* --------- BEGIN COPYRIGHT NOTICE ---------
* Copyright 2002-2012 Extentech Inc.
* Copyright 2013 Infoteria America Corp.
* This file is part of OpenXLS.
* OpenXLS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* OpenXLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with OpenXLS. If not, see
* <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* ---------- END COPYRIGHT NOTICE ----------
package com.extentech.formats.XLS;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.util.AbstractList;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.ImageHandle;
import com.extentech.formats.escher.*;
import com.extentech.toolkit.*;
/** <b>MSODrawingGroup: MS Office Drawing Group (EBh)</b><br>
These records contain only data.<p><pre>
offset name size contents
4 rgMSODrGr var MSO Drawing Group Data
There is only one drawing group per client document (=MSOFBTDGGCONTAINER, 0xF000 ?).
rh (8 bytes): An OfficeArtRecordHeader structure, that specifies the header for this record. The following table specifies the subfields.
* rh.recVer A value that MUST be 0xF.
rh.recInstance A value that MUST be 0x000.
rh.recType A value that MUST be 0xF000.
rh.recLen An unsigned integer specifying the number of bytes following the header that contain document-wide file records.
drawingGroup (variable): An OfficeArtFDGGBlock record, that specifies document-wide information about all the drawings that are saved in the file.
blipStore (variable): An OfficeArtBStoreContainer record, that specifies the container for all the BLIPs that are used in all the drawings in the parent document.
drawingPrimaryOptions (variable): An OfficeArtFOPT record, that specifies the default properties for all drawing objects that are contained in all the drawings in the parent document.
drawingTertiaryOptions (variable): An OfficeArtTertiaryFOPT record, that specifies the default properties for all the drawing objects that are contained in all the drawings in the parent document.
colorMRU (variable): An OfficeArtColorMRUContainer record, that specifies the most recently used custom colors.
splitColors (variable): An OfficeArtSplitMenuColorContainer record, that specifies a container for the colors that were most recently used to format shapes.
Drawing groups contain drawings. (= numDrawings)
Drawings in turn contain shapes that are the objects that actually mark a page. (= numShapes)
--Each drawing has a collection of rules that govern the shapes in the drawing
Shape store their properties in a property table (MSOFBTOPT record of Msodrawing)
The actual pictures and images are kept in a separate collection so can load and save separately
Records that are required in the MSODrawingGroup:
MSOFBTDGG- Drawing Group Record- holds total # shapes saved + last or max SPID (shapeID) + number of IDclusters(FIDCLs) + total # drawings saved
MSOFBTOPT- Property Table Record- Default properties of newly created shapes (can be 0'd)
MSOFBTBSE- BLIP Store Entry- holds image type, id, size, index, len of blip name ...
* @see MSODrawing
public final class MSODrawingGroup extends com.extentech.formats.XLS.XLSRecord
// 20070914 KSC: Save drawing recs here
private AbstractList msoRecs = new ArrayList();
// moved from Boundsheet + renamed
public void addMsodrawingrec(MSODrawing rec){ msoRecs.add(rec); }
public boolean dirtyflag= false;
* loop through all the Msodrawing recs and return the next valid SPID
* @return
public int getNextMsoSPID() {
int spid= 0;
for (int i= 0; i < msoRecs.size(); i++)
spid= Math.max(((MSODrawing) msoRecs.get(i)).getSPID(), spid);
return spid+1;
* remove linked MsoDrawing rec from this drawing group + update image references if necessary
public void removeMsodrawingrec(MSODrawing rec, Boundsheet sheet, boolean removeObjRec) {
int imgIdx= rec.getImageIndex()-1;
int refCnt= this.getCRef(imgIdx);
boolean wasHeader= rec.bIsHeader;
if (refCnt > 0)
this.updateRecord(); // update msodg rec
int idx= rec.getRecordIndex(); // chart mso's have been taken out of streamer so idx will be -1
if (idx>-1) {
sheet.removeRecFromVec(rec); // remove Mso rec
if (removeObjRec) // also remove associated obj rec 20080804 KSC
sheet.removeRecFromVec(idx); // also remove linked Obj record
if (this.getMsodrawingrecs().size()==0) { // no more drawing recs, delete this msodg
this.getWorkBook().msodg= null;
// TODO: Unsure if there are other circumstances where MsodrawingSelection should be removed ... watch out for it
// KSC: TODO: Necessary???? Appears so for delete chart ...(WHY??????)
