* --------- BEGIN COPYRIGHT NOTICE ---------
* Copyright 2002-2012 Extentech Inc.
* Copyright 2013 Infoteria America Corp.
* This file is part of OpenXLS.
* OpenXLS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* OpenXLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with OpenXLS. If not, see
* <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* ---------- END COPYRIGHT NOTICE ----------
package com.extentech.formats.XLS;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.AbstractList;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.CellHandle;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.CellRange;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.charts.Chart;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.charts.OOXMLChart;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.ChartHandle;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.CommentHandle;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.ExcelTools;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.FormatHandle;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.FormulaHandle;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.ImageHandle;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.RowHandle;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.WorkBookHandle;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.WorkSheetHandle;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.Border;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.Dxf;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.Fill;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.NumFmt;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.OOXMLConstants;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.OneCellAnchor;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.SheetView;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.TwoCellAnchor;
import com.extentech.toolkit.Logger;
import com.extentech.toolkit.StringTool;
import com.extentech.toolkit.TempFileManager;
* Breaking out functionality for writing out of OOXMLAdapter
public class OOXMLWriter extends OOXMLAdapter implements OOXMLConstants {
* generates OOXML for a workbook (see specification above)
* Creates the ZIP file and writes all files into proper directory structure re: OPC
* @param workbook
* @param out outputStream used by ZipOutputStream
* @throws IOException
public void getOOXML(WorkBookHandle bk, OutputStream out) throws IOException {
// clear out ArrayLists ContentLists
mainContentList= new ArrayList(); // main .rels
wbContentList= new ArrayList(); // workbook.xml.rels
drContentList= new ArrayList(); // drawingX.xml.rels
shContentList= new ArrayList(); // sheetX.xml.rels
sheetsContentList= new ArrayList(); // total contents of each sheet
vmlId= 0; // reset ordinal id's for external refs
drawingId= 0;
commentsId= 0;
activeXId= 0;
activeXBinaryId= 0;
printerSettingsId= 0;
oleObjectsId= 0;
chartId= 0;
imgId= 0;
// create XLSX zip file from OutputStream
zip = new ZipOutputStream(out);
// Wrap the ZipOutputStream in a Writer to handle character encoding
// setting encoding is important when input encoding is not utf8; writing to utf8 will convert (for example, format strings in styles.xml ...)
writer = new OutputStreamWriter( zip, inputEncoding); //"UTF-8" );
// retrive external directory used to store passthrough files
externalDir= getTempDir(bk.getWorkBook().getFactory().getFileName());
// writeOOXML files to zip
// write main .rels file
writeRels(mainContentList, "_rels/.rels"); // TODO: if have doc properties, must add to .rels
// write [Content_Types].xml
// write out the defferred files to the zip
if (zip!=null) {
if (!bk.getWorkBook().getFactory().getFileName().endsWith(".tmp"))
deleteDir(new File(externalDir));
zip = null;
* write the deferred files to the zipfile
* @throws IOException
protected void writeDeferredFiles() throws IOException{
Iterator its = deferredFiles.keySet().iterator();
String k = its.next().toString();
String fx = (String)deferredFiles.get(k);
File fdel = new File(fx);
* handle Sheet-level External References that are pass-throughs and NOT
* recreated on output: control (activeX), printerSettings, oleObjects
* Fairly complicated and klugdy ((:
* @param type
* @param externalOOXML
* List is in format of: [0]= type, [1]= pass-through filename,
* [2] original filename, [3] original rid [, [4]= Extra info, if
* any, [5]= Embedded files, if any]]
* @return
private void writeSheetLevelExternalReferenceOOXML(Writer out,
String type, List externalOOXML) {
ArrayList refs = getExternalRefType(type, externalOOXML); // do we have any of the specific type of references?
* because the following methods all write files to the zip it causes
* problems with the current zipentry.
* for this reason, we must return the file for later writing, after the
* current zipentry is closed (aka: sheet1.xml)
if (refs.size() > 0) { // got something
StringBuffer ooxml = new StringBuffer();
int rId = -1;
try {
if (type.equals("oleObject")) {
ooxml.append(writeExOOMXLElement("oleObject", refs, false));
} else if (type.equals("activeX")) {
ooxml.append(writeExOOMXLElement("control", refs, false));
} else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("printerSettings")) { // TODO: also: orientation, horizontalDPI
ooxml.append(writeExOOMXLElement("pageSetup", refs, true));
} else { // TESTING - remove when done!
// *********************************************************************
Logger.logWarn("Unknown External Type " + type);
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.logErr("OOXMLWriter.writeSheetLevelExternalReferenceOOXML: " + e.toString());
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
* search through list of external objects to retrieve those associated with the desired type
* @param type
* @param externalOOXML List of previously saved external Objects
* @return
private ArrayList getExternalRefType(String type, List externalOOXML) {
ArrayList refs= new ArrayList();
for (int i= 0; i < externalOOXML.size(); i++) {
String[] s= (String[]) externalOOXML.get(i);
if (s!=null && s.length>=0) { // id, dir, filename, rId [, extra info [, embedded file info]]
if (s[0].equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { // got one
return refs;
* most OOXML objects external to workbook are handled here
* (NOTE: External objects linked to sheets are handled elsewhere)
* Eventually many of these will (docprops, etc) be created by ExtenXLS
* @param bk
* @throws IOException
private void writeExternalOOXML(WorkBookHandle bk) throws IOException {
List externalOOXML= bk.getWorkBook().getOOXMLObjects();
for (int i= 0; i < externalOOXML.size(); i++) {
String[] s= (String[]) externalOOXML.get(i);
if (s!=null && s.length>=3) { // id, dir, filename, rid, [extra info], [embedded information]
String type= s[EX_TYPE];
if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("props") ||
type.equals("exprops") ||
type.equals("custprops") ||
type.equals("connections") ||
/* type.equals("calc") || 20081122 KSC: Skip calcChain for now as will error if problems with formulas*/
type.equals("externalLink") ||
type.equals("theme") ||
type.equals("vba")) {
if (type.equals("props") || type.equals("exprops"))
writeExOOXMLFile(s, mainContentList);
writeExOOXMLFile(s, wbContentList);
* given an external reference String array, parse, obtaining embedded files if present, then writing correct .rels + master file to ZIP
* also adds master file to ContentList for later inclusion in corresponding .rels
* @param String[] external reference String[] { EX_TYPE, EX_PATH, EX_FNAME, (rid)[ , EX_EXTRAINFO [, EX_EMBEDINFO]]
* @param ArrayList contentList
* @return rId int one-based position in contentList for this reference
* @throws IOException
private int writeExOOXMLFile(String[] s, ArrayList contentList) throws IOException {
String p= s[EX_PATH];
String f= s[EX_FNAME];
int rId= -1;
File finx = new File(f);
if (finx.exists()) { // external object hasn't already been input into zip
String fname= getExOOXMLFileName(f);
if (s.length > EX_EMBEDINFO) { // then linked to external files must copy and account for
ArrayList cl= new ArrayList();
String[] embeds= StringTool.splitString(s[EX_EMBEDINFO].substring(1, s[EX_EMBEDINFO].length()-1), ",");
if (embeds!=null) { // EMBEDINFO as: type/path/filename these are usually activeXBinary
for (int i= 0; i < embeds.length; i++) {
String pp= embeds[i].trim(); // original path + filename
String typ= pp.substring(0, pp.indexOf("/"));
pp= pp.substring(pp.indexOf("/") + 1);
String pth= pp.substring(0, pp.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
pp= pp.substring(pp.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
String ff= pp;
if (!typ.equals("externalLinkPath")) { // retrieve embeds (previously stored in externaldir)
// ensure correct filename and write out to zip,
// storing embed info in content list for for .rels
ff= getExOOXMLFileName(pp); // ensure proper ordinal number for filename, if necessary
deferredFiles.put(pth + ff,externalDir+pp); // file on disk= externalDir + pp, desired filename in zip= pth+ff
cl.add(new String[] {"/" + pth + ff, typ});
sheetsContentList.addAll(cl); // most embeds need to be written to main content list
} // TODO: externalBooks do not write embeds; other types of external links??? dde, ole ...?
