* --------- BEGIN COPYRIGHT NOTICE ---------
* Copyright 2002-2012 Extentech Inc.
* Copyright 2013 Infoteria America Corp.
* This file is part of OpenXLS.
* OpenXLS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* OpenXLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with OpenXLS. If not, see
* <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* ---------- END COPYRIGHT NOTICE ----------
package com.extentech.formats.XLS;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import java.util.zip.ZipFile;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserFactory;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.*;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.formulas.*;
import com.extentech.toolkit.*;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.charts.*;
import com.extentech.formats.cellformat.CellFormatFactory;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.OneCellAnchor;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.SheetPr;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.SheetView;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.Text;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.TwoCellAnchor;
/** <b>Boundsheet: WorkSheet Information 0x85</b><br>
This record stores the sheet name, type and stream position.
offset name size contents
4 lbPlyPos 4 Stream position of the BOF for the sheet
8 grbit 2 Option flags
10 cch 1 Length of sheet name
11 grbitChr 1 Compressed/Uncompressed Unicode
12 rgch var Sheet name
---- File Layout ----
Row1 is first index in DBCELL
Row2 is the offset of any DBCELLS
DBCELL rgdb rg rg rg rg
DBCELL rg rg rg
lbplypos used to be the most important thing on earth. now it is not an issue.
* @see WorkBook
* @see Index
* @see Dbcell
* @see Row
* @see Cell
* @see XLSRecord
public final class Boundsheet extends XLSRecord implements Sheet {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8977216410574107840L;
private Bof mybof = null;
private Eof myeof = null;
private String sheetname = "";
private String sheetHash = "";
private Map<Integer,Row> rows = new LinkedHashMap<Integer,Row>();
private SortedMap<CellAddressible,BiffRec> cellsByRow =
new TreeMap<CellAddressible,BiffRec>(
new CellAddressible.RowMajorComparator() );
private SortedMap<CellAddressible,BiffRec> cellsByCol =
new TreeMap<CellAddressible,BiffRec>(
new CellAddressible.ColumnMajorComparator() );
private Map arrFormulaLocs = new HashMap(); // use for trapping array formula refs to original cell reference [OOXML Array Formulas]
protected AbstractList arrayformulas = new ArrayList(); // trap array formulas that span one or more cells
private SortedMap<ColumnRange,Colinfo> colinfos =
new TreeMap<ColumnRange,Colinfo>( new ColumnRange.Comparator() );
private AbstractList SheetRecs = new ArrayList();
private AbstractList localrecs;
/** Records containting various bits of print setup. */
private List printRecs;
// These records are for boundsheet transferral to a new book.
private List transferXfs = new ArrayList();
private List transferFonts = new ArrayList();
public HashMap imageMap = new HashMap();
private List charts = new ArrayList(); // chart specific for this sheet
private long lbPlyPos;
private short grbit;
private byte cch;
private byte grbitChr;
// private int sheetnum;
private Index myidx;
private BiffRec lastCell;
private Row lastRow = null;
private Window2 win2;
private Scl scl;
private Pane pane;
private Dval dval;
protected Headerrec hdr;
protected Footerrec ftr;
private WsBool wsbool;
private Guts guts;
public int lastObjId= 0; // 20100210 KSC: track last-used Object id for this sheet
public Headerrec getHeader(){return this.hdr;}
public void setHeader(BiffRec h) {this.hdr = (Headerrec) h;}
public Footerrec getFooter(){return this.ftr;}
public void setFooter(BiffRec ftr){this.ftr = (Footerrec)ftr;}
public void setDvalRec(Dval d) {dval = d;}
public Dval getDvalRec() {return dval;}
// sheet types from grbit field offset 0
static final byte SHEET_DIALOG = 0x00;
static final byte XL4_MACRO = 0x01;
static final byte CHART = 0x02;
static final byte VBMODULE = 0x06;
// hidden states from grbit field offset 1
public static final byte VISIBLE = 0x00;
public static final byte HIDDEN = 0x01;
public static final byte VERY_HIDDEN = 0x02;
private boolean formulaShiftInclusive = false;
private AbstractList cond_formats = new Vector();
private AbstractList autoFilters = new Vector(); // 20100111 KSC
// OOXML use: stores external sheet-level OOXML objects
private AbstractList ooxmlObjects = new ArrayList();
// OOXML-specific sheet attributes TODO: translate to Excel 2003 version IF POSSIBLE
private boolean thickBottom = false;
private boolean thickTop = false;
private boolean zeroHeight = false;
private boolean customHeight = false;
private double defaultRowHeight = 12.75; // measured in point size
private float defaultColWidth = (float) -1.0;
private DefColWidth defColWidth = null;
private HashMap ooxmlShapes = null; // stores OOXML shapes
private SheetView sheetview = null;
private SheetPr sheetPr = null;
private com.extentech.formats.OOXML.AutoFilter ooautofilter = null;
private SheetProtectionManager protector;
private transient HashMap sheetNameRecs = new HashMap(); // sheet scoped names
List mc = new CompatibleVector();
private Selection lastselection = null;
/** Gets this sheet's SheetProtectionManager.
public SheetProtectionManager getProtectionManager() {
if (protector == null) protector = new SheetProtectionManager( this );
return protector;
/** get the last BiffRec added to this sheet
public BiffRec getLastCell(){return lastCell;}
* TODO: find calls to this method which really need to be calling 'assembleSheetRecs() -jm 8/05
* */
public List getSheetRecs() {
return SheetRecs;
/** Insert an image into the WorkBook
* @param im
public void insertImage(ImageHandle im) {
insertImage(im, false);
* Please add comments for this method
* @param bAddUnconditionally
public void insertImage(ImageHandle im, boolean bAddUnconditionally) {
MSODrawingGroup msodg = this.wkbook.getMSODrawingGroup();
MSODrawing msoDrawing = (MSODrawing) MSODrawing.getPrototype();
im.setMsgdrawing(msoDrawing); // 20070924 KSC: link 2 actual msodrawing that describes this image for setting bounds, etc.
int insertIndex = -1;
Obj obj = (Obj) Obj.getPrototype();
// now add to proper place in stream
if (msodg!=null) { // already have drawing records; just add to records + update msodg
insertIndex = this.getIndexOf(MSODRAWINGSELECTION);
if (insertIndex < 0)
insertIndex = this.getIndexOf(WINDOW2);
if (msodg.getMsoHeaderRec(this)==null) // handle case of multiple sheets- each needs it's own mso header ...
} else { // No images present in workbook, must add appropriate records
// Create new msodg rec
this.wkbook.setMSODrawingGroup((MSODrawingGroup) MSODrawingGroup.getPrototype());
msodg = this.wkbook.getMSODrawingGroup();
msodg.initNewMSODrawingGroup(); // generate and add required records for drawing records
// also add 1st portion for drawing rec
// insertion point for new msodrawing rec
insertIndex = getIndexOf(DIMENSIONS) + 1;
if (insertIndex > 0) { // should! then have a drawing record to insert
// 20071120 KSC: retrieve idx in order to reuse/link to existing image bytes if duplicating images
int idx= msodg.addImage(im.getImageBytes(), im.getImageType(), bAddUnconditionally);
imageMap.put(im, Integer.valueOf(im.getImageIndex()-1)); // add new image to map and link to actual imageIndex - moved from above
msoDrawing.createRecord(++this.wkbook.lastSPID, im.getImageName(), im.getShapeName(), idx); // generate msoDrawing using correct values moved from above
this.SheetRecs.add(insertIndex++, msoDrawing);
this.SheetRecs.add(insertIndex++, obj);
msodg.addMsodrawingrec(msoDrawing); // add the new drawing rec to the msodrawinggroup set of recs
wkbook.updateMsodrawingHeaderRec(this); // find the msodrawing header record and update it (using info from other msodrawing recs)
// 20080908 KSC: moved from above
msodg.setSpidMax(this.wkbook.lastSPID + 1); // was ++lastSPID
msodg.updateRecord(); // given all information, generate appropriate bytes
msodg.dirtyflag = true;
} else {
Logger.logErr("Boundsheet.insertImage: Drawing Group not created.");
* returns the images list
public List getImageVect() {
ArrayList im = new ArrayList();
Iterator ir = imageMap.keySet().iterator();
while (ir.hasNext()) {
im.add((ImageHandle) ir.next());
return im;
/** Get a collection of all names in the worksheet
public Name[] getSheetScopedNames() {
if(this.sheetNameRecs==null)this.sheetNameRecs=new HashMap();
ArrayList a = new ArrayList(this.sheetNameRecs.values());
Name[] n = new Name[a.size()];
return n;
* Rationalizes the itab (sheet reference) for name records,
* this has to occur after sheet insert/delete operations to keep the
* references intact. Unfortunately these references do not use the Externsheet,
* so are not ilbl listeners.
void updateLocalNameReferences() {
if (sheetNameRecs == null)return;
Iterator i = this.sheetNameRecs.values().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
Name n = (Name) i.next();
n.setItab((short) (this.getSheetNum() + 1));
/** for whatever reason, we return a Handle from an internal class
* @return
public ImageHandle[] getImages() {
/* 20071026 KSC: since there may be multiple copies of the same
* image in the sheet, must build imageHandle array by hand
if (imageMap == null)
return null;
ImageHandle[] im = new ImageHandle[imageMap.size()];
Iterator ir = imageMap.keySet().iterator();
int i = 0;
while (ir.hasNext()) {
im[i++] = (ImageHandle) ir.next();
return im;
/** column formatting records
* Note that it checks if exists. This is due to externally copied boundsheets already having
* the record in the array when addrecord occurs.
public void addColinfo(Colinfo c) {
if (!this.colinfos.containsValue(c)) {
this.colinfos.put(c, c);
* For workbooks that do not contain a dval record,
* insert a default dval rec
* @return
public Dval insertDvalRec() {
if (this.getDvalRec()!=null)return this.getDvalRec();
Dval d = (Dval) Dval.getPrototype();
int insertIdx = win2.getRecordIndex() + 1;
// correct position for DV block is before sheet protection records (if any)
// or before EOF
int opc = ((BiffRec) SheetRecs.get(insertIdx)).getOpcode();
while (opc != EOF) {
opc = ((BiffRec) SheetRecs.get(insertIdx)).getOpcode();
this.SheetRecs.add(insertIdx, d);
return d;
* Create a dv (validation record)
* record gets inserted into the byte stream from
* within Dval
* @param location
* @return
public Dv createDv(String location) {
Dv dv = this.getDvalRec().createDvRec(location);
int insertIdx = this.SheetRecs.size() - 2; // start at 1 before EOF
int opc = ((BiffRec) SheetRecs.get(insertIdx)).getOpcode();
while (opc != DV && opc != DVAL) {
insertIdx--; // insert after last DV
opc = ((BiffRec) SheetRecs.get(insertIdx)).getOpcode();
this.SheetRecs.add(insertIdx + 1, dv); // insert after DVAL or last DV
return dv;
* Create a Condfmt (Conditional format) record and
* add it to sheet recs
* @param location
* @return
public Condfmt createCondfmt(String location, WorkBookHandle wbh) {
Condfmt cfx = (Condfmt) Condfmt.getPrototype();
int insertIdx = win2.getRecordIndex() + 1;
BiffRec rec = (BiffRec) this.SheetRecs.get(insertIdx);
while (rec.getOpcode()!= HLINK &&
rec.getOffset()!= DVAL &&
rec.getOpcode()!= 0x0862 /* SHEETLAYOUT */ &&
rec.getOpcode()!= 0x0867 /* SHEETPROTECTION */ &&
rec.getOpcode()!= 0x0868 /* RANGEPROTECTION */ &&
rec = (BiffRec) this.SheetRecs.get(++insertIdx);
this.SheetRecs.add(insertIdx, cfx);
return cfx;
* Create a Cf (Conditional format rule) record and
* add it to sheet recs
* @param Conditional format
* @param range
* @return
public Cf createCf(Condfmt cfx) {
Cf cf = (Cf) Cf.getPrototype();
// we add this rec to vec right after its Condfmt
int insertIdx = cfx.getRecordIndex() + 1;
this.SheetRecs.add(insertIdx, cf);
return cf;
* obtain the desired image handle via the MsoDrawing Image Index
* used for mapping images from copied worksheets
* @param index
* @return
public ImageHandle getImageByMsoIndex(int index) {
if (imageMap == null)
return null;
Iterator ir = imageMap.keySet().iterator();
ImageHandle ret = null;
while (ir.hasNext() && ret == null) {
ImageHandle im = (ImageHandle) ir.next();
if (im.getMsodrawing().getImageIndex() == index)
ret = im;
return ret;
public int getIndexOfMsodrawingselection() {
BiffRec rec = null;
int size = SheetRecs.size();
int foundIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
rec = (BiffRec) SheetRecs.get(i);
if (rec instanceof MSODrawingSelection) {
foundIndex = i;
return foundIndex;
public int getIndexOfWindow2() {
BiffRec rec = null;
int size = SheetRecs.size();
int foundIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
rec = (BiffRec) SheetRecs.get(i);
if (rec instanceof Window2) {
foundIndex = i;
return foundIndex;
public int getIndexOfDimensions() {
BiffRec rec = null;
int size = SheetRecs.size();
int foundIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
rec = (BiffRec) SheetRecs.get(i);
if (rec instanceof Dimensions) {
foundIndex = i + 1;
return foundIndex;
// Generic getIndexOf - replace specific hardocoded cases ...
public int getIndexOf(short opc) {
BiffRec rec = null;
int size = SheetRecs.size();
int foundIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < size && foundIndex == -1; i++) {
rec = (BiffRec) SheetRecs.get(i);
if (rec.getOpcode() == opc)
foundIndex = i;
return foundIndex;
* return the desired record from the sheetrecs, or null if doesn't exist
* @param opc
* @return
public BiffRec getSheetRec(short opc) {
BiffRec rec = null;
int size = SheetRecs.size();
int foundIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < size && foundIndex == -1; i++) {
rec = (BiffRec) SheetRecs.get(i);
if (rec.getOpcode() == opc)
return rec;
return null;
// 20070916 KSC: access for inserting records into sheetrecs collection
public void insertSheetRecordAt(BiffRec r, int index) {
if (index > -1 && index < SheetRecs.size())
SheetRecs.add(index, r);
* Sheet hash is a cross-workbook identifier for ExtenXLS. The first time it is called it creates the sheet hash.
