Package com.extentech.formats.XLS

Source Code of com.extentech.formats.XLS.Name

* --------- BEGIN COPYRIGHT NOTICE ---------
* Copyright 2002-2012 Extentech Inc.
* Copyright 2013 Infoteria America Corp.
* This file is part of OpenXLS.
* OpenXLS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* OpenXLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with OpenXLS.  If not, see
* <>.
* ---------- END COPYRIGHT NOTICE ----------
package com.extentech.formats.XLS;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Stack;

import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.ExcelTools;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.formulas.*;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.Boundsheet;
import com.extentech.toolkit.ByteTools;
import com.extentech.toolkit.Logger;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.formulas.FormulaCalculator;

/** <b>Name: Defined Name (218h)</b><br>

   Name records describe a name in the workbook  
  offset  name            size    contents
  4       grbit           2       option flags
  6       chKey           1       Keyboard Shortcut
  7       cch             1       length of name text
  8       cce             2       length of name definition *stored in Excel parsed format
  10      ixals           2       index to sheet containing name
  12      itab            2       NAME SCOPE -- 0= workbook, 1+= sheet
  14      cchCustMenu     1       length of custom menu text
  15      cchDescript     1       length of description text
  16      cchHelpTopic    1       length of help topic text
  17      cchStatusText   1       length of status bar text
  18      rgch            var     name text
  var     rgce            var     name definition
  var     rcchCustMenu    var     cust menu text
  var     rgchDescr       var     description text
  var     rgchHelpTopic   var     help text
  var     rgchStatusText  var     status bar text
public final class Name extends XLSRecord {   
  private static final long serialVersionUID = -7868028144327389601L;
  short grbit = -1;
    boolean DEBUG = false;
    boolean builtIn = false;
    String rgch = "";            //     name text
    String rgce = "";            //     name definition
    String rcchCustMenu = "";    //     cust menu text
    String rgchDescr = "";       //     description text
    String rgchHelpTopic = "";   //     help text
    String rgchStatusText = ""//     status bar text
    byte chKey           = -1;
    byte cch             = -1;
    short cce             = -1;   // 2
    short ixals           = -1;   // 2
    short itab            = -1;   // 2
    byte cchCustMenu     = -1;
    byte cchDescript     = -1;
    byte cchHelpTopic    = -1;
    byte cchStatusText   = -1;
    public byte builtInType = -1;
    private Stack expression = null;
    Externsheet externsheet;
    private Ptg ptga;
    private ArrayList ilblListeners = new ArrayList();
    private String cachedOOXMLExpression = null;
    private byte[] expressionbytes= null;    // for deferred Name expression init
    protected static final byte CONSOLIDATE_AREA = 0x0;
    protected static final byte AUTO_OPEN = 0x1;
    protected static final byte AUTO_CLOSE = 0x2;
    protected static final byte EXTRACT = 0x3;
    protected static final byte DATABASE = 0x4;
    protected static final byte CRITERIA = 0x5;
    protected static final byte PRINT_AREA = 0x6;
    protected static final byte PRINT_TITLES = 0x7;
    protected static final byte RECORDER = 0x8;
    protected static final byte DATA_FORM = 0x9;
    protected static final byte AUTO_ACTIVATE = 0xA;
    protected static final byte AUTO_DEACTIVATE = 0xB;
    protected static final byte SHEET_TITLE = 0xC;
    protected static final byte _FILTER_DATABASE = 0xD;
  /* this byte array differs from the prototype in that it has no description field.  It is
    used by formulas inserting names that don't exist within the workbook.  The name will
    show up in the formula, but nowhere else on the excel file
  private byte[] FILLER_NAME_BYTES = {0x0,0x0,0x0,0x1,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0};
// 20090811 KSC: this prototype contains a range; clear out  private byte[] PROTOTYPE_NAME_BYTES = {0x0,0x0,0x0,0x6,0xb,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x61,0x64,0x66,0x61,0x64,0x66,0x3b,0x1,0x0,0x21,0x0,0x21,0x0,0x1,0x0,0x3,0x0}; 
  private byte[] PROTOTYPE_NAME_BYTES = {0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0}
  public Name(){
    // default constructor
  public Name(WorkBook bk, String namestr){
    byte[] bl = PROTOTYPE_NAME_BYTES;
    }catch(WorkSheetNotFoundException x) {
           Logger.logWarn("Name could not reference WorkBook Externsheet." + x.toString());
   * Used for default name entry in formulas.  The name will not exist in the workbook outside
   * of the formula it is used in.  It has no location.
   * @param bk Workbook containing name
   * @param b Use whatever, just a flag to use this different constructor 
  public Name(WorkBook bk, boolean b){
    byte[] bl = FILLER_NAME_BYTES;
    }catch(WorkSheetNotFoundException x) {
           Logger.logWarn("Name could not reference WorkBook Externsheet." + x.toString());
     * Store ptgName references to this Name record
     * so they can be accessed