else { // externalLinkPath - exception to the rule - should only be added to wb content list
cl.add(new String[] {"/" + pth + ff, typ});
writeRels(cl, p + "_rels/" + fname + ".rels");
deferredFiles.put(p + fname, f); // file in zip: p+ fname, file on disk= f (in externalDir)
contentList.add(new String[] {"/" + p + fname, s[EX_TYPE]});
// remove original external filename from disk and map new name on zip to avoid dups
rId= contentList.size();
return rId;
* given an ArrayList containing external reference String arrays, parse, obtaining embedded files if present, then writing correct .rels + master file to ZIP
* also adds master file to shContentList for later inclusion in sheetX.xml.rels
* Also generates proper OOXML for element, linking r:id in SheetX.xml to r:id in Sheet.X.xml.rels
* @param xmlElement String root XMLElement, if !onlyOne, adds a root + "s" e.g. controls or oleObjects
* @param refs ArrayList containing list of external reference String[] { EX_TYPE, EX_PATH, EX_FNAME, (rid)[ , EX_EXTRAINFO [, EX_EMBEDINFO]]
* @param onlyOne if true, doesn't add root "s" element
* @return OOXML defining this element
* @throws IOException
private String writeExOOMXLElement(String xmlElement, ArrayList refs, boolean onlyOne) throws IOException {
StringBuffer ooxml= new StringBuffer();
if (!onlyOne) {
ooxml.append("<" + xmlElement + "s>"); ooxml.append("\r\n");
for (int i= 0; i < refs.size(); i++) {
String[] s= (String[]) refs.get(i);
if (s.length>EX_EXTRAINFO && s[EX_EXTRAINFO]!=null) { // add associated info, if any
ooxml.append("<" + xmlElement + " " + s[EX_EXTRAINFO] + " r:id=\"rId" + (shContentList.size()+1) + "\"/>"); ooxml.append("\r\n");
} else {
ooxml.append("<" + xmlElement + " r:id=\"rId" + (shContentList.size()+1) + "\"/>"); ooxml.append("\r\n");
writeExOOXMLFile(s, shContentList);
if (!onlyOne) {
ooxml.append("</" + xmlElement + "s>"); ooxml.append("\r\n");
return ooxml.toString();
* generic method for creating a .rels file from a content list array cl
* @param cl ArrayList contentList (type, filename)
* @param relsfname
* @throws IOException
protected void writeRels(ArrayList cl, String relsfname) throws IOException {
if (cl==null || cl.size()==0) return; // don't write a .rels if there are no relationships to track
StringBuffer rels= new StringBuffer();
rels.append(xmlHeader); rels.append("\r\n");
rels.append("<Relationships xmlns=\"" + pkgrelns + "\">"); rels.append("\r\n");
for (int i= 0; i < cl.size(); i++) {
rels.append("<Relationship Id=\"rId" + (i+1));
// TODO: only external types are hyperlink externalLink?????
String type= ((String[]) cl.get(i))[1];
if (!type.equals("hyperlink") && !type.equals("externalLinkPath"))
rels.append("\" Type=\"" + getRelationshipType(type) + "\" Target=\"" +((String[]) cl.get(i))[0] + "\"/>");
rels.append("\" Type=\"" + getRelationshipType(type) + "\" Target=\"" +((String[]) cl.get(i))[0] + "\" TargetMode=\"External\"/>");
rels.append("</Relationships>"); rels.append("\r\n");
// write to tmp
addDeferredFile(rels, relsfname);
* writes all package contents to [Content_Types].xml
* Package contents are contained in global array lists
* mainContentList, wbContentList, sheetsContentList, drContentList
* @throws IOException
protected void writeContentType() throws IOException {
StringBuffer ct= new StringBuffer();
ct.append(xmlHeader); ct.append("\r\n");
ct.append("<Types xmlns=\"" + typens +"\">"); ct.append("\r\n");
ct.append("<Default Extension=\"rels\" ContentType=\"application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml\"/>"); ct.append("\r\n");
ct.append("<Default Extension=\"xml\" ContentType=\"application/xml\"/>"); ct.append("\r\n");
ct.append("<Default Extension=\"png\" ContentType=\"image/png\"/>"); ct.append("\r\n");
ct.append("<Default Extension=\"jpeg\" ContentType=\"image/jpeg\"/>"); ct.append("\r\n");
ct.append("<Default Extension=\"emf\" ContentType=\"image/x-emf\"/>"); ct.append("\r\n");
ct.append("<Default Extension=\"bin\" ContentType=\"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.printerSettings\"/>"); ct.append("\r\n");
ct.append("<Default Extension=\"vml\" ContentType=\"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.vmlDrawing\"/>"); ct.append("\r\n");
// write ALL content lists here
for (int i= 0; i < mainContentList.size(); i++) {
ct.append("<Override PartName=\"" + ((String[]) mainContentList.get(i))[0] + "\" ContentType=\"" + getContentType(((String[]) mainContentList.get(i))[1]) + "\"/>"); ct.append("\r\n");
for (int i= 0; i < wbContentList.size(); i++) {
ct.append("<Override PartName=\"" + ((String[]) wbContentList.get(i))[0] + "\" ContentType=\"" + getContentType(((String[]) wbContentList.get(i))[1]) + "\"/>"); ct.append("\r\n");
/* printerSettings and vmlDrawing files are not included in Content_Types.xml - rather, they are handled via <Default Extension> element*/
/* same goes for images */
for (int i= 0; i < sheetsContentList.size(); i++) {
if (!((((String[]) sheetsContentList.get(i))[1]).equals("printerSettings") ||
(((String[]) sheetsContentList.get(i))[1]).equals("vmldrawing") ||
(((String[]) sheetsContentList.get(i))[1]).equals("hyperlink") ||
(((String[]) sheetsContentList.get(i))[1]).equals("image")
)) {
ct.append("<Override PartName=\"" + ((String[]) sheetsContentList.get(i))[0] + "\" ContentType=\"" + getContentType(((String[]) sheetsContentList.get(i))[1]) + "\"/>"); ct.append("\r\n");
for (int i= 0; i < drContentList.size(); i++) {
if (!((String[]) drContentList.get(i))[1].equals("image")) /* image files not included in Content_Type - rather, they are handled via <Default Extension> element*/
ct.append("<Override PartName=\"" + ((String[]) drContentList.get(i))[0] + "\" ContentType=\"" + getContentType(((String[]) drContentList.get(i))[1]) + "\"/>"); ct.append("\r\n");
addDeferredFile(ct, "[Content_Types].xml");
* generates OOXML for a workbook
* Creates the ZIP file and writes all files into proper directory structure
* Will create either an .xlsx or an .xlsm output, depending upon
* whether WorkBookHandle bk contains macros
* @param bk workbookhandle
* @param path output filename and path
public void getOOXML(WorkBookHandle bk, String path)
throws Exception{
if (!OOXMLAdapter.hasMacros(bk)) {
path= StringTool.replaceExtension(path, ".xlsx");
format= WorkBookHandle.FORMAT_XLSX;
}else { // it's a macro-enabled workbook
path= StringTool.replaceExtension(path, ".xlsm");
format= WorkBookHandle.FORMAT_XLSM;
java.io.File fout = new java.io.File(path);
File dirs= fout.getParentFile();
if (dirs!=null && !dirs.exists())
getOOXML(bk, new FileOutputStream(path));
* creates sharedStrings.xml if there are entries in the SST
* and writes it to the root of the OPC ZIP
* @param bk
private void writeSSTOOXML(WorkBookHandle bk) throws IOException{
nextZipEntry( "xl/sharedStrings.xml" );
bk.getWorkBook().getSharedStringTable().writeOOXML( writer );
wbContentList.add(new String[] {"/xl/sharedStrings.xml", "sst"});
* Calls all the necessary methods to create style OOXML, workbook OOXML, sheet(s) OOXML ...
