ptgRef;
if (ptgRef instanceof PtgAreaErr3d || ptgRef instanceof PtgRefErr3d || ptgRef instanceof PtgRefErr)
return ptgRef;
String sheetname = ""; try {
sheetname = ((PtgRef)ptgRef).getSheetName();
sheetname = GenericPtg.qualifySheetname(sheetname);
}catch(Exception ex){
sheetname = "WorkBookRanges";
// fast fail erroneous Sheet refs
return ptgRef;
TrackedPtgs ptgs= (TrackedPtgs)sheetMap.get(sheetname); // now tracked ptgs are stored per sheet not per row
if (ptgs==null) {
ptgs= new TrackedPtgs(new LocationComparer());
sheetMap.put(sheetname, ptgs);
if(!ptgs.contains(ptgRef)) // **no duplicates allowed** (matches on location+parent rec)
} catch (Exception e) {
return ptgRef;
* Clears out the cached location of ptgrefs in the target
* sheet. This is required for copied worksheets with ptgrefs
* contained internally
* @param targetSheet
public void clearPtgLocationCaches(String targetSheet) {
try {
targetSheet = GenericPtg.qualifySheetname(targetSheet);
Iterator ptgs= ((TrackedPtgs)sheetMap.get(targetSheet)).values().iterator();
// Iterator ptgs= ((TrackedPtgs) sheetMap.get(targetSheet)).iterator();
while (ptgs.hasNext()) {
PtgRef p = (PtgRef)ptgs.next();
} catch (Exception ex) {
} catch (Exception e) {
/** removes a cellrange Ptg (Area, Area3d etc.) to be tracked
* @param cr
public void removeCellRange(Ptg cr) {
if(!(cr instanceof PtgRef)){
String sheetname = "";
sheetname = ((PtgRef)cr).getSheetName();
sheetname = GenericPtg.qualifySheetname(sheetname);
}catch(Exception ex){
sheetname = "WorkBookRanges";
TrackedPtgs ptgs= (TrackedPtgs)sheetMap.get(sheetname);
if (ptgs!=null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
// this is common and not a problem normally - then we won't report a warning
//Logger.logWarn("ReferenceTracker.removeCellRange failed for: " + cr.toString() +":"+ e);
/** updates the tracked ptg by using a new parent record
* @param pr original ptg contained in tracker
* @param parent new parent record of ptg
public void updateInRefTracker(PtgRef pr, XLSRecord parent) {
if (pr instanceof PtgRefErr || pr instanceof PtgRefErr3d)
String sheetname = "";
sheetname = ((PtgRef)pr).getSheetName();
sheetname = GenericPtg.qualifySheetname(sheetname);
}catch(Exception ex){
sheetname = "WorkBookRanges";
TrackedPtgs ptgs= (TrackedPtgs)sheetMap.get(sheetname);
if (ptgs!=null) {
ptgs.update(pr, parent);
} catch (Exception e) {
// this is common and not a problem normally - then we won't report a warning
//Logger.logWarn("ReferenceTracker.removeCellRange failed for: " + cr.toString() +":"+ e);
/** Returns an Array of the CellRanges existing in this WorkBook
* specifically the Ranges referenced in Formulas, Charts, and
* Named Ranges.
* This is necessary to allow for automatic updating of references
* when adding/removing/moving Cells within these ranges, as well
* as shifting references to Cells in Formulas when Formula records
* are moved.
* @return all existing Cell Range references used in Formulas, Charts, and Names
public CellRange[] getCellRanges(){
CellRange[] ret = new CellRange[this.crs.size()];
return (CellRange[]) crs.toArray(ret);
* updateReferences
* Shifts, Expands or Contracts ALL affected ranges upon a row or col insert or delete.