    public void addIlblListener(IlblListener ptgname) {
    public void removeIlblListener(IlblListener ptgname) {
    public ArrayList getIlblListeners() {
        return ilblListeners;
    public void updateIlblListeners() {
        short ilbl = (short)this.getWorkBook().getNameNumber(this.getName());
        Iterator i = ilblListeners.iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()){

     * Initialize the Name record

     * @see com.extentech.formats.XLS.XLSRecord#init()
      public void init() {
        init(true);    // default= init Expression
       * init Name record
       * @param initExpression  true if should parse formula/ref expression (will be false on wb load)
      public void init(boolean initExpression){
          //  Logger.logInfo("[" + ByteTools.getByteString(data, false) + "]");
            grbit           =  ByteTools.readShort(this.getByteAt(0),this.getByteAt(1));
            chKey           =  this.getByteAt(2);
            cch             =  this.getByteAt(3);
            cce             =  ByteTools.readShort(this.getByteAt(4),this.getByteAt(5));
            ixals           =  ByteTools.readShort(this.getByteAt(6),this.getByteAt(7));
            itab            =  ByteTools.readShort(this.getByteAt(8),this.getByteAt(9));
            cchCustMenu     = this.getByteAt(10);
            cchDescript     = this.getByteAt(11);
            cchHelpTopic    = this.getByteAt(12);
            cchStatusText   = this.getByteAt(13);
            if ((grbit & 0x20) == 0x20)builtIn=true;
            int pos = 15;
            if (this.getByteAt(14) == 0x1){
                cch *=2;
            }// rich byte;
            // get the Name
                byte[] namebytes = this.getBytesAt(pos,cch);
                if (this.getByteAt(14) == 0x1){
                    rgch = new String(namebytes, UNICODEENCODING);
                }else if (builtIn){
                    builtInType = namebytes[0];
                    switch(builtInType) {
                        case CONSOLIDATE_AREA:
                            rgch = "Built-in: CONSOLIDATE_AREA";
                        case AUTO_OPEN:
                            rgch = "Built-in: AUTO_OPEN";
                        case AUTO_CLOSE:
                            rgch = "Built-in: AUTO_CLOSE";

                        case EXTRACT:
                            rgch = "Built-in: EXTRACT";
                        case DATABASE:
                            rgch = "Built-in: DATABASE";
                        case CRITERIA:
                            rgch = "Built-in: CRITERIA";
                        case PRINT_AREA:
                            rgch = "Built-in: PRINT_AREA";
                        case PRINT_TITLES:
                            rgch = "Built-in: PRINT_TITLES";
                        case RECORDER:
                            rgch = "Built-in: RECORDER";
                        case DATA_FORM:
                            rgch = "Built-in: DATA_FORM";
                        case AUTO_ACTIVATE:
                            rgch = "Built-in: AUTO_ACTIVATE";
                        case AUTO_DEACTIVATE:
                            rgch = "Built-in: AUTO_DEACTIVATE";
                        case SHEET_TITLE:
                            rgch = "Built-in: SHEET_TITLE";
                        case _FILTER_DATABASE:
                            rgch = "Built-in: _FILTER_DATABASE";
                }else {
                    rgch = new String(namebytes);
                pos += cch;
                // get the parsed expression
                /*byte[] */expressionbytes = this.getBytesAt(pos,cce);
                if (initExpression)   