* Expects global zip var to be set to correct zip file
* @param bk
* @param output
* @throws IOException
* @see getOOXML
protected void writeOOXML(WorkBookHandle bk) throws IOException
int origcalcmode= bk.getWorkBook().getCalcMode();
bk.getWorkBook().setCalcMode(WorkBook.CALCULATE_EXPLICIT); // don't recalculate
writeExternalOOXML(bk); // all workbook-level objects we cannot handle at this point such as docProps, themes, or are pass-throughs, such as vbaprojects ...
// writeStylesOOXML AFTER sheet OOXML in order to capture any dxf's (differential xf's used in conditional formatting and others)
// but ensure that workbook.xml.rels knows about the file styles.xml ***
wbContentList.add(new String[] {"/xl/styles.xml", "styles"});
WorkSheetHandle wsh[]= bk.getWorkSheets();
bk.getWorkBook().setDxfs(null); // rebuild
for(int i= 0; i < wsh.length; i++)
writeSheetOOXML(bk, wsh[i], i);
writeStylesOOXML(bk); // must do AFTER sheet OOXML to capture any dxf's (differential xf's used in conditional formatting and others)
bk.getWorkBook().setCalcMode(origcalcmode); // reset
* Creates Styles.xml with font and xf information, and writes it to the root directory of the OPC ZIP
* A Style is a named collection of formatting elements.
* A cell style can specify number format, cell alignment, font information, cell border specifications, colors, and background / foreground fills.
* Table styles specify formatting elements for the regions of a table (e.g. make the header row & totals bold face, and apply light
* gray fill to alternating rows in the data portion of the table to achieve striped or banded rows).
* PivotTable styles specify formatting elements for the regions of a PivotTable (e.g. 1st & 2nd level subtotals, row axis,
* column axis, and page fields).
* A Style can specify color, fonts, and shape effects directly, or these elements can be referenced indirectly by
* referring to a Theme definition. Using styles allows for quicker application of formatting and more consistently
* stylized documents.
* Themes define a set of colors, font information, and effects on shapes (including Charts). If a style or
* formatting element defines its color, font, or effect by referencing a theme, then picking a new theme switches
* all the colors, fonts, and effects for that formatting element.
* Applying Direct Formatting means that particular elements of formatting (e.g. a bold font face or a number
* format) have been applied, but the elements of formatting have been chosen individually instead of
* collectively by choosing a named Style. Note that when applying direct formatting, themes can still be
* referenced, causing those elements to change as the theme is changed.
* Styles.xml may contain:
* <styleSheet> ROOT
* borders (Borders) 3.8.5
* cellStyles (Cell Styles) for a named cell style ... built-in styles are referenced here by name e.g. Heading 1, Normal (= Default) ...
* [name= "" buildinId="xfid"]
* cellStyleXfs (Formatting Records) Master formatting xf's, can override others ...
* a cell can have both direct formatting e.g. bold, and a cell style,
* therefore, both cellStyleXf + cell xf records must be read
* cellXfs (Cell Formats) Cell xf's; cells in the <sheet> section of Workbook.xml reference the 0-based xf index here
* colors (Colors)
* dxfs (Formats) Differential formatting, for all non-cell elements
* extLst (Future Feature Data Storage Area)
* fills (Fills)
* fonts (Fonts)
* numFmts (Number Formats)
* tableStyles (Table Styles)
* @param bk
private void writeStylesOOXML(WorkBookHandle bk) throws IOException {
StringBuffer stylesooxml= new StringBuffer();
stylesooxml.append("<styleSheet xmlns=\"" + xmlns +"\">"); stylesooxml.append("\r\n");
// Now create nodes for various XF elements
AbstractList xfs= bk.getWorkBook().getXfrecs();
ArrayList cellxfs= new ArrayList(); // references various style source elements for ea xf
ArrayList fills= new ArrayList();
ArrayList borders= new ArrayList();
ArrayList numfmts= new ArrayList();
ArrayList fonts= new ArrayList();
// input default fills -- both appear to be required
fills.add(Fill.getOOXML(0, -1, -1)); // none
fills.add(Fill.getOOXML(17, -1, -1)); // gray125
// input default borders element (= no borders)
borders.add(Border.getOOXML(new int[]{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1}, new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}));
// Iterate the xf's and populate values
for (int i= 0; i<xfs.size(); i++) {
Xf xf = (Xf) xfs.get(i);
addXFToStyle(xf, cellxfs, fills, borders, numfmts, fonts);
//** stylesheet element contains an ordered SEQUENCE of elements **//
// Number formats
if (numfmts.size() > 0) {
stylesooxml.append("<numFmts count=\"" + numfmts.size() + "\">"); stylesooxml.append("\r\n");
for (int i= 0; i < numfmts.size(); i++) {
stylesooxml.append((String) numfmts.get(i));
stylesooxml.append("</numFmts>"); stylesooxml.append("\r\n");
// fonts element
stylesooxml.append("<fonts count=\"" + fonts.size() + "\">");
for (int i= 0; i < fonts.size(); i++) {
stylesooxml.append((String) fonts.get(i));
// fill patterns element - always has two defaults
stylesooxml.append("<fills count=\"" + fills.size() + "\">");
for (int i= 0; i < fills.size(); i++) {
stylesooxml.append((String) fills.get(i));
//borders element - has one default
stylesooxml.append("<borders count=\"" + borders.size() + "\">");
for (int i= 0; i < borders.size(); i++) {
stylesooxml.append((String) borders.get(i));
// cellXfs
stylesooxml.append("<cellXfs count=\"" + cellxfs.size() + "\">");
for (int i= 0; i < cellxfs.size(); i++) {
// xfId= 0 based index of an xf record contained in cellStyleXfs corresponding to the
// cell style applied to the cell (only for celLXfs, not cellStyleXfs)
stylesooxml.append("<xf ");
int[] refs= (int[])cellxfs.get(i);
// all id refs are 0-based
int ftId= refs[0]; // font ref
int fId= refs[1]; // fill ref
int bId= refs[2]; ///border ref
int nId= refs[3]; // number format ref
int ha= refs[4];
int va= refs[5];
int wr= refs[6];
int ind= refs[7];
int rot= refs[8];
int hidden= refs[9];
int locked= refs[10];
int shrink= refs[11];
int rtoleft= refs[12];
if (nId>-1)
stylesooxml.append(" numFmtId=\"" + nId + "\"");
if (ftId>-1)
stylesooxml.append(" fontId=\"" + ftId + "\"");
if (fId>-1)
stylesooxml.append(" fillId=\"" + fId + "\"");
if (fId>0)
stylesooxml.append(" applyFill=\"1\"");
if (bId>-1)
stylesooxml.append(" borderId=\"" + bId + "\"");
// TODO: shrinkToFit ...
boolean alignblock= (ha!=0 || va!=2 || wr!=0 || ind!=0 || rot!=0);
boolean protectblock= (hidden==1 || locked==0);
if (alignblock || protectblock)
if (ha!=0 || va!=2 || wr!=0 || ind!=0 || rot!=0) {
if (ha!=0) //default=general
stylesooxml.append(" horizontal=\"" + horizontalAlignment[ha]+"\"");
if (va!=2) //default= bottom
stylesooxml.append(" vertical=\"" + verticalAlignment[va]+"\"");
if (wr==1)
stylesooxml.append(" wrapText=\"1\"");
if (ind>0)
stylesooxml.append(" indent=\"" + ind + "\"");
if (rot!=0)
stylesooxml.append(" textRotation=\"" + rot + "\"");
if (shrink==1)
stylesooxml.append(" shrinkToFit=\"1\"");
if (rtoleft!=0)
stylesooxml.append(" readingOrder=\"" + rtoleft + "\"");
if (hidden==1 || locked==0) { // if not the default protection settings, add protection element
if (hidden==1)
stylesooxml.append(" hidden=\"1\"");
if (locked==0)
stylesooxml.append(" locked=\"0\"");
if (alignblock || protectblock)
stylesooxml.append("</cellXfs>"); stylesooxml.append("\r\n");
// cellStyles -- for named styles -- NEEDED??