* This will eventually eliminate the need for subequent
* shifting done in moveFormulaCellReferences]
* this will move the entire range down if range first row > startrow
* it will expand the range if range first row <= startrow and range second row <= startrow
* @param start 0-based start row
* @param shift shift amount can be + or -
* @param thissheet
* @param shiftRow true if shifting rows (false for columns)
public static void updateReferences(int start, int shiftamount, Boundsheet thissheet, boolean shiftRow){
// shift is 0-based, so that references to row shiftrow-1 and up are shifted
// claritas is different, 1-based + shifts shiftrow+1 hence shiftInclusive setting
// NOTE: shared formula references are the only ones that are NOT shifted via
// updateReferences since PtgRefN and PtgAreaN's are NOT included in the
// referenceTracker collection
boolean shiftInclusive= thissheet.isShiftInclusive(); // claritas-specific setting which directs us to expand ranges rather than shift when start of range==start
boolean isExcel2008= thissheet.getWorkBook().getIsExcel2007(); // limits are different between BIFF8 and Excel 2007
if (shiftInclusive) start++; // make 1-based
HashSet updated= new HashSet(); // tracks which Ptgs have been already updated
String sheetname= GenericPtg.qualifySheetname(thissheet.getSheetName());
TrackedPtgs trackedptgs= (TrackedPtgs) thissheet.getWorkBook().getRefTracker().sheetMap.get(sheetname);
if (trackedptgs==null || trackedptgs.size()==0) return;
Object[] ptgs= null;
ptgs= trackedptgs.toArray();
int i= (shiftamount>0?ptgs.length-1:0);
int end= (shiftamount>0?0:ptgs.length);
int inc= (shiftamount>0?-1:+1);
boolean done= false;
while (!done) {
Ptg p= (Ptg) ptgs[i];
// skip these
if (p instanceof PtgRefErr || p instanceof PtgRefErr3d) // these shouldn't be in the reference tracker ...
PtgRef pr= (PtgRef) p;
if (!updated.contains(pr)) {
String sht;
try {
sht= pr.getSheetName();
} catch (Exception e) { // shouldn't happen
Logger.logErr("ReferenceTracker.updateReferences: Error in Formula Reference Location: " + e.toString());
sht= GenericPtg.qualifySheetname(sht);
if (sheetname.equals(sht)) {
if (shiftPtg(pr, sht, start, shiftamount, isExcel2008, shiftRow)) {
updated.add(pr); // record which has already been updated to avoid incorrect expansion or movement
if (shiftamount>0)
done= (i<0);
done= (i==ptgs.length);
// also update merged ranges which fall within range
if (thissheet.hasMergedCells()) {
// update mergedcells first, as they may grow in record size and are not handled by continues.
Iterator itx = thissheet.getMergedCellsRecs().iterator();
Mergedcells mrg = (Mergedcells)itx.next();
CellRange[] rngs= mrg.getMergedRanges();
for(int j= 0; j < rngs.length; j++) {
try {
int[] rc= rngs[j].getRangeCoords();
rc[0]--; rc[2]--; // 1-based ...?
boolean isRange= (rc.length>2);
boolean bUpdated= false;
if(shiftRow) {
if (rc[0]>=start) { // shift
if (isRange)
bUpdated= true;
} else if (isRange && rc[2]>=start) { // expand
bUpdated= true;
if (bUpdated) {
String newrange= thissheet + "!" + ExcelTools.formatLocation(rc);
} catch (CellNotFoundException e) {
* given a PtgRef, shifts correctly given start (row or col), shiftamount (+ or - 1) and truth of "shiftRow"
* @param ptgref = the ptgref to move
* @param sht = the sheet in which the ptgref resides
* @param start = Start row for shifting - This is a 0 based value
* @param shiftamount = amount to shift the ptgref
* @param isExcel2007 true if use Excel-2007 maximums
* @param shiftRow = ?
* @return true if updated PtgRef location
public static boolean shiftPtg(PtgRef ptgref, String sht, int start, int shiftamount, boolean isExcel2007, boolean shiftRow) {
int[] rc;
int iParent= ptgref.getParentRec().getOpcode();
boolean isNamedRange= (iParent==XLSConstants.NAME);
boolean isAi= (iParent==XLSConstants.AI);
boolean isShared= (iParent==XLSConstants.SHRFMLA);
try {
rc= ptgref.getIntLocation();
} catch(Exception e) { // shouldn't happen!
if (!(ptgref instanceof PtgAreaErr3d)) // if it's not already an error Ptg report error
Logger.logErr("ReferenceTracker.shiftPtg: Error in Formula Reference Location: " + e.toString());
return false;
boolean isRange= (rc.length>2);
boolean bUpdated= false;
if(shiftRow) {
if (!isNamedRange && !isAi
&& !ptgref.isRowRel()) return false; // if absolute don't shift (except for names and ai/charting refs, which should expand or shift in all cases)
if ((rc[0]+1)==start && isRange) { // expand don't shift
if (isAi && rc[1]!=rc[3]) // Series in ROWS get shifted, not expanded ...
bUpdated= true;
} else if ((rc[0]+1)>=start) { // shift
if (isRange)
bUpdated= true;
} else if (isRange && (rc[2]+1)>=start) { // expand
if (isAi && rc[1]!=rc[3]) // Series in ROWS get shifted, not expanded ...