            }catch(Exception e){
                if(DEBUGLEVEL > -1)Logger.logWarn("problem reading Name record expression for Name:" + this.getName() + " " + e);
       * parse Expression separately from init
      public void parseExpression() {
        if (expressionbytes!=null && expression==null) {
            expression = ExpressionParser.parseExpression(expressionbytes,this);
            if(DEBUGLEVEL == DEBUG_LOW)Logger.logInfo(this.getName()+ ":" + this.getDefinition());
            if (expression == null){
                PtgMystery gpg = new PtgMystery();
                expression = new Stack();
            expressionbytes= null;
  public Boundsheet[] getBoundSheets(){
      if(ptga == null)
          }catch(Exception e) {
      if(ptga instanceof PtgRef3d){
      PtgRef3d p3d = (PtgRef3d) ptga;
      Boundsheet b = p3d.getSheet(this.getWorkBook());
      Boundsheet[] ret = new Boundsheet[1];
      ret[0] = b;
      return ret;
    }else if(ptga instanceof PtgArea3d){
      PtgArea3d p3d = (PtgArea3d) ptga;
      return p3d.getSheets(this.getWorkBook());
    }else if (ptga instanceof PtgMemFunc) {
      PtgMemFunc p= (PtgMemFunc) ptga;
      return p.getSheets(this.getWorkBook());
    return null;
     * Return the name which identifies this Name record.  If this is a built in record
     * it will return a generic version of what the built-in is doing.

     * @see com.extentech.formats.XLS.XLSRecord#toString()
  public String toString(){
    return this.getName();

     * Return the expression string for this name record.

     * @return
  public String getExpressionString(){
      if((this.expression==null || this.expression.size()==0)&&this.getCachedOOXMLExpression()!=null)return "=" + this.getCachedOOXMLExpression();
      else if (this.expression!=null)
        return FormulaParser.getExpressionString(this.expression);
      return "=";
     * Get the expression for this Name record

     * @return
    public Stack getExpression() {
        return this.expression;
     * set the expression for this Name record
    public void setExpression(Stack x) {
        expression = x;

     * Return the location of the Name record.  This seems to be slightly wrong as it only
     * returns the location of PTGA.  It's possible to have more complex records than this.

     * @return
     * @throws Exception
  public String getLocation()
  throws Exception{
      if(ptga == null) {
          }catch(Exception e) {
              Logger.logWarn("Name.getLocation() failed: " + e.toString());
      if(ptga == null)
          return null; // it's a NameX or some other non-Cell Name
      if(ptga instanceof PtgRefErr3d)     // 20080228 KSC: return Exception rather than null upon Deleted Named Range
        throw new com.extentech.formats.XLS.CellNotFoundException("Named Range " + this.getName() + " has been deleted or it's referenced cell is invalid")// JM - why not return loc? 'Cause it's deleted!!! :) // 20071203 KSC
      if(ptga instanceof PtgArea3d)
          return ptga.getLocation()//20080214 KSC: returns correct string
    if(ptga instanceof PtgRef3d)
        return ptga.getLocation();// +":"+ ptga.getLocation();; // BAD -- returns a 2d range for a 1d ref
    return ptga.toString();     // PtgMemFunc ...
   * Is this a string referencing Name?
   * @return
  public boolean isStringReference() {
      if(this.expression.size()==1&&this.expression.get(0) instanceof PtgStr)return true;
      return false;
   * Essentially a wrapped setLocation call that is handled for initialization of names
   * from OOXML files.   Our parsing is not up to snuff for some more complex name records,
   * and this is a workaround until we are able to handle those expressions
   * TODO: parse complex expressions better and get rid of this method
   * @param xpression
  public void initializeExpression(String xpression) {
      try {
            this.setLocation(xpression, false);
        } catch (FunctionNotSupportedException e) {
            Logger.logWarn("Unable to parse Name record expression: " + xpression);
            this.cachedOOXMLExpression = xpression;
  public void setLocation(String newloc) {
    setLocation(newloc, true);
     * Set the location for the first ptg in the expression