// dxf's -- incremental style info
if (bk.getWorkBook().getDxfs()!=null) {
ArrayList dxfs= bk.getWorkBook().getDxfs();
if (dxfs.size()>0) {
stylesooxml.append("<dxfs count=\"" + dxfs.size() + "\">");
for (int i= 0; i < dxfs.size(); i++) {
stylesooxml.append(((Dxf) dxfs.get(i)).getOOXML());
// NOTE: indexed colors are depreciated and represent the hard-coded default palate but necessary for proper color translation
// Indexed Colors:
stylesooxml.append("<colors>"); stylesooxml.append("\r\n");
stylesooxml.append("<indexedColors>"); stylesooxml.append("\r\n");
for (int i= 0; i < bk.getWorkBook().getColorTable().length; i++) {
stylesooxml.append("<rgbColor rgb=\""+ "00" + FormatHandle.colorToHexString(bk.getWorkBook().getColorTable()[i]).substring(1)+ "\"/>");
stylesooxml.append("</indexedColors>"); stylesooxml.append("\r\n");
stylesooxml.append("</colors>"); stylesooxml.append("\r\n");
addDeferredFile(stylesooxml, "xl/styles.xml");
* Using the xf record passed in, populate the required variables for writing out to
* styles.xml
* @param xfs
* @param cellxfs
* @param fills
* @param borders
* @param numfmts
* @param fonts
private void addXFToStyle(Xf xf, ArrayList cellxfs,
ArrayList fills, ArrayList borders, ArrayList numfmts,
ArrayList fonts) {
int[] refs= new int[13];
// fonts
String s= xf.getFont().getOOXML();
int id= fonts.indexOf(s);
if (id==-1) {
} else {
refs[0]= id;
// fills
id= 0;
if (xf.getFill()!=null) {
s= xf.getFill().getOOXML();
id= fills.indexOf(s);
}else if (xf.getFillPattern()>0) {
s= Fill.getOOXML(xf);
id= fills.indexOf(s);
if (id==-1) {
} else
refs[1]= id;
// borders
s= Border.getOOXML(xf/*fh[i])*/);
id= borders.indexOf(s);
if (id==-1) {
} else
refs[2]= id;
if (xf.getIfmt()>FormatConstants.BUILTIN_FORMATS.length) { // only input user defined formats ...
s= NumFmt.getOOXML(xf);
id= numfmts.indexOf(s);
if (id==-1)
refs[3]= xf.getIfmt();
refs[4]= xf.getHorizontalAlignment();
refs[5]= xf.getVerticalAlignment();
refs[6]= xf.getWrapText()?1:0;
refs[7]= xf.getIndent();
refs[8]= xf.getRotation();
refs[9]= xf.isFormulaHidden()?1:0;
refs[10]= xf.isLocked()?1:0;
refs[11]= xf.isShrinkToFit()?1:0;
refs[12]= xf.getRightToLeftReadingOrder();
cellxfs.add(refs); // link formatHandles to referenced formats
* Creates workbook.xml containing worksheet information, and writes it out to
* the root of the OPC ZIP
* Format of the workbook.xml:
* (all elements are OPTIONAL except for <sheets>)
* <bookViews> Window Position and height/width, Filter Options .. No limit to how many are defined
* <calcPr> Stores calculation status and details
* <customWorkbookViews>
* <definedNames><definedName name="" [comment="" hidden="1/0" localSheetId="" for external refs]>RANGE or FORMULA</definedName>
* <extLst> Future Feature- Data Storage Area
* <externalReferences>
* <fileRecoveryPr> File Recovery Properties
* <fileSharing> Specifies pwd + username
* <fileVersion> tracks versions
* <functionGroups>
* <oleSize> Embedded Object Size
* <pivotCaches> Represents a cache of data for pivot tables and formulas
* <sheets><sheet r:id="relationship id" name="unique sheet name" sheetId="#" [state="visible"] /></sheets> -- required
* <smartTagPr>
* <webPublishing> Attibutes related to publishing on the web
* <workbookPr> Workbook Properties: date1904,showObjects ...
* <workbookProtection>
* @param bk
private void writeWorkBookOOXML(WorkBookHandle bk) throws IOException {
// create Zip Entry
nextZipEntry( "xl/workbook.xml" );
writer.write( xmlHeader );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
// namespace
writer.write( ("<workbook xmlns=\"" + xmlns + "\" xmlns:r=\"" + relns + "\">") );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
if (bk.getWorkBook().getCodename()!=null) {
writer.write( ("<workbookPr codeName=\"" + bk.getWorkBook().getCodename() + "\"/>") );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
writer.write( "<bookViews>" );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
// TODO: Only 1? TODO: Handle other workbookview options
writer.write( "<workbookView" );
writer.write( (" firstSheet=\"" + bk.getWorkBook().getFirstSheet() + "\"") );
writer.write( (" activeTab=\"" + bk.getWorkBook().getSelectedSheetNum() + "\"") );
if (!bk.showSheetTabs()) writer.write(" showSheetTabs=\"0\"");
writer.write( "/>\r\n" );
writer.write( "</bookViews>" );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
writer.write( "<sheets>" );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
WorkSheetHandle wsh[] = bk.getWorkSheets();
for (int i= 0; i < wsh.length; i++) {
String s= "sheet" + (i+1); //Write SheetXML to SheetX.xml, 1-based
writer.write( ("<sheet name=\""+ stripNonAscii(wsh[i].getSheetName()) + "\" sheetId=\""+ (i+1) + "\" r:id=\"rId" + (i+1) + "\"") );
if (wsh[i].getVeryHidden())
writer.write( " state=\"veryHidden\"" );
else if (wsh[i].getHidden())
writer.write( " state=\"hidden\"" );
writer.write( "/>" );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
wbContentList.add(i, new String[] {"/xl/worksheets/" + s + ".xml", "sheet"}); // make sure rId in workbook.xml matches workbook.xml.rels
writer.write( "</sheets>" );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
int rId= wsh.length; // start counting after sheets
if (getExternalRefType("externalLink", bk.getWorkBook().getOOXMLObjects()).size()>0) { // has external refs
ArrayList refs= getExternalRefType("externalLink", bk.getWorkBook().getOOXMLObjects());
writer.write( "<externalReferences>" );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
for (int i= 0; i < refs.size(); i++) {
String[] r= (String[])refs.get(i);
r[3]= "rId" + (rId + 1); // ensure rId is correct
refs.add(i, r);
writer.write( ("<externalReference r:id=\"rId" + (++rId) + "\"/>") );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
writer.write( "</externalReferences>" );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
// TODO: add handling for name parameters
Name[] names= bk.getWorkBook().getNames();
if (names!=null && names.length>0) {
writer.write( "<definedNames>" );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
for (int i= 0; i < names.length; i++) {
String s= stripNonAsciiRetainQuote(names[i].getExpressionString().substring(1)).toString(); //avoid "="
if (s!=null && s.length()!=0 && !s.startsWith("#REF!")) {
if (!names[i].isBuiltIn()) {
writer.write( ("<definedName name=\"" + stripNonAscii(names[i].toString()) + "\"") );
if(names[i].getItab()>0) {
writer.write( (" localSheetId=\"" + (names[i].getItab()-1) + "\">") );
}else {
writer.write( (">") );
}else {
//if (names[i].getBuiltInType()==Name.PRINT_TITLES) { // must set localsheetid
writer.write( ("<definedName name=\"" + builtInNames[names[i].getBuiltInType()]+ "\"") );
writer.write( (" localSheetId=\"" + (names[i].getItab()-1) + "\">") );
writer.write( (">") );
writer.write( s );
writer.write( "</definedName>" );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
writer.write( "</definedNames>" );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
writer.write( "</workbook>" );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
// add workbook.xml to content list (for [Content_Types].xml)
if (format==WorkBookHandle.FORMAT_XLTM) { // macro-enabled template
mainContentList.add(new String[] {"/xl/workbook.xml", "documentTemplateMacroEnabled"});
} else if (format==WorkBookHandle.FORMAT_XLSM || hasMacros(bk)) {// format can be XLSM even though it does not contain macros ((:
mainContentList.add(new String[] {"/xl/workbook.xml", "documentMacroEnabled"});
format= WorkBookHandle.FORMAT_XLSM; // ensure flag is set properly - macro-enabled workbook
} else if (format==WorkBookHandle.FORMAT_XLTX) { // template
mainContentList.add(new String[] {"/xl/workbook.xml", "documentTemplate"});
}else // regular xlsx workbook
mainContentList.add(new String[] {"/xl/workbook.xml", "document"});
writeRels(wbContentList, "xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels"); // write workbook.xml.rels
* Handles preliminary writing of worksheets, essentially everything before <row> elements start
* @param sheet
* @param bk
* @param id
* @throws IOException
protected void writeSheetPrefix(WorkSheetHandle sheet, WorkBookHandle bk, int id) throws IOException
String slx = "xl/worksheets/sheet" + (id+1) + ".xml";
nextZipEntry( slx );
writer.write( xmlHeader );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
writer.write( ("<worksheet xmlns=\"" + xmlns + "\" xmlns:r=\"" + relns + "\">") );
if (sheet.getMysheet().getSheetPr()!=null) // sheet properties
writer.write( sheet.getMysheet().getSheetPr().getOOXML() );
// dimensions // TODO: Deal with MAXROWS MAXCOLS in various Excel Versions
int last= sheet.getLastCol()-1;
if (last==WorkBook.MAXCOLS-1)
last= XLSConstants.MAXCOLS-1; // 20081204 KSC: eventually WorkBook.MAXCOLS will == Excel-7 MAXCOLS, but until, convert
if (last < 0)
last= 0;
String d= ExcelTools.formatLocation(new int[] {sheet.getFirstRow(), sheet.getFirstCol()}) + ":" +
ExcelTools.formatLocation(new int[] {sheet.getLastRow(), last});
writer.write( ("<dimension ref=\"" + d + "\"/>") );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
// Sheet View Properties
writer.write( "<sheetViews>" );
writer.write( "\r\n" ); // TODO: it's possible to have multiple sheetViews
if (sheet.getMysheet().getSheetView()==null)
sheet.getMysheet().setSheetView(new SheetView());
// TODO: finish options: colorId, defaultGridColor, rightToLeft
// showFormulas, showRuler, showWhiteSpace, view
// zoomScaleNormal, zoomScalePageLayoutView, zoomScaleSheetLayoutView
// showFormulas, default= false
if (!sheet.getShowGridlines())
sheet.getMysheet().getSheetView().setAttr("showGridLines", "0"); // default= true
if (!sheet.getShowSheetHeaders())
sheet.getMysheet().getSheetView().setAttr("showRowColHeaders", "0"); // default= true
if (!sheet.getShowZeroValues())
sheet.getMysheet().getSheetView().setAttr("showZeros", "0"); // default= true
// rightToLeft
if (sheet.getSelected())
sheet.getMysheet().getSheetView().setAttr("tabSelected", "1"); // default= false
sheet.getMysheet().getSheetView().removeSelection(); // in case previously selected, remove any seletions
// if (sheet.getTopLeftCell()!=null) { sheet.getMysheet().getSheetView().setAttr("topLeftCell", sheet.getTopLeftCell()); }
// showRuler
// if (!sheet.getShowOutlineSymbols()) sheet.getMysheet().getSheetView().setAttr("showOutlineSymbols", "0"); // default= true
// defaultGridColor, showWhiteSpace, view, topLeftCell, colorId
if (sheet.getZoom()!=1.0)
sheet.getMysheet().getSheetView().setAttr("zoomScale", String.valueOf(new Double(sheet.getZoom()*100).intValue()));
// zoomScalePageLayoutView, zoomScaleSheetLayoutView
sheet.getMysheet().getSheetView().setAttr("workbookViewId", "0"); // TODO: may be other workbookviews, can't always assume 0
writer.write( sheet.getMysheet().getSheetView().getOOXML() );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
writer.write( "</sheetViews>" );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
// Sheet Format Properties
writer.write( "<sheetFormatPr" );
if (sheet.getMysheet().getDefaultColumnWidth()>-1)
writer.write( (" defaultColWidth=\"" + sheet.getMysheet().getDefaultColumnWidth() + "\"") );
writer.write( (" defaultRowHeight=\"" + sheet.getMysheet().getDefaultRowHeight() + "\"") ); // required
if (sheet.getMysheet().hasCustomHeight())
writer.write( " customHeight=\"1\"" );
if (sheet.getMysheet().hasZeroHeight())
writer.write( " zeroHeight=\"1\"" );
if (sheet.getMysheet().hasThickTop())
writer.write( " thickTop=\"1\"" );
if (sheet.getMysheet().hasThickBottom())
writer.write( " thickBottom=\"1\"" );
writer.write( "/>" );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
// Columns
writer.write( getColOOXML(bk, sheet).toString() );
// Sheet Data - rows and cells
writer.write( "<sheetData>" );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
* writeSheetOOXML writes XML data in SheetML specificaiton to [worksheet].xml
* Main portion is the <sheetData> section, containing all row and cell information
* format of SheetML:
* <worksheet> ROOT
*autoFilter (AutoFilter Settings) Hides rows based upon criteria
cellWatches (Cell Watch Items)
colBreaks (Vertical Page Breaks)
cols (Column Information)
conditionalFormatting (Conditional Formatting)
controls (Embedded Controls)
customProperties (Custom Properties)
customSheetViews (Custom Sheet Views)
dataConsolidate (Data Consolidate)
dataValidations (Data Validations)
dimension (Worksheet Dimensions)
drawing (Drawing)
extLst (Future Feature Data Storage Area)
headerFooter (Header Footer Settings)
hyperlinks (Hyperlinks)
ignoredErrors (Ignored Errors)
legacyDrawing (Legacy Drawing Reference)
legacyDrawingHF (Legacy Drawing Reference in Header Footer)
mergeCells (Merge Cells)
oleObjects (Embedded Objects)
pageMargins (Page Margins)
pageSetup (Page Setup Settings)
phoneticPr (Phonetic Properties)
picture (Background Image)
printOptions (Print Options)
protectedRanges (Protected Ranges)
rowBreaks (Horizontal Page Breaks (Row))
scenarios (Scenarios)
sheetCalcPr (Sheet Calculation Properties)
sheetData (Sheet Data)
sheetFormatPr (Sheet Format Properties)
sheetPr (Sheet Properties)
sheetProtection (Sheet Protection Options)
sheetViews (Sheet Views)
smartTags (Smart Tags)
sortState (Sort State)
tableParts (Table Parts)
webPublishItems (Web Publishing Items) *
(sheet properties -- all optional)
<sheetPr filterMode="1"/> indicates that an autofilter has been applied
<dimension ref="RANGE"/> indicates the used range on the sheet (there should be no data or formulas outside this range)
<sheetViews> indicates which cell and sheet are active
<sheetView tabSelected="1" workbookViewId="0">
<selection activeCell="B3" sqref="B3"/>
<sheetFormatPr defaultRowHeight="15"/> default row height
<col min="1" max="1" width="12.85546875" bestFit="1" customWidth="1"/>
<col min="3" max="3" width="3.28515625" customWidth="1"/>
<col min="4" max="4" width="11.140625" bestFit="1" customWidth="1"/>
<col min="8" max="8" width="17.140625" style="1" customWidth="1"/>
*** <sheetData> cell table - specifies rows and cells with types and values (see below) -- REQUIRED
("Supporting Features" -- all optional)
<sheetProtection objects="0" scenarios="0"/>
<autoFilter ref="D5:H11">
<filterColumn colId="0">
<customFilters and="1">
<customFilter operator="greaterThan" val="0"/>
<pageMargins left="0.7" right="0.7" top="0.75" bottom="0.75" header="0.3" footer="0.3"/>
<pageSetup orientation="portrait" horizontalDpi="300" verticalDpi="300"/>
* @param bk
* @param sheet
protected void writeSheetOOXML(WorkBookHandle bk, WorkSheetHandle sheet, int id) throws IOException {
// Sst sst= bk.getWorkBook().getSharedStringTable();
ArrayList hyperlinks= new ArrayList();
this.writeSheetPrefix(sheet, bk, id);
RowHandle[] rows = sheet.getRows();
for(int xd=0;xd<rows.length;xd++){