* @return
public String getSheetHash() {
if (sheetHash.equals("")) {
sheetHash = this.getSheetName() + this.getSheetNum() + this.getRealRecordIndex();
return sheetHash;
* assembleSheetRecs assembles the array of records, then ouputs
* the ordered list to the bytestreamer, which should be the only
* thing calling this.
* */
public List assembleSheetRecs() {
return WorkBookAssembler.assembleSheetRecs(this);
* write this sheet as tabbed text output: <br>
* All rows and all characters in each cell are saved. Columns of data are
* separated by tab characters, and each row of data ends in a carriage
* return. If a cell contains a comma, the cell contents are enclosed in
* double quotation marks. All formatting, graphics, objects, and other
* worksheet contents are lost. The euro symbol will be converted to a
* question mark. If cells display formulas instead of formula values, the
* formulas are saved as text.
* From Excel: To preserve the formulas if you reopen the file in Microsoft
* Excel, select the Delimited option in the Text Import Wizard, and select
* tab characters as the delimiters. Note If your workbook contains special
* font characters, such as a copyright symbol (©), and you will be using
* the converted text file on a computer with a different operating system,
* save the workbook in the text file format appropriate for that system.
* For example, if you are using Windows and want to use the text file on a
* Macintosh computer, save the file in the Text (Macintosh) format. If you
* are using a Macintosh computer and want to use the text file on a system
* running Windows or Windows NT, save the file in the Text (Windows)
* format.
public void writeAsTabbedText(OutputStream dest) throws IOException {
int lastrow= this.getMaxRow();
int lastcol= this.getMaxCol();
boolean isInteger= false;
byte[] tab= {9};
byte[] crlf= {13,10};
for (int i= 0; i < lastrow; i++) {
Row r= this.getRowByNumber(i);
if (r!=null) {
for (int j= 0; j < lastcol; j++) {
BiffRec c = null;
try {
// Look for the cell and output
c = r.getCell((short)j);
int type= ((XLSRecord) c).getCellType();
Object o;
if (type!=Cell.TYPE_FORMULA) {
isInteger= (type==Cell.TYPE_INT);
o= c.getStringVal();
} else {
o= ((Formula) c).calculateFormula();
if (o instanceof Integer || (o instanceof Double && ((Double)o).intValue()==((Double)o).doubleValue()))
isInteger= true;
else {
isInteger= false;
try {
String output = CellFormatFactory.fromPatternString(
c.getFormatPattern() ).format( o.toString() );
if (output.indexOf(",")!=-1)
output= "\"" + output + "\"";
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.logWarn("Boundsheet.writeAsTabbedText: error writing " + c.getCellAddress() + ":" + e.toString());
} catch (CellNotFoundException e1) {
// No cell exists at this location, continue
//} catch (RowNotFoundException e) { }
/** do all of the expensive updating here
only right before streaming record.
public void preStream() {
public Bof getMyBof() {
return mybof;
public Eof getMyEof() {
return myeof;
* Return an array of all the dvRecs within
* this boundsheet (Dval parent rec)
* @return
public List getDvRecs() {
if (this.getDvalRec()!=null)return this.getDvalRec().getDvs();
return null;
* @return conditional formats for this sheet
public List getConditionalFormats() {
return cond_formats;
* add a new Condtional Format rec for this sheet
* @param cf
public void addConditionalFormat(Condfmt cf) {
if (cond_formats == null)
cond_formats = new ArrayList();
if (cond_formats.indexOf(cf) == -1)
public void setWindow2(Window2 w) {
win2 = w;
public Window2 getWindow2() {
return win2;
* set/save the Pane rec for this sheet
* also links the Window2 rec to the pane rec
* @param p
public void setPane(Pane p) {
if (p == null) { // adds new
p = (Pane) Pane.getPrototype();
int insertIdx = win2.getRecordIndex() + 1;
this.SheetRecs.add(insertIdx, p);
pane = p;
* retrieve the Pane rec for this sheet
* @return
public Pane getPane() {
return pane;
* remove pane rec, effectively unfreezing
public void removePane() {
pane = null;
public WorkBook getWorkBook() {
return wkbook;
/** Remove a BiffRec from this WorkSheet.
* @deprecated Use {@link #removeCell(int, int)} instead.
public void removeCell(String celladdr) {
BiffRec c = this.getCell(celladdr);
if (c != null) {
/** Remove a BiffRec from this WorkSheet.
public void removeCell(int row, int col) {
BiffRec c;
try {
c = this.getCell(row, col);
} catch (CellNotFoundException e) {
// cell does not exist, this is fine
/** remove a BiffRec from the worksheet.
* Unfortunately this also has to manage mulrecs
public void removeCell (BiffRec cell) {
if (cell.getOpcode() == MULBLANK) {
if (cell.getOpcode() == XLSConstants.FORMULA) {
Formula f = (Formula) cell;
cellsByRow.remove( cell );
cellsByCol.remove( cell );
* removes an image from the imagehandle cache (should be in WSH)
* Jan 22, 2010
* @param img
* @return
public boolean removeImage(ImageHandle img) {
return imageMap.remove(img) != null;
* remove a record from the vector via it's index
* into the SheetRecs aray, includes firing a change event
* @param idx
public void removeRecFromVec(int idx)
try {
BiffRec rec = (BiffRec) this.SheetRecs.get(idx);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.logErr("Boundsheet.removeRecFromVec: " + e.toString());
/** Removes some rows and all associated cells from this sheet.
* References are not handled; for those see {@link ReferenceTracker}.
* @param first the zero-based index of the first row to be removed
* @param count the number of rows to be removed
* @param shift whether to shift subsequent rows up to fill the empty space
public void removeRows (int first, int count, boolean shift) {
for (int rowIdx = first; rowIdx < first + count; rowIdx++) {
Row row = rows.get( rowIdx );
if (null == row) continue;
Iterator<BiffRec> iter = row.getCells().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
BiffRec cell = iter.next();
// This removes the cell from the Row's map without perturbing
// the iterator. When removeCell tries to remove it later the
// map will silently do nothing instead of throwing a CME.
this.removeCell( cell );
rows.remove( rowIdx );
this.removeRecFromVec( row );
// shift all following rows up to fill the gap left by the removed rows
if (shift && !rows.isEmpty()) {
int shiftBy = -1 * count;
int lastrow = lastRow.getRowNumber();
for (int rowIdx = first + 1; rowIdx <= lastrow; rowIdx++) {
Row row = rows.get( rowIdx );
if (null == row) continue;
this.shiftRow( row, shiftBy );
// update sheet dimensions
null != lastRow ? lastRow.getRowNumber() : 0 );
/** remove rec from the vector, includes firing
a changeevent.
public void removeRecFromVec(BiffRec rec) {
boolean removerec = true;
// is it an RK, maybe part of a Mulrk??
if (rec.getOpcode() == RK) {
Rk thisrk = (Rk) rec;
} else if (rec.getOpcode() == FORMULA) {
Formula f = (Formula) rec;
else if (rec.getOpcode() == LABELSST){
Labelsst lst = (Labelsst) rec;
Sst strtable = wkbook.getSharedStringTable();
} else if (rec instanceof Mulblank) { // KSC: Added
removerec = ((Mulblank) rec).removeCell(rec.getColNumber());
if (removerec) {
if (streamer.removeRecord(rec)) {
if(DEBUGLEVEL > 5)Logger.logInfo("Boundsheet RemoveRec Removed: " + rec.toString());
} else {
if (rec instanceof Mul) {
if (!((Mul) rec).removed())
if(DEBUGLEVEL > 1)Logger.logWarn("RemoveRec failed: " + rec.getClass().getName() + " not found in Streamer Vec");
} else {
if(DEBUGLEVEL > 1)Logger.logWarn("RemoveRec failed: " + rec.getClass().getName() + " not found in Streamer Vec");
Called from removeCell(), removeMulrk() handles the fact that you
are trying to delete a rk that is really just a part of a Mulrk. This
is handled by truncating the mulrk at the cell, then creating individual numbers
after the deleted cell.
public void removeMulrk(Rk thisrk) {
Mulrk mymul = (Mulrk) thisrk.getMyMul();
if (mymul != null) { // Part of a mulrk. JOY!
AbstractList vect = mymul.removeRk(thisrk);
boolean deletemulrk = false;
if (mymul.getColFirst() == thisrk.getColNumber()) {
deletemulrk = true;
if (vect != null) { // the mulrk contiued past the cell deleted
// Create new records for each of the Rks,
Iterator itv = vect.iterator();
while (itv.hasNext()) {
Rk temprk = (Rk) itv.next();
String loc = temprk.getCellAddress();
Double d = new Double(temprk.getDblVal());
BiffRec g = this.getCell(loc);
int fmt = g.getIxfe();
this.addValue(d, loc);
if (deletemulrk) {
mymul.removed = true;
* Remove a row, do not shift any other rows
* @throws RowNotFoundException
public void removeRowContents(int rownum) throws RowNotFoundException {
Row r = this.getRowByNumber(rownum);
// First delete the desired row
if (r != null) {
Object[] cells = r.getCellArray();
for (int x = 0; x < cells.length; x++) { // adjust cell's in row
this.removeCell((BiffRec) cells[x]);
r = null;
} else {
throw new RowNotFoundException(this.getSheetName() + ":" + rownum);
/** Removes a set of columns and their associated cells from this sheet.
* Optionally shifts the subsequent columns left to fill the empty space.
* This method only updates the sheet and cell records. It doesn't adjust
* references; that's handled by {@link WorkSheetHandle#removeCols}.