BiffRec b= sheet.getSheetRec(MSODRAWINGSELECTION);
if (b!=null) {
} else {
if (wasHeader) { // we just removed the header; set 1st one to it
MSODrawing mso= null;
for (int z=0; z < this.getMsodrawingrecs().size(); z++) {
mso= (MSODrawing) this.getMsodrawingrecs().get(z);
if (mso.getSheet().equals(sheet) && mso.isShape) {
mso.setIsHeader(); // make this one the header rec
/** return the Msodrawing header record for the given sheet
* @param bs
* @return
public MSODrawing getMsoHeaderRec(Boundsheet bs) {
for (int i= 0; i < msoRecs.size(); i++) {
MSODrawing msd= (MSODrawing) msoRecs.get(i); // get index of first Msodrawing rec for this sheet
// always: the 1st msodrawing rec for the sheet contains the # information ...
if (msd.getSheet().equals(bs)) { // got it!
if (msd.isHeader()) {
return msd;
} //else
//Logger.logErr("WorkBook.updateMsodrawingHeaderRec: Header Record should be first rec in group.");
// break;
return null;
public AbstractList getMsodrawingrecs() { return msoRecs; }
int spidMax=1024, numIdClusters=2, numShapes=1, numDrawings=1;
private ArrayList imageData = new ArrayList();
private ArrayList imageType = new ArrayList(); // parallel array with imageData
private ArrayList cRef= new ArrayList(); // 20071120 KSC: keep track of reference count for image data
public void init(){
data = super.getData();
/* 20070813 KSC: These prototype bytes works for both Images and Charts */
public byte[] PROTOTYPE_BYTES = {15, 0, 0, -16, 82, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, -16, 24, 0, 0, 0, 2, 4, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 51, 0, 11, -16, 18, 0, 0, 0, -65, 0, 8, 0, 8, 0, -127, 1, 9, 0, 0, 8, -64, 1, 64, 0, 0, 8, 64, 0, 30, -15, 16, 0, 0, 0, 13, 0, 0, 8, 12, 0, 0, 8, 23, 0, 0, 8, -9, 0, 0, 16};
public static XLSRecord getPrototype() {
MSODrawingGroup grp = new MSODrawingGroup();
return grp;
// Add associated recs necessary for Msodrawing ...
public void initNewMSODrawingGroup() {
// add new msodg rec to stream (just before sst)
int index = streamer.getRecordIndex(XLSConstants.SST);
// add unknown record that appears just before MSODrawingGroup
XLSRecord rec = new XLSRecord();
streamer.addRecordAt(rec, index++);
// add MSODrawingGroup
streamer.addRecordAt(this, index);
// also need msymystery record + msoselection ...
Boundsheet[] b = this.getWorkBook().getWorkSheets();
for(int i=0;i<b.length;i++) {
int z= b[i].getIndexOf(PHONETIC);
if (z==-1) {
Phonetic p = new Phonetic();
b[i].insertSheetRecordAt(p, b[i].getIndexOf(SELECTION)+1);
/* truly necessary??? if (i==0) { // msodrawingselection only for 1st sheet???????
Msodrawingselection msoSelection = new Msodrawingselection();
b[i].insertSheetRecordAt(msoSelection, b[i].getIndexOf(Window2.class));
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2378100973014157878L;
/** The XF record can either be a style XF or a BiffRec XF.
/*These are prototype bytes for record 0x1c1 and 0x863 that seem to accompany when there is MSODrawingGroup data*/
public byte[] PROTOTYPE_1C1 = {-63, 1, 0, 0, -128, 56, 1, 0};
public byte[] PROTOTYPE_863 = {99, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -46};
/** Parse the MSODrawingGroup bytes and generate state vars:
* imageData, imageType, cRef
* spidMax, numIdClusters, numDrawings, numShapes
public void parse(){
//data = getBytes();
if(data == null)
return; // no data!