     * @param newloc
     * @param clearAffectedCells   true if should clear ptga formula cached vals
     * @throws FunctionNotSupportedException TODO
  public void setLocation(String newloc, boolean clearAffectedCells)
  throws FunctionNotSupportedException{
      if(newloc.indexOf("{")>-1)throw new FunctionNotSupportedException("Unable to parse string expression for name record " + newloc);
      if (ptga!=null)
        ((PtgRef) ptga).removeFromRefTracker();
//      ptga = new PtgArea3d(false);
        try{// can be a named value constant
          Formula f= new Formula();
          Stack ptgs = FormulaParser.getPtgsFromFormulaString(f, newloc);
          if (ptgs.size()==1) {  // usual case of 1 ref or 1 PtgMemFunc (complex expression)
            ptga = (Ptg)ptgs.pop();
            //  KSC: memory usage changes: now parent rec nec. for reference tracking; if change must update
            if (ptga instanceof PtgRef && ((PtgRef)ptga).getUseReferenceTracker())
          } else // less common case of a formula expression
            expression= ptgs;
            ptga= null// otherwise will overwrite expression - see below for handling  
        }catch(Exception e){  // usually some #REF! error
            Logger.logErr("Name.setLocation: Error processing location " + e.toString());
      if (ptga instanceof PtgRef) {   // ensure that references are absolute
            ((PtgRef) ptga).setColRel(false);
            ((PtgRef) ptga).setRowRel(false);
             // TODO: get PtgMemFunc's components and ensure references are absolute
            // clear affected cells so that formulas which reference the named range get recalced with the new value(s)
            if (clearAffectedCells) {  // will only be false when initializing an OOXML workbook, which does not need to clear affected cells since it's initializing
              try {
              BiffRec[] b= ((PtgRef) ptga).getRefCells();
                for (int i= 0; i < b.length; i++)
                  if (b[i]!=null)
              } catch (NullPointerException e) { }   // if cells aren't present ...
      if (ptga!=null) {
        expression= new Stack();
        expression.add(ptga)// update expression with new Ptg -- assume there's only 1 ptg!!     
          }catch(Exception e){
            ; // ptg constants will fail here, ptgNames ...
    } else {
      initPtga()// will calculate and set ptga to
  // remove the name
    // why the boolean - NR
  public boolean remove(boolean b) {
      boolean ret = super.remove(true);
      return ret;
  public void setWorkBook(WorkBook b){
  /** set the Externsheet rec
  void setExternsheet(Externsheet e)
  throws WorkSheetNotFoundException{
    this.externsheet = e;
    if(e==null)this.externsheet = wkbook.getExternSheet(true);