* @param first this zero-based index of the first column to be removed
* @param count the number of columns to remove
* @param shift whether to shift subsequent columns left
public void removeCols (int first, int count, boolean shift) {
if (shift) {
ReferenceTracker.updateReferences(first, count*-1, this, false); //shift or expand/contract ALL affected references including named ranges
for (int colIdx = first; colIdx < first + count; colIdx++) {
// update or remove the ColInfo record as appropriate
Colinfo info = this.getColInfo(colIdx);
if (null != info) {
if (info.getColLast() < first + count) {
if (info.getColFirst() >= first) {
this.removeColInfo( info );
} else {
info.setColLast( first - 1 );
} else if (info.getColFirst() >= first) {
info.setColFirst( first + count );
// remove the cells in the column
try {
List<BiffRec> cells = this.getCellsByCol(colIdx);
int cellCount = cells.size();
for (int idx = cellCount - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) {
BiffRec cell = cells.get( idx );
if (null == cell) continue;
this.removeCell( cell );
} catch (CellNotFoundException e) {
// This is fine, no cells in this column
if (shift){
int shiftBy = -1 * count;
int maxcol = this.getRealMaxCol();
for (int colIdx = first + 1; colIdx <= maxcol; colIdx++){
this.shiftCol( colIdx, shiftBy );
// make sure dimensions record is correctly updated upon output
this.dimensions.setColLast( this.getRealMaxCol() );
* Access an arrayList of cells by column
* @param colNum
* @return
public ArrayList<BiffRec> getCellsByCol(int colNum) throws CellNotFoundException
SortedMap<CellAddressible,BiffRec> theCells = cellsByCol.subMap(
new CellAddressible.RangeBoundary( 0, colNum, true),
new CellAddressible.RangeBoundary(0, colNum+1, false)
throw new CellNotFoundException( this.sheetname, 0, col );
Collection<BiffRec> cells = theCells.values();
Iterator<BiffRec> i = cells.iterator();
BiffRec biffrec = i.next();
if (biffrec.getOpcode()==MULBLANK) {
((Mulblank) biffrec).setCurrentCell((short) colNum);
return new ArrayList<BiffRec>(cells);
* Access an arrayList of cells by column
* @param colNum
* @return
public ArrayList<BiffRec> getCellsByRow(int rowNum) throws CellNotFoundException
SortedMap<CellAddressible,BiffRec> theCells = cellsByRow.subMap(
new CellAddressible.Reference( rowNum, 0 ),
new CellAddressible.Reference( rowNum+1, 0 )
throw new CellNotFoundException( this.sheetname, 0, col );
Collection<BiffRec> cells = theCells.values();
return new ArrayList<BiffRec>(cells);
/** get a handle to a specific column of cells in this sheet
public Colinfo getColInfo (int col) {
Colinfo info = this.colinfos.get(
new ColumnRange.Reference( col, col ) );
if (null == info) return null;
if (info.inrange( col )) return info;
return null;
/** remove all Sheet records from Sheet.
public void removeAllRecords() {
// this.setSheetRecs();
XLSRecord[] rx = new XLSRecord[SheetRecs.size()];
for (int t = 0; t < rx.length; t++) {
int opcode= ((BiffRec)rx[t]).getOpcode(); // Handle continues masking mso's
if (opcode!=MSODRAWING && !(opcode==CONTINUE && ((Continue)rx[t]).maskedMso!=null))
else // must update MSODrawingGroup record as well ...
if (opcode == MSODRAWING)
this.wkbook.msodg.removeMsodrawingrec((MSODrawing)rx[t], this, false); // don't remove assoc object record
else // a Continue record masking an MSoo
this.wkbook.msodg.removeMsodrawingrec(((Continue)rx[t]).maskedMso, this, false); // don't remove assoc object record
rx[t] = null;
// System.gc();
/** Shifts a single column.
* This adjusts any mention of the column number in the associated records.
* References are not handled; for those see {@link ReferenceTracker}.
* @param col the column to be shifted
* @param shift the number of columns by which to shift
private void shiftCol (int colNum, int shift) {
Colinfo info = this.getColInfo(colNum);
int oldCol = colNum;
int newCol = oldCol + shift;
List<BiffRec> cells;
try {
cells = this.getCellsByCol(colNum);
for (BiffRec cell : cells) {
cell.setCol( (short) newCol );
this.updateDimensions(cell.getRowNumber(), cell.getColNumber());
} catch (CellNotFoundException e) {
// No cells exist in this column
if (null != info) {
int first = info.getColFirst();
if (first == oldCol || first > newCol) {
info.setColFirst( newCol );
int last = info.getColLast();
if (last == oldCol || last < newCol)
info.setColLast( newCol );
private void removeColInfo(Colinfo ci) {
/** set the Bof record for this Boundsheet
public void setBOF(Bof b) {
mybof = b;
* Determine if the boundsheet is a chart only boundsheet
* @return
public boolean isChartOnlySheet() {
if (mybof!=null)return mybof.isChartBof();
return false;
public void setEOF(Eof f) {
myeof = f;
/** return the pos of the Bof for this Sheet
public long getLbPlyPos() {//
if (mybof != null)
return mybof.getLbPlyPos();
return this.lbPlyPos;
/** set the pos of the Bof for this Sheet
public void setLbPlyPos(long newpos) {
byte[] newposbytes = ByteTools.cLongToLEBytes((int) newpos);
System.arraycopy(newposbytes, 0, this.getData(), 0, 4);
this.lbPlyPos = newpos;
/** get the min/max dimensions
for this sheet.
private Dimensions dimensions;
/** the beginning of the Dimensions record
is the index of the RowBlocks
public Dimensions getDimensions(){return dimensions;}
public void setDimensions(Dimensions d) {
// only set the first dimensions. Other dimensions records may exist within
// the boundsheet stream from charts & msodrawing objects, but going to run with the
// assumption that the first one is the identifier for valrec start
if (dimensions == null) {
dimensions = d;
/** Shifts a single row.
* This adjusts any mention of the row number in the row records. Formula
* references are not handled; for those see {@link ReferenceTracker}.
* @param row the row to be shifted
* @param shift the number of rows by which to shift
private void shiftRow (Row row, int shift) {
Iterator cells = row.getCells().iterator();
Mulblank skipMulBlank = null;
while (cells.hasNext()) {
BiffRec cell = (BiffRec) cells.next();
if (cell == skipMulBlank) continue;
else if (cell.getOpcode() == MULBLANK)
skipMulBlank = (Mulblank) cell;
this.shiftCellRow( cell, shift );
int oldRow = row.getRowNumber();
int newRow = oldRow + shift;
row.setRowNumber( newRow );
rows.remove( oldRow );
rows.put( newRow, row );
if(this.dimensions.getRowLast()<newRow) {
this.lastRow = row;
public int getMinRow(){return dimensions.getRowFirst();}
* return true maximum/last row on the sheet
public int getMaxRow(){ return dimensions.getRowLast(); }
public int getMinCol(){return dimensions.getColFirst();}
public int getMaxCol(){return dimensions.getColLast();}
/** update the INDEX record with the new max Row #
why we need so many redundant references to the Min/Max Row/Cols
is a question for the Redmond sages.
public void updateDimensions(int row, int c) {
if(DEBUGLEVEL > 10)Logger.logInfo("Boundsheet Updating Dimensions: " + row + ":" + col);
short col = (short) c;
maximumCellCol = Math.max(maximumCellCol, col);
maximumCellRow = Math.max(maximumCellRow, row);
if(dimensions != null)dimensions.updateDimensions(row-1, col);
if(this.myidx != null)this.myidx.updateRowDimensions(this.getMinRow(),this.getMaxRow()); // TODO: investigate why no Index is possible
/** set the associated sheet index
public void setSheetIDX(Index idx) {
myidx = idx;
/** set the associated sheet index
public Index getSheetIDX() {
return myidx;
/** Adjusts a cell to reflect its parent row being shifted.
* This adjusts any mention of the row number in the cell record. Formula
* references are not handled; for those see {@link ReferenceTracker}.
* @param cell the cell record to be shifted
* @param shift the number of rows by which to shift the cell
private void shiftCellRow (BiffRec cell, int shift) {
int newrow = cell.getRowNumber() + shift;
cell.setRowNumber( newrow );
// handle per-record special cases
switch (cell.getOpcode()) {
case XLSConstants.RK:
((Rk) cell).setMulrkRow(newrow);
case XLSConstants.FORMULA:
Formula formula = (Formula) cell;
// must also shift shared formulas if necessary
if (formula.isSharedFormula()) {
if (formula.getInternalRecords().size()>0) {// is it the parent?
Object o= formula.getInternalRecords().get(0);
if (o instanceof Shrfmla) { // should!
Shrfmla s= (Shrfmla) o;
/** set the numeric sheet number
public int getSheetNum() {
return this.wkbook.getSheetVect().indexOf(this);
/** add a row to the worksheet as well
as to the RowBlock which will handle
the updating of Dbcell index behavior
@param BiffRec the cell being added (can't add a row without one...)
private Row addNewRow(BiffRec cell) {
int rn = cell.getRowNumber();
if (this.getRowByNumber(rn) != null)
return this.getRowByNumber(rn); // already exists!
Row r = new Row(rn, wkbook);
try { //Out-of-spec wb's may not have dimensions record -- will be handled upon validation
if (rn >= this.getMaxRow())
} catch (NullPointerException e) {}
return r;
/** Inserts a row and shifts subsequent rows down by one.
* @param rownum the zero-based index of the row to be created
* @return the row that was just inserted
// TODO: reduce this functionality to simply inserting a row
// and shifting the row number of subsequent rows and cells
public Row insertRow(int rownum, int flag, boolean shiftrows){
Row roe= null;
if (shiftrows && !this.fastCellAdds){
// shift all rows after this one down...
// moves refs, formats, merges, etc.
if (lastRow!=null) {
int startrow = lastRow.getRowNumber();
if (startrow==MAXROWS) startrow--; // 20080925 KSC: can't add more than maxrows
for(int t = startrow;t>=rownum;t--){ // traverse from last row to current
Row rowtoshift = (Row)rows.get(Integer.valueOf(t));
if(rowtoshift!=null) {
this.shiftRow(rowtoshift, 1);// pass original row # for formula shifting + flag
}catch(Exception e){
Logger.logWarn("Boundsheet.insertRow() failed shifting row: " + t+ " - " + e.toString());
// we add a blank because a row cannot be empty
roe = this.getRowByNumber(rownum);
int[] rc = {rownum,0};
roe = this.getRowByNumber(rownum);
}catch(Exception a){Logger.logInfo("Boundsheet.insertRow: Shifting row during Insert failed: " + a);}
}else {
roe = this.getRowByNumber(rownum);
if (roe==null) {
Row r = new Row(rownum, wkbook);
// must also update maxrow on sheet
if (rownum >= this.getMaxRow())
roe = this.getRowByNumber(rownum);
return roe;
* shifts Merged cells. 10-15-04 -jm
*/ // used???
public void updateMergedCells() {
Iterator mcs = this.mc.iterator();
/** associate an existing Row with this Boundsheet
if the row already exists... ignore?
public void addRowRec(Row r) {
int rwn = r.getRowNumber();
if (rows.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(rwn))) {
if(DEBUGLEVEL>2)Logger.logWarn("Sheet.addRow() attempting to add existing row");
} else {
rows.put(Integer.valueOf(rwn), r);
if (lastRow == null) {
this.lastRow = r;
} else if (rwn > lastRow.getRowNumber()) {
lastRow = r;
/** get whether this sheet is hidden upon opening (either regular or "very hidden"
public boolean getHidden() {
if(grbit == VISIBLE)return false;
return true;
public boolean getVeryHidden() {
return (grbit == VERY_HIDDEN);
/** set whether this sheet is hidden upon opening
public void setHidden(int gr) {
grbit = (short) gr;
byte[] bt = ByteTools.shortToLEBytes(grbit);
System.arraycopy(bt, 0, getData(), 4, 2);
boolean selected = false;
/** returns the selected sheet status
public boolean selected() {
return selected;
/** set whether this sheet is selected upon opening
public void setSelected(boolean b) {
if (b) {
selected = b;
/** associate an Array formula with this Boundsheet
public void addArrayFormula(Array a) {
/** Returns an array formula for the set address
public Array getArrayFormula(String addr) {
Array form = null;
for (int i = 0; i < arrayformulas.size(); i++) {
form = (Array) arrayformulas.get(i);
if (form.isInRange(addr)) return form;
return null;
/** map array formula range reference to the parent array formula address
* <br>for Array Formula Parent Records only
* boundsheet
public void addParentArrayRef(String addr, String ref) {
if (arrFormulaLocs.containsKey(addr))
arrFormulaLocs.put(addr, ref);
* see if an array formula is part of an existing array formula
* <br>by checking to see if the address in quesion is
* referenced by any array formula references on this sheet
* @param rc row col of cell in question
* @return
* @see addArrayFormula
public Object getArrayFormulaParent(int[] rc) {
Iterator i = arrFormulaLocs.keySet().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
String addr = (String) i.next();
int[] arrayRC = ExcelTools.getRangeRowCol((String) arrFormulaLocs.get(addr));
if ((rc[1] >= arrayRC[1]) && (rc[1]<= arrayRC[3]) &&
(rc[0] >= arrayRC[0]) && (rc[0]<= arrayRC[2])){
return arrayRC;
return null; // no parent?