RowHandle row = rows[xd];
try{ // note: row #, col #'s are 1-based, sst and style index are 0-based
this.writeRow(row, hyperlinks);
//} catch (RowNotFoundException re) {
; // do nothing
}catch (Exception e) {
Logger.logErr("OOXMLWriter.writeSheetOOXML writing rows: " + e.toString());
writer.write( "</sheetData>" );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
// after sheetData include "supporting features"
// *******************************************************************************************************
// In Order:
// sheetCalcPr
// sheetProtection
if (sheet.getProtected()) {
String pwd= sheet.getHashedProtectionPassword();
if (pwd!=null)
writer.write( ("<sheetProtection password=\"" + sheet.getHashedProtectionPassword() + "\" sheet=\"1\" objects=\"1\" scenarios=\"1\"/>") );
writer.write( ("<sheetProtection sheet=\"1\" objects=\"1\" scenarios=\"1\"/>") );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
// protectedRanges
// scenarios
// autoFilter
if (sheet.getMysheet().getOOAutoFilter() != null) // TODO: Merge with 2003 AutoFilter
writer.write( sheet.getMysheet().getOOAutoFilter().getOOXML() );
// sortState
// dataConsolidation
// customSheetViews
// mergeCells
// phoneticPr
// conditionalFormatting
if (sheet.getMysheet().getConditionalFormats() != null) {
List condfmts = sheet.getMysheet().getConditionalFormats();
int[] priority = new int[1];
priority[0] = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < condfmts.size(); i++) {
String cfmt = ((Condfmt) condfmts.get(i)).getOOXML(bk, priority);
writer.write( cfmt );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
// dataValidations
if (sheet.hasDataValidations())
writer.write( sheet.getMysheet().getDvalRec().getOOXML() );
// hyperlinks
if (hyperlinks.size() > 0) {
writer.write( "<hyperlinks>" );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
for (int i = 0; i < hyperlinks.size(); i++) {
String[] s = (String[]) hyperlinks.get(i);
if (!s[2].equals("")) // has a description
writer.write("<hyperlink ref=\"" + s[0] + "\" r:id=\"rId"
+ (shContentList.size() + 1) + "\" display=\""
+ s[2] + "\"/>");
writer.write("<hyperlink ref=\"" + s[0] + "\" r:id=\"rId"
+ (shContentList.size() + 1) + "\"/>");
writer.write( "\r\n" );
shContentList.add(new String[] { s[1], "hyperlink" });
writer.write( "</hyperlinks>" );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
// now handle any external ooxml object references (in required order):
// printerOptions
// pageMargin
// pageSetup
// headerFooter
// rowBreaks
// colBreaks
// customProperties
// cellWatches
// ignoredErrors
// smartTags
List externalOOXML = sheet.getMysheet().getOOXMLObjects();
// printerOptions
writeSheetLevelExternalReferenceOOXML(writer, "printerSettings", externalOOXML);
// drawing objects linked to this sheet - charts, shapes ...
writeDrawingObjects(writer, sheet, bk);
// legacy drawing object (vml)
if (writeLegacyDrawingObjects(writer, sheet, bk)) {// legacyDrawing objects, linked to either oleObject embeds or control embeds
writer.write( ("<legacyDrawing r:id=\"rId" + (shContentList.size())+ "\"/>\r\n") );
// oleObjects
writeSheetLevelExternalReferenceOOXML(writer, "oleObject", externalOOXML);
// activeX objects
writeSheetLevelExternalReferenceOOXML(writer, "activeX", externalOOXML);
// comments (notes)
writeComments(writer, sheet, bk);
writer.write( "</worksheet>" ); // 20081028 KSC: Sheet xml should
// be named SheetX.xml instead
// of sheetname (see
// writeWbOOXML as well)
// finished, now write to <sheet>.xml + <sheet>.xml.rels, if has
// associated content
// write rels if necessary (printer settings, drawings ...)
writeRels(shContentList, "xl/worksheets/_rels/sheet" + (id + 1) + ".xml.rels");
sheetsContentList.addAll(shContentList); // since shContentList will be cleared out for each sheet, make sure sheet contents are stored
// clear out content list for the sheet [associated documents for the
// sheet, will be written to <SheetX>.xml.rels]
* Write the merged cell records for a worksheet
* */
protected void writeMergedCellRecords(WorkSheetHandle sheet) throws IOException {
List mcs = sheet.getMysheet().getMergedCells(); // TODO: PROBLEM:
// getMergedCellRecs
// contains null values,
// screwing up output
// ... fix!!
// Use getMergedCells method - which DOESN'T add new blank merged cell
if (mcs != null && mcs.size() > 0) {
StringBuffer mc = new StringBuffer();
int cnt = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mcs.size(); i++) {
CellRange[] cr = ((Mergedcells) mcs.get(i)).getMergedRanges();
if (cr != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < cr.length; j++) {
String rng = cr[j].getRange();
int z = rng.indexOf("!"); // strip sheetname
mc.append("<mergeCell ref=\""
+ cr[j].getRange().substring(z + 1) + "\"/>");
if (mc.length() > 0) { // Only input element if actual valid merged
// cell ranges exist,
writer.write( ("<mergeCells count=\"" + cnt + "\">") );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
writer.write( mc.toString() );
writer.write( "</mergeCells>" );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
* Writes a row and all contents to the zip output
* @param hyperlinks
* @throws IOException
* @throws FormulaNotFoundException
* */
public void writeRow(RowHandle row, ArrayList hyperlinks) throws IOException{
// row = sheet.getRow(x);
// TODO: need spans?
// <row element> -- eventually will be refactored as Object
String h= "";
if (row.getHeight()!=255) // if it's not default
h= " ht=\"" + row.getHeight()/rowHtFactor + "\" customHeight=\"1\"";
writer.write( ("<row r=\"" + (row.getRowNumber()+1) + "\"" + h) );
if (row.getFormatId()>0 && row.getFormatId()>row.getWorkBook().getWorkBook().getDefaultIxfe()) // row-level formatting specified
writer.write( (" s=\"" + row.getFormatId() + "\" customFormat=\"1\"") );
if (row.getHasAnyThickTopBorder())
writer.write( " thickTop=\"1\"" );
if (row.getHasAnyBottomBorder())
writer.write( " thickBot=\"1\"" );
if (row.isHidden())
writer.write( " hidden=\"1\"" );
if (row.isCollapsed())
writer.write( " collapsed=\"1\"" ); // 20090513 KSC: Added collapsed, outlineLevel [BUGTRACKER 2371]
if (row.getOutlineLevel()!=0)
writer.write( (" outlineLevel=\"" + row.getOutlineLevel() + "\"") );
writer.write( ">" );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
// Cell element <c
CellHandle ch[]= row.getCells();
// iterate cells and output xml
for (int j= 0; j<ch.length; j++) {
int styleId= ch[j].getCell().getIxfe();
int dataType= ch[j].getCellType();
if (ch[j].hasHyperlink()){ // save; hyperlinks go after sheetData
hyperlinks.add(new String[] {ch[j].getCellAddress(), ch[j].getURL(), ch[j].getURLDescription()});
writer.write( ("<c r=\"" + ch[j].getCellAddress() + "\"") );
if (styleId > 0)
writer.write( (" s=\"" + styleId + "\"") );
switch (dataType) {
case CellHandle.TYPE_STRING:
String s=ch[j].getStringVal();
boolean isErrVal= false;
if ((s.indexOf("#")==0)) { // 20090521 KSC: must test if it's an error string value
isErrVal= (Collections.binarySearch(Arrays.asList(new String[] {"#DIV/0!", "#N/A", "#NAME?", "#NULL!", "#NUM!", "#REF!", "#VALUE!"}), s.trim())>-1);
if (!isErrVal) {
writer.write( " t=\"s\">" );
// 20090520 KSC: can't use only string value as intra-cell formatting is possible zip.write("<v>" + ssts.indexOf(stripNonAscii(ch[j].getStringVal())) + "</v>");
int v= ((Labelsst)ch[j].getCell()).isst; // use isst instead of a lookup -- MUCHMUCHMUCH faster!
