Package com.extentech.formats.XLS

Source Code of com.extentech.formats.XLS.OOXMLReader

* --------- BEGIN COPYRIGHT NOTICE ---------
* Copyright 2002-2012 Extentech Inc.
* Copyright 2013 Infoteria America Corp.
* This file is part of OpenXLS.
* OpenXLS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* OpenXLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with OpenXLS.  If not, see
* <>.
* ---------- END COPYRIGHT NOTICE ----------
package com.extentech.formats.XLS;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;

import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserFactory;

import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.CellHandle;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.DateConverter;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.ExcelTools;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.FormatHandle;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.WorkBookHandle;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.WorkSheetHandle;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.Border;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.Dxf;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.Fill;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.OOXMLConstants;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.PivotCacheDefinition;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.PivotTableDefinition;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.Theme;
import com.extentech.toolkit.Logger;
import com.extentech.toolkit.StringTool;

* Breaking out functionality for reading out of OOXMLAdapter
public class OOXMLReader extends OOXMLAdapter implements OOXMLConstants {
//  private int defaultXf= 0;  // usual for OOXML files; however, those which are converted from XLS may have default xf as 15
     * Parsing/Reading OOXML Input Section /

     * OOXML parseNBind - reads in an OOXML (Excel 7) workbook
     * @param bk        WorkBookHandle - workbook to input
     * @param fName     OOXML filename (must be a ZIP file in OPC format)
     * @throws XmlPullParserException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws CellNotFoundException
    public  void parseNBind(WorkBookHandle bk, String fName) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException, CellNotFoundException
       ZipFile zip= new ZipFile(fName);
       inputEncoding= System.getProperty("file.encoding");
       if (inputEncoding==null) inputEncoding= "UTF-8";
       // KSC: replaced with above       isUTFEncoding= (System.getProperty("file.encoding").startsWith("UTF"));
       // clear out state vars
       int origcalcmode= bk.getWorkBook().getCalcMode();
       bk.getWorkBook().setCalcMode(WorkBook.CALCULATE_EXPLICIT);   // don't calculate formulas on input
       // TODO: read in format type (doc, macro-enabled doc, template, macro-enabled tempate) from CONTENT_LIST ???      
       ZipEntry rels= getEntry(zip,"_rels/.rels");
            Logger.logInfo("parseNBind about to call parseRels on: " + rels.toString());       
       mainContentList= parseRels(wrapInputStream(zip.getInputStream(rels)));

       /* KSC: remove Xf recs first  -- NOTE has some issues for XLS->XLSX -- must fix !! */
       externalDir= getTempDir(bk.getWorkBook().getFactory().getFileName());             
       ArrayList formulas= new ArrayList();     // set in parseSheetXML, must process formulas after all sheets/cells have been added
       ArrayList hyperlinks= new ArrayList();   // set in parseSheetXML, links with hyperlink target info in sheetX.xml.rels            ""
       HashMap inlineStrs= new HashMap();               // set in parseSheetXML, stores inlinestring text with addresses for entry after all sheets have been added
       parseBookLevelElements(bk, null, zip, mainContentList, "", formulas, hyperlinks, inlineStrs, null, null);
       // if hasn't been streamed, delete temp dir
       if (!bk.getWorkBook().getFactory().getFileName().endsWith(".tmp"))
         deleteDir(new File(externalDir))// don't save temp files (pass-through's) -- can reinstate when needed
       bk.getWorkBook().setCalcMode(origcalcmode)// reset
    protected static boolean parsePivotTables= true;    // KSC: TESTING -- only make true in testing