* return true if address refers to an Array Formula Parent
* <br>i.e. the parent array formula refers to one or multiple cell addreses
* @param addr
* @return
public boolean isArrayFormulaParent(String addr) {
return (arrFormulaLocs.get(addr) != null);
* given an parent array formula at address formAddress,
* look up in saved arrFormulaLocs for the cell range it references
* @param formAddress
* @return
public String getArrayRef(String formAddress) {
return (String) arrFormulaLocs.get(formAddress);
* inserts a col and shifts all of the other rows over one
* @param first zero-based int for the column (0='A')
public void insertCols (int first, int count) {
ReferenceTracker.updateReferences(first+1, count, this, false); //shift or expand/contract ALL affected references including named ranges
// shift the existing columns to the right to make room
for (int colIdx = this.getRealMaxCol(); colIdx >= first; colIdx--) {
this.shiftCol( colIdx, count );
// update the new colinfos to include the formatting and the width of the inserted col
Colinfo movedCol = this.getColInfo(first + count);
for (int i=0; i < count; i++){
Colinfo newcol = this.getColInfo(first +i);
this.addColinfo(first+i, first+i, movedCol.getColWidth(), movedCol.getIxfe(), movedCol.getGrbit());
// ensure the sheet bounds are accurate
this.dimensions.setColLast( this.getRealMaxCol() );
/** get the number of defined rows on this sheet
public int getNumRows() {
return rows.size();
/** get the number of defined cells on this sheet
public int getNumCells() {
int counter = 0;
Set cellset = (Set) rows.keySet();
Object[] rws = cellset.toArray();
if(rws.length==0)return 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rws.length; i++) {
Row r = (Row) rows.get((Integer) rws[i]);
counter += r.getNumberOfCells();
return counter;
/** get the FastAddVector of columns defined on this sheet
public List getColNames() {
FastAddVector retvec = new FastAddVector();
for (int x = 0; x < this.getRealMaxCol(); x++) {
String c = (String) ExcelTools.getAlphaVal(x);
return retvec;
/** get the Number of columns defined on this sheet
public int getNumCols(){return getRealMaxCol();}
* Add a new colinfo
* @param first The beginning column number (0 based)
* @param last The end column number
* @param width Initial width of the column
* @param ixfe formatting
* @param grbit ??
* @return Colinfo
public Colinfo createColinfo
(int first, int last, int width, int ixfe, int grbit) {
Colinfo ci = Colinfo.getPrototype(first,last,width,ixfe);
int recpos = this.getDimensions().getRecordIndex();
List sr = this.getSheetRecs();
// get to last Colinfo record
BiffRec rec= (BiffRec) sr.get(recpos);
// TODO: is it ABSOLUTELY true that if no Colinfos there must be a DefColWidth record????
while (!(rec instanceof Colinfo) &&
!(rec instanceof DefColWidth) &&
recpos > 0){ // loop until we find either a colinfo or DEFCOLWIDTH
rec= (BiffRec) sr.get(--recpos);
// now position this Colinfo in the proper position within the Colinfo set
int cf= ci.getColFirst();
while (rec instanceof Colinfo &&
((Colinfo) rec).getColFirst() > cf) {
rec= (BiffRec) sr.get(--recpos);
return ci;
* Create a colinfo using the values from an existing colinfo
* @param first first col in the colinfo
* @param last last col in the colinfo
* @param template template column
* @return
public Colinfo createColinfo (int first, int last, Colinfo template) {
return this.createColinfo( first, last, template.getColWidth(),
template.getIxfe(), template.getGrbit() );
public Colinfo createColinfo (int first, int last) {
return this.createColinfo( first, last,
Colinfo.DEFAULT_COLWIDTH, 0, 0 );
/** get a handle to the Row at the specified
row index
Zero-based Index.
ie: row 0 contains cell A1
public Row getRowByNumber(int r) {
return (Row) rows.get(Integer.valueOf(r));
/** get the FastAddVector of rows defined on this sheet
public List getRowNums() {
Set e = rows.keySet();
Iterator iter = e.iterator();
FastAddVector rownames = new FastAddVector();
return rownames;
* return the map of row in this sheet sorted by row #
* (will be unsorted if insertions and deletions)
* @return
public SortedMap getSortedRows() {
SortedMap sm = new TreeMap(rows);
return sm;
/** return an Array of the Rows
public Row[] getRows() {
Map rxs = new TreeMap(rows); // treemap does ordering... LHM does not
Row[] rarr = new Row[rxs.size()];
return (Row[]) rxs.values().toArray(rarr);
/** return a Map of the Rows
public Map getRowMap() {
return rows;
public boolean fastCellAdds = false; // performance setting which skips safety checks
public BiffRec addValue(Object obj, String address) {
return addValue(obj, address, false);
/** Add a Value record to a WorkSheet.
* This method's purpose is to handle default formatting
* of the cell that is being added, and to do any manipulations
* neccessary to handle mulrks, mulblanks, etc. It is also the
* main entry point of adding values to the boundsheet. These values
* are then passed into createValrec() which
@param obj the value of the new Cell
@param address the address of the new Cell
public BiffRec addValue(Object obj, String address, boolean fixNumberAsString){
// first see if there's an existing item
int[] rc = ExcelTools.getRowColFromString(address);
return addValue(obj, rc, fixNumberAsString);
/** adds a value to the sheet
* @param obj
* @param rc
* @return
public BiffRec addValue(Object obj, int[] rc, boolean fixNumberAsString) {
return addValue(obj, rc, this.getWorkBook().getDefaultIxfe(), fixNumberAsString);
/** adds a cell to the Sheet
* @param obj
* @param rc
* @param FORMAT_ID
* @return
public BiffRec addValue(Object obj, int[] rc, int FORMAT_ID) {
return addValue(obj, rc, FORMAT_ID, false);
/** adds a cell to the Sheet
* @param obj
* @param rc
* @param FORMAT_ID
* @param fixNumberAsString - whether to attempt to convert to a number if it is a NSaS situation
* @return
public BiffRec addValue(Object obj, int[] rc, int FORMAT_ID, boolean fixNumberAsString){
if (rc[1] > WorkBook.MAXCOLS)
throw new InvalidRecordException("Cell Column number: " + rc[1] + " is greater than maximum allowable Columns: " + WorkBook.MAXCOLS);
// sanity checks
if (rc[0] > WorkBook.MAXROWS)
throw new InvalidRecordException("Cell Row number: " + rc[0] + " is greater than maximum allowable row: " + WorkBook.MAXROWS);
Row r = this.getRowByNumber(rc[0]);
* from Doc: The default cell format is always present in an Excel file,
* described by the XF record with the fixed index 15 (0-based).
* By default, it uses the worksheet/workbook default cell style,
* described by the very first XF record (index 0).
if (FORMAT_ID <= 0)
FORMAT_ID = this.getWorkBook().getDefaultIxfe();
if (FORMAT_ID == this.getWorkBook().getDefaultIxfe()) {
if (this.getColInfo(rc[1])!=null) { /* get default colinfo if possible */
Colinfo co = this.getColInfo(rc[1]);
if (co != null && co.getIxfe() != 0)
FORMAT_ID = co.getIxfe();
if (r != null && r.getExplicitFormatSet()) {
FORMAT_ID = r.getIxfe();
CellRange merge_range = null;
if (!fastCellAdds) {
try {
BiffRec mycell = this.getCell(rc[0], rc[1]);
BiffRec rec = mycell;
merge_range = rec.getMergeRange();
// specific cell format overrides any other formats: if (FORMAT_ID == defaultFormatId)
if (rec.getIxfe() != this.getWorkBook().getDefaultIxfe() && rec.getIxfe() != 0)
FORMAT_ID = rec.getIxfe();
} catch (CellNotFoundException cnfe) {
// good!
// Handle detection of Number stored as Strings
Object[] fixed = null;
if (!fastCellAdds && fixNumberAsString && obj != null) {
try {
fixed = this.fixNumberStoredAsString(obj);
obj = fixed[0];
} catch (Exception e) {
; // not a number!
XLSRecord rec = this.createValrec(obj, rc, FORMAT_ID);
if (!fastCellAdds) { // reapply conditional format and merges
if (merge_range != null)
// check this does not touch affectedcells
this.addRecord(rec, rc);
if (fixed != null){
FormatHandle f = new FormatHandle(this.wkbook, this.getWorkBook().getDefaultIxfe());
if (r==null) { // if no row initially, check default row height; if not Excel's default, set row height
double rh = this.getDefaultRowHeight();
if (rh != 12.75) {// the default
r = this.getRowByNumber(rc[0]);
r.setRowHeight((int) (rh * 20));
return rec;
* for numbers stored as strings, try to guess the
* format pattern used, and strip the value to a number
* TODO: increase sophistication of pattern matching to better guess pattern used
* @param s
* @return Object[Double value, String formatPattern]
Object[] fixNumberStoredAsString(Object s) throws NumberFormatException {
String input = s.toString();
if (input.indexOf(" ") > -1) {
input = StringTool.allTrim(input);
String p = ""; // the format pattern
boolean matched = false;
for (NumberAsStringFormat fmts: NumberAsStringFormat.values()){
input = StringTool.strip(input, fmts.identifier);
p = fmts.pattern;
matched = true;
Double d = new Double(input);
d = fmts.adjustValue(d);
Object[] ret = new Object[2];
ret[0] = d; // value
ret[1] = p; // format pattern
return ret;
throw new NumberFormatException();
* A simple enum to store matching strings, format patterns, and value
* switches where necessary
private enum NumberAsStringFormat{
PERCENT ("%", "0%"),
EURO ("€","€#,##0;(€#,##0)"),
YEN ("¥","¥#,##0;(¥#,##0)"),
POUND ("£","£#,##0;(£#,##0)"),
DOLLAR ("$","$#,##0;(€#,##0)"),
ALT_POUND ("₤","₤#,##0;(₤#,##0)");
private final String identifier;
private final String pattern;
private NumberAsStringFormat(String id, String format){
this.identifier = id;
this.pattern = format;
public String identifier(){
return this.identifier;
public String pattern(){
return this.pattern;
/** adjust the value where necessary **/
public double adjustValue(double inputVal){
if(this.identifier=="%")return inputVal*.01;
return inputVal;
/** Creates a valrec (Value containing XLSRecord). This method observes
* the object passed in, then creates a XLS record of the correct type depending
* on the object type. A default FormatID is handled as well.
* The valrec at this point is not fully formed, it needs the row/col set
* along with some other default actions that occur in addRecord(). This is
* due to addRecord being the merge point for adding cells to a boundsheet between
* the parse-level additions and the user-level additions!
* @param obj the value of the new Cell
* @param row & col address of the new Cell
* @param FORMAT_ID, index to the XF record for this valrec
@return partially formed XLS Record.
private XLSRecord createValrec(Object obj, int[] rc, int FORMAT_ID) {
BiffRec cx = this.getCell(rc[0],rc[1]);
}catch(CellNotFoundException e){}*/
XLSRecord rec = null;
if (obj == null) {
rec = new Blank();
} else if (obj instanceof Formula) {
rec = (Formula) obj;
} else if (obj instanceof Double) {
rec = new NumberRec(((Double) obj).doubleValue());
} else if (obj instanceof String) {
if (((String) obj).startsWith("=")) {
try {
// Logger.logInfo("adding formula");
rec = FormulaParser.getFormulaFromString((String)obj, this, rc);
// this is a problem because workbook adds the rec to lastbounds
// in other words it will show up on the last sheet. Needed?
getWorkBook().addRecord(rec, false);
//getWorkBook().addFormula((Formula)rec); // next best thing methinks...
} catch (Exception e) {
// 20070212 KSC: add sheet name + address Logger.logWarn("adding new Formula at row:" + rc[0] +" col: " + rc[1] + ":"+obj.toString()+" failed, adding value to worksheet as String.");
throw new FunctionNotSupportedException("Adding new Formula at " + this.getSheetName() + "!" + ExcelTools.formatLocation(rc) + " failed: " + e.toString() + ".");
//rec = Labelsst.getPrototype((String) obj, this.getWorkBook().getSharedStringTable());
} else if (((String) obj).startsWith("{=")){ // interpret array formulas as well 20090526 KSC: changed from "{" to "{=" tracy vo complex string addition
try {
rec = FormulaParser.getFormulaFromString((String)obj, this, rc);
rec.isFormula = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new FunctionNotSupportedException("Adding new Formula at " + this.getSheetName() + "!" + ExcelTools.formatLocation(rc) + " failed: " + e.toString() + ".");
} else if (obj.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
rec = new Blank();
} else {
rec = Labelsst.getPrototype((String) obj, this.getWorkBook());
} else if (obj instanceof Integer) {
int l = ((Integer) obj).intValue();
rec = new NumberRec(l);
} else if (obj instanceof Long) {
long l = ((Long) obj).longValue();
rec = new NumberRec(l);
} else if (obj instanceof Boolean) {
// Logger.logErr("Adding Boolean Not Implemented");
rec = Boolerr.getPrototype();
((Boolerr) rec).setBooleanVal(((Boolean) obj).booleanValue());
} else {
double d = new Double(String.valueOf(obj)).doubleValue(); // 20080211 KSC: Double.valueOf(String.valueOf(obj)).doubleValue();
rec = new NumberRec(d);
// 20100607 KSC: update maxrow/maxcol if necessary
if (rc[0] > getMaxRow() || rc[1] > getMaxCol())
this.updateDimensions(rc[0], rc[1]);
return rec;
/** Add an XLSRecord to a WorkSheet.