   *  Initializes ptga.  
   *  Seems to be an init method to make this
  void initPtga(){
    if(expression == null)
    if (expression==null || expression.size()==0)
    Ptg p;
    //if the usual case of 1 reference-type (area, ref, memfunc...) ptg:
    if (this.expression.size()==1) {
      p= (Ptg) expression.get(0);
      if (p.getIsReference())       
        ptga= p;
    } else { // otherwise it's a formula expression
      p= FormulaCalculator.calculateFormulaPtg(this.expression);
      if (p.getIsReference())       
        ptga= p;
    if (expression != null && expression.size() > 0){
      // this may be an invalid rec
      for(int t=0;t<expression.size();t++){
        Ptg p = (Ptg) expression.get(t);  
        if (p.getIsReference())  
          ptga= p;
        // otherwise it's a constant named range expression
  /** set the Externsheet reference
    for any associated PtgArea3d's
  public void setExternsheetRef(int x){
    // TODO: this doesn't account for formula expressions ...
    for(int t=0;t<expression.size();t++){
      Ptg p = (Ptg) expression.get(t);  
      if(p instanceof PtgArea3d){
        if(DEBUGLEVEL > 1)Logger.logInfo("PtgArea3d encountered in Ai record.");  
        PtgArea3d ptg3d = (PtgArea3d)p;
        ptga = ptg3d;
      if(p instanceof PtgRef3d){
        if(DEBUGLEVEL > 1)Logger.logInfo("PtgRef3d encountered in Ai record.");  
        PtgRef3d ptg3d = (PtgRef3d)p;
        ptga = ptg3d;

   * update Ptga ixti for moved/copied worksheets
  public void updateSheetRefs(String origWorkBookName) {
      if(ptga==null) {
      if (ptga instanceof PtgArea3d) {  // PtgRef3d,etc
        PtgArea3d p= (PtgArea3d) ptga;
          try {
      } catch (WorkSheetNotFoundException we) {
        Logger.logWarn("External References Not Supported:  UpdateSheetReferences: External Worksheet Reference Found: " + p.getSheetName());
  /** set the display name
    Affects the following byte values:
    7       cch             1       length of name text
    18      rgch            var     name text
  public void setName(String newname){
      int modnamelen = 0;
      byte[] dta = this.getData();
      byte[] namebytes;
      boolean isuni= false;
            if (this.getByteAt(14) == 0x1){  // 20100604 KSC: added handling of unicode
                namebytes = newname.getBytes(UNICODEENCODING);
                isuni= true;
            }else {
              namebytes = newname.getBytes(XLSConstants.DEFAULTENCODING);
          modnamelen = namebytes.length;
      int bodlen = dta.length;
      bodlen -= cch;
      bodlen += modnamelen;
      byte[] newbytes = new byte[bodlen];
      System.arraycopy(dta, 0, newbytes, 0, 15);
      System.arraycopy(namebytes, 0, newbytes, 15,modnamelen);
      System.arraycopy(dta, cch + 15, newbytes, modnamelen + 15, (dta.length-(cch+15)));
      cch = (byte)modnamelen;
      if (!isuni)
        newbytes[3] = (byte) cch;
        newbytes[3] = (byte) (cch/2);
      rgch = newname;
            // search for dreferenced names to rehook up
    }catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e){Logger.logWarn("UnsupportedEncodingException in setting NamedRange name: " + e);}
  /** get the display name
  public String getName(){
    return rgch;  
   * return the case-insensitive version of the display name
   * @return
  public String getNameA() {
    return rgch.toUpperCase()// Case-insensitive
    int calc_id = 1;
  /** return the calculated value of this Name
   *  if it contains a parsed Expression (Formula)
   * @return
   * @throws FunctionNotSupportedException
  public Object getCalculatedValue()
  throws FunctionNotSupportedException{
        return FormulaCalculator.calculateFormula(this.expression);
  /** get the definition text
    the definition is stored
    in Excel parsed format
  String getDefinition(){
    if (ptga==null) initPtga();
    return ptga.getString();
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    Ptg[] ep = new Ptg[expression.size()];
    ep = (Ptg[]) expression.toArray(ep);
    for(int t = 0;t<ep.length;t++){
    return sb.toString();*/
  /** get the descriptive text
  String getDescription(){
    return rgchDescr;