* This represents the MSOFBTDGGCONTAINER record (0xFOOO) which is the Drawing Group Container
* The MSOFBTDGGCONTAINER Contains the following records (some are optional):
* rh.recVer A value that MUST be 0xF.
rh.recInstance A value that MUST be 0x000.
rh.recType A value that MUST be 0xF000.
rh.recLen variable
* MSOFBTDGG (0xF006) Drawing Group Record, contains number of shapes, drawings and id clusters
* MSOFBTCLSID (0xF016) Clipboard format (optional)
* MSOFBTOPT (0xF00B) Property Table Record - default props of newly created shapes; only the properties that differ from
* the per-property defaults are saved. Format is same as Msodrawing.MSOFBTOPT format
* MSOFBTCOLORMRU (0xF11A) MRU Color swatch ...
* MSOFBTSPLITMENUCOLORS (0xF11E) MRU colors of the top-level ..split menus
* MSOFBTBSTORECONTAINER (0xF001) An array of BLIP Store Entry (BSE) Records; Each shape indexes into this array for the BLIP they use
* MSOFBTBSE (0xF007) File BLIP Store Entry Recod FBSE record; Encodes type of BLIP + size + ID + ref. count + file offset ...
* msoblipERROR= 0
* msoblipUNKNOWN,
* msoblipEMF, // enhanced meta file
* msoblipWMF, // windows meta file
* msoblipPICT // MAC pic
* msoblipJPEG,
* msoblipPNG,
* msoblipDIB,
* msoblipFirstClient=32, // first client-defined BLIP type
* msoblipLastClient= 255 // last ""
byte[] buf;
ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
buf = new byte[8];
int read = bis.read(buf,0, 8);
int version = (0xF&buf[0]);
int inst = ((0xFF&buf[1])<<4)|(0xF0&buf[0])>>4;
int fbt = ((0xFF&buf[3])<<8)|(0xFF&buf[2]);
int len = ByteTools.readInt(buf[4], buf[5], buf[6], buf[7]);
if(fbt <0xF004)
continue; // under 0xF005 are container recs; we just parse the atoms for needed info ...
// parse record denoted by fbt
buf = new byte[len];
read = bis.read(buf,0,len);
case MSODrawingConstants.MSOFBTDGG: //0xf006: // MSOFBTDGG - Drawing Group Record
// rh.recVer A value that MUST be 0x0.
// rh.recInstance A value that MUST be 0x000.
// rh.recType A value that MUST be 0xF006.
// rh.recLen A value that MUST be 0x00000010 + ((head.cidcl - 1) * 0x00000008)
// head (16 bytes): An OfficeArtFDGG record, that specifies document-wide information.
// Rgidcl (variable): An array of OfficeArtIDCL elements, specifying file identifier clusters that are used in the drawing. The number of elements in the array is specified by (head.cidcl – 1).
spidMax = ByteTools.readInt(buf[0],buf[1],buf[2],buf[3]); // maximum shape ID
numIdClusters = ByteTools.readInt(buf[4],buf[5],buf[6],buf[7]); // number of ID clusters
numShapes = ByteTools.readInt(buf[8],buf[9],buf[10],buf[11]); // total number of shapes saved
numDrawings = ByteTools.readInt(buf[12],buf[13],buf[14],buf[15]); // total number of drawings saved
// the fixed part is followed by and array of ID clusters used internally for the translation of SPIDs to MSHHSPs (Shape Handles)
case MSODrawingConstants.MSOFBTBSE: //0xf007: // File BLIP Store Entry Record (FBSE)
byte[] imgBuf = getImageBytesWithBuffer(buf);
// strip buffer from data image bytes
// numShapes--; // 20070914 KSC: WHY?? -- (not a real shape? -jm)
}catch (Exception e){
Logger.logErr("Msodrawingroup parse error.",e);
private byte[] getImageBytesWithBuffer(byte[] buf) {
// Each BLIP in the BStore is serialized to a FBSE record;
// btWin32, btMacOS, rgbUid[16] = identifier of blip, tag, size=BLIP size in stream
int btWin32 = buf[0];
/* parse header for testing purposes
// inst= encoded type
int pos= 1;
int btMac= buf[pos++];
byte[] UID= new byte[16];
byte[] UID2= new byte[16];