bUpdated= true;
// SHIFTING EXCEPTION: if the parent formula cell is located ON the shifting row, do not shift
if (bUpdated && iParent==XLSConstants.FORMULA && ptgref.getParentRec().getRowNumber()==start-1) {
bUpdated= false;
}else { // deal with columns in same way as above
if (!isNamedRange && !isAi
&& !ptgref.isColRel()) return false; // if absolute don't shift (except for names and ai/charting refs, which should expand or shift in all cases)
if (isRange)
bUpdated= true;
} else if (isRange && (rc[3]+1)>=start) {
bUpdated= true;
if (bUpdated) {
// deal with limits
if (isExcel2007) {
if (rc[0]>=XLSConstants.MAXROWS)
rc[0]= XLSConstants.MAXROWS-1;
if (isRange && rc[2]>=XLSConstants.MAXROWS)
rc[2]= XLSConstants.MAXROWS-1;
} else {
if (rc[0]>=XLSConstants.MAXROWS_BIFF8)
rc[0]= XLSConstants.MAXROWS_BIFF8-1;
if (isRange && rc[2]>=XLSConstants.MAXROWS_BIFF8)
rc[2]= XLSConstants.MAXROWS_BIFF8-1;
String newaddr= ExcelTools.formatLocation(rc, ptgref.isRowRel(), ptgref.isColRel());
if (isRange && newaddr.indexOf(":")==-1) // handle special case of SHOULD be a range but 1st and last match
newaddr= newaddr + ":" + newaddr;
newaddr= sht + "!" + newaddr;
if (!isAi && !isShared) {
ptgref.setLocation(newaddr); // should update ref tracker (remove and add new) appropriately
if (isNamedRange) {
// find formula references to the named range -- contained in reftracker.nameRefs
ReferenceTracker rt= ptgref.getParentRec().getWorkBook().getRefTracker();
String theName = ((Name)ptgref.getParentRec()).getNameA();
if (rt.nameRefs.containsKey(theName)){
// add all formulas that refer
ArrayList list = (ArrayList)(rt.nameRefs.get(theName)); // gets the ptgname
for (int i=0;i<list.size();i++) {
BiffRec ptgParent = ((Ptg)list.get(i)).getParentRec();
if (ptgParent.getOpcode()==XLSConstants.NAME)
continue; // a Named Range referencing another named range ... will be caught later
rt.clearAffectedFormulaCells(ptgParent); // recurse parent formula and get cells it affects
} else if (iParent==XLSConstants.CONDFMT)
((Condfmt) ptgref.getParentRec()).setDirty(); // flag to rebuild record
else if (isShared) {
((Shrfmla) ptgref.getParentRec()).updateLocation(shiftamount, ptgref);
else { // Ai (chart) reference
((Ai) ptgref.getParentRec()).changeAiLocation(ptgref, newaddr);
}catch(Exception e){
Logger.logInfo("ReferenceTracker.shiftPtg: Shifting Formula Reference failed: " + e.toString());
return bUpdated;
* insert chart series upon an insert row
* called by WSH.shiftRow
* if series are row-based
public static void insertChartSeries(Chart c, String sht, int rownum) {
int[] rc;
PtgRef pr= null;
String cursheet;
boolean inserted= false;
HashMap seriesmap= c.getSeriesPtgs();
Iterator ii= seriesmap.keySet().iterator();
while (ii.hasNext() && !inserted) {
com.extentech.formats.XLS.charts.Series s= ( com.extentech.formats.XLS.charts.Series) ii.next();
Ptg[] ptgs= (Ptg[])seriesmap.get(s);
for (int i= 0; i < ptgs.length; i++) {
try {
pr= (PtgRef) ptgs[i];
cursheet= pr.getSheetName();
rc= pr.getIntLocation();
} catch(Exception e) { // shouldn't happen unless it's a PtgErr-type
if (sht.equalsIgnoreCase(cursheet)) { // if series are in rows, if existing series fall within inserted row, add new series
if (rc[0]==rownum) { // already shifted ai range matches inserted row; take shifted range, shift backwards to get desired range to insert
boolean isRange= (rc.length>2);
if (isRange)
// Adjust Series/Values Rane
String newseries= ExcelTools.formatLocation(rc, pr.isRowRel(), pr.isColRel());
if (isRange && newseries.indexOf(":")==-1) // handle special case of SHOULD be a range but 1st and last match
newseries= newseries + ":" + newseries;
newseries= sht+ "!" + newseries;
// Adjust Legend Range
Ai legend= s.getLegendAi();
rc= ExcelTools.getRowColFromString(legend.getDefinition());
if (rc[0]==rownum)
String legendRange= ExcelTools.formatLocation(rc);
// Adjust Bubble Range if present
Ai bubble= s.getBubbleValueAi();
String bubbleRange= "";
if (bubble!=null && !bubble.getDefinition().equals("")) {
rc= ExcelTools.getRowColFromString(bubble.getDefinition());
if (rc[0]==rownum)
if (rc.length>2)
bubbleRange= ExcelTools.formatLocation(rc);
// Get Category range but don't alter
String categoryRange= s.getCategoryValueAi().getDefinition(); // category shouldn't shift
c.addSeries(newseries, categoryRange, bubbleRange, legendRange, "", 0); // 0= default chart
inserted= true;
/** Update the address in a Ptg using the policy defined for the Ptg in an RDF if any.
