Package com.extentech.formats.XLS

Source Code of com.extentech.formats.XLS.Dv

* --------- BEGIN COPYRIGHT NOTICE ---------
* Copyright 2002-2012 Extentech Inc.
* Copyright 2013 Infoteria America Corp.
* This file is part of OpenXLS.
* OpenXLS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* OpenXLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with OpenXLS.  If not, see
* <>.
* ---------- END COPYRIGHT NOTICE ----------
package com.extentech.formats.XLS;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Stack;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.formulas.PtgArea;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.formulas.Ptg;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.formulas.FormulaParser;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.formulas.PtgRef;
import com.extentech.toolkit.ByteTools;
import com.extentech.toolkit.Logger;
import com.extentech.toolkit.StringTool;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.DateConverter;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.ExcelTools;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.ValidationHandle;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;

/** <b>Dv: Data Validity Settings (01BEh)</b><br>

    This record is part of the Data Validity Table. It stores data validity settings and a list of cell ranges which
    contain these settings. The prompt box appears while editing such a cell. The error box appears, if the entered value
    does not fit the conditions. The data validity settings of a sheet are stored in a sequential list of DV records. This list is
    preluded by an DVAL record. If a string is empty and the default text should appear in the prompt box or error
    box, the string must contain a single zero character (string length will be 1).

    Offset          Name              Size                Contents
        0               dwDvFlags      4                   Option flags (see below)
        4               dTitlePrompt   var                 Title of the prompt box (Unicode string, 16-bit string length)
        var.            dTitleError      var.                Title of the error box (Unicode string, 16-bit string length)
        var.            dTextPrompt  var.                Text of the prompt box (Unicode string, 16-bit string length)
        var.            dTextError      var.                Text of the error box (Unicode string, 16-bit string length)
        var.            sz1                 2                    Size of the formula data for first condition (sz1)
        var.            garbage          2                   Not used
        var.            firstCond       sz1                Formula data for first condition (RPN token array without size field)
        var.            sz2                 2                   Size of the formula data for second condition (sz2)
        var.            garbage           2                   Not used
        var.            secondCond sz2                  Formula data for second condition (RPN token array without size field)
        var.            cRangeList    var.                 Cell range address list with all affected ranges
    Option flags field:
    Bit             Mask                    Name                 Contents
    3-0         0000000FH           ValType             Data type: 00H = Any value
                                                                          01H = Integer values
                                                                          02H = Decimal values
                                                                          03H = User defined list
                                                                          04H = Date
                                                                          05H = Time
                                                                           06H = Text length
                                                                          07H = Formula
    6-4     00000070H               ErrStyle               Error style: 00H = Stop
                                                                            01H = Warning
                                                                            02H = Info
    7         00000080H              fStrLookup         1 = In list type validity the string list is explicitly given in the formula
    8         00000100H            fAllowBlank         1 = Empty cells allowed
    9         00000200H             fSuppressCombo 1 = Suppress the drop down arrow in list type validity
    18      00040000H             fShowInputMsg     1 = Show prompt box if cell selected
    19      00080000H             fShowErrorMsg      1 = Show error box if invalid values entered
    23-20 00F00000H             typOperator         Condition operator: 00H = Between
                                                                            01H = Not between
                                                                            02H = Equal
                                                                            03H = Not equal
                                                                            04H = Greater than
                                                                            05H = Less than
                                                                            06H = Greater or equal
                                                                            07H = Less or equal
In list type validity it is possible to enter an explicit string list. This string list is stored as tStr token . The string
items are separated by zero characters. There is no zero character at the end of the string list.
Example for a string list with the 3 strings A, B, and C: A<00H>B<00H>C (contained in a tStr token, string
length is 5).
public class Dv extends com.extentech.formats.XLS.XLSRecord {
  * serialVersionUID
  private static final long serialVersionUID = -7895028832113540094L;
  private int grbit;
    private Unicodestring dTitlePrompt;
    private Unicodestring dTitleError;
    private Unicodestring dTextPrompt;
    private Unicodestring dTextError;
    private Stack firstCond;
    private Stack secondCond;
    private ArrayList cRangeList;
    private byte[] garbageByteOne = new byte[2];
    private byte[] garbageByteTwo  = new byte[2];
    byte numLocs;
    //private byte[] garbageByteThree = new byte[1];
    // grbit (dwDvFlags) fields
    private byte valType;
    private byte errStyle;
    private boolean fStrLookup;
    private boolean fAllowBlank;
    private boolean fSuppressCombo;
    private boolean fShowInputMsg;
    private boolean fShowErrMsg;
    private short IMEMode;
    private byte typOperator;
    private boolean dirtyflag = false;
    // 20090606: made prototype completely blank i.e. no prompt, error text or formulas ...
//    private byte[] PROTOTYPE_BYTES = {0,   1,  12,   0,   0,   0,   0,  0,   0,   0,  0,   0,   0,  0,   0,   0,  0,   0,   0,   0,     
//      0,   0,  89,  84,  0 };//,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,  0,   0,   0,   0};
    private byte[] PROTOTYPE_BYTES = {3,   112,   0,  
        1,   0,   00,  
        1,   00,   0,  
        10,   0,   0
        1,   0,   0,   0,
        0, 0,
        0, 0,
        0, 0,
        0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0};
    // BITMASK
    private static final int BITMASK_VALTYPE =  0x0000000F;
    private static final int BITMASK_ERRSTYLE = 0x00000070;
    private static final int BITMASK_FSTRLOOKUP = 0x00000080;
    private static final int BITMASK_FALLOWBLANK = 0x00000100;
    private static final int BITMASK_FSUPRESSCOMBO = 0x00000200;
    private static final int BITMASK_MDIMEMODE = 0x0003FC00;
    private static final int BITMASK_FSHOWINPUTMSG = 0x00040000;
    private static final int BITMASK_FSHOWERRORMSG = 0x00080000;
    private static final int BITMASK_TYPOPERATOR = 0x00F00000;
    // 20090609 KSC: need to store ranges separately as OOXML ranges addresses may exceed 2003 maximum size
    private String[] ooxmlranges= null
     * Determine if the value passed in is valid for
     * this validation