writer.write( ("<v>" + v + "</v>") );
} else {// it's an error value, must have type of "e"
writer.write( " t=\"e\">" );
writer.write( ("<v>" + s + "</v>") );
case CellHandle.TYPE_DOUBLE:
case CellHandle.TYPE_FP:
case CellHandle.TYPE_INT:
writer.write( (" t=\"n\"><v>" + ch[j].getVal() + "</v>") );
case CellHandle.TYPE_FORMULA:
FormulaHandle fh;
try {
fh = ch[j].getFormulaHandle();
writer.write( fh.getOOXML() );
} catch (FormulaNotFoundException e) {
Logger.logErr("Error getting formula handle in OOXML Writer");
case CellHandle.TYPE_BOOLEAN:
writer.write( (" t=\"b\"><v>" + ch[j].getIntVal() + "</v>") );
case CellHandle.TYPE_BLANK:
writer.write( ">" );
writer.write( "</c>" );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
writer.write( "</row>" );
writer.write( "\r\n" );
* retrieves the column ooxml possible attributes: bestFit, collapsed,
* customWidth, hidden, max, min, style, width
* @param bk
* @param sheet
* @return
private StringBuffer getColOOXML(WorkBookHandle bk, WorkSheetHandle sheet) {
StringBuffer colooxml = new StringBuffer();
// ColHandle cols[]= sheet.getColumns();
Iterator<Colinfo> iter = sheet.getMysheet().getColinfos().iterator();
if (iter.hasNext()) {
while (iter.hasNext()) {
try {
// col width = width/256???
Colinfo c = iter.next();
int collast = c.getColLast() + 1;
double w = (c.getColWidth() / colWFactor);
colooxml.append("<col min=\"" + (c.getColFirst() + 1)
+ "\" max=\"" + collast + "\" width=\""
+ (c.getColWidth() / colWFactor)
+ "\" customWidth=\"1\"");
if (c.isHidden())
colooxml.append(" hidden=\"1\"");
if (c.getIxfe() > 0) // column-level formatting specified
colooxml.append(" style=\"" + c.getIxfe() + "\"");
} catch (Exception e) {
return colooxml;
* write all necessary information describing ImageHandle im
* including .rels and drawing xml
* @param im
private String getImageOOXML(ImageHandle im) {
String ret= "";
try {
ret= im.getOOXML(drContentList.size()+1); // obtain image OOXML; if errors don't write out to zip or contents
// write image bytes to file
String ext= im.getType(); // 20090117 KSC: may come back as undefined, usually because it's an EMF and we can't process right now ...
if (ext.equals("undefined")) ext= "emf";
String imageName= "image" + (++imgId) + "." + ext;
// TODO: HANDLE REUSING IMAGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
addDeferredFile(im.getImageBytes(), mediaDir + "/"+ imageName);
// trap package contents for drawing.xml
drContentList.add(new String[] { "/" + mediaDir + "/"+ imageName, "image"});
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.logErr("OOXMLWriter.getImageOOXML: " + e.toString());
ret= "";
return ret;
* write out the drawing objects - images and charts + drawingml
* @param out
* @param sheet
* @param bk
* @throws IOException
private void writeDrawingObjects(Writer out, WorkSheetHandle sheet, WorkBookHandle bk)
throws IOException{
// Drawing Objects - Images, Charts & Shapes (OOXML-specific) = drawing, legacyDrawing, legacyDrawingHF, picture, oleObjects, controls
StringBuffer drawing= new StringBuffer();
ImageHandle[] imz= sheet.getImages();
if (imz.length > 0) {
// For each image, create a Drawing reference in sheet xml + write imageOOXML to drawingX.xml
for (int i= 0; i < imz.length; i++) {
// obtain image OOXML + write image file to ZIP
List charts= sheet.getMysheet().getCharts();
int nUserShapes= 0; // if charts link to any drawing ml user shapes, see below for handling
if (charts.size()>0) {
// for each chart, create a chart.xml + trap references for drawingX.xml.rels
for (int i= 0; i < charts.size(); i++) {
try { // obtain image OOXML + write image file to ZIP
Chart c= (Chart) charts.get(i);
drawing.append(getChartDrawingOOXML(new ChartHandle(c, bk)));
if (c instanceof OOXMLChart) {
ArrayList chartEmbeds= ((OOXMLChart)charts.get(i)).getChartEmbeds();
if (chartEmbeds!=null) {
int origDrawingId= drawingId; // id for THIS CURRENT DRAWING ML describing this chart(s), etc.