* called by changeFormulaLocation, addCellToRange
* @param thisptg
* @param newaddr
public static void updateAddressPerPolicy(Ptg thisptg, String newaddr){
int pl = thisptg.getLocationPolicy();
// Logger.logInfo("ReferenceTracker.updateAddressPerPolicy called.");
// if this ptg has not been locked, update it
Formula formula = (Formula) thisptg.getParentRec();
formula.replacePtg(thisptg, new PtgErr(PtgErr.ERROR_REF));
// this ptg tracks the cell that belongs to it...
// do nothing
// }
/** IF the newly inserted cell is a Formula, we need to update its cell range(s)
* called by shiftRow
* @param copycell
* @param oldaddr
* @param newaddr
* @param rownum
* @param shiftRow true if shifting rows and not columns
* @throws Exception
* @see WorkSheetHandle.shiftRow
public static void adjustFormulaRefs(
CellHandle newcell,
int newrownum,
int offset,
boolean shiftRow)
throws Exception{
try {
String sheet= newcell.getWorkSheetName();
boolean isExcel2007= newcell.getWorkBook().getWorkBook().getIsExcel2007();
Ptg[] locptgs = newcell.getFormulaHandle().getFormulaRec().getCellRangePtgs();
for(int t=0;t<locptgs.length;t++){
if (locptgs[t] instanceof PtgRef) {
PtgRef pr= (PtgRef) locptgs[t];
shiftPtg(pr, sheet, newrownum, offset, isExcel2007, shiftRow);
}catch(FormulaNotFoundException e) {
* clear out object references in prep for closing workbook
public void close() {
sheetMap = new HashMap();
nameRefs = new HashMap();
// Database calc caches
criteriaDBs = new HashMap();
CollectionDBs = new HashMap();
vlookups = new HashMap();
crs = new Vector();
lookupColsCache = new HashMap();
* TrackedPtgs is a TreeMap override specific for PtgRefs to compare them more completely
* (via location + parent-rec ...)
* Each PtgRef is identified via a hashcode created from it's row/column (or row/column pairs for a PtgArea)
* In this way a given PtgRef can be determined whether it is contained already, can be removed, updated and
* it's parent records gathered in an efficient way.
* TrackedPtgs must be instantiated with the custom Comparitor LocationComparer as:
* new TrackedPtgs(new LocationComparer())
* LocationComparer will return the correct compare for a PtgRef object, based upon it's location and parent record, in other words
* PtgRef-A == PtgRef-B when both the location and the parent records are equal.
class TrackedPtgs extends TreeMap {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
static final long SECONDPTGFACTOR= (((long)XLSRecord.MAXCOLS + (long)XLSRecord.MAXROWS*XLSRecord.MAXCOLS));
* set the custom Comparitor for tracked Ptgs
* Tracked Ptgs are referened by a unique key that is based upon it's location and it's parent record
* @param c
public TrackedPtgs(Comparator c) {
* single access point for unique key creation from a ptg location and the ptg's parent
* would be so much cleaner without the double precision issues ... sigh
* @param o
* @return
private Object getKey(Object o) throws IllegalArgumentException {
long loc= ((PtgRef) o).hashcode;
if (loc==-1) // may happen on a referr (should have been caught earlier) or if not initialized yet
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
long ploc= ((PtgRef) o).getParentRec().hashCode();
return new long[] {loc, ploc};
* access point for unique key creation from separate identities
* @param loc -- location key for a ptgref
* @param ploc -- location key for a parent rec
* @return Object key
private Object getKey(long loc, long ploc) {
return new long[] {loc, ploc};
* override of add to record ptg location hash + parent has for later lookups
public boolean add(Object o){
try {
super.put(this.getKey(o), o);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // SHOULD NOT HAPPEN -- happens upon RefErrs but they shouldnt be added ...