     * @param value
     * @return
    public boolean isValid(Object value)throws ValidationException {
      // TODO: look into whether null is ever a valid value.  for now we assume "no".
      if(value == null)
        throw new ValidationException(this.getErrorBoxTitle(), this.getErrorBoxText());
        if(!this.isCorrectDataType(value))throw new ValidationException(this.getErrorBoxTitle(), this.getErrorBoxText());
        if (value instanceof Date) {
            double d = DateConverter.getXLSDateVal((java.util.Date)value);
            value = d + "";
        switch(typOperator) {
        case ValidationHandle.CONDITION_BETWEEN:
            if(isBetween(value))return true;
            throw new ValidationException(this.getErrorBoxTitle(), this.getErrorBoxText());
        case ValidationHandle.CONDITION_NOT_BETWEEN:  
            if(isNotBetween(value))return true;
            throw new ValidationException(this.getErrorBoxTitle(), this.getErrorBoxText());
       case ValidationHandle.CONDITION_EQUAL:
            if(isEqual(value))return true;
            throw new ValidationException(this.getErrorBoxTitle(), this.getErrorBoxText());
       case ValidationHandle.CONDITION_GREATER_THAN:  
            if(isGreaterThan(value))return true;
            throw new ValidationException(this.getErrorBoxTitle(), this.getErrorBoxText());
       case ValidationHandle.CONDITION_GREATER_OR_EQUAL:  
            if(isGreaterOrEqual(value))return true;
            throw new ValidationException(this.getErrorBoxTitle(), this.getErrorBoxText());
        case ValidationHandle.CONDITION_LESS_OR_EQUAL:  
            if(isLessOrEqual(value))return true;
            throw new ValidationException(this.getErrorBoxTitle(), this.getErrorBoxText());
        case ValidationHandle.CONDITION_LESS_THAN:  
            if(isGreaterOrEqual(value))return true;
            throw new ValidationException(this.getErrorBoxTitle(), this.getErrorBoxText());
        case ValidationHandle.CONDITION_NOT_EQUAL:
            if(isNotEqual(value))return true;
            throw new ValidationException(this.getErrorBoxTitle(), this.getErrorBoxText());
        return true;
     * Validate that the passed in value is between the two values specified in the parameters

     * @param value
     * @return
    private boolean isBetween(Object value) {
        String s1 = StringTool.strip(FormulaParser.getExpressionString(firstCond), "=");
        String s2 = StringTool.strip(FormulaParser.getExpressionString(secondCond), "=");
        String formulaStr = "=and(" +value.toString() + ">" + s1 + "," + s2 +">" + value.toString() + ")";
         try {
                Formula f = FormulaParser.getFormulaFromString(formulaStr, this.getWorkBook().getWorkSheetByNumber(0), new int[]{1,1});
                Object o = f.calculateFormula();
                if(o instanceof Boolean) {
                    return ((Boolean)o).booleanValue();
         }catch(Exception e) {
             Logger.logErr("Error calculating formula in validation " + e.toString());
         return false;
     * Validate that the passed in value is NOT between the two passed in values

     * @param value
     * @return
    private boolean isNotBetween(Object value) {
        return !isBetween(value);
     * Validate that the passed in value is equivalant

     * @param value
     * @return
    private boolean isEqual(Object value) {
        String s1 = StringTool.strip(FormulaParser.getExpressionString(firstCond), "=");
        String formulaStr = "=(" +value.toString() + "=" + s1 + ")";
         try {
                Formula f = FormulaParser.getFormulaFromString(formulaStr, this.getWorkBook().getWorkSheetByNumber(0), new int[]{1,1});
                Object o = f.calculateFormula();
                if(o instanceof Boolean) {
                    return ((Boolean)o).booleanValue();
         }catch(Exception e) {
             Logger.logErr("Error calculating formula in validation " + e.toString());
        return false;
     * Validate that the passed in value is NOT between the two passed in values