     * parses OOXML content files given a content list cl from zip file zip
     * recurses if content file has it's own content
     * *************************************
     * NOTE: certain elements we do not as of yet process; we "pass-through" or store such elements along with any embedded objects associated with them
     * for example, activeX objects, vbaProject.bin, etc.
     * *************************************
     * @param bk        WorkBookHandle
     * @param sheet     WorkSheetHandle (set if recursing)
     * @param zip       currently open ZipOutputStream
     * @param cl        ArrayList of Contents (type, filename, rId) to parse
     * @param parentDir Parent Directory for relative paths in content lists
     * @param formulas, hyperlinks, inlineStrs -- ArrayLists/Hashmaps stores sheet-specific info for later entry
     * @throws CellNotFoundException
     * @throws XmlPullParserException
    protected  void parseBookLevelElements(WorkBookHandle bk, WorkSheetHandle sheet, ZipFile zip, ArrayList cl, String parentDir, ArrayList formulas, ArrayList hyperlinks, HashMap inlineStrs, HashMap<String, String> pivotCaches, HashMap<String, WorkSheetHandle> pivotTables) throws XmlPullParserException, CellNotFoundException {
        String p;  // target path
        ZipEntry target;
        ArrayList sst= new ArrayList(); // set in parseSSTXML, used in parsing sheet XML
        try {
            // parse content list for <elementName, target's path, rId>
            for (int i = 0; i < cl.size(); i++) {
                String[] c = (String[]) cl.get(i);
                    Logger.logInfo("OOXMLReader.parse: " + c[0] + ":" + c[1] + ":" + c[2]);
               p= StringTool.getPath(c[1]);
               p= parsePathForZip(p, parentDir);
               String ooxmlElement= c[0];
               if (!ooxmlElement.equals("hyperlink"))  // if it's a hyperlink reference, don't strip path info :)
                   c[1]= StringTool.stripPath(c[1]);
               String f= c[1]// root filename
               String rId= c[2];
               if (ooxmlElement.equals("styles")) {
                   target= getEntry(zip,p + f);
               } else if (ooxmlElement.equals("sst")) {
                   target= getEntry(zip,p + f);
                   sst= Sst.parseOOXML(bk,wrapInputStream(zip.getInputStream(target)));                                 
               } else if (ooxmlElement.equals("sheet")) { 
                   // sheet.xml
                   target= getEntry(zip,p + f);
                   try {
                       int sheetnum= 1;
                            String s= rId.substring(3);    // in form of "rIdXX" where XX is the sheet number
                            sheetnum= Integer.valueOf(s).intValue()-1// embed attribute, specifies rId, important in OOXML
                        }catch(Exception e){
                            Logger.logWarn("OOXMLAdapter couldn't get sheet number from rid:" + rId);
                       sheet= bk.getWorkSheet(sheetnum);
                        // since we're adding a lot of cells, put sheet in fast add mode    // put statement here AFTER sheet is set :)
                       sheet.getMysheet().parseOOXML(bk, sheet, wrapInputStream(zip.getInputStream(target)), sst, formulas, hyperlinks, inlineStrs);
                       // sheet.xml.rels
                       target= getEntry(zip,p + "_rels/" + f.substring(f.lastIndexOf("/")+1)+".rels");
                       if (target!=null) {
                             HashMap pts= new HashMap<String, WorkSheetHandle>();                          
                               sheet.getMysheet().parseSheetElements(bk, zip, parseRels(wrapInputStream(wrapInputStream(zip.getInputStream(target)))), p, externalDir, formulas, hyperlinks, inlineStrs, pts);
                               if (pts.size() > 0) {                                
                           }catch(Exception e){
                               Logger.logWarn("OOXMLAdapter.parse problem parsing rels in: " + bk.toString() + " " + e.toString());
                        // reset fast add mode
                        sheet.setFastCellAdds(false);   // 20090713 KSC: moved from below
                   } catch (WorkSheetNotFoundException we) {
                       Logger.logErr("OOXMLAdapter.parse: " + we.toString());
                } else if (ooxmlElement.equals("document")) { // main workbook document
                   // workbook.xml
                   target= getEntry(zip,p + f);
                       Logger.logInfo("About to parseWBOOXML:" + bk.toString());
                   pivotCaches= new HashMap<String, String>();
                   parsewbOOXML(zip, bk, wrapInputStream(zip.getInputStream(target)), p, pivotCaches)// seets, defined names, pivotcachedefinition ... 
                   // now parse wb content - sheets and their sub-contents (charts, images, oleobjects...)
                   pivotTables= new HashMap<String, WorkSheetHandle>();
                   parseBookLevelElements(bk, sheet, zip, wbContentList, p, formulas, hyperlinks, inlineStrs, pivotCaches, pivotTables)
                   // after all sheet data has been added, now can add inline strings, if any
                   if (inlineStrs!=null)
                       addInlineStrings(bk, inlineStrs);
                   // after all sheet data has been added, now can add formulas
                   addFormulas(bk, formulas);                  
                   // after all sheet data and formulas, NOW can add pivot Tables
                   addPivotTables(bk, zip, pivotTables);
                } else if (parsePivotTables && ooxmlElement.equals("pivotCacheDefinition")) {  // workbook-parent + pivotTable-parent
                    //pivotCaches.add(new int[] {cid, id});                                        
                    target = getEntry(zip,p + f);                   
                    PivotCacheDefinition.parseOOXML(bk, pivotCaches.get(rId), wrapInputStream(zip.getInputStream(target)));
                    target= getEntry(zip,p + "_rels/" + f.substring(f.lastIndexOf("/")+1)+".rels");                   
                    if (target!=null) {  // pivotCacheRecords ...
                            parseBookLevelElements(bk, sheet, zip, parseRels(wrapInputStream(wrapInputStream(zip.getInputStream(target)))), p, formulas, hyperlinks, inlineStrs, pivotCaches, pivotTables);
                        }catch(Exception e){
                            Logger.logWarn("OOXMLAdapter.parse problem parsing rels in: " + bk.toString() + " " + e.toString());
                } else if (parsePivotTables && ooxmlElement.equals("pivotCacheRecords")) {  // pivotcacheDefinition-parent                
                } else if (ooxmlElement.equals("theme") ||
                    (ooxmlElement.equals("themeOverride"))) { // read in theme colors
                   target= getEntry(zip,p + f);
                   if(target!=null) {
                     if (bk.getWorkBook().getTheme()==null)
                       bk.getWorkBook().getTheme().parseOOXML(bk, wrapInputStream(zip.getInputStream(target)))// theme overrides
                   handlePassThroughs(zip, bk, p, externalDir, c);
                // Below are elements we do not as of yet handle
                } else if (ooxmlElement.equals("props")    
                        || ooxmlElement.equals("exprops")
                        || ooxmlElement.equals("custprops")
                        || ooxmlElement.equals("connections")
                        || ooxmlElement.equals("calc")
                        || ooxmlElement.equals("vba")
                        || ooxmlElement.equals("externalLink")) {
                    handlePassThroughs(zip, bk, p, externalDir, c);   // pass-through this file and any embedded objects as well
                } else {    // unknown type
                    Logger.logWarn("OOXMLReader.parse:  XLSX Option Not yet Implemented " + ooxmlElement);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Logger.logErr("OOXMLReader.parse failed: " + e.toString());

     * pass-through current OOXML element/file - i.e. save file to external directory on disk
     * because it cannot be processed into our normal BIFF8 machinery
     * also, if current OOXML element has an associated .rels file containing links to other files known as "embeds",
     * store embeds on disk and link information to for later retrieval
     *   <br>Possible pass-through types:
     *       <br>props    