* Creates the container cell for a record, sets the default
* information on the valrec (ie row/col/bs), checks to see if
* there is a container row for the cell, if not, then it creates the
* row. Finally, the cell is passed on to addCellToRowCol where it performs
* final initialization and is added to it's row
public void addRecord(BiffRec rec, int[] rc) {
// check to see if there is a BiffRec already at the address add the rec to the Cell,
// set as value if it's a val type rec
rec.setSheet(this);// create a new BiffRec if none exists
if (!this.fastCellAdds) {
Row ro = null;
ro = (Row) rows.get(Integer.valueOf(rc[0]));
if (ro == null)
ro = this.addNewRow(rec);
if (copypriorformats && !this.fastCellAdds)
try {
this.addCell((CellRec) rec);
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ax) {
Logger.logErr("Boundsheet.addRecord() failed. Column "+rc[1]+" is greater than Maximum column count");
throw new InvalidRecordException("Adding cell failed. Column "+rc[1]+" is greater than the maximum column limit.");
/** Add a cell to this boundsheet record and populate the cells array
* @param cell
public void addCell (CellRec cell)
cellsByRow.put( cell, cell );
cellsByCol.put( cell, cell );
Row row = rows.get( Integer.valueOf( cell.getRowNumber() ) );
if (null == row) row = this.addNewRow( cell );
row.addCell( cell );
if (cell != null)
this.updateDimensions(cell.getRowNumber(), cell.getColNumber());
private boolean copypriorformats = true;
public void setCopyPriorCellFormats(boolean f){this.copypriorformats = f;}
private boolean copyPriorCellFormatForNewCells(BiffRec c) {
int row = c.getRowNumber() + 1; // get the prior cell addy
String cnm = ExcelTools.getAlphaVal(c.getColNumber());
BiffRec ch = this.getCell(cnm + row); // try it...
if(ch == null)return false;
return true;
Returns the *real* last col num. Unfortunately the dimensions record
cannot be counted on to give a correct value.
public int getRealMaxCol() {
return this.maximumCellCol;
* Add a new colinfo
* @param begCol The beginning column number (0 based)
* @param endCol The end column number
* @param width Initial width of the column
* @param ixfe formatting
* @param grbit ??
* @return Colinfo
public Colinfo addColinfo(int begCol, int endCol, int width, int ixfe, int grbit) {
Colinfo ci = Colinfo.getPrototype(begCol, endCol, width, ixfe);
int recpos = this.getDimensions().getRecordIndex();
List sr = this.getSheetRecs();
// get to last Colinfo record
BiffRec rec = (BiffRec) sr.get(recpos);
// TODO: is it ABSOLUTELY true that if no Colinfos there must be a DefColWidth record????
while (!(rec instanceof Colinfo) &&
!(rec instanceof DefColWidth) &&
recpos > 0){ // loop until we find either a colinfo or DEFCOLWIDTH
rec = (BiffRec) sr.get(--recpos);
// now position this Colinfo in the proper position within the Colinfo set
int cf = ci.getColFirst();
while (rec instanceof Colinfo &&
((Colinfo) rec).getColFirst() > cf) {
rec = (BiffRec) sr.get(--recpos);
this.getStreamer().addRecordAt(ci, recpos);
return ci;
/** get a colinfo by name
public Colinfo getColinfo(String c){
return this.getColInfo( ExcelTools.getIntVal( c ) );
/** get the Collection of Colinfos
public Collection<Colinfo> getColinfos(){
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection( colinfos.values() );
private int maximumCellCol = -1;
private int maximumCellRow = -1;
Moves a cell location from one address to another
public void moveCell(String startaddr, String endaddr) {
BiffRec c = (BiffRec) getCell(startaddr);
if (c.getOpcode() == WorkBookFactory.RK) {
try {
Double d = new Double(c.getDblVal());
this.addValue(d, endaddr);
}catch(Exception e){Logger.logInfo("Boundsheet.moveCell() error :" + e);}
} else {
int[] s = ExcelTools.getRowColFromString(endaddr);
c.setCol((short) s[1]);
this.addCell((CellRec) c);
Moves a cell location from one address to another,
without any clearing of previous locations. This is used in sorting
and other cell movements where we do not want to delete from starting address
public void updateCellReferences(BiffRec c, String endaddr) {
if (c.getOpcode() == WorkBookFactory.RK) {
try {
Double d = new Double(c.getDblVal());
this.addValue(d, endaddr);
}catch(Exception e){Logger.logInfo("Boundsheet.moveCell() error :" + e);}
} else {
int[] s = ExcelTools.getRowColFromString(endaddr);
c.setCol((short) s[1]);
this.addCell((CellRec) c);
/** Gets a cell on this sheet by its Excel A1-style address.
* @param address the A1-style address of the cell to retrieve
* @return the cell record
* or <code>null</code> if no cell exists at the given address
* @deprecated Use {@link #getCell(int, int)} instead.
public BiffRec getCell (String address) {
int[] rc = ExcelTools.getRowColFromString( address );
try {
return this.getCell( rc[ 0 ], rc[ 1 ] );
} catch (CellNotFoundException ex) {
return null;
/** Gets a cell on this sheet by its row and column indexes.
* @param row the zero-based index of the cell's parent row
* @param col the zero-based index of the cell's parent column
* @return the cell record at the given address
* @throws CellNotFoundException if no cell exists at the given address
public BiffRec getCell (int row, int col)
throws CellNotFoundException {
// get the nearest entry from the cell map
BiffRec theCell = cellsByRow.get(
new CellAddressible.Reference( row, col ) );
if (null == theCell)
throw new CellNotFoundException( this.sheetname, row, col );
if (theCell!=null && theCell.getOpcode()==MULBLANK) {
((Mulblank) theCell).setCurrentCell((short) col);
return theCell;
/** get an array of all cells for this worksheet
public BiffRec[] getCells() {
Collection<BiffRec> cells = cellsByRow.values();
return cells.toArray( new BiffRec[ cells.size() ] );
public void addMergedCellsRec(Mergedcells r) {
* Get the built in names referring to this boundsheet
* @return
private ArrayList getBuiltInNames() {
ArrayList retlist = new ArrayList();
Name[] ns = this.getWorkBook().getNames();
for (int i = 0; i < ns.length; i++) {
if (ns[i].isBuiltIn() && ((ns[i].getIxals() == this.getSheetNum()+1)||(ns[i].getItab() == this.getSheetNum()+1)) ) {
return retlist;
* Get the print area or titles name rec for this
* boundsheet, return null if not exists
* @return
protected Name getPrintAreaNameRec(byte type) {
ArrayList names = this.getBuiltInNames();
for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
Name n = (Name) names.get(i);
if (n.getBuiltInType() == type) {
return n;
return null;
* Get the print area name rec for this
* boundsheet, return null if not exists
* @return
protected Name getPrintAreaNameRec() {
return getPrintAreaNameRec(Name.PRINT_AREA);
* Get the print area set for this WorkSheetHandle.
* If no print area is set return null;
public String getPrintArea() {
Name n = this.getPrintAreaNameRec();
if (n != null) {
String ret = "";
Stack s = n.getExpression();
for (int x = 0; x < s.size(); x++) {
Ptg p = (Ptg) s.get(x);
/* if (p instanceof PtgArea3d) {// can be other than ptgarea ...
((PtgRef)p).clearLocationCache();// why??
return p.toString();
ret += p.toString();
return ret;
return null;
* Get the Print Titles range set for this WorkSheetHandle.
* If no Print Titles are set, this returns null;
public String getPrintTitles() {
Name n = getPrintAreaNameRec(Name.PRINT_TITLES);
if (n != null) {
Stack s = n.getExpression();
for (int x = 0; x < s.size(); x++) {
Ptg p = (Ptg) s.get(x);
return p.toString();
return null;
* Set the print area for this worksheet.
public void setPrintArea(String range) {
setPrintArea(range, Name.PRINT_AREA);
* Set the print titles for this worksheet= row(s) or col(s) to repeat at the top of each page
public void setPrintTitles(String range) {
setPrintArea(range, Name.PRINT_TITLES);
* adds the _FILTERDATABASE name necessary for AutoFilter
* if not already presetn
private void addFilterDatabase() {
List names = this.getBuiltInNames();
Name n = null;
for (int i = 0; i < names.size() && n == null; i++) {
if (((Name) names.get(i)).getBuiltInType() == Name._FILTER_DATABASE) {
n = (Name) names.get(i);
if (n == null) { // not present
try {
n = new Name(this.getWorkBook(), "Built-in: _FILTER_DATABASE");
int xref = this.getWorkBook().getExternSheet(true).insertLocation(this.getSheetNum(), this.getSheetNum());
n.setIxals((short) (this.getSheetNum()/* +1 */));
n.setItab((short) (this.getSheetNum() + 1));
String loc= ExcelTools.formatLocation(new int[] { this.getMinRow(), this.getMinCol(), this.getMaxRow()-1, this.getMaxCol()-1}, false, false);
Stack s = new Stack();
s.push(PtgRef.createPtgRefFromString(this.getSheetName() + "!" + loc, n));
} catch (Exception e) {
* remove the _FILTER_DATABASE name (necessary for AutoFilters) for this sheet
private void removeFilterDatabase() {
List names = this.getBuiltInNames();
Name n = null;
try {
for (int i = 0; i < names.size() && n == null; i++) {
if (((Name) names.get(i)).getBuiltInType() == Name._FILTER_DATABASE) {
n = (Name) names.get(i);
} catch (Exception e) {
* Set the print area or titles for this worksheet.
public void setPrintArea(String printarea, byte type) {
if (type != Name.PRINT_TITLES) {// can have multiple print title refs
Name n = this.getPrintAreaNameRec(type);
if (n != null) { // TODO: should check if same SHEET -- look at!
Stack s = n.getExpression();
for (int x = 0; x < s.size(); x++) {
Ptg p = (Ptg) s.get(x);
if (p instanceof PtgRef) {
Ptg ptg= PtgRef.createPtgRefFromString(printarea, n);
s.add(x, ptg);
// create the name
try {
String t;
if (type==Name.PRINT_AREA){
Name n = new Name(this.getWorkBook(), "Built-in: " + t);
int xref = this.getWorkBook().getExternSheet(true).insertLocation(this.getSheetNum(), this.getSheetNum());
n.setItab((short) (this.getSheetNum() + 1));
Stack s = new Stack();
Ptg p = PtgRef.createPtgRefFromString(printarea, n);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.logErr("Error setting print area in boundsheet: " + e);
* returns an arrayList of notes in the worksheet
* @return
public ArrayList getNotes() {
ArrayList notes = new ArrayList();
int idx = this.getIndexOf(NOTE);
while (idx > -1) {
notes.add((Note) SheetRecs.get(idx++));
if (((BiffRec) SheetRecs.get(idx)).getOpcode() != NOTE)
return notes;
public Mergedcells getMergedCellsRec() {
if (mc.size() == 0)
return null; // 20081031 KSC- don't automatically add new!
return (Mergedcells)this.getMergedCellsRecs().get(this.getMergedCellsRecs().size()-1);
public List getMergedCellsRecs() {
return mc;
/* 20081031 don't add a merged cell rec automatically
if (mc.size()>0) {
return mc;
Mergedcells mec = (Mergedcells)Mergedcells.getPrototype();
this.getStreamer().addRecordAt(mec, this.getSheetRecs().size()-1);
* adds a merged cell to this sheet
* @return
public Mergedcells addMergedCellRec() {
Mergedcells mec = (Mergedcells) Mergedcells.getPrototype();
this.getStreamer().addRecordAt(mec, this.getSheetRecs().size() - 1);
return mec;
* return existing merged cell records without adding new blank
* @return
public List getMergedCells() {
return mc;
* return truth of "has merged cells"
* @return
public boolean hasMergedCells() { return mc.size()>0; }
/** get the name of the sheet
public String getSheetName() {
return sheetname;
/** get the name of the sheet
public String toString(){return getSheetName();}
/** initialize the SheetImpl with data from
the byte array.