     * @param value
     * @return
    private boolean isNotEqual(Object value) {
        return !isEqual(value);
     * Validate that the passed in value is greater than

     * @param value
     * @return
    private boolean isGreaterThan(Object value) {
        String s1 = StringTool.strip(FormulaParser.getExpressionString(firstCond), "=");
        String formulaStr = "=(" +value.toString() + ">" + s1 + ")";
         try {
                Formula f = FormulaParser.getFormulaFromString(formulaStr, this.getWorkBook().getWorkSheetByNumber(0), new int[]{1,1});
                Object o = f.calculateFormula();
                if(o instanceof Boolean) {
                    return ((Boolean)o).booleanValue();
         }catch(Exception e) {
             Logger.logErr("Error calculating formula in validation " + e.toString());
        return false;
     * Validate that the passed in value is greater than

     * @param value
     * @return
    private boolean isGreaterOrEqual(Object value) {
        String s1 = StringTool.strip(FormulaParser.getExpressionString(firstCond), "=");
        String formulaStr = "=(" +value.toString() + ">=" + s1 + ")";
         try {
                Formula f = FormulaParser.getFormulaFromString(formulaStr, this.getWorkBook().getWorkSheetByNumber(0), new int[]{1,1});
                Object o = f.calculateFormula();
                if(o instanceof Boolean) {
                    return ((Boolean)o).booleanValue();
         }catch(Exception e) {
             Logger.logErr("Error calculating formula in validation " + e.toString());
        return false;
     * Validate that the passed in value is greater than

     * @param value
     * @return
    private boolean isLessThan(Object value) {
        String s1 = StringTool.strip(FormulaParser.getExpressionString(firstCond), "=");
        String formulaStr = "=(" +value.toString() + "<" + s1 + ")";
         try {
                Formula f = FormulaParser.getFormulaFromString(formulaStr, this.getWorkBook().getWorkSheetByNumber(0), new int[]{1,1});
                Object o = f.calculateFormula();
                if(o instanceof Boolean) {
                    return ((Boolean)o).booleanValue();
         }catch(Exception e) {
             Logger.logErr("Error calculating formula in validation " + e.toString());
        return false;
     * Validate that the passed in value is greater than

     * @param value
     * @return
    private boolean isLessOrEqual(Object value) {
        String s1 = StringTool.strip(FormulaParser.getExpressionString(firstCond), "=");
        String formulaStr = "=(" +value.toString() + "<=" + s1 + ")";
         try {
                Formula f = FormulaParser.getFormulaFromString(formulaStr, this.getWorkBook().getWorkSheetByNumber(0), new int[]{1,1});
                Object o = f.calculateFormula();
                if(o instanceof Boolean) {
                    return ((Boolean)o).booleanValue();
         }catch(Exception e) {
             Logger.logErr("Error calculating formula in validation " + e.toString());
        return false;
     * Determines if the value passed in is of the
     * correct data type

     * @return
    public boolean isCorrectDataType(Object value){
        switch(valType) {
            case ValidationHandle.VALUE_ANY:
                return true;
            case ValidationHandle.VALUE_DATE:
                if (value instanceof Date)return true;
                if (value instanceof Calendar)return true;
            case ValidationHandle.VALUE_DECIMAL:
                String possibleDec = value.toString();
                try {
                    new Double(possibleDec);
                    return true;
                }catch(NumberFormatException e) {
                    return false;
            case ValidationHandle.VALUE_FORMULA:
                String possibleFormula = value.toString();
                if (possibleFormula.indexOf("=")==0)return true;
            case ValidationHandle.VALUE_INTEGER:
                String possibleInt = value.toString();
                if (possibleInt.indexOf(".")>-1)return false;
                try {
                    Long l = new Long(possibleInt)// excel ints go past boundary of java ints, so use long
                    return true;
                }catch(NumberFormatException e) {
                    return false;
            case ValidationHandle.VALUE_TEXT_LENGTH:
                return true//TODO
            case ValidationHandle.VALUE_TIME:
                return true// TODO
            case ValidationHandle.VALUE_USER_DEFINED_LIST:
                return true; // TODO
       return false;
     * Create a dv record & populate with prototype bytes

     * @return
    protected static XLSRecord getPrototype(WorkBook bk) {
        Dv dv = new Dv();
        return dv;
     * Standard init method