     * @param c String[] {type, filename, rid}
    protected static void handlePassThroughs(ZipFile zip, WorkBookHandle bk, String parentDir, String externalDir, String[] c) throws IOException {
        passThrough(zip, parentDir+c[1], externalDir +c[1]); // save the original target file for later re-packaging
        ZipEntry target= getEntry(zip, parentDir + "_rels/" + c[1].substring(c[1].lastIndexOf("/")+1)+".rels"); // is there an associated .rels file??
        if (target==null// no .rels, just link to original OOXML element/file
            bk.getWorkBook().addOOXMLObject(new String[]{ c[0], parentDir, externalDir +c[1]});
        else              // handle embedded objects in \book-level objects (theme embeds, externalLinks
            bk.getWorkBook().addOOXMLObject(new String[]{ c[0], parentDir, externalDir +c[1], c[2], null, Arrays.asList(storeEmbeds(zip, target, parentDir, externalDir)).toString()/* 1.6 only Arrays.toString(storeEmbeds(zip, target, p))*/});                            
* pass-through current sheet-level OOXML element/file - i.e. save file to external directory on disk
* because it cannot be processed into our normal BIFF8 machinery
* also, if current OOXML element has an associated .rels file containing links to other files known as "embeds",
* store embeds on disk and link information to for later retrieval 
* @param c String[] {type, filename, rid}
    protected static void handleSheetPassThroughs(ZipFile zip, WorkBookHandle bk, Boundsheet sht, String parentDir, String externalDir, String[] c, String attrs) throws IOException {
        passThrough(zip, parentDir+c[1], externalDir +c[1]); // save the original target file for later re-packaging
        ZipEntry target= getEntry(zip, parentDir + "_rels/" + c[1].substring(c[1].lastIndexOf("/")+1)+".rels"); // is there an associated .rels file??
      if (target == null) // no .rels, just link to original OOXML element/file
          sht.addOOXMLObject(new String[]{ c[0], parentDir, externalDir +c[1], c[2], attrs});
      else                // handle embedded objects in sheet-level objects (activeX binaries ....)
          sht.addOOXMLObject(new String[]{ c[0], parentDir, externalDir +c[1], c[2], attrs, Arrays.asList(storeEmbeds(zip, target, parentDir, externalDir)).toString() /* 1.6 only Arrays.toString(storeEmbeds(zip, target, p))*/});        

     * handle OOXML files that we do not process at this time.
     * <br>Writes the file in question from zip file fin to file directory file fout
     * @param zip
     * @param fin
     * @param fout
     * @throws IOException
    protected static void passThrough(ZipFile zip, String fin, String fout) throws IOException{
        try {
   outfile = new;
            // clean it up
            File dirs= outfile.getParentFile();
            if (dirs!=null && !dirs.exists()){
           BufferedOutputStream fos= new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outfile));       
           InputStream fis= OOXMLReader.wrapInputStream(zip.getInputStream(OOXMLReader.getEntry(zip,fin)));
           int i=;
           while (i!=-1) {
               fos.write (i);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            ; // OK for external links for FNFE
     * given workbook.xml inputstream, parse OOXML into array list of content (only sheets and names at this point; eventually will handle docProps ...)
     * @param bk    WorkBookHandle
     * @param ii    inputStream
     * @param namedRange    ArrayList to hold named ranges (must be added after all sheet data)
     * @return
    ArrayList parsewbOOXML(ZipFile zip, WorkBookHandle bk, InputStream ii, String p, HashMap<String, String> pivotCaches) {
        ArrayList namedRanges= new ArrayList()//must save and parse after all sheets have been added
        ArrayList contentList= new ArrayList();
        ArrayList sheets= new ArrayList();
        // set the default date format
        bk.getWorkBook().dateFormat = DateConverter.DateFormat.OOXML_1900;
        try {          
            XmlPullParserFactory factory = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance();
            XmlPullParser xpp = factory.newPullParser();