System.arraycopy(buf, pos, UID, 0, 16);
short tag= ByteTools.readShort(buf[pos],buf[pos+1]); pos+=2;
int size= ByteTools.readInt(buf[pos],buf[pos+1],buf[pos+2],buf[pos+3]); pos+=4;
int cref= ByteTools.readInt(buf[pos],buf[pos+1],buf[pos+2],buf[pos+3]); pos+=4;
int delayOffset= ByteTools.readInt(buf[pos],buf[pos+1],buf[pos+2],buf[pos+3]); pos+=4;
byte usage= buf[pos++];
byte nameLen= buf[pos++];
byte unused1= buf[pos++];
byte unused2= buf[pos++];
if (nameLen==0 && delayOffset==0 && buf.length > 36) {
// BLIP record follows then
byte[] BLIPbuf = new byte[24];
System.arraycopy(buf, pos, BLIPbuf, 0, 24);
int version = (0xF&BLIPbuf[0]);
int inst = ((0xFF&BLIPbuf[1])<<4)|(0xF0&BLIPbuf[0])>>4;
int fbt = ((0xFF&BLIPbuf[3])<<8)|(0xFF&BLIPbuf[2]);
int len = ByteTools.readInt(BLIPbuf[4], BLIPbuf[5], BLIPbuf[6], BLIPbuf[7]);
UID2= new byte[16];
System.arraycopy(buf, 8, UID2, 0, 16);
} else if (buf.length > 36){
Logger.logWarn("Delay? " + ((delayOffset==0)?"No":"Yes") + " Namelen=" + nameLen);
int ref= ByteTools.readInt(buf[24],buf[25],buf[26],buf[27]);
int HEADERLEN = 61;
int BYTELEN = buf.length;
byte[] imgBuf = new byte[BYTELEN];
return imgBuf;
/** create a new MSODrawingGroup record based upon image datas defined in imageData/imageType/cRef arrays +
* spidMax, numDrawings, numShapes, numIdClusters
* The squenence of records here are:
* F000, F006, F001, F007(xNumImages), F00B ,F11E
public void updateRecord(){
MsofbtBSE[] BSE = new MsofbtBSE[imageData.size()]; //(0xF007,1,0);
byte[] imageBytes = null;
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = null;
bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
for(int i=0;i<imageData.size();i++){
BSE[i]= new MsofbtBSE(MSODrawingConstants.MSOFBTBSE,Integer.parseInt(imageType.get(i).toString()),2);
BSE[i].setRefCount(((Integer) cRef.get(i)).intValue()); // 20071120 KSC: set the reference count for this image data
imageBytes = bos.toByteArray();
}catch(Exception e){
Logger.logErr("Msodrawingroup createData error.",e);
MsofbtDgg dgg = new MsofbtDgg(MSODrawingConstants.MSOFBTDGG,0,0);
dgg.setSpidMax(spidMax); // 20071113 KSC
numDrawings= getNumDrawings(); // 20100324 KSC: changed from: msoRecs.size(); // 20080908 KSC
numShapes= getNumShapes(); // 20080904 KSC: sum up dg's shapes
// 2008003 KSC: numIdClusters is solely a function of spidMax dgg.setNumIdClusters(numIdClusters);
byte[] dggBytes = dgg.toByteArray();
MsofbtOPT OPT = new MsofbtOPT(MSODrawingConstants.MSOFBTOPT,0,3);
// add the apparent basic shape options
OPT.setProperty(MSODrawingConstants.msooptfFitTextToShape, false, false, 0x80008, null);
OPT.setProperty(MSODrawingConstants.msooptfillColor, false, false, 0x8000041, null);
OPT.setProperty(MSODrawingConstants.msooptlineColor, false, false, 0x8000040, null);
byte[] OPTBytes = OPT.toByteArray();
/* 20070915 KSC not necessary for all msodgs*/
MsofbtSplitMenuColors SplitMenuColors = new MsofbtSplitMenuColors(MSODrawingConstants.MSOFBTSPLITMENUCOLORS,4,0);
byte[] SplitMenuColorsBytes = SplitMenuColors.toByteArray();
int totalLength = imageBytes.length;
// 20080910 KSC: if no images, don't input n MSOFBTBSTORE
byte[] BstoreContainerBytes= new byte[0];
if (totalLength > 0) {
MsofbtBstoreContainer BstoreContainer = new MsofbtBstoreContainer(MSODrawingConstants.MSOFBTBSTORECONTAINER,imageData.size(),15);
BstoreContainerBytes = BstoreContainer.toByteArray();
// add up the stuff
totalLength +=
} else {
// add up the stuff
totalLength +=
MsofbtDggContainer dggContainer = new MsofbtDggContainer(MSODrawingConstants.MSOFBTDGGCONTAINER,0,15);