     * @see com.extentech.formats.XLS.XLSRecord#init()
    public void init(){
        int offset = 0;
        grbit = ByteTools.readInt(this.getByteAt(offset++), this.getByteAt(offset++),this.getByteAt(offset++), this.getByteAt(offset++));
        short strLen = ByteTools.readShort(this.getByteAt(offset), this.getByteAt(offset+1));
        byte strGrbit = this.getByteAt(offset+2);
        if ((strGrbit & 0x1) == 0x1) {
            strLen *= 2;
        strLen += 3;
        byte[] namebytes = this.getBytesAt(offset,strLen);
        offset += strLen;
        dTitlePrompt = new Unicodestring();
        dTitlePrompt.init(namebytes, false);
        strLen = ByteTools.readShort(this.getByteAt(offset), this.getByteAt(offset+1));
        strGrbit = this.getByteAt(offset +2);
        if ((strGrbit & 0x1) == 0x1) {
            strLen *= 2;
        strLen += 3;

        namebytes = this.getBytesAt(offset,strLen);
        offset += strLen;
        dTitleError = new Unicodestring();
        dTitleError.init(namebytes, false);
        strLen = ByteTools.readShort(this.getByteAt(offset), this.getByteAt(offset+1));
        strGrbit = this.getByteAt(offset +2);
        if ((strGrbit & 0x1) == 0x1) {
            strLen *= 2;
        strLen += 3;
        namebytes = this.getBytesAt(offset,strLen);
        offset += strLen;
        dTextPrompt = new Unicodestring();
        dTextPrompt.init(namebytes, false);
        strLen = ByteTools.readShort(this.getByteAt(offset), this.getByteAt(offset+1));
        strGrbit = this.getByteAt(offset +2);
        if ((strGrbit & 0x1) == 0x1) {
            strLen *= 2;
        strLen += 3;
        namebytes = this.getBytesAt(offset,strLen);
        offset += strLen;
        dTextError = new Unicodestring();
        dTextError.init(namebytes, false);
        int sz1 = ByteTools.readShort(this.getByteAt(offset++), this.getByteAt(offset++));
        // unknown bytes
        garbageByteOne[0] = this.getByteAt(offset++);
        garbageByteOne[1] = this.getByteAt(offset++);    
        byte[] formulaBytes = this.getBytesAt(offset,sz1);
        firstCond = ExpressionParser.parseExpression(formulaBytes,this);
        offset += sz1;
        int sz2 = ByteTools.readShort(this.getByteAt(offset++), this.getByteAt(offset++));
        // unknown bytes
        garbageByteTwo[0] = this.getByteAt(offset++);
        garbageByteTwo[1] = this.getByteAt(offset++);
        formulaBytes = this.getBytesAt(offset,sz2);
        secondCond = ExpressionParser.parseExpression(formulaBytes,this);
        offset += sz2;
        numLocs = this.getByteAt(offset++);     
        cRangeList = new ArrayList();
        for (int i=0;i<numLocs; i++) {
            byte[] b = new byte[1];
            b[0] = 0x0;
            b = ByteTools.append(b, this.getBytesAt(offset, 8));
            PtgArea p = new PtgArea(false);
        // set all the grbit fields
        valType = (byte)((grbit & BITMASK_VALTYPE));
        errStyle = (byte)((grbit & BITMASK_ERRSTYLE) >> 4);
        IMEMode = (short)((grbit & BITMASK_MDIMEMODE) >> 10);
        fStrLookup = ((grbit & BITMASK_FSTRLOOKUP)==BITMASK_FSTRLOOKUP);
        typOperator = (byte)((grbit & BITMASK_TYPOPERATOR) >> 20);
     * As most of these records have variable lengths we cannot just update part of
     * the data for the record at a time,  we just don't want to keep up updates.  Rather than this,
     * we'll update the entire record.  To keep processing down, update the record before streaming
     * rather than on each internal record change.
        private void updateRecord() {
            byte[] recbytes = new byte[0];
            byte[] tmp = ByteTools.cLongToLEBytes(grbit);
            recbytes = ByteTools.append(tmp, recbytes);
            recbytes = ByteTools.append(, recbytes);
            recbytes = ByteTools.append(, recbytes);
            recbytes = ByteTools.append(, recbytes);
            recbytes = ByteTools.append(, recbytes);
            // get the firstCond bytes
            tmp = new byte[0];
            for (int i = 0; i< firstCond.size();i++){
                Object o = firstCond.elementAt(i);
                Ptg ptg = (Ptg) o;
                tmp = ByteTools.append(ptg.getRecord(), tmp);
            // get the length and add in.
            short sz = (short)tmp.length;
            recbytes = ByteTools.append(ByteTools.shortToLEBytes(sz), recbytes);
            // add garbage
            recbytes = ByteTools.append(garbageByteOne, recbytes);
            recbytes = ByteTools.append(tmp, recbytes);
            // get the secondCond bytes
            tmp = new byte[0];
            for (int i = 0; i< secondCond.size();i++){
                Object o = secondCond.elementAt(i);
                Ptg ptg = (Ptg) o;
                tmp = ByteTools.append(ptg.getRecord(), tmp);
            // get the length and add in.
            sz = (short)tmp.length;
            recbytes = ByteTools.append(ByteTools.shortToLEBytes(sz), recbytes);
            // add garbage
            recbytes = ByteTools.append(garbageByteTwo, recbytes);
            recbytes = ByteTools.append(tmp, recbytes);
            tmp = new byte[1];
            if (cRangeList != null) {
                tmp[0] = (byte)cRangeList.size();;
                recbytes = ByteTools.append(tmp, recbytes);
                for(int i=0;i<cRangeList.size();i++) {
                    tmp = ((PtgArea)cRangeList.get(i)).getRecord();
                    byte[] tmp2 = new byte[8];
                    tmp[0] = 0;
                    System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, tmp2, 0, tmp2.length);
                    recbytes = ByteTools.append(tmp2, recbytes);
                // there is a trailing zero, not sure why...
                if (cRangeList.size()>0) {
                    tmp = new byte[1];
                    tmp[0] = 0;
                    recbytes = ByteTools.append(tmp, recbytes);
            } else if (ooxmlranges!=null && ooxmlranges.length>0) {
                tmp[0] = (byte)ooxmlranges.length;
                recbytes = ByteTools.append(tmp, recbytes);
                for(int i=0;i<ooxmlranges.length;i++) {
          Ptg/*Ref*/ p= PtgRef.createPtgRefFromString(this.getSheet().getSheetName() + "!" + ooxmlranges[i], this);
          tmp= p.getRecord();
                    /* replace with above PtgArea pa= new PtgArea();
                    try {
                        pa.setLocation(this.getSheet().getSheetName() + "!" + ooxmlranges[i]);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // TODO: handle MAXROWS/MAXCOLS
                    tmp = pa.getRecord();
                    tmp[0] = 0;
                    byte[] tmp2 = new byte[8];
                    System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, tmp2, 0, tmp2.length);
                    recbytes = ByteTools.append(tmp, recbytes);
                // there is a trailing zero, not sure why...
                if (ooxmlranges.length>0) {
                    tmp = new byte[1];
                    tmp[0] = 0;
                    recbytes = ByteTools.append(tmp, recbytes);