public void init() {
int lt = ByteTools.readInt(this.getByteAt(0),this.getByteAt(1),this.getByteAt(2),this.getByteAt(3));
// this is the index used by the BOF's Sheet to associate the record
lbPlyPos = lt;
grbit = ByteTools.readShort(this.getByteAt(4), this.getByteAt(5));
if (DEBUGLEVEL > 9) {
Logger.logInfo("Sheet grbit: " + grbit);
Logger.logInfo(" lbplypos: " + lbPlyPos);
cch = this.getByteAt(6);
grbitChr = this.getByteAt(7);
byte[] namebytes = this.getBytesAt(8, this.getLength() - 12);
try {
if (grbitChr == 0x1) {
sheetname = new String(namebytes, WorkBookFactory.UNICODEENCODING);
} else {
sheetname = new String(namebytes, WorkBookFactory.DEFAULTENCODING);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
Logger.logInfo("Boundsheet.init() Unsupported Encoding error: " + e);}
if(DEBUGLEVEL > 9) Logger.logInfo("Sheet name: " + sheetname);
ooxmlObjects= new ArrayList(); // possible that boundsheet is created by readObject and therefore ooxmlObjects will not be set
/** change the displayed name of the sheet
Affects the following byte values:
10 cch 1 Length of sheet name
11 grbitChr 1 Compressed/Uncompressed Unicode
12 rgch var Sheet name
public void setSheetName(String newname) {
cch = (byte) newname.length();
byte[] namebytes = newname.getBytes();
// if (!ByteTools.isUnicode(namebytes)){
if (!ByteTools.isUnicode(newname)) {
grbitChr = 0x0;
} else {
grbitChr = 0x1;
try {
if (grbitChr == 0x1) {
namebytes = newname.getBytes(WorkBookFactory.UNICODEENCODING);
} else {
namebytes = newname.getBytes(WorkBookFactory.DEFAULTENCODING);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
namebytes = newname.getBytes();
Logger.logWarn("UnsupportedEncodingException in setting sheet name: " + e + " falling back to system default.");
byte[] newdata = new byte[namebytes.length + 8];
if (data == null)
this.data = newdata;
System.arraycopy(this.getData(), 0, newdata, 0, 8);
System.arraycopy(namebytes, 0, newdata, 8, namebytes.length);
newdata[6] = cch;
newdata[7] = grbitChr;
Returns a serialized copy of this Boundsheet
* @throws IOException
public byte[] getSheetBytes() throws IOException {
ObjectOutputStream obs = null;
byte[] b = null;
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
obs = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);
b = baos.toByteArray();
return b;
/** prior to serializing the worksheet,
we need to initialize the records which belong to this sheet
public void setLocalRecs() {
localrecs = new CompatibleVector();
List newSheetRecs = this.assembleSheetRecs();
Iterator shtr = newSheetRecs.iterator();
while (shtr.hasNext()) {
try {
XLSRecord x = (XLSRecord) shtr.next();
if (x instanceof Labelsst) { // put the String in the label
((Labelsst) x).initUnsharedString();
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.logWarn("Setting Boundsheet records problem: " + e);
// add the charts to the boundsheet, as they are stored in the workbook normally. (why?)
Chart[] chts = this.getWorkBook().getCharts();
for (int i = 0; i < chts.length; i++) {
if (chts[i].getSheet().equals(this)) {
* This seems incorrect, should we not be just returning
* charts for the boundsheet in question?
* @return
public List getCharts() {
return charts;
/** get the type of sheet as a short
public short getSheetType() {
return grbit;
/** get the type of sheet as a string
public String getSheetTypeString() {
switch (grbit) {
return "Sheet or Dialog";
case XL4_MACRO:
return "XL4 Macro";
case CHART:
return "Chart";
return "VB Module";
return null;
* add chart to sheet-specific list of charts
* @see WorkBook.addRecord
* @param c
public void addChart(Chart c) {
* Adds a chart from a bytestream, keeps the title intact.
* @param inbytes
* @return
public Chart addChart(byte[] inbytes, short[] coords) {
return this.addChart(inbytes, "useDefault", coords);
/* Inserts a serialized boundsheet into the workbook, and changes the name.
public Chart addChart(byte[] inbytes, String NewChartName, short[] coords) {
Chart destChart = null;
// Deserialize bytes
try {
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(inbytes);
BufferedInputStream bufstr = new BufferedInputStream(bais);
ObjectInputStream o = new ObjectInputStream(bufstr);
destChart = (Chart) o.readObject();
} catch (Exception e) { Logger.logInfo("Boundsheet.addChart() failed:" + e);}
if (destChart != null) { // got chart
if(!NewChartName.equals("useDefault"))destChart.setTitle(NewChartName); // set new name
// why do we need this??? shouldn't it be already set?? destChart.getChartFormat().setParentChart(destChart); // make same as WorkBook.addChart
// BUGTRACKER 2372: chart bounds are dependent upon row+col sizes so use coordinates (which are row/col independent)
// does it makes sense to only set h + w and NOT x and y
short[] origCoords = destChart.getCoords();
coords[0]= origCoords[0]; // don't set X and Y (keep to original row and column
coords[1] = origCoords[1];
destChart.setCoords(coords); // but set w + h
destChart.setId(this.lastObjId+1); // 20100210 KSC: track last obj id per sheet ...
HashMap localFonts = null; // fonts currently in workbook
if (this.getTransferFonts()!=null && this.getTransferFonts().size()>0) { // then must translate old font indexes to new font indexes
localFonts = (HashMap)this.getWorkBook().getFontRecsAsXML(); // fonts in this workbook
List recs = destChart.getXLSrecs();
for (int i = 0; i < recs.size(); i++) {
XLSRecord rec = (XLSRecord) recs.get(i);
if (rec.getOpcode() == MSODRAWING) {
wkbook.addChartUpdateMsodg((MSODrawing) rec, this);
if (!(rec instanceof Bof)) // TODO: error/problem with the BOF record!!!
if (rec instanceof Dimensions)
destChart.setDimensions((Dimensions) rec);
if (rec instanceof FontBasis) { // 20090506 KSC: fontbasis font indexes link to subsequent text displays [added for BUGTRACKER 2372]
int fid = ((FontBasis) rec).getFontIndex();
// see if must translate old font indexes to new font indexes
fid = translateFontIndex(fid, localFonts);
((FontBasis) rec).setFontIndex(fid);
if (rec instanceof Fontx) { // 20080911 KSC: must handle out of bounds font references upon chart copies [JPM BugTracker 1434]
int fid = ((Fontx) rec).getIfnt();
if (fid > 0)
fid = translateFontIndex(fid, localFonts);
((Fontx) rec).setIfnt(fid);
try {
((GenericChartObject) rec).setParentChart(destChart);
}catch (ClassCastException e) { // Scl, Obj and others are not chart objects
//try{Logger.logInfo("Boundsheet Added new Chart rec:" + rec);}catch(Exception e){Logger.logWarn("Boundsheet.addChart() could not get String for rec: "+ rec.getCellAddress());}
return destChart;
* @param fid
* @return
int translateFontIndex(int fid, HashMap localFonts) {
if (transferFonts != null && fid - 1 < transferFonts.size()) {
// must translate fid to corrent font index for current fonts
// translate font style and see if already present
Font thisFont = (Font) transferFonts.get(fid - 1);
String xmlFont = "<FONT><" + thisFont.getXML() + "/></FONT>";
Object fontNum = localFonts.get(xmlFont);
if (fontNum != null) { // then get the fontnum in this book
fid = ((Integer) fontNum).intValue();
} else { // it's a new font for this workbook, add it in
fid = this.getWorkBook().insertFont(thisFont) + 1;
localFonts.put(xmlFont, Integer.valueOf(fid));
if (fid > this.getWorkBook().getNumFonts()) { // if fid is still incorrect, set to 0
fid = 0;
return fid;
* populateForTransfer is a method that takes all of the shared resources (SST, XF, Font, etc) records and
* verifies that they are populated for use in a destination workbook
public void populateForTransfer() {
BiffRec[] recs = this.getCells();
for (int i = 0; i < recs.length; i++) {
if (recs[i].getOpcode() == XLSConstants.LABELSST) {
Labelsst mylabel = (Labelsst) recs[i];
transferXfs = this.getWorkBook().getXfrecs();
for (int i = 0; i < transferXfs.size(); i++) {
Xf x = (Xf) transferXfs.get(i);
transferFonts = this.getWorkBook().getFontRecs();
for (int i = 0; i < transferFonts.size(); i++) {
Font x = (Font) transferFonts.get(i);
* return local XF records, used for boundsheet transferral.
protected List getTransferXfs() {
return transferXfs;
* return local Font records, used for boundsheet transferral.
protected List getTransferFonts() {
return transferFonts;
public Guts getGuts() {
return guts;
public void setGuts(Guts g) {
guts = g;
public void setWsBool(WsBool ws) {
wsbool = ws;
public WsBool getWsBool() {
return wsbool;
* @return Returns the localrecs.
public List getLocalRecs() {
return localrecs;
* @param localrecs The localrecs to set.
public void setLocalRecs(FastAddVector l) {
this.localrecs = l;
public void setSheetRecs(AbstractList shtRecs) {
this.SheetRecs = shtRecs;
* @return Returns the grbitChr.
public byte getGrbitChr() {
return grbitChr;
* @param grbitChr The grbitChr to set.
public void setGrbitChr(byte gb) {
this.grbitChr = gb;
* @return Returns the lastselection.
public Selection getLastselection() {
return lastselection;
* @param lastselection The lastselection to set.
public void setLastselection(Selection lastselection) {
this.lastselection = lastselection;
* Set to true to turn off checking for existing cells, conditional formats and merged ranges in order to
* accelerate adding new cells
* @param fastCellAdds The fastCellAdds to set.
public void setFastCellAdds(boolean fastCellAdds) {
this.fastCellAdds = fastCellAdds;
/** scl is for zoom
* @return
public Scl getScl() {
if (scl == null) { // we needs one!
scl = new Scl();
this.SheetRecs.add(this.getIndexOfWindow2(), scl);
return scl;
/** scl is for zoom
* @param scl
public void setScl(Scl s) {
this.scl = s;
* Set whether to shift formula cells inclusively
* i.e. if inserting row 5, shift formula D5:D6 down or D6:D7 OR shift inclusive by D5:D7
public void setShiftRule(boolean bShiftInclusive) { formulaShiftInclusive= bShiftInclusive; }
* return whether to shift (formula cells, named ranges) "inclusive" or not
* @return
public boolean isShiftInclusive() { return formulaShiftInclusive; }
/** Gets the printer setup handle for this sheet.
public PrinterSettingsHandle getPrinterSetupHandle() {
return new PrinterSettingsHandle(this);
/** Gets a list of the print related records for this sheet.
* @return an unmodifiable list of all printing-related records
public List getPrintRecs() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(printRecs);
/** Adds a print-related record to the list of said.
public void addPrintRec(BiffRec record) {
if (printRecs == null) printRecs = new ArrayList();
* return the AutoFilter record for this Boundsheet, if any
* TODO: Merge with OOXML Autofilter
* @return
public List getAutoFilters() {
return autoFilters;
* Adds a new Note or Comment to the sheet at the desired address
* @param address - String cell address
* @param txt - Text of Note
* @param author - String Author of Note
* @return NoteHandle - a handle to the Note object which allows manipulation
public Note createNote(String address, String txt, String author) {
// first check if a note is already attached to this addrss
ArrayList notes = this.getNotes();
if (address.indexOf('!') == -1)
address = this.getSheetName() + "!" + address;
for (int i = 0; i < notes.size(); i++) {
Note n = (Note) notes.get(i);
if (n.getCellAddressWithSheet().equals(address)) {
return n;
// add required Mso/object records
int[] coords = ExcelTools.getRowColFromString(address);
int insertIndex = this.insertMSOObjectsForNote(coords);
// after mso/obj/mso, now add txo/continue/continue and note record
Txo t = (Txo) Txo.getPrototype();
this.SheetRecs.add(insertIndex++, t);
this.SheetRecs.add(insertIndex++, t.text); // add the associated Continues that defines the text
t.text.setPredecessor(t); // link this continues to it's predecessor
Continue c = Continue.getBasicFormattingRunContinues();
c.setPredecessor(t); // TODO: is this correct????
this.SheetRecs.add(insertIndex++, c); // and add associated formatting runs
try {
t.setStringVal(txt); // must do *after* adding continues
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// after (mso/obj/mso/txo/continue/continue) * n, note records are listed in order
insertIndex = this.getIndexOf(WINDOW2);
Note n = (Note) Note.getPrototype(author);
n.setId(this.lastObjId); // same as Obj record above
n.setRowCol(coords[0], coords[1]);
this.SheetRecs.add(insertIndex, n);
return n;
* Handles the MSO manipulations necessary for creating a note record
* // For each note:
// [msodrawing
// obj - ftNts note
// msodrawing - attached shape
// Txo (text object), continue, continue] x n
// [note 1] x n
// window 2
// ************************************************************************************
// NOTE:
// SOME TEMPLATES HAVE [obj= ftNts, Continue, Txo, continue, continue, continue]
// MORE INFO (get this):
// Obj, Continue= 2nd MSO!!!, Txo, Continue, Continue, Continue= 1st MSO!!!