byte[] dggContainerBytes = dggContainer.toByteArray();
int pos=0;
byte[] retData = new byte[totalLength+dggContainerBytes.length];
// this is the BSE array
// default OPT
// 20070915 KSC not truly necessary
/** sets the underlying image bytes
* @param bts new image bytes
* @param bs Boundsheet
* @param rec original Msodrawing rec linked to image
* @param name original image name (used for lookups)
* @return
public boolean setImageBytes(byte[] bts, Boundsheet bs, MSODrawing rec, String name){
// Find original image handle - often is different than getImageIndex due to reuse, etc. of image bytes
int trueIdx= rec.getImageIndex()-1; // true index into imageData and cRef arrays
if(trueIdx < 0)
return false;
return false;
try {
if (getCRef(trueIdx)>1) { //20080802 KSC: if referenced more than 1x, add new so don't overwrite original
// create new image handle with new bytes
ImageHandle im= new ImageHandle(bts, bs);
// Find original image handle + fill new with original info
int index= -1;
ImageHandle[] imgz= bs.getImages();
for (int i= 0; i < imgz.length; i++) {
if(imgz[i].getName().equals(name)) {
index= i;
ImageHandle origIm= imgz[index]; // get original image handle
im.setName(origIm.getName()); // set new with original's data
// insert new image into sheet
bs.insertImage(im, true);
im.position(origIm); // position to original
// now remove original mso rec
removeMsodrawingrec(rec, bs, true);
index= imageData.size()-1; // new index
} else // just set the image bytes
imageData.set(trueIdx, bts);
}catch(Exception ex) {
Logger.logErr("Msodrawingroup setImageBytes failed.",ex);
return false;
return true;
/** returns the underlying image bytes
* @param index
* @return
public byte[] getImageBytes(int index){
if(index < 0)
return null;
if(index >= imageData.size())
return null;
byte[] ret = null;
try {
ret =(byte[])imageData.get(index);
}catch(Exception ex) {
Logger.logErr("Msodrawingroup getImageBytes error.",ex);
return ret;
public int getImageType(int index){
return Integer.parseInt(imageType.get(index).toString());
* returns the number of *unique* images in this workbook
* @return
public int getNumImages(){
return imageData.size();
* related to number of drawing objects (= images + charts) but unclear how the count goes; may include deleted, etc .
* @return
public int getNumDrawings() {
// 20100324 KSC: this is experimental as numDrawings do not follow any obvious logic ...
numDrawings= 0;
// 20100511 KSC: this is not correct ...
for (int i= 0; i < msoRecs.size(); i++) {
// 20100518 KSC: try this:
if (((MSODrawing)msoRecs.get(i)).isHeader())
//numDrawings= Math.max(numDrawings, ((Msodrawing)msoRecs.get(i)).getDrawingId());
// if (numDrawings==0 && msoRecs.size() > 0) numDrawings++;
return numDrawings;
* count the number of shapes in the document; shape mso's contain a msofbtSpContainer sub-record (TODO: is this true in every case?)
* @return
public int getNumShapes() {
* NOTE: I've never found a clear algorithm for numShapes which results in
* matching Excel results; however,
* it appears that numShapes can be >= to Excel's value and open correctly;
* problems occur when numShapes are less than what Excel expects.
* So the below is basically the maximum numShapes available and appears to
* result in templates
numShapes= 1;
for (int i= 0; i < msoRecs.size(); i++) {
MSODrawing mso= ((MSODrawing) msoRecs.get(i));
if (mso.isShape)
numShapes= msoRecs.size();
return numShapes;
* return the # of Id Clusters (charts related?)