     * update record.

     * @see com.extentech.formats.XLS.XLSRecord#preStream()
    public void preStream() {
      if (dirtyflag)this.updateRecord();    

     * Apply all the grbit fields into the current grbit int

    public void updateGrbit() {
        grbit = 0;
        grbit |= valType;
        grbit |= (errStyle  << 4);
        grbit |= (IMEMode << 10);
        if (fStrLookup)
            grbit= (grbit | BITMASK_FSTRLOOKUP);

        if (fAllowBlank)
            grbit= (grbit | BITMASK_FALLOWBLANK);

        if (fSuppressCombo)
            grbit= (grbit | BITMASK_FSUPRESSCOMBO);

        if (fShowInputMsg)
            grbit= (grbit | BITMASK_FSHOWINPUTMSG);
        if (fShowErrMsg)
            grbit= (grbit | BITMASK_FSHOWERRORMSG);
        grbit |= (typOperator << 20);
     * Return the range of data this Dv refers to as a string array
     * Values are stored as absolute ($) references, but should be displayed
     * as relative

     * @return ptgRef.toString()
    public String[] getRanges() {
        if(cRangeList == null &&
            ooxmlranges != null){
            return ooxmlranges;
      String[] s = new String[cRangeList.size()];
        for (int i=0;i<s.length;i++) {
            s[i] = ((PtgArea)cRangeList.get(i)).getLocation();   
            s[i]=  StringTool.strip(s[i], "$");
        return s;

     * Set the range this Dv refers to.   Pass in a range string, sans worksheet
     * Note that absolute ranges/ptrgrefs are always used, however returning
     * values should not include the dollar sign

     * @param range
    public void setRange(String range) {
      if (range==null) {  // for creating a dv and adding range info later
        cRangeList= null;
        if(range.indexOf(":")==-1)range = range+":"+range;
        PtgArea p = new PtgArea(range, this, false);
        cRangeList = new ArrayList();
        dirtyflag = true;

     * Add a range this Dv refers to.   Pass in a range string, sans worksheet

     * @param range
    public void addRange(String range) {
       if (cRangeList==null) cRangeList= new ArrayList()// 20090605 KSC: Added
       /*int[] i = ExcelTools.getRowColFromString(range);
       if(i.length==2) {
       }else {*/
        PtgArea p = new PtgArea(range, this, false)// 20090609 KSC: absolute refs if '$' -really should test if row or col    
        dirtyflag = true;
     * Add a range this Dv refers to.   Pass in a range string, sans worksheet
     * May need additional handling for records outside bounds?