// ************************************************************************************
* @param coords rowcol of the note record
* @return insertion index for note
private int insertMSOObjectsForNote(int[] coords) {
int insertIndex;
MSODrawingGroup msodg = this.wkbook.getMSODrawingGroup();
if (msodg == null) {
msodg = this.wkbook.createMSODrawingGroup();
// insert either above first NOTE record or before WINDOW2 and certain other XLSRECORDS
insertIndex = this.getIndexOf(NOTE);
if (insertIndex == -1) // no existing notes - find proper insert index
insertIndex = this.getIndexOf(WINDOW2);
while ((insertIndex - 1) > 0) {
short opc = ((BiffRec) SheetRecs.get(insertIndex - 1)).getOpcode();
if (opc == MSODRAWING || opc == CONTINUE) {
MSODrawing rec;
if (opc == MSODRAWING)
rec = ((MSODrawing) SheetRecs.get(insertIndex - 1));
else {
rec = ((Continue) SheetRecs.get(insertIndex - 1)).maskedMso;
if (rec == null)
if (rec.getSOLVERContainerLength() == 0)
break; // solver containers must be last, apparently ... sigh ...
// else
// Logger.logInfo("Boundsheet.InsertMSOObjectsForNote. SOLVER CONTAINER ENCOUNTED");
}else if (opc == OBJ || opc == CONTINUE
|| opc == DIMENSIONS || opc == 0x866 || opc == 0x1C2)
MSODrawing msoheader = msodg.getMsoHeaderRec(this);
MSODrawing msoDrawing = (MSODrawing) MSODrawing.getPrototype();
if (msoheader == null) {
msoheader = msoDrawing;
// mso record which creates a text box
msoDrawing.createCommentBox(coords[0], coords[1]);
this.SheetRecs.add(insertIndex++, msoDrawing);
msodg.addMsodrawingrec(msoDrawing); // add the new drawing rec to the msodrawinggroup set of recs
// object record which defines a basic note
Obj obj = (Obj) Obj.getBasicObjRecord(Obj.otNote, ++this.lastObjId); // create a note object
this.SheetRecs.add(insertIndex++, obj);
// now add attached text-type mso, specifying the shape has attached text
msoDrawing = (MSODrawing) MSODrawing.getTextBoxPrototype();
this.SheetRecs.add(insertIndex++, msoDrawing);
msodg.addMsodrawingrec(msoDrawing); // add the new drawing rec to the msodrawinggroup set of recs
// now update msodg + msoheader rec
wkbook.updateMsodrawingHeaderRec(this); // find the msodrawing header record and update it (using info from other msodrawing recs)
msodg.setSpidMax(this.wkbook.lastSPID + 1);
msodg.updateRecord(); // given all information, generate appropriate bytes for the Mso rec
msodg.dirtyflag = true;
return insertIndex;
* Handles the MSO records necessary for defining a DropDown list object
* @return
public int insertDropDownBox(int colNum) {
int insertIndex;
MSODrawingGroup msodg = this.wkbook.getMSODrawingGroup();
if (msodg == null) {
msodg = this.wkbook.createMSODrawingGroup();
// insert either above first NOTE record or before WINDOW2 and certain other XLSRECORDS
insertIndex = this.getIndexOf(NOTE);
if (insertIndex == -1) // no existing notes - find proper insert index
insertIndex = this.getIndexOf(WINDOW2);
while ((insertIndex - 1) > 0) {
short opc = ((BiffRec) SheetRecs.get(insertIndex - 1)).getOpcode();
if (opc == MSODRAWING || opc == CONTINUE) {
MSODrawing rec;
if (opc == MSODRAWING) {
rec = ((MSODrawing) SheetRecs.get(insertIndex - 1));
} else {
rec = ((Continue) SheetRecs.get(insertIndex - 1)).maskedMso;
if (rec == null)
if (rec.getSOLVERContainerLength() == 0)
break; // solver containers must be last, apparently ... sigh ...
// else
// Logger.logInfo("Boundsheet.InsertMSOObjectsForNote. SOLVER CONTAINER ENCOUNTED");
} else if (opc == OBJ) {
Obj rec = (Obj) SheetRecs.get(insertIndex - 1);
if (rec.getObjType()==Obj.otDropdownlist) // TODO: verify that drop downs are reused/shared in all cases!!!!
return rec.getObjId(); // already have one return object id
}else if (opc == OBJ || opc == CONTINUE
|| opc == DIMENSIONS || opc == 0x866 || opc == 0x1C2) {
MSODrawing msoheader = msodg.getMsoHeaderRec(this);
MSODrawing msoDrawing = (MSODrawing) MSODrawing.getPrototype();
if (msoheader == null) {
msoheader = msoDrawing;
msoDrawing.createDropDownListStyle(colNum); // create the records necessary to define the dropdown box symbol at the desired column
// object record which defines a basic dropdown list
Obj obj = (Obj) Obj.getBasicObjRecord(Obj.otDropdownlist, ++this.lastObjId); // create a drop-down object record for each
int objID = obj.getObjId();
// insert new mso + obj records into sheet
this.SheetRecs.add(insertIndex++, msoDrawing);
this.SheetRecs.add(insertIndex++, obj);
// now update msodg + msoheader rec
msodg.addMsodrawingrec(msoDrawing); // add the new drawing rec to the msodrawinggroup set of recs
wkbook.updateMsodrawingHeaderRec(this); // find the msodrawing header record and update it (using info from other msodrawing recs)
msodg.setSpidMax(this.wkbook.lastSPID + 1);
msodg.updateRecord(); // given all information, generate appropriate bytes
msodg.dirtyflag = true;
return objID;
* Adds a new Note or Comment to the sheet at the desired address
* with Formatting (Font) information
* @param address - String cell address
* @param txt - Unicode string reprentation of the note, including formatting
* @param author - String Author of Note
* @return NoteHandle - a handle to the Note object which allows manipulation
public Note createNote(String address, Unicodestring txt, String author) {
Note nh = this.createNote(address, txt.getStringVal(), author);
// TODO: deal with formats - incorporate into Txo/Continues -- for now they are just stored as-is, no modification allowed
return nh;
* removes the desired note from the sheet
* @param n
public void removeNote(Note n) {
int id = n.getId();
int idx = this.getIndexOf(OBJ);
if (idx==-1) return; // should't!
while (idx < this.SheetRecs.size()) {
if (((BiffRec) this.SheetRecs.get(idx)).getOpcode() == OBJ) {
Obj o = ((Obj) this.SheetRecs.get(idx));
// if it's of type Note + has the same id, this is it
if (o.getObjType() == 0x19 && o.getObjId() == id) { // got it!
// apparently sometimes you don't find the mso/obj/mso combo, so check
if (((BiffRec) this.SheetRecs.get(idx - 1)).getOpcode() == MSODRAWING) {
} else if ((((BiffRec)this.SheetRecs.get(idx+1)).getOpcode()==CONTINUE) &&
(((Continue)this.SheetRecs.get(idx+1))).maskedMso!=null) {
// idx++;
// usual format= mso/obj/mso/txo/continue/continue but can also be:
// obj/continue (mso)/txo/continue/continue/continue (mso)
int objidx = 0;
int msoidx = 0;
boolean maskedMso = true; // handle continues masking mso's
while (idx < this.SheetRecs.size()) {
MSODrawing mso = null;
BiffRec rec = (BiffRec) this.SheetRecs.get(idx);
if (rec.getOpcode() == OBJ)
else if (rec.getOpcode() == MSODRAWING) {
mso = (MSODrawing) rec;
maskedMso = false;
if (mso.getShapeType() == MSODrawingConstants.msosptTextBox)
else if ((((MSODrawing)rec).isShape)) // it's not a text box or the associated text "oddball" mso, so break (Another test: SPID==0??)
} else if (rec.getOpcode() == CONTINUE && maskedMso) {
mso = ((Continue) rec).maskedMso;
if (mso.getShapeType() == MSODrawingConstants.msosptTextBox)
else if ((((MSODrawing)rec).isShape)) // it's not a text box or the associated text "oddball" mso, so break (Another test: SPID==0??)
} else if (rec.getOpcode() == NOTE)
if (objidx>1 || msoidx>1) // reached the next set of note-associated recs, so get out
this.SheetRecs.remove(idx); // otherwise, ok to delete
if (mso!=null && mso.isShape) {// if removed an mso, must update msodg
MSODrawingGroup msodg = this.wkbook.getMSODrawingGroup();
msodg.removeMsodrawingrec(mso, this, true);
// now remove the actual note record
idx = this.getIndexOf(NOTE);
while (idx < this.SheetRecs.size() && ((BiffRec)this.SheetRecs.get(idx)).getOpcode()==NOTE) {
if (((Note) this.SheetRecs.get(idx)).equals(n)) {
break; // we're done
* Adds a new AutoFilter to the specified column
* @param int column - 0-based column number
* @return AutoFilterHandle Handle to the new AutoFilter
public AutoFilter addAutoFilter(int column) {
// if there are no existing AutoFilters on the sheet,
// then must add a mso/obj pair for each column on the sheet
// to define dropdown box next to each column
// also must add built-in name _FILTERDATABASE +
// must add a mystery XlSRecord with opcode== 0x9D -- cannot find any information about this opcode
if (this.autoFilters == null || this.autoFilters.size() == 0) {
/* 20100216 KSC: WHAT ARE THESE RECORD??? They are necessary for new AutoFilter's */
int zz = getIndexOf(COLINFO);
if (zz == -1)
zz = getIndexOf(DEFCOLWIDTH) + 1;
else {
while (((BiffRec) this.SheetRecs.get(zz)).getOpcode() == COLINFO)
// insert after COLINFOs or DefColWidth
XLSRecord rec = new XLSRecord();
rec.setOpcode((short) 155); // no data for this record
rec.setData(new byte[] {});
this.SheetRecs.add(zz++, rec);
rec = new XLSRecord();
rec.setOpcode((short)157); // this has SOMETHING to do with # columns ...
rec.setData(new byte[] { (byte) this.getMaxCol(), 0 });
this.SheetRecs.add(zz, rec);
// add required Mso/object records
int insertIndex;
MSODrawingGroup msodg = this.wkbook.getMSODrawingGroup();
if (msodg!=null) { // already have drawing records; just add to records + update msodg
insertIndex = this.getIndexOf(MSODRAWINGSELECTION);
if (insertIndex < 0)
insertIndex = this.getIndexOf(WINDOW2);
} else { // No images present in workbook, must add appropriate records
msodg = this.wkbook.createMSODrawingGroup();
msodg.initNewMSODrawingGroup(); // generate and add required records for drawing records
// insertion point for new msodrawing rec
insertIndex = getIndexOf(DIMENSIONS) + 1;
MSODrawing msoheader = msodg.getMsoHeaderRec(this);
// Must add for each column
for (int i = 0; i < this.getRealMaxCol(); i++) {
try {
if (this.getCellsByCol(i).size()==0) break;
} catch (CellNotFoundException e) {
// Colinfo ci= (Colinfo) this.colinfos.get(i);
// short j= (short) ci.getColFirst(); // column number'
short j = (short) i;
MSODrawing msoDrawing = (MSODrawing) MSODrawing.getPrototype();
if (msoheader == null) {
msoheader = msoDrawing;
msoDrawing.createDropDownListStyle(j); // create the records necessary to define the dropdown box symbol
// object record which defines a basic dropdown list
Obj obj = (Obj) Obj.getBasicObjRecord(Obj.otDropdownlist, ++this.lastObjId); // create a drop-down object record for each
// insert new mso + obj records into sheet
this.SheetRecs.add(insertIndex++, msoDrawing);
this.SheetRecs.add(insertIndex++, obj);
// now update msodg + msoheader rec
msodg.addMsodrawingrec(msoDrawing); // add the new drawing rec to the msodrawinggroup set of recs
wkbook.updateMsodrawingHeaderRec(this); // find the msodrawing header record and update it (using info from other msodrawing recs)
msodg.setSpidMax(this.wkbook.lastSPID + 1);
msodg.updateRecord(); // given all information, generate appropriate bytes
msodg.dirtyflag = true;
AutoFilter af = (AutoFilter) AutoFilter.getPrototype();
int i = getIndexOf(DIMENSIONS); // insert just before DIMENSIONS record
this.SheetRecs.add(i, af);
return af;
* removes all autofilters from this sheet
public void removeAutoFilter() {
this.removeFilterDatabase(); // remove the _FILTER_DATABASE name necessary for AutoFilters
int zz = getIndexOf(AUTOFILTER); // remove all AutoFitler records
while (zz != -1) {
zz = getIndexOf(AUTOFILTER);
// remove the two unknown records
zz = getIndexOf((short) 155);
if (zz > -1)
zz = getIndexOf((short) 157);
if (zz > -1)
// and hows about the Mso/Obj records, huh? huh?