            xpp.setInput(ii, null); // using XML 1.0 specification
            int eventType = xpp.getEventType();
            while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
                if(eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
                     String tnm = xpp.getName();
                     if (tnm.equals("sheet")) {    
                         String name=""; // name, sheetId, rId, state=hidden
                         int id= 0;      // sheetId is used??
                         int rId= 0;
                         String hidden="";
                         for (int i= 0; i < xpp.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
                             String nm= xpp.getAttributeName(i);   
                             String v= xpp.getAttributeValue(i);
                             if (nm.equalsIgnoreCase("name"))
                                name= v;
                             else if (nm.equalsIgnoreCase("SheetId"))
                                id= Integer.valueOf(v).intValue()-1;
                             else if (nm.equalsIgnoreCase("id"))    // rId
                                 rId= Integer.valueOf(v.substring(3)).intValue()-1;
                             else if (nm.equals("state")) {
                                 hidden= v;
                         // sheets may very well NOT be in order so must create after all sheets have been accounted for bk.createWorkSheet(name, id);
                         for (int i= sheets.size(); i < rId; i++) {
                         sheets.add(rId, new String[] {name, hidden});
                         contentList.add(new String[] {"sheet", name});
                     } else if (tnm.equals("workbookPr")) { // TODO: get other attributes such as date1904
                         for (int i= 0; i < xpp.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
                           String attrName = xpp.getAttributeName(i);
                           String attrValue = xpp.getAttributeValue(i);
                             if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("codeName"))
                                 bk.getWorkBook().setCodename( attrValue );
                             else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase( "dateCompatibility" )
                                 && attrValue.equals( "1" ) )
                               bk.getWorkBook().dateFormat =
                             else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase( "date1904" )
                                 && attrValue.equals( "1" ))
                               bk.getWorkBook().dateFormat =
                     } else if (tnm.equals("workbookView")) {   // TODO: handle other workbookview attributes
                         String n= "";
                         for (int i= 0; i < xpp.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
                             n= xpp.getAttributeName(i);
                             if (n.equalsIgnoreCase("firstSheet"))
                             //else if (n.equalsIgnoreCase("activeTab"))
                             else if (n.equals("showSheetTabs")) {
                                 boolean b= (!xpp.getAttributeValue(i).equals("0"));
/*                   } else if (tnm.equals("externalReference")) {  // TODO: HANDLE! nothing really to do here as it just denotes an rId, handled upon encountering externalLink */
                     } else if (tnm.equals("definedName")) {    // have to process after sheets have been added, so save info
                       // attributes:  (not used by us) comment, customMenu, description, help, shortcutKey, statusBar, vbProcedure, workbookParameter, publishToServer
                       // (to deal with later) function, functionGroupId -- Specifies a boolean value that indicates that the defined name refers to a user-defined function/add-in ...
                       // xlm (External Function)
                       // (should deal with) hidden, localSheetId
                         String nm= "", id= "";
                         for (int i= 0; i < xpp.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
                             String n=  xpp.getAttributeName(i);
                             if (n.equals("name"))    // can be built-in:  _xlnm.Print_Area, _xlnm.Print_Titles, _xlnm.Criteria, _xlnm ._FilterDatabase, _xlnm .Extract, _xlnm .Consolidate_Area, _xlnm .Database, _xlnm .Sheet_Title
                                 nm= xpp.getAttributeValue(i);
                             else if (n.equals("localSheetId"))    // Specifies the sheet index in this workbook where data from an external reference is displayed.
                                 id= xpp.getAttributeValue(i);  
                         String name= getNextText(xpp)// value can be a function, a
                         // has an external wb specification, remove as messes up parsing
                         if (!id.equals("") && name.startsWith("[")) { // remove external denotation [#]sheet!range
                             int n= 0;
                             while ((n=name.indexOf("["))>-1) {
                                 name= name.substring(0, n) + name.substring(n+name.substring(n).indexOf("]")+1);
                         namedRanges.add(new String[] {nm, id, name});
                     } else if (tnm.equals("pivotCache")) {
                       String cid="", rid="";        
                         for (int i= 0; i < xpp.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
                             String n=  xpp.getAttributeName(i);
                             if (n.equals("cacheId")) {
                               cid= xpp.getAttributeValue(i);
                             } else if (n.equals("id")) { 
                               rid= xpp.getAttributeValue(i);
                       pivotCaches.put(rid, cid);                      
                } else if(eventType == XmlPullParser.END_TAG) {
                eventType =;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Logger.logErr("OOXMLAdapter.parsewbOOXML failed: " + e.toString());
        for (int i= 0; i < sheets.size(); i++) {
            Object obx = sheets.get(i);
            String[] sh= null;
            if(obx instanceof String){
                sh = new String[1];
                sh = (String[])obx;
            String name= sh[0];
            if (name!=null && !name.equals("")) {
                bk.createWorkSheet(name, i);
                try {
                  bk.getWorkBook().setDefaultIxfe(0)// OOXML default xf= 0, 2003-vers, default= 15 see below
                    if (sh[1].equals("hidden"))
                else if (sh[1].equals("veryHidden"))
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // shouldn't!
        // workbook.xml.rels
        ZipEntry target= getEntry(zip, p + "_rels/workbook.xml.rels");
        try {
          wbContentList= parseRels(wrapInputStream(wrapInputStream(zip.getInputStream(target))));
        } catch (IOException e) {
          Logger.logWarn("OOXMLReader.parseWbOOXML: " + e.toString());
        // for workbook contents, MUST PROCESS themes before styles, sst and styles, etc. before SHEETS

        // add all named ranges
        addNames(bk, namedRanges);
        return contentList;

     * get correct path for zip access based on path p and parent directory parentDir
     * @param p
     * @param parentDir
    protected static String parsePathForZip(String p, String parentDir) {
       if ((p.indexOf("/")!=0 || p.indexOf("\\")==0)) {
           while (p.indexOf("..")==0) {
               p= p.substring(3);
               if (!parentDir.equals("") && (parentDir.charAt(parentDir.length()-1)=='/' || parentDir.charAt(parentDir.length()-1)=='\\')) parentDir= parentDir.substring(0, parentDir.length()-2);
               int z= parentDir.lastIndexOf("/");
               if (z==-1)
                   z= parentDir.lastIndexOf("\\");
               parentDir= parentDir.substring(0, z+1);
           p= parentDir + p;

             //  Logger.logInfo("parsePathForZip:"+p);
       } else if (!p.equals(""))
           p= p.substring(1);
       return p;
     * retrieves the entire element at the current position in the xpp pullparser,
     * as a string, and advances the pullparser position to the next element
     * @param xpp
     * @return
    protected static String getCurrentElement(XmlPullParser xpp) {
        StringBuffer el= new StringBuffer();
        try {
            int eventType = xpp.getEventType();
            String elname= xpp.getName();
            while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
                if (eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG || eventType == XmlPullParser.TEXT) {
                } else if(eventType == XmlPullParser.END_TAG) {
                    String t= xpp.getText();
                    if (t.indexOf("</")==0)
                    if (xpp.getName().equals(elname))
                eventType =;                         
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Logger.logErr("OOXMLAdapter.getCurrentElement: " + e.toString());
        return el.toString();