     * @param range
    public void addOoxmlRange(String range) {
        if (cRangeList==null) cRangeList= new ArrayList()// 20090605 KSC: Added
        PtgArea p = new PtgArea(range, this, (range!=null)?(range.indexOf('$')==-1):false); // 20090609 KSC: absolute refs if '$' -really should test if row or col
//        p.setUseReferenceTracker(false);
        dirtyflag = true;
     * Return the text in the error box

     * @return
    public String getErrorBoxText() {
        return dTextError.toString().trim();

     * Set the text for the error box

     * @param textError
    public void setErrorBoxText(String textError) {
        dirtyflag = true;

     * Return the text in the prompt box

     * @return
    public String getPromptBoxText() {
        return dTextPrompt.toString().trim();

     * Set the text for the prompt box

     * @param text
    public void setPromptBoxText(String text) {
        dirtyflag = true;

     * Set the title for the error box

     * @param textError
    public void setErrorBoxTitle(String textError) {
        dirtyflag = true;
     * Return the title from the error box

     * @return
    public String getErrorBoxTitle() {
        return dTitleError.toString().trim();

     * Return the title in the prompt box

     * @return
    public String getPromptBoxTitle() {
        return dTitlePrompt.toString().trim();

     * Set the title for the prompt box

     * @param text
    public void setPromptBoxTitle(String text) {
        dirtyflag = true;

     * Return a byte representing the error style for this DV
     * These map to the static final ints ERROR_* from ValidationHandle

     * @return
    public byte getErrorStyle() {
        return errStyle;

     * Set the error style for this Dv record
     * These map to the static final ints ERROR_* from ValidationHandle

     * @return
    public void setErrorStyle(byte errstyle) {
        errStyle = errstyle;
        dirtyflag = true;

     * Allow blank cells in the validation area?

     * @return
    public boolean isAllowBlank() {
        return fAllowBlank;

     * Allow blank cells in the validation area?

     * @return
    public void setAllowBlank(boolean allowBlank) {
        fAllowBlank = allowBlank;
        dirtyflag = true;

     * Get the first condition of the validation as
     * a string representation

     * @return
    public String getFirstCond() {
        String s = FormulaParser.getExpressionString(firstCond);
        if(s.substring(0,1).equals("="))return s.substring(1,s.length());
        return s;

     * Set the first condition of the validation utilizing
     * a string.  This value must conform to the Value Type of this
     * validation or unexpected results may occur.  For example,
     * entering a string representation of a date here will not work
     * if your validation is an integer...
     *String passed in should be a vaild XLS formula.  Does not need to include the "="
     * Types of conditions
     *Integer values
      Decimal values
      User defined list
      Text length

     * @return
    public void setFirstCond(String firstCond) {
        this.firstCond = FormulaParser.getPtgsFromFormulaString((XLSRecord)this, firstCond);
        dirtyflag = true;

     * Get the second condition of the validation as
     * a string representation

     * @return
    public String getSecondCond() {
        String s = FormulaParser.getExpressionString(secondCond);
        if(s.substring(0,1).equals("="))return s.substring(1,s.length());
        return s;

     * Set the first condition of the validation utilizing
     * a string.  This value must conform to the Value Type of this
     * validation or unexpected results may occur.  For example,
     * entering a string representation of a date here will not work
     * if your validation is an integer...
     *String passed in should be a vaild XLS formula.  Does not need to include the "="
     * Types of conditions
     *Integer values
      Decimal values
      User defined list
      Text length

     * @return
    public void setSecondCond(String secondCond) {
        this.secondCond = FormulaParser.getPtgsFromFormulaString((XLSRecord)this, secondCond);
        dirtyflag = true;

     * Show error box if invalid values entered?

     * @return
    public boolean isShowErrorMsg() {
        return fShowErrMsg;

     * set show error box if invalid values entered?

     * @return
    public void setShowErrMsg(boolean showErrMsg) {
        fShowErrMsg = showErrMsg;
        dirtyflag = true;

     * Show prompt box if cell selected?

     * @return
    public boolean getShowInputMsg() {
        return fShowInputMsg;

     * Set show prompt box if cell selected?
     *      *
     * @return
    public void setShowInputMsg(boolean showInputMsg) {
        fShowInputMsg = showInputMsg;
        dirtyflag = true;

     *  In list type validity the string list is explicitly given in the formula

     * @return
    public boolean isStrLookup() {
        return fStrLookup;

     * In list type validity the string list is explicitly given in the formula

     * @return
    public void setStrLookup(boolean strLookup) {
        fStrLookup = strLookup;
        dirtyflag = true;

     * Suppress the drop down arrow in list type validity

     * @return
    public boolean isSuppressCombo() {
        return fSuppressCombo;

     * Get the IME mode for this validation

     * @return
    public short getIMEMode() {
        return IMEMode;

     * set the IME mode for this validation

     * @return
    public void setIMEMode(short mode) {
        IMEMode = mode;
        dirtyflag = true;

     * Suppress the drop down arrow in list type validity

     * @return
    public void setSuppressCombo(boolean suppressCombo) {
        fSuppressCombo = suppressCombo;
        dirtyflag = true;