  /** do any pre-streaming processing such as expensive
    index updates or other deferrable processing.
  public void preStream(){
    }catch(Exception e){
      Logger.logWarn("problem updating Name record expression for Name:"+this.getName());
  /***  Update the record byte array with the modified ptg records
  public void updatePtgs(){
        if (expression==null) // happens upon init
    byte[] rkdata = this.getData();
    int offset = 15 + cch; // the start of the parsed expression
    int sz = offset;
    int sz2= rkdata.length - (offset + cce);
        cce = 0;
    // add up the size of the expressions
    for (int i = 0; i< expression.size();i++){
      Ptg ptg = (Ptg) expression.elementAt(i);
            cce += ptg.getLength();
        sz += cce;
    sz += sz2;
    byte[] updated = new byte[sz];       
    System.arraycopy(rkdata, 0, updated, 0, offset);
        byte[] cbytes = ByteTools.shortToLEBytes(cce);
        updated[4] = cbytes[0];
        updated[5] = cbytes[1];
        // 20090317 KSC: added handling for PtgArrays
    boolean hasArray = false;
    byte[] arraybytes = new byte[0];
    for (int i = 0; i< expression.size();i++){
      Ptg ptg = (Ptg) expression.elementAt(i);
      byte[] b;
          // 20090317 KSC: added handling for PtgArrays
      if (ptg instanceof PtgArray){
        PtgArray pa = (PtgArray)ptg;
        b = pa.getPreRecord();
        arraybytes = ByteTools.append(pa.getPostRecord(), arraybytes);
        hasArray = true;
        b = ptg.getRecord();
        System.arraycopy(b, 0, updated, offset, b.length/*20071206 KSC: Not necessarily the same ptg.getLength()*/);
      }catch(Exception e){
        Logger.logInfo("setting ExternalSheetValue in Name rec: value: " + ptg.getOpcode() + ": "+e);}
      offset = offset + ptg.getLength();
        // 20090317 KSC: added handling for PtgArrays
    if (hasArray){
      updated = ByteTools.append(arraybytes, updated);
    // add the rest if any
      System.arraycopy(rkdata, (rkdata.length-sz2), updated, offset, sz2);
    public String getCellAddress(){
        return this.getSheet()+"!"+this.getName();
      //  return this.getLocation();
      //}catch(Exception e){
        return this.getName(); // ok
  /**  Returns an array of ptgs that represent any BiffRec ranges in the formula. 
    Ranges can either be in the format "C5" or "Sheet1!C4:D9"     
  public Ptg[] getCellRangePtgs()
    throws FormulaNotFoundException{
    if (ptga==null)
    Ptg[] p= ptga.getComponents();
    if (p==null// a single ref
      return new Ptg[] { ptga };     
    return p;
//    return ExpressionParser.getCellRangePtgs(expression);
  /**  Returns the ptg that matches the string location sent to it.
    this can either be in the format "C5" or a range, such as "C4:D9"
  public List getPtgsByLocation(String loc){
      return ExpressionParser.getPtgsByLocation(loc,expression);
    }catch(FormulaNotFoundException e){
      Logger.logInfo("updating Chart Series Location failed: " + e);
    return null;
     * Set all ptg3ds to the new sheet
    <br>Used when copying worksheets ..
     * @param newSheet
    public void updateSheetReferences(Boundsheet newSheet) {
        for (int i = 0; i< expression.size(); i++){
            Object o = expression.elementAt(i);
            if (o instanceof PtgMemFunc){
                PtgMemFunc pmf = (PtgMemFunc)o;
                Stack s = pmf.getSubExpression();
                for (int x=0;x<s.size();x++) {
                    Object ox = s.elementAt(x);
                    if (ox instanceof PtgArea3d) {
                        PtgArea3d p3d = (PtgArea3d)ox;
                    }// do we have other types we need to handle here? (within memfunc)
            }else if (o instanceof PtgArea3d) {// do we have other types we need to handle here? (outside memfunc);
              ((PtgArea3d) o).setReferencedSheet(newSheet);
                // do nothing