     * XmlPullParser positioned on <is> child of the <c> (cell) element in sheetXXX.xml
     * @param xpp   XmlPullParser
     * @return      String inline text
     * @throws XmlPullParserException
     * @throws IOException
    protected static String getInlineString(XmlPullParser xpp) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException {
        int eventType=;
        String ret= "";
        while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT &&
                 eventType != XmlPullParser.END_TAG &&
                 eventType != XmlPullParser.TEXT) {
             eventType =;
         if (eventType==XmlPullParser.TEXT)
             ret= xpp.getText();

         try {
             return new String(ret.getBytes(), inputEncoding);
         } catch (Exception e) { }  // inputEncoding can be null
         return ret;
    // records used in parsing styles.xml
    ArrayList borders;
    ArrayList<Integer> fontmap;
    ArrayList<Fill> fills;
    ArrayList<Dxf> dxfs;
    HashMap fmts;
    int nXfs;           
     * given Styles.xml OOXML input stream, parse and input into workbook
     * @param bk        WorkBookHandle
     * @param ii        InputStream
    void parseStylesXML(WorkBookHandle bk, InputStream ii) {
        try {          
            borders= new ArrayList();
            fontmap= new ArrayList<Integer>();
            fills=   new ArrayList<Fill>();
            dxfs=    new ArrayList<Dxf>();
            fmts=      new HashMap();
            nXfs= 0;                  // position in xfrecs array is vital as cells will reference the styleId/xfId
            int indexedColor= 0;              // index into COLOR_TABLE
            XmlPullParserFactory factory = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance();
            XmlPullParser xpp = factory.newPullParser();

            xpp.setInput(ii, null); // using XML 1.0 specification
            int eventType = xpp.getEventType();
            while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT)
                if(eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG)
                     String tnm = xpp.getName();
                     if (tnm.equals("font")) {
                         Font f= (Font) Font.parseOOXML(xpp, bk);
                         int idx= FormatHandle.addFont(f, bk);                      
                     else if (tnm.equals("dxfs")) {   // differential formatting (conditional formatting) style
                     else if (tnm.equals("dxf"))  { // incremental style info -- for conditional save
                         Dxf d= (Dxf) Dxf.parseOOXML(xpp, bk).cloneElement();
                     else if (tnm.equals("fill")) {
                       Fill f= (Fill) Fill.parseOOXML(xpp, false, bk)
                         fills.add(f)//new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(fp), fgColor, bgColor});                      
                     else if (tnm.equals("numFmt")) {
                         int fmtId= 0, newFmtId= 0;
                         String xmlFormatPattern= "";
                         for (int i= 0; i<xpp.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
                             String nm= xpp.getAttributeName(i);
                             if (nm.equals("numFmtId")) {
                                 fmtId= Integer.valueOf(xpp.getAttributeValue(i)).intValue();
                             } else if (nm.equals("formatCode")) {
                                 xmlFormatPattern = xpp.getAttributeValue(i);
                                 xmlFormatPattern = Xf.unescapeFormatPattern(xmlFormatPattern);
                         newFmtId= Xf.addFormatPattern(bk.getWorkBook(), xmlFormatPattern);
                         fmts.put(Integer.valueOf(fmtId), Integer.valueOf(newFmtId))// map our format id with original
                     else if (tnm.equals("border")) { // TODO: use Border element to parse
                       Border b= (Border) Border.parseOOXML(xpp, bk).cloneElement();
                     else if (tnm.equals("cellXfs"))
                         while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
                             if (eventType==XmlPullParser.START_TAG)
                               this.parseCellXf(xpp, bk);                             
                             else if (eventType == XmlPullParser.END_TAG && xpp.getName().equals("cellXfs"))
                             eventType =;
                     else if (tnm.equals("rgbColor")) {   
                       // save custom indexed colors
                       String clr= "#" + xpp.getAttributeValue(0).substring(2);
                       // usually the same as COLORTABLE but sometimes different too :)
                       try {
                         bk.getWorkBook().getColorTable()[indexedColor++]= FormatHandle.HexStringToColor(clr);
                       } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                         // happens?
                } else if(eventType == XmlPullParser.END_TAG) {
                    String endTag= xpp.getName();
                    if (endTag.equals("worksheet")) // we're done!
                } else if(eventType == XmlPullParser.TEXT) {
                if (eventType!=XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT)
                    eventType =;
            if (dxfs.size()>0
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Logger.logErr("OOXMLReader.parseStylesXML: " + e.toString());

     * Parse the cellXF's section of the styles.xml file
     * @param xpp
     * @param bk
    private void parseCellXf(XmlPullParser xpp, WorkBookHandle bk)
       String tnm = xpp.getName();
         if (tnm.equals("xf")) {
             int f= 0, fmtId= -1, fillId= -1, borderId= -1;                                 
             for (int i= 0; i<xpp.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
                 String nm= xpp.getAttributeName(i);
                 // all id's are 0-based
                 if (nm.equals("fontId")) {
                     f= Integer.valueOf(xpp.getAttributeValue(i)).intValue();
                 } else if (nm.equals("numFmtId")) {
                    fmtId= Integer.valueOf(xpp.getAttributeValue(i)).intValue();
                 } else if (nm.equals("fillId")) {
                    fillId= Integer.valueOf(xpp.getAttributeValue(i)).intValue();
                 } else if (nm.equals("borderId")) {
                    borderId= Integer.valueOf(xpp.getAttributeValue(i)).intValue();
             f= ((Integer) fontmap.get(f)).intValue()// FONT
             Xf xf= null;
             if (nXfs < bk.getWorkBook().getXfrecs().size())    // either alter existing default xf or create new xf
                 xf= (Xf)bk.getWorkBook().getXfrecs().get(nXfs);
             if (xf==null)// if it doesn't exist, create new otherwise overwrite orig
                 xf= Xf.updateXf(null, f, bk.getWorkBook());
             else {
             if (fmtId>0) { // NUMBER FORMAT 0 is default
                 if (fmts.get((Integer.valueOf(fmtId)))!=null// map it
                     fmtId= ((Integer)(fmts.get((Integer.valueOf(fmtId))))).intValue();
                 xf.setFormat((short) fmtId);
             if (borderId>-1) {     // BORDER
               Border b= (Border) borders.get(borderId);
             if (fillId>0) {    // FILL 0 is default
               xf.setFill((Fill) fills.get(fillId));
             // is xf 15 the default? (will happen if converted from xls) ******* very important to avoid unnecessary blank creation *******
             // see TestCorruption.TestStackOverflow
             if (nXfs==15 && xf.toString().equals(bk.getWorkBook().getXf(0).toString()))
         } else if (tnm.equals("protection")) {
             Xf xf= bk.getWorkBook().getXf(nXfs-1);
             for (int j= 0; j<xpp.getAttributeCount(); j++) {
                 String n= xpp.getAttributeName(j);
                 String v= xpp.getAttributeValue(j);
                 if (n.equals("hidden"))
                 else if (n.equals("locked"))
         } else if (tnm.equals("alignment")) {                                  
             Xf xf= bk.getWorkBook().getXf(nXfs-1);
             for (int j= 0; j<xpp.getAttributeCount(); j++) {
                 String n= xpp.getAttributeName(j);
                 String v= xpp.getAttributeValue(j);
                 if (n.equals("horizontal")) {
                     int ha= sLookup(v, horizontalAlignment);
                 } else if (n.equals("vertical")) {
                     int va= sLookup(v, verticalAlignment);
                 } else if (n.equals("indent"))
                  else if (n.equals("wrapText"))
                  else if (n.equals("textRotation"))
                  else if (n.equals("shrinkToFit"))
                   else if (n.equals("readingOrder"))