     *Get the type operator of this validation as a byte.
     *These bytes map to the CONDITION_* static values in

     * @return
    public byte getTypeOperator() {
        return typOperator;

     *set the type operator of this validation as a byte.
     *These bytes map to the CONDITION_* static values in

     * @return
    public void setTypeOperator(byte typOperator) {
        this.typOperator = typOperator;
        dirtyflag = true;

     *Get the validation type of this Dv as a byte
     *These bytes map to the VALUE_* static values in

     * @return
    public byte getValType() {
        return valType;

     *Set the validation type of this Dv as a byte
     *These bytes map to the VALUE_* static values in

     * @return
    public void setValType(byte valtype) {
        valType = valtype;       
        dirtyflag = true;
     * Determines if the Dv contains the cell address passed in

     * @param range
     * @return
    public boolean isInRange(String celladdy) {
      // FIX broken COLROW
        int[] rc = ExcelTools.getRowColFromString(celladdy);
        for (int i=0;i<cRangeList.size();i++) {
            if (((PtgArea)cRangeList.get(i)).contains(rc))return true;
        return false;
     *  OOXML Element:
     * dataValidation (Data Validation)
  * A single item of data validation defined on a range of the worksheet
  * parent: dataValidations (==Dval)
  * children: formula1, formula2
  * attributes:  many
     * create a new Dv record based on OOXML input
    public static Dv parseOOXML(XmlPullParser xpp, Boundsheet bs) {
      Dv dv= bs.createDv(null);
      try {
          int eventType = xpp.getEventType();
          while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
            if(eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
                String tnm = xpp.getName();
                if (tnm.equals("dataValidation")) {    // get attributes
                  for (int i= 0; i < xpp.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
                    String n= xpp.getAttributeName(i);
                    String v= xpp.getAttributeValue(i);
                    if (n.equals("allowBlank")) {
                    } else if (n.equals("error")) {
                    } else if (n.equals("errorStyle")) {  // default= stop
                      if (v.equals("information"))
                        dv.setErrorStyle((byte) 2);
                      else if (v.equals("stop"))
                        dv.setErrorStyle((byte) 0);
                      else if (v.equals("warning"))
                        dv.setErrorStyle((byte) 1);
                    } else if (n.equals("errorTitle")) {
                    } else if (n.equals("imeMode")) {  // TODO: what is the correct mapping??????????????????????
                      if (v.equals("nocontrol")) {
                      } else if (v.equals("off")) {   
                      } else if (v.equals("on")) {   
                      } else if (v.equals("disabled")) {   
                      } else if (v.equals("hiragana")) {   
                      } else if (v.equals("fullKatakana")) {   
                      } else if (v.equals("halfKatakana")) {   
                      } else if (v.equals("fullAlpha")) {   
                      } else if (v.equals("halfAlpha")) {   
                      } else if (v.equals("fullHangul")) {   
                      } else if (v.equals("halfHangul")) {   
                    } else if (n.equals("operator")) {  // default= "between"
                      if (v.equals("between"))
                      else if (v.equals("equal"))
                      else if (v.equals("greaterThan"))
                      else if (v.equals("greaterThanOrEqual"))
                      else if (v.equals("lessThan"))
                      else if (v.equals("lessThanOrEqual"))
                      else if (v.equals("notBetween"))
                      else if (v.equals("notEqual"))
                    } else if (n.equals("prompt")) {
                    } else if (n.equals("promptTitle")) {
                    } else if (n.equals("showDropDown")) {
                    } else if (n.equals("showErrorMessage")) {
                    } else if (n.equals("showInputMessage")) {
                    } else if (n.equals("sqref")) {
                      dv.ooxmlranges= StringTool.splitString(v, " ");
                      // 20090609 KSC: cannot add ranges in 2003 format as 2007 addresses can exceed 2003 limits
                      for (int z= 0; z < dv.ooxmlranges.length; z++)
                    } else if (n.equals("type")) {    // required
                      if (v.equals("custom"))    // custom formula
                        dv.setValType((byte) 7);
                      else if (v.equals("date"))
                        dv.setValType((byte) 4);
                      else if (v.equals("decimal"))
                        dv.setValType((byte) 2);
                      else if (v.equals("list"))
                        dv.setValType((byte) 3);
                       else if (v.equals("none"))
                      else if (v.equals("textLength"))
                        dv.setValType((byte) 6);
                      else if (v.equals("time"))
                        dv.setValType((byte) 5);
                      else if (v.equals("whole"))
                        dv.setValType((byte) 1);                      
                } else if (tnm.equals("formula1")) {
                } else if (tnm.equals("formula2")) {
            } else if (eventType== XmlPullParser.END_TAG) {
                  String endTag= xpp.getName();
                  if (endTag.equals("dataValidation")) {
             eventType =;           
       } catch (Exception e) {
         Logger.logErr("OOXMLELEMENT.parseOOXML: " + e.toString());
       return dv;
     * generate the proper OOXML to define this Dv
     * @return
  public String getOOXML() {
    StringBuffer ooxml= new StringBuffer()
      switch (valType) {     // required
      case 0// any ????
// TODO: this maps to ???       
        //ooxml.append(" type=");
      case 1:
          ooxml.append(" type=\"whole\"");
        case 2:
           ooxml.append(" type=\"decimal\"");
        case 3:
             ooxml.append(" type=\"list\"");
        case 4:
          ooxml.append(" type=\"date\"");
        case 5:
          ooxml.append(" type=\"time\"");
        case 6:
          ooxml.append(" type=\"textLength\"");
        case 7:
          ooxml.append(" type=\"custom\"");
      switch (typOperator) {
      case 0// default, leave out
        // ooxml.append(" operator=\"between\"");
      case 1:
        ooxml.append(" operator=\"notBetween\"");
      case 2:
        ooxml.append(" operator=\"equal\"");
      case 3:
        ooxml.append(" operator=\"notEqual\"");
      case 4:
        ooxml.append(" operator=\"greaterThan\"");
      case 5:
        ooxml.append(" operator=\"lessThan\"");
      case 6:
        ooxml.append(" operator=\"greaterThanOrEqual\"");
      case 7:
        ooxml.append(" operator=\"lessThanOrEqual\"");
      switch (errStyle) {
      case 0:
        // default no need to outut ooxml.append(" errorStyle=\"stop\"");
      case 1:
        ooxml.append(" errorStyle=\"warning\"");
      case 2:
        ooxml.append(" errorStyle=\"information\"");
      if (!this.getErrorBoxText().equals(""))
        ooxml.append(" error=\"" + OOXMLAdapter.stripNonAscii(this.getErrorBoxText()) + "\"");
      if (!this.getErrorBoxTitle().equals(""))
        ooxml.append(" errorTitle=\"" + OOXMLAdapter.stripNonAscii(this.getErrorBoxTitle()) + "\"");
    //TODO "imeMode"
      if (!this.getPromptBoxText().equals(""))
        ooxml.append(" prompt=\"" + OOXMLAdapter.stripNonAscii(this.getPromptBoxText()) + "\"");
      if (!this.getPromptBoxTitle().equals(""))
        ooxml.append(" promptTitle=\"" + OOXMLAdapter.stripNonAscii(this.getPromptBoxTitle()) + "\"");
      // This needs to be better thought out, currently it breaks/strips all changes made to the model, as ranges
      // are not automatically added to ooxml ranges.
    /**if (ooxmlranges!=null) {// have stored OOXML ranges
        ooxml.append(" sqref=\"");
      for (int i= 0; i < ooxmlranges.length; i++) {
        if (i>0) ooxml.append(" "); 
    } else {  // 2003-style ranges
        String[] ranges= this.getRanges();
        if (ranges.length>0) {
          ooxml.append(" sqref=\"");
        for (int i= 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
          if (i>0) ooxml.append(" ")