// TESTING: report error
// System.err.println("Illegal PtgRef Location: " + o.toString());
return true;
* override of the contains method to look up ptg location + parent record via hashcode
* to see if it is already contained within the store
public boolean contains(Object o) {
if (super.containsKey(getKey(o)))
return true;
return false;
* returns EVERY parent that references the cell "cell"
* @param cell
* @return iterator of biffrec parents of cell
// attempt to avoid concurrentmod exception by generating arrays, but doesn't work
// public Object[] getParents(BiffRec cell) {
public Iterator getParents(BiffRec cell) {
ArrayList parents= new ArrayList();
int[] rc= {cell.getRowNumber(), cell.getColNumber()};
long loc= PtgRef.getHashCode(rc[0], rc[1]); // get location in hashcode notation
// first see if have tracked ptgs at the test location -- match all regardless of parent rec ...
Object key;
Map m= Collections.synchronizedMap(this.subMap(getKey(loc, 0), getKey(loc+1, 0))); // +1 for max parent
if (m!=null && m.size()>0) {
Iterator ii= m.keySet().iterator();
while (ii.hasNext()) {
key= ii.next();
long testkey= ((long[]) key)[0];
/* Object[] keys= m.keySet().toArray();
for (int i= 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
long testkey= ((long[])keys[i])[0];*/
if (testkey==loc) { // longs to remove parent hashcode portion of double
// parents.add(((PtgRef)this.get(keys[i])).getParentRec());
//System.out.print(": Found ptg" + this.get((Integer)locs.get(key)));
} else
break; // shouldn't hit here
// now see if test cell falls into any areas
m= Collections.synchronizedMap(this.tailMap(getKey(SECONDPTGFACTOR, 0))); // NOW GET ALL PTGAREAS ...
if (m!=null) {
synchronized (m.keySet()) {
Iterator ii= m.keySet().iterator();
while (ii.hasNext()) {
key= ii.next();
long testkey= ((long[]) key)[0];
/* Object[] keys= m.keySet().toArray();
for (int i= 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
long testkey= ((long[])keys[i])[0];*/
double firstkey= testkey / SECONDPTGFACTOR;
double secondkey= (testkey % SECONDPTGFACTOR);
if ((long)firstkey <= (long)loc && (long)secondkey >= (long)loc) {
int col0= (int)firstkey%XLSRecord.MAXCOLS;
int col1= (int)secondkey%XLSRecord.MAXCOLS;
int rw0= ((int) (firstkey/XLSRecord.MAXCOLS))-1;
int rw1= ((int) (secondkey/XLSRecord.MAXCOLS))-1;
if (this.isaffected(rc, new int[] {rw0, col0, rw1, col1})) {
// parents.add(((PtgRef)this.get(keys[i])).getParentRec());
} else if (firstkey > loc) // we're done
// return parents.toArray(); //iterator();
return parents.iterator();
* returns true if cell coordinates are contained within the area coordinates
* @param cellrc
* @param arearc
* @return
private boolean isaffected(int[] cellrc, int[] arearc) {
if(cellrc[0] < arearc[0])return false; // row above the first ref row?
if(cellrc[0] > arearc[2])return false; // row after the last ref row?
if(cellrc[1] < arearc[1])return false; // col before the first ref col?
if(cellrc[1] > arearc[3])return false; // col after the last ref col?
return true;
* remove this PtgRef object via it's key
synchronized public Object remove(Object o) {
return super.remove(getKey(o));
* update the location key for this PtgRef based upon a new parent record
* @param o ptgref object
* @param parent parent of ptgref
public void update(Object o, XLSRecord parent) {
try {
long newloc= parent.hashCode();
this.put(getKey(((PtgRef)o).hashcode, newloc), o);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// TESTING: report error
//System.err.println("Illegal PtgRef Location: " + o.toString());
public Object[] toArray(){
return this.values().toArray();
* avoid double comparisons by converting double value to long
* @param value
* @return
* NOTE: doesn't work in all cases -- shelve for now
private long hashCode(long location, double parentlocation) {
long bits = Double.doubleToLongBits(location+parentlocation);
return (long)(bits ^ (bits >>> 32));
* custom comparitor which compares keys for TrackerPtgs
* consisting of a long ptg location hash, long parent record hashcode
class LocationComparer implements Comparator {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
long[] key1= (long[])o1;
long[] key2= (long[])o2;
if (key1[0] < key2[0]) return -1;
if (key1[0] > key2[0]) return 1;
if (key1[0]==key2[0]) {
if (key1[1]==key2[1]) return 0; // equals
if (key1[1] < key2[1]) return -1;
if (key1[1] > key2[1]) return 1;
return -1;