  /** look up string index in string array
     * @param  s
     * @param  sarr String[]
     * @return int index into sarr
    private  int sLookup(String s, String[] sarr) {
        if (sarr!=null && s!=null) {
            for (int i= 0; i < sarr.length; i++) {
                if (s.equals(sarr[i]))
                    return i;
        return -1;

     * intercept Sheet adds and hand off to parse event listener as needed
    static CellHandle sheetAdd(WorkSheetHandle sheet, Object val, int r, int c, int fmtid){
        return sheet.add(val, r, c, fmtid);
     * take a passthrough element such as vmldrawing or theme which contains embedded objects (images), retrieve and store
     * for later re-writing to zip
     * @param zip       open ZipFile
     * @param target    ZipEntry pointing to .rels
     * @param p         path
     * @return String[] array of embeds
    protected static String[] storeEmbeds(ZipFile zip, ZipEntry target, String p, String externalDir) throws IOException {     
        //if(DEBUG) Logger.logInfo("storeEmbeds about to call parseRels on: " + target.toString());
       ArrayList embeds= parseRels(wrapInputStream(wrapInputStream(zip.getInputStream(target)))); // obtain a list of image file references for use in later parsing
       Collections.sort(embeds, new Comparator() {
           public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
               Integer a= Integer.valueOf(((String[])o1)[2].substring(3));
               Integer b= Integer.valueOf(((String[])o2)[2].substring(3));
               return a.compareTo(b);
       String[] strEmbeds= new String[embeds.size()];
       for (int j= 0; j < embeds.size(); j++) {
           String[] v= (String[]) embeds.get(j);
           String path= StringTool.getPath(v[1]);
           path= parsePathForZip(path, p);
           v[1]= StringTool.stripPath(v[1]);
           if (!v[0].equalsIgnoreCase("externalLinkPath"))  // it's OK for externally referenced book not to be present
           try {
               passThrough(zip, path + v[1], externalDir +v[1]);    // save the original target file for later re-packaging
           } catch (NullPointerException e) {
            //   if (!v[0].equalsIgnoreCase("externalLinkPath"))  // it's OK for externally referenced book not to be present
                   throw new NullPointerException();
           strEmbeds[j]= v[0] + "/" + path+v[1];
       return strEmbeds;

     * given a list of all named ranges in the workbook, add all
     * @param bk
     * @param namedRanges
    void addNames(WorkBookHandle bk, ArrayList namedRanges) {
        // now input named ranges before processing sheet data
        for (int j= 0; j < namedRanges.size(); j++) {
          String[] s= (String[]) namedRanges.get(j);
          if (!(s[0].equals("") && s[2].equals(""))) {
              try {
                  if (s[0].indexOf("_xlnm")==0) {    // it's a built-in
                      String sh= s[2].substring(0, s[2].indexOf("!"));
//                      String[] addresses= StringTool.splitString(s[2], ",");
//                      for (int k= 0; k < addresses.length; k++) {
                         if (s[0].equals("_xlnm.Print_Area"))
                        }catch(OutOfMemoryError e){
                            // System.gc();
                            Logger.logWarn("OOXMLAdapter.parse OOME setting PrintArea");
                         else if (s[0].equals("_xlnm.Print_Titles"))
                                bk.getWorkSheet(sh).getMysheet().setPrintTitles(s[2]); //addresses[k]);
                            }catch(OutOfMemoryError e){
                                // System.gc();
                                Logger.logWarn("OOXMLAdapter.parse OOME setting PrintTitles");
                         // TODO: handle other built-in named ranges
                         // _xlnm._FilterDatabase, _xlnm.Criteria, _xlnm.Extract
//                      }
                  } else {
                    if (!s[2].startsWith("[")) { // skip names in external workbooks
                         int scope = 0;
                         if (!s[1].equals(""))scope = (Integer.parseInt(s[1])+1);
                       new Name(bk.getWorkBook(), s[0], s[2], (scope));
              } catch(NumberFormatException es) {
                  ; // this is usually a named range that is currently #REF!
              } catch(Exception e) {
                  //Logger.logErr("OOXMLAdapter.parse: failed creating Named Range:" + e.toString() + s[0] + ":" + s[2]);
          } else Logger.logErr("OOXMLAdapter.parse: failed retrieving Named Range");
     * given a HashMap of inline Strings per cell address, set cell value to string
     * <br>NOTE: cells must exist with proper format before calling this method
     * @param bk
     * @param inlineStrs    HashMap
    void addInlineStrings(WorkBookHandle bk, HashMap inlineStrs) {
        Iterator ii= inlineStrs.keySet().iterator();
        while(ii.hasNext()) {
            String cellAddr= (String);
            String s= (String) inlineStrs.get(cellAddr);
            int[] rc = ExcelTools.getRowColFromString(cellAddr);
                 CellHandle ch= bk.getCell(cellAddr);   // should have been added already
             }catch(Exception ex){;}