     * Return an array of ptgs that make up this Name record

     * @return
/*  public Ptg[] getComponents(){
    if (ptga==null)
    return ptga.getComponents();
//    if (ptga!=null) { // then this is a location-type ptg (ref or memfunc ...)
      Ptg[] p = new Ptg[expression.size()];
      for (int i=0;i<expression.size();i++){
        p[i] = (Ptg)expression.elementAt(i);
      return p;
//    } else {  // calculate formula - assume ends up as a reference
//      Ptg p= FormulaCalculator.calculateFormulaPtg(this.expression);
//      return new Ptg[] {p};
//    }
* */
//  }

  /** locks the Ptg at the specified location

  public boolean setLocationPolicy(String loc, int l){
    List dx = this.getPtgsByLocation(loc);
    Iterator lx=dx.iterator();
      Ptg d = (Ptg);
    return true;
    public Externsheet getExternsheet() {
        return externsheet;
    public Ptg getPtga() {
        return ptga;

    public boolean isBuiltIn() {
        return builtIn;
    public byte getBuiltInType() {
        return builtInType;
     * Set this name record as a built in type.  Use the static bytes
     * to set the built in type.

     * @param builtinType
    public void setBuiltIn(byte builtinType) {
      // 20100215 KSC: redo
        grbit |= 0x20// set built-in bt
        if (builtinType==_FILTER_DATABASE // TODO: is this the only one?
          grbit |= 0x1// set hidden bit
        byte[] grbytes = ByteTools.shortToLEBytes(grbit);
      byte[] newData= new byte[16];   
      newData[0] = grbytes[0];
      newData[1] = grbytes[1];
        newData[3] = 0x1;      // cch
        newData[15] = builtinType;

    public short getIxals() {
        return ixals;

    public void setIxals(short ixals) {
        this.ixals = ixals;
        byte[] b = ByteTools.shortToLEBytes(ixals);
        byte[] rkdata = this.getData();
        rkdata[6] = b[0];
        rkdata[7] = b[1];

     * Return the named range scope (0= workbook, 1 or more= sheet)
     * @return Named Range Scope
    public short getItab() {
        return itab;

    public void setItab(short itab) {
        this.itab = itab;
        byte[] b = ByteTools.shortToLEBytes(itab);
        this.getData()[8]= b[0];
        this.getData()[9]= b[1];
     * sets a namestring to a constant (non-reference) value
     * @param bk
     * @param namestr  String name
     * @param value    The expression statement
     * @param scope  1 based reference to sheet scope, 0 is for workbook (default)
  public Name(WorkBook bk, String namestr, String value, int scope){
      byte[] bl = PROTOTYPE_NAME_BYTES;
        this.setItab((short) scope);
        }catch(WorkSheetNotFoundException x) {
               Logger.logWarn("Name could not reference WorkBook Externsheet." + x.toString());
        bk.insertName(this)// calls addRecord which calls addName

     * @return Returns the cachedOOXMLExpression.
    public String getCachedOOXMLExpression() {
        return cachedOOXMLExpression;

     * @param cachedOOXMLExpression The cachedOOXMLExpression to set.
    public void setCachedOOXMLExpression(String cachedOOXMLExpression) {
        this.cachedOOXMLExpression = cachedOOXMLExpression;

     * Set the scope (itab) of this name
     * @param newitab
     * @throws WorkSheetNotFoundException
    public void setNewScope(int newitab)throws WorkSheetNotFoundException {
        if (this.itab==0) {
        }else {
        if (newitab==0) {
        }else {
        this.setItab((short) newitab);       
     * clear out object references in prep for closing workbook
    public void close() {
      this.externsheet= null;
      if (ptga!=null) {
          if (ptga instanceof PtgRef)
            ((PtgRef) ptga).close();
        ptga= null;
      if (expression!=null) {
        while (!expression.isEmpty()) {
          GenericPtg p= (GenericPtg) expression.pop();
          if (p instanceof PtgRef)
            ((PtgRef) p).close();
          p= null;
    protected void finalize() {     

Related Classes of com.extentech.formats.XLS.Name

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