ArrayList chContentList= new ArrayList();
for (int j= 0; j<chartEmbeds.size(); j++) {
// obtain external drawingml file(s) which define shape and write to zip
String[] embed= (String[])chartEmbeds.get(j);
if (embed[0].equals("userShape")) {
drawingId += (nUserShapes+1); // id for USER SHAPES drawingml
String f= (String) embed[1];
nUserShapes++; // keep track of increment
writeExOOXMLFile(new String[]{embed[0], drawingDir+ "/", f}, chContentList);
} else if (embed[0].equals("image")) {
String f= (String) embed[1];
writeExOOXMLFile(new String[]{embed[0], mediaDir+ "/", f}, chContentList);
} else if (embed[0].equals("themeOverride")) {
String f= (String) embed[1];
writeExOOXMLFile(new String[]{embed[0], themeDir + "/", f}, chContentList);
writeRels(chContentList, chartDir + "/_rels/chart" + chartId+ ".xml.rels");
sheetsContentList.addAll(chContentList); // ensure embeds are written to main [Content_Types].xml
drawingId= origDrawingId; // reset to id for THIS CURRENT DRAWING ML
} catch (Exception e/*ChartNotFoundException c*/){
Logger.logErr("OOXMLWriter.writeDrawingObjects failed getting Chart: " + e.toString());
// OOXML shapes OTHER THAN vmldrawings, which are handled elsewhere (in writelegacyDrawingObjects)
if (sheet.getMysheet().getOOXMLShapes()!=null) {
HashMap shapes= sheet.getMysheet().getOOXMLShapes();
Iterator i= shapes.keySet().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
String key= (String) i.next();
if (key.equals("vml")) continue; // handled in writelegacyDrawingObjects
Object o= shapes.get(key);
if (o instanceof TwoCellAnchor) {
TwoCellAnchor t= (TwoCellAnchor)o;
if (t.getEmbedFilename()!=null) { // shape has embedded images we must also store
String f= t.getEmbedFilename();
int rId= writeExOOXMLFile(new String[]{"image", mediaDir + "/", externalDir + f}, drContentList);
t.setEmbed("rId" + rId);
} else if (o instanceof OneCellAnchor) {
OneCellAnchor oca= (OneCellAnchor)o;
// TODO: trap embedded images as in twoCellAnchor
//drContentList.add(new String[] { "/" + mediaDir + "/"+ imageName, "image"});
if (drawing.length()>0) { // then have drawing objects to write out
// one drawingX.xml per sheet, write reference in sheet
out.write( ("<drawing r:id=\"rId" + (shContentList.size()+1) + "\"/>") );
out.write( "\r\n" ); // link drawing.xml to specific image
// write out drawingml
StringBuffer drawingml= new StringBuffer();
drawingml.append("<xdr:wsDr xmlns:xdr=\"" + drawingns + "\" xmlns:a=\"" + drawingmlns +"\">");
// write drawingX.xml to Zip
// FIX
addDeferredFile(drawingml, drawingDir + "/drawing" + (++drawingId) + ".xml");
shContentList.add(new String[] { "/" + drawingDir + "/drawing" + (drawingId) + ".xml", "drawing"});
// write drawingX.xml.rels to Zip
writeRels(drContentList, drawingDir + "/_rels/drawing" + drawingId + ".xml.rels");
drawingId+=nUserShapes; // if wrote drawingml for usershapes, must increment next drawingId to AFTER these files
* write all necessary information describing ChartHandle ch
* including .rels and drawing xml
* @param ch
* @return
private String getChartDrawingOOXML(ChartHandle ch) {
String ret= "";
try {
// trap package contents for drawing.xml
StringBuffer chartml= new StringBuffer();
chartml.append(xmlHeader); chartml.append("\r\n");
chartml.append("<c:chartSpace xmlns:c=\"" + chartns + "\" xmlns:a=\"" +drawingmlns + "\" xmlns:r=\"" + relns + "\">"); chartml.append("\r\n");
chartml.append("</c:chartSpace>"); chartml.append("\r\n");
ret= ch.getChartDrawingOOXML(drContentList.size()+1); // if errors out don't write/add to zip
addDeferredFile(chartml, chartDir + "/chart" + (++chartId) + ".xml");
drContentList.add(new String[] { "/" + chartDir + "/chart" + chartId + ".xml", "chart"});
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.logErr("er: " + e.toString());
ret= "";
return ret;
* write notes or comments for the specific sheet
* @param zip
* @param sheet
* @param bk
* @throws IOException
private void writeComments(Writer out, WorkSheetHandle sheet,
WorkBookHandle bk) throws IOException {
CommentHandle[] nh= sheet.getCommentHandles();
if (nh==null || nh.length==0)
StringBuffer comments= new StringBuffer();
comments.append("<comments xmlns=\"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main\">\r\n<authors>");
// run thru 1x to get authors
ArrayList authors= new ArrayList();
for (int i= 0; i < nh.length; i++) {
if (!authors.contains(nh[i].getAuthor())) {
comments.append("\r\n<author>" + OOXMLAdapter.stripNonAscii(nh[i].getAuthor()) + "</author>");
for (int i= 0; i < nh.length; i++) {
comments.append("\r\n" + nh[i].getOOXML(authors.indexOf(nh[i].getAuthor())));
addDeferredFile(comments, "xl/comments" + (++commentsId) + ".xml");
shContentList.add(new String[] {
"/xl/comments" + (commentsId) + ".xml",
"comments" });
* writes the legacy drawing xml in drawing directory/vmlDrawingX.vml plus the rels for any embedded objects
* <br>most of the vml is saved from the original (if any); the vml used to define notes is genearated here
* @param zip
* @param sheet
* @param bk
* @return true if there is vml (legacy drawing info and/or notes) for this sheet
* @throws IOException
private boolean writeLegacyDrawingObjects(Writer out, WorkSheetHandle sheet,
WorkBookHandle bk) throws IOException {
// TODO: handle embeds + rels -- correct???? ****************************
// TODO: data=1 --> is that number of shapes?? <o:idmap v:ext="edit" data=""/>
// number of shape id's??????
String[] embeds= null;
StringBuffer vml= null;
if (sheet.getMysheet().getOOXMLShapes()!=null) {
if (sheet.getMysheet().getOOXMLShapes().get("vml") instanceof Object[]) { // original vml contains embeds
Object[] o= (Object[]) sheet.getMysheet().getOOXMLShapes().get("vml");
vml= (StringBuffer) o[0];
embeds= (String[]) o[1];
} else
vml= (StringBuffer) sheet.getMysheet().getOOXMLShapes().get("vml");
// add Notes to the vml, if any
CommentHandle[] nh= sheet.getCommentHandles();
if (nh!=null && nh.length>0) {
if (vml==null) {
vml= new StringBuffer();
// add apparently required shapelayout element
vml.append("<o:shapelayout v:ext=\"edit\">" +
"<o:idmap v:ext=\"edit\" data=\"1\"/>" + /* --> data="1" --> number of elements in the vml?????*/
// add shapetype which defines textbox (==202)
vml.append("<v:shapetype id=\"_x0000_t202\" coordsize=\"21600,21600\" o:spt=\"202\" path=\"m,l,21600r21600,l21600,xe\">" +
"<v:stroke joinstyle=\"miter\"/>" +
"<v:path gradientshapeok=\"t\" o:connecttype=\"rect\"/>" +
for (int i= 0; i < nh.length; i++) {
boolean hidden= nh[i].getIsHidden();
int row= nh[i].getRowNum();
int col= nh[i].getColNum();
short[] bounds= nh[i].getTextBoxBounds();
int spid= nh[i].getInternalNoteRec().getSPID();
vml.append("<v:shape id=\"_x0000_s" + spid + "\"" + /* id of text box = id of mso */
" type=\"#_x0000_t202\"" + /* type of text box */
" style=\"position:absolute;"+
"visibility:" + ((hidden)?"hidden":"visible") + "\"" + /* shown or hidden */
" fillcolor=\"#ffffe1\"" +
" o:insetmode=\"auto\">");
vml.append("<v:fill color2=\"#ffffe1\"/>" + /* general textbox characteristics */
" <v:shadow on=\"t\" color=\"black\" obscured=\"t\"/>" +
" <v:path o:connecttype=\"none\"/>" +
"<v:textbox style=\"mso-direction-alt:auto\">" +
"<div style=\"text-align:left\"/>" +
" </v:textbox>");
vml.append("<x:ClientData ObjectType=\"Note\">" + /* note object */
"<x:MoveWithCells/>" +
vml.append("<x:Anchor>"); /* bounds of text box */
for (int j= 0; j < bounds.length; j++) {
vml.append(bounds[j] + ((j<bounds.length-1)?",":""));
vml.append("<x:AutoFill>False</x:AutoFill>" + /* row/col where note is attached to */
"<x:Row>" + row + "</x:Row>"+
"<x:Column>" + col + "</x:Column>");
if (!hidden)
vml.append("</x:ClientData>" +
if (vml!=null && vml.length()>0) {
// start with ns info
vml.insert(0, "<xml xmlns:v=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml\"" +
" xmlns:o=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\"" +
" xmlns:x=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel\">");
addDeferredFile(vml, drawingDir + "/vmlDrawing" + (++vmlId) + ".vml");
shContentList.add(new String[] {
"/" + drawingDir + "/vmlDrawing" + (vmlId) + ".vml",
"vmldrawing" });
if (embeds!=null) {
ArrayList vmlContentList= new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < embeds.length; i++) {
String pp = embeds[i].trim(); // file on disk or saved filename
String typ = pp.substring(0, pp.indexOf("/"));
pp = pp.substring(pp.indexOf("/") + 1);
int z= pp.lastIndexOf("/")+1;
String pth= pp.substring(0, z);
pp= pp.substring(z);
String ff = getExOOXMLFileName(pp); // desired or outut filename
deferredFiles.put(pth + ff, externalDir + pp);
vmlContentList.add(new String[] { "/" + pth + ff, typ });
writeRels(vmlContentList, drawingDir + "/_rels/vmlDrawing" + vmlId+ ".vml.rels");
// NOTE: vmlfiles do not get listed in main [Content_Types].xml
return true;
return false;