     * intercept Sheet adds and hand off to parse event listener as needed
    protected CellHandle sheetAdd(WorkSheetHandle sheet, Object val, Object cachedval, int r, int c, int fmtid){
        CellHandle ch= sheetAdd(sheet,val,r,c,fmtid);
        return ch;
     * given an array list of every formula in the workbook, iterate list, parse and add approrpriately
     * @param bk
     * @param formulas
    void addFormulas(WorkBookHandle bk, ArrayList formulas) {
        // after sheets, now can input formulas
        WorkSheetHandle sheet= null;
        HashMap sharedFormulas= new HashMap();
        for (int j= 0; j < formulas.size(); j++) {
              String[] s= (String[]) formulas.get(j);   
              //formulas:  0=sheetname, 1= cell address, 2=formula including =, 3=shared formula index, 4=array refs, 5=formula type, 6=calculate always flag, 7=format id, 8=cached value
              if ((s[0].equals("") || s[1].equals("")) || s.length<8)
                 continue; // no address or formula - should ever happen?
              try {                              
                  // for clarity, assign values to most common ops
                  String addr= s[1];
                  int[] rc = ExcelTools.getRowColFromString(addr);
                  String fStr= s[2];
                  String type= s[5];
                  String fType= "";
                  if (s[5].indexOf('/')>0) {
                      type= s[5].split("/")[0];
                      fType= s[5].split("/")[1];
                  int fmtid = 0;
                     fmtid = Integer.valueOf(s[7]).intValue();
                  }catch(Exception e){;}                 
                  Object cachedValue= s[8];
                  if (type.equals("n"))
                      try {
                          cachedValue= Integer.valueOf((String)cachedValue);
                      } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                          cachedValue= new Double((String)cachedValue);
                  else if (type.equals("b"))
                      cachedValue= Boolean.valueOf((String)cachedValue);
                  // type e -- input calculation exception?
                  CellHandle ch= null// normal case but may be created * as a blank * if part of a merged cell range or dv ...
                     sheet = bk.getWorkSheet(s[0]);  
                     ch= sheet.getCell(addr);   // if exists, grab it;                              
                  }catch(Exception ex){;}
                  if (fStr.equals("null")) { // when would this ever occur?
                     Logger.logWarn("OOXMLAdapter.parse: invalid formula encountered at " + addr);
                  if (fType.equals("array")) {
                       * For a multi-cell formula, the r attribute of the top-left cell
                       * of the range 1 of cells to which that formula applies
                         shall designate the range of cells to which that formula applies
                      int[] arrayref= null;
                      if (s[4]!=null) {   // if has the ref attribute means its the PARENT array formula
                          sheet.getMysheet().addParentArrayRef(s[1], s[4]);
                          arrayref= ExcelTools.getRangeRowCol(s[4]);
                      } else
                          arrayref= rc;
                      /* must enter array formulas for each cell in range denoted by array ref*/
                      for (int r= arrayref[0]; r <= arrayref[2]; r++) {
                          for (int c= arrayref[1]; c<=arrayref[3]; c++) {
                                 ch= sheet.getCell(r, c);   // if exists, grab it;                              
                              }catch(Exception ex){;}
                                 ch= sheetAdd(sheet,"{" + fStr + "}",cachedValue, r,c,fmtid);
                               else {
                                 ch.setFormatId(fmtid); // if exists may be part of a merged cell range and therefore it's correct format id may NOT have been set; see mergedranges in parseSheetXML below
                                 ch.setFormula("{" + fStr + "}", cachedValue); // set cached value so don't have to recalculate; just sets cached value if formula is already set
                  } else if (fType.equals("datatable")) {
                        ch = sheetAdd(sheet,fStr,cachedValue,rc[0],rc[1],fmtid);
                      else {
                         ch.setFormatId(fmtid); // if exists may be part of a merged cell range and therefore it's correct format id may NOT have been set; see mergedranges in parseSheetXML below
                         ch.setFormula(fStr, cachedValue);      // set cached value so don't have to recalculate; just sets cached value if formula is already set
                  } else if (fType.equals("shared") && !s[3].equals("")) {        // meaning that if it's set as shared but doesn't have a shared index, make regular function -- is what excel 2007 does :) 
                      // Shared Formulas: there is the "master" shared formula which defines the formula + the range (=ref) of cells that the formula refers to
                      // For references to the shared formula, the si index denotes the shared formula it refers to
                      // one takes the master formula cell, compares with the current cell's address and increments the references in the master shared
                      // formula accordingly -- algorithm of comparison and movement can be tricky
                      Integer si = Integer.valueOf(s[3]);
                      if (!sharedFormulas.containsKey(si)) {
                          // represents the "master" formula of a shared formula, movement is based upon relationship of subsequent cells to this cell
                            ch = sheetAdd(sheet,fStr,cachedValue, rc[0],rc[1],fmtid);
                          else {
                             ch.setFormatId(fmtid); // if exists may be part of a merged cell range and therefore it's correct format id may NOT have been set; see mergedranges in parseSheetXML below
                             ch.setFormula(fStr, cachedValue)// set cached value so don't have to recalculate; just sets cached value if formula is already set
                          // see if it's a 3d range