      if (this.isAllowBlank()) ooxml.append(" allowBlank=\"1\"");
      if (this.isShowErrorMsg()) ooxml.append(" showErrorMessage=\"1\"");
      if (this.getShowInputMsg()) ooxml.append(" showInputMessage=\"1\"");
       * imwMode
       * TODO: map options correctly!!  where is the info??
      switch (this.getIMEMode()) {
      case 0// nocontrol
      case 1:
        ooxml.append(" imeMode=\"off\"");
      case 2:
        ooxml.append(" imeMode=\"on\"");
      case 3:
        ooxml.append(" imeMode=\"disabled\"");
      case 4:
        ooxml.append(" imeMode=\"hiragana\"");
      case 5:
        ooxml.append(" imeMode=\"fullKatakana\"");
      case 6:
        ooxml.append(" imeMode=\"halfKatakana\"");
      case 7:
        ooxml.append(" imeMode=\"fullAlpha\"");
      case 8:
        ooxml.append(" imeMode=\"halfAlpha\"");
      case 9:
        ooxml.append(" imeMode=\"fullHangul\"");
      case 10:
        ooxml.append(" imeMode=\"halfHangul\"");
      String formula1= this.getFirstCond();
      if (formula1!=null && formula1.length()>0) {
        formula1= formula1.replace((char) 0, ',')// DV Lists are delimited by 0 must replace with commas for OOXML use  
        ooxml.append("<formula1>" + formula1 + "</formula1>");
      String formula2= this.getSecondCond();
      if (formula2!=null && formula2.length()>0) {
        formula2= formula2.replace((char) 0, ',')// DV Lists are delimited by 0 must replace with commas for OOXML use  
        ooxml.append("<formula2>" + formula2 + "</formula2>");
      return ooxml.toString();

Related Classes of com.extentech.formats.XLS.Dv

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