* @return
public int getNumIdClusters() {
return numIdClusters;
* return SpidMax
* @return
public int getSpidMax() {
return spidMax;
* set SpidMax
* @param spid
public void setSpidMax(int spid) {
spidMax= spid;
* test to see if imageData is in imageArray
* @param imgData byte[] defining image
* @return
protected int containsImage(byte[] imgData) {
int z= -1;
for (int i= 0; i < imageData.size() && z < 0; i++) {
if (java.util.Arrays.equals(imgData, ((byte[]) imageData.get(0))))
z= i;
return z;
* return the index into the imageData array for the specified image (via byte lookup)
* @param imgData image bytes
* @return index into imageData array
public int findImage(byte[] imgData) {
return containsImage(imgData);
* if imageData doesn't exist, add to array
* otherwise just inc ref count
* @param imgData byte[] defining image
* @param imgType type of image
* @param bAddUnconditionally add new even if already referenced (used in setting image bytes)
* @return index to image
public int addImage(byte[] imgData,int imgType, boolean bAddUnconditionally){
int n= -1;
// 20080908 KSC: done automatically numShapes++; // 20080208 KSC: if add unconditionally, add even if imageData already exists
if (bAddUnconditionally || (n=containsImage(imgData))==-1) { // 20071120 KSC: it's a unique image
n= imageData.size();
} else { // 20071120 KSC: If not a unqiue image, just update ref count
return n;
public void clear(){
numShapes= 0;
* If large, MSODrawingGroup will span multiple records; merge data
* @param rec next MSODrawingGroup record in stream
public void mergeRecords(MSODrawingGroup rec) {
// Merge and remove continues
if (rec.hasContinues()) {
rec.mergeAndRemoveContinues(); // now that data is merged, get rid of continues ...
byte[] prevData = this.getBytes();
byte[] newData = rec.getBytes();
byte[] totalData = new byte[newData.length];
if(prevData!=null){ // a simple append of the data together
totalData = new byte[prevData.length+newData.length];
} else
totalData= newData;
* show pertinent information for record
public String toString() {
StringBuffer sb= new StringBuffer();
sb.append("MSODrawingGroup: numShapes=" +numShapes + " numDrawings=" + numDrawings + " numIdCluster=" + numIdClusters + " spidMax=" + spidMax);
sb.append("\nNumber of drawing records=" + msoRecs.size());
sb.append(" Length of data=" + data.length);
return sb.toString();
// continue handling
public void mergeAndRemoveContinues() {
if (!this.isContinueMerged && this.hasContinues()) super.mergeContinues();
if (this.hasContinues()) {
// now that data is merged, get rid of continues ...
Iterator it = this.continues.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
Continue ci = (Continue)it.next();
this.getStreamer().removeRecord(ci); // remove existing continues from stream
this.continues = null;
* increment reference count for specific image data
* @param idx
protected void incCRef(int idx) {
if (idx >= 0 && idx < cRef.size()) {
int cr= ((Integer)cRef.get(idx)).intValue() + 1;
cRef.add(idx, Integer.valueOf(cr));
} //else 20071126 KSC: it's OK, can have - indexes ...
//Logger.logErr("Index error encountered when updating Reference Count");
* return the reference count for the specific image
* @param idx
protected int getCRef(int idx) {
if (idx >= 0 && idx < cRef.size()) {
return ((Integer) cRef.get(idx)).intValue();
//Logger.logErr("MSODrawingGroup: error encountered when returning Reference Count");
return -1;
* decrement the reference count for the specific image
* @param idx
protected void decCRef(int idx) {
if (idx >= 0 && idx < cRef.size()) {
int cr= ((Integer)cRef.get(idx)).intValue() - 1;
cRef.add(idx, Integer.valueOf(cr));
Logger.logErr("MSODrawingGroup: error encountered when decrementing Reference Count");
* add a new Drawing Record based on existing drawing record
* i.e. from CopyWorkSheet ...
* @param spidMax
* @param rec
public void addDrawingRecord(int spidMax, MSODrawing rec) {
incCRef(rec.imageIndex-1); // increment cRef
this.spidMax= spidMax;
this.updateRecord(); // given all information, generate appropriate bytes
/** Must ensure that oridinal drawing Id for each drawing record is correct
* Plus ensure SPID's are correct
* Not default prestreaming as we need these values when we assemble sheet recs
public void prestream(){
int j= 0;
if (dirtyflag) {
for (int i= 0; i < msoRecs.size(); i++) {
MSODrawing mso= (MSODrawing) msoRecs.get(i);
if (mso.isHeader()) {
* return the number of drawing recs
public int getNumDrawingRecs() { return msoRecs.size(); }
* clear out object references in prep for closing workbook
public void close() {
for (int i= 0; i < msoRecs.size(); i++) {
MSODrawing m= (MSODrawing) msoRecs.get(i);