                          int[] range= ExcelTools.getRangeCoords(s[3]);
                          range[0]-=1;  range[2]-=1;
                          Stack expressionStack= cloneStack(ch.getFormulaHandle().getFormulaRec().getExpression());
                          sharedFormulas.put(si, new Object[] {expressionStack, rc, range});
                      } else { // found shared formula- means already created; must get original and "move" based on position of this - the child - shared formula
                          Object[] o= (Object[])sharedFormulas.get(si);
                          Stack ss= cloneStack((Stack) o[0]);
                          int[] rcOrig= ((int[])o[1]);                                       
                          Formula.incrementSharedFormula(ss, rc[0]-rcOrig[0], rc[1]-rcOrig[1], (int[])o[2]);
                          if(ch==null) { 
                                ch= sheetAdd(sheet,"=0", null, rc[0],rc[1],fmtid); // add a basic formula; will be "overwritten" by expression, set below
                                ch.setFormula(ss, cachedValue); // must set child shared formulas via expression rather than via formula string as original formula string must be incremented
                          } else {
                              ch.setFormula(ss, cachedValue);   // must set child shared formulas via expression rather than via formula string as original formula string must be incremented
                              ch.setFormatId(fmtid); // if exists may be part of a merged cell range and therefore it's correct format id may NOT have been set; see mergedranges in parseSheetXML below
                  } else {// it's a regular function                                
                          // use parser-aware method
                          ch= sheetAdd(sheet,fStr,cachedValue,rc[0],rc[1],fmtid);  
                      else {
                         ch.setFormatId(fmtid); // if exists most likely is part of a merged cell range and therefore it's correct format id may NOT have been set; see mergedranges in parseSheetXML below
                         ch.setFormula(fStr, cachedValue);      // set cached value so don't have to recalculate; just sets cached value if formula is already set
                  if (s[6]!=null && ch!=null){  // for formulas such as =TODAY
                      BiffRec br = ch.getCell();
                      if(br instanceof Formula)
              } catch (FunctionNotSupportedException e) {
                     Logger.logErr("OOXMLAdapter.parse: failed setting formula " + s[1] + " to cell " + s[0] + ": " + e.toString());                             
              } catch (Exception e) {
                  Logger.logErr("OOXMLAdapter.parse: failed setting formula " + s[1] + " to cell " + s[0] + ": " + e.toString());                                
     * after all sheet data, etc is added, now add pivot tables
     * @param bk    WorkBookHandle
     * @param zip    open ZipFile
     * @param pivotTables Strings name pivot table files within zip
    void addPivotTables(WorkBookHandle bk, ZipFile zip, HashMap<String, WorkSheetHandle> pivotTables) throws IOException {
      Iterator ii= pivotTables.keySet().iterator();
      while (ii.hasNext()) {       
        String key= (String);
        ZipEntry target= zip.getEntry(key);
/*            target= getEntry(zip,p + "_rels/" + c[1].substring(c[1].lastIndexOf("/")+1)+".rels");
          ArrayList ptrels= parseRels(wrapInputStream(wrapInputStream(zip.getInputStream(target))));
          if (ptrels.size() > 1) {  // what could this be?
            Logger.logWarn("OOXMLReader.parse: Unknown Pivot Table Association: " + ptrels.get(1));
          String pcd= ((String[])ptrels.get(0))[1];
          pcd= pcd.substring(pcd.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
          Object cacheid= null;
            for (int z= 0; z < pivotCaches.size(); z++) {
            Object[] o= (Object[]) pivotCaches.get(z);
            if (pcd.equals(o[0])) {
              cacheid= o[1];
          target = getEntry(zip,p + c[1]);*/
        WorkSheetHandle sheet= pivotTables.get(key);
          PivotTableDefinition.parseOOXML(bk, /*cacheid, */sheet.getMysheet(), wrapInputStream(zip.getInputStream(target)));
     * retrieve pass-through files (Files not processed by normal WBH channels) for later writing
     * @param zipIn
     * @param externalDir
    public static void refreshExternalFiles(ZipFile zipIn, String externalDir) {
        Enumeration<? extends> ee= zipIn.entries();
        while (ee.hasMoreElements()) {
          ZipEntry ze= ee.nextElement();
          String zename= ze.getName();
          // these elements are handled, all else is not
          if (!(zename.equals("xl/workbook.xml") ||
              zename.equals("xl/styles.xml") ||
              zename.equals("xl/sharedStrings.xml") ||
              zename.equals("[Content_Types].xml") ||
              zename.equals("_rels/.rels") ||
              zename.equals("xl/workbook.xml.rels") ||
              zename.startsWith("xl/charts") ||
              //zename.startsWith("xl/drawings") || may be am embed for a chart ...
              zename.startsWith("xl/worksheets"))) {
              try {
                  int z= zename.lastIndexOf("/");    
                OOXMLReader.passThrough(zipIn, zename, externalDir +zename.substring(z)); // save the original target file for later re-packaging
              } catch (Exception e) {
                Logger.logErr("OOXMLReader.refreshExternalFiles: error retrieving zip entries: " + e.toString());
    // docProps
    // xl/media
    // xl/printerSettings
    // xl/theme
    // xl/activeX
    // NOT: xl/charts, xl/drawings, xl/worksheets, xl/_rels, xl/workbook.xml, xl/styles.xml, comments, sharedStrings
    // ?? drawngs/vmlDrawingX.xml
    // xl/

     * utility method which looks up a string rid and returns the associated object
     * in a list of Object[] s
     * @param lst  source ArrayList
     * @param rid  String rid 
     * @return
    private Object lookupRid(ArrayList lst, String rid) {
      for (int i= 0; i < lst.size(); i++) {
        Object[] o= (Object[]) lst.get(i);
        if (rid.equals(o[0]))
            return (o[1]);
      return null;

Related Classes of com.extentech.formats.XLS.OOXMLReader

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