// finally, must set all rows to NOT hidden - I believe Excel does this when AutoFilters are turned off
for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++)
((Row) rows.get(Integer.valueOf(i))).setHidden(false);
* adds a sxview - pivot table lead record - and required associated records to the worksheet
* <br>other methods that add data, row, col and page fields will fill in the pivot table fields and formatting info
* @param ref Cell Range which identifies pivot table data range
* @param wbh WorkBookHandle
* @param sId Stream or cachid Id -- links back to SxStream set of records
* @return
public Sxview addPivotTable(String ref, WorkBookHandle wbh, int sId, String tablename) {
this.wkbook.addPivotCache(ref, wbh, sId); // create the directory/storage for a pivot cache, if not already created
// ensure the proper directory/storage and pivot cache record is created
int zz = win2.getRecordIndex() - 1;
while (zz > 0) {
if (((BiffRec) this.SheetRecs.get(zz)).getOpcode() == NOTE)
if (((BiffRec) this.SheetRecs.get(zz)).getOpcode() == OBJ)
if (((BiffRec) this.SheetRecs.get(zz)).getOpcode() == DIMENSIONS)
// minimal configuration
Sxview sx = (Sxview) Sxview.getPrototype();
this.SheetRecs.add(zz++, sx);
this.SheetRecs.addAll(zz, sx.addInitialRecords(this));
this.wkbook.addPivotTable(sx); // add to lookup
return sx;
* update row filter (hidden status) by evaluating AutoFilter conditions on the sheet
* <br>Must do after autofilter updates or additions
public void evaluateAutoFilters() {
// first must set all rows to NOT hidden
for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++)
try {
((Row) rows.get(Integer.valueOf(i))).setHidden(false);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// blank rows ...
// now evaluate all autofilters
for (int i = 0; i < autoFilters.size(); i++) {
((AutoFilter) this.autoFilters.get(i)).evaluate();
* returns the list of Excel 2007 objects which are external or auxillary to this sheet
* e.g printerSeettings, vmlDrawings
* @return
public List getOOXMLObjects() {
return ooxmlObjects;
* adds the object-specific signature of the external or auxillary Excel 2007 object
* e.g. oleObjects, vmlDrawings
* @param o
public void addOOXMLObject(Object o) {
// TODO: Handle below options in Excel 2003 i.e. create appropriate records *************************************************************
* set if row has thick bottom by default (Excel 2007-Specific)
public boolean hasThickBottom() { return thickBottom; }
* return true if row has thick top by default (Excel 2007-Specific)
public boolean hasThickTop() { return thickTop; }
* return true if rows are hidden by default (Excel 2007-Specific)
public boolean hasZeroHeight() { return zeroHeight; }
* return true if defaultrowheight is manually set (Excel 2007-Specific)
public boolean hasCustomHeight() { return customHeight; }
* return the default row height in points (Excel 2007-Specific)
public double getDefaultRowHeight() { return defaultRowHeight; }
* return the default column width in # characters of the maximum digit width of the normal style's font
* This is currently a floating point value, something I question. I don't understand the need for this,
* and possibly it should be an int?
public float getDefaultColumnWidth() {
// biff8 setting
if (defColWidth!=null){
return (float)defColWidth.getDefaultWidth();
return defaultColWidth;
* set if row has thick bottom by default (Excel 2007-Specific)
public void setThickBottom(boolean b) { thickBottom= b; }
* set if row has thick top by default (Excel 2007-Specific)
public void setThickTop(boolean b) { thickTop= b; }
* set if rows are hidden by default (Excel 2007-Specific)
public void setZeroHeight(boolean b) { zeroHeight= b; }
* set if defaultrowheight is manually set (Excel 2007-Specific)
public void setHasCustomHeight(boolean b) { customHeight= b; }
* set the default row height in points (Excel 2007-Specific)
public void setDefaultRowHeight(double h) { defaultRowHeight= h; }
* set the default column width in # characters of the maximum digit width of the normal style's font
public void setDefaultColumnWidth(float w) {
// ooxml setting
defaultColWidth= w;
// biff8 setting
if (defColWidth!=null){
* store Excel 2007 shape via Shape Name
* @param tca
public void addOOXMLShape(com.extentech.formats.OOXML.TwoCellAnchor tca) {
if (ooxmlShapes==null) ooxmlShapes= new HashMap();
ooxmlShapes.put(tca.getName(), tca);
* store Excel 2007 shape via Shape Name
* @param tca
public void addOOXMLShape(com.extentech.formats.OOXML.OneCellAnchor oca) {
if (ooxmlShapes==null) ooxmlShapes= new HashMap();
ooxmlShapes.put(oca.getName(), oca);
* Store Excel 2007 legacy drawing shapes
* @param vml
public void addOOXMLShape(Object vml) {
if (ooxmlShapes==null) ooxmlShapes= new HashMap();
ooxmlShapes.put("vml", vml); // only 1 vml (=legacy drawing info) per sheet so just refer to it as "vml"
* return map of Excel 2007 shapes in this workbook
* @return
public HashMap getOOXMLShapes() {
return ooxmlShapes;
* returns the Excel 2007 sheetView element for this sheet (controls topLeftCell, pane attributes ...
* @return
public SheetView getSheetView() { return sheetview; }
* set the Excel 2007 sheetView element for this sheet (controls topLeftCell, pane attributes ...
* @param s
public void setSheetView(SheetView s) {
sheetview = s;
* returns the Excel 2007 sheetPr sheet Properties element for this sheet (controls codename, tabColor ...)
* @return
public SheetPr getSheetPr() { return sheetPr; }
* set the Excel 2007 sheetView element for this sheet (controls topLeftCell, pane attributes ...
* @param s
public void setSheetPr(SheetPr s) {
sheetPr = s;
* returns the Excel 2007 autoFilter element for this sheet (temporarily hides rows based upon filter criteria)
* TODO: Merge with 2003 AutoFilter
* @return
public com.extentech.formats.OOXML.AutoFilter getOOAutoFilter() { return ooautofilter; }
* set the Excel 2007 autoFilter element for this sheet (temporarily hides rows based upon filter criteria)
* TODO: Merge with 2003 AutoFilter
* @param strref
public void setOOAutoFilter(com.extentech.formats.OOXML.AutoFilter a) {
ooautofilter = a;
/** returns a scoped named range by name string
* @param t
* @return
public Name getScopedName(String nameRef) {
Object o = this.sheetNameRecs.get(nameRef.toUpperCase()); // case insensitive
if (o == null) {
return null;
return (Name) o;
* Add a sheet-scoped name record to the boundsheet
* Note this is not that primary repository for names, it just contains the name records
* that are bound to this sheet, adding them here will not add them to the workbook;
* @param sheetNameRecs
public void addLocalName(Name name) {
if (sheetNameRecs == null)sheetNameRecs = new HashMap();
sheetNameRecs.put(name.getNameA(), name);
* Remove a sheet-scoped name record from the boundsheet.
* Note this is not that primary repository for names, it just contains the name records
* that are bound to this sheet, removing them here will not remove them completely from the workbook.
* In order to do that you will need to call book.removeName
* @param sheetNameRecs
public void removeLocalName(Name name) {
* Get a sheet scoped name record from the boundsheet
* @return
public Name getName(String name) {
if (sheetNameRecs == null) return null;
Object o = sheetNameRecs.get(name.toUpperCase()); // case insensitive
if (o!=null) return (Name)o;
return null;
* Get all the names for this boundsheet
* @return
public Name[] getAllNames() {
if(this.sheetNameRecs==null)this.sheetNameRecs=new HashMap();
ArrayList retnames = new ArrayList(sheetNameRecs.values());
Name[] names = new Name[retnames.size()];
return (Name[]) retnames.toArray(names);
* add pritner setting record to worksheet recs
* @param r printer setting record (Margins, PLS)
public void addMarginRecord(BiffRec r) {
int i = this.getIndexOf(SETUP);
int thisOpCode = r.getOpcode();
// iterate up from SETUP record
// desired order:
// WsBool, HeaderRec, FooterRec, HCenter, VCenter, LeftMargin, RightMargin, TopMargin, BottomMargin, Pls
while (i > 0) {
int prevOpCode = ((BiffRec) this.getSheetRecs().get(--i)).getOpcode();
if (prevOpCode == VCENTER || /* assume AT LEAST a VCENTER or FOOTERREC */
prevOpCode==FOOTERREC ||
prevOpCode==LEFT_MARGIN) {
if ((prevOpCode == BOTTOM_MARGIN || prevOpCode == TOP_MARGIN || prevOpCode == RIGHT_MARGIN)
&& thisOpCode == PLS)
if ((prevOpCode == TOP_MARGIN || prevOpCode == RIGHT_MARGIN)
&& thisOpCode == BOTTOM_MARGIN)
if (prevOpCode == RIGHT_MARGIN && thisOpCode == TOP_MARGIN)
this.SheetRecs.add(++i, r);
/** inserts a row and shifts all of the other rows down one
the rownum is zero based. calling insertrow(9,true) will
create a row containing A10, and subsequently shift rows > 9 by 1.
* @return the row that was just inserted
private Row insertRow(int rownum, boolean shiftrows) {
return insertRow(rownum, WorkSheetHandle.ROW_INSERT_MULTI, shiftrows);
* given sheet.xml input stream, parse OOXML into the current sheet
* @param bk
* @param sheet
* @param ii
* @param sst The sst.
* @param formulas Arraylist stores all formulas/info - must be added after all sheets and cells
* @param hyperlinks
* @param inlineStrs Hashmap stores inline strings and cell addresses; must be added after all sheets and cells
* @throws IOException
* @throws XmlPullParserException
* @throws CellNotFoundException
HashMap<String, String> shExternalLinkInfo= null;
void parseOOXML(WorkBookHandle bk, WorkSheetHandle sheet, InputStream ii, ArrayList sst, ArrayList formulas, ArrayList hyperlinks, HashMap inlineStrs) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException {
int sfindex= formulas.size();
// try {
Row r= null;
String cellAddr = null;
int formatId= 0;
String type= "";
shExternalLinkInfo= new HashMap<String, String>();
XmlPullParserFactory factory = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance();
XmlPullParser xpp = factory.newPullParser();
xpp.setInput(ii, null); // using XML 1.0 specification
int eventType = xpp.getEventType();
while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
if(eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
String tnm = xpp.getName();
if (tnm.equals("sheetFormatPr")) { // baseColWidth, customHeight (true if defaultRowHeight has been manually set),
// defaultColWidth, defaultRowHeight - optimiztion so that we don't have to write out values on each
// thickBottom - true if rows have a thick bottom by default
// thickTop - true if rows have a thick top by default
// zeroHeight - true if rows are hidden by default (an optimization)
for (int i= 0; i < xpp.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
String n= xpp.getAttributeName(i);
String v= xpp.getAttributeValue(i);
if (n.equals("thickBottom"))
else if (n.equals("thickTop"))
else if (n.equals("zeroHeight"))
else if (n.equals("customHeight"))
else if (n.equals("defaultColWidth"))
this.setDefaultColumnWidth(new Float(v).floatValue());
else if (n.equals("defaultRowHeight"))
this.setDefaultRowHeight(new Double(v).doubleValue());
else if (tnm.equals("sheetView"))
{ // TODO: finish handling options
SheetView s= (SheetView) SheetView.parseOOXML(xpp).cloneElement();
if (s.getAttr("showRowColHeaders")!=null)
if (s.getAttr("showZeros")!=null)
if (s.getAttr("showOutlineSymbols")!=null)
if (s.getAttr("tabSelected")!=null)
if (s.getAttr("zoomScale")!=null)
this.getScl().setZoom(new Double(s.getAttrS("zoomScale")).floatValue()/100);
else if (tnm.equals("sheetPr"))
{ // sheet properties element
SheetPr sp= (SheetPr) SheetPr.parseOOXML(xpp).cloneElement();
else if (tnm.equals("dimension")) { // ref attribute
/* this may not reflect actual rows/cols in sheet
* just let our normal machinery set the sheet dimensions
String ref= xpp.getAttributeValue(0);
int[] rc= ExcelTools.getRangeCoords(ref);
this.updateDimensions(rc[2]-1, rc[3]);
*/ }
else if (tnm.equals("sheetProtection"))
{ // ref attribute
for (int i= 0; i < xpp.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
String nm= xpp.getAttributeName(i);
String v= xpp.getAttributeValue(i);
if (nm.equals("password"))
this.getProtectionManager().setPasswordHashed( v );
else if (nm.equals( "sheet" ))
this.getProtectionManager().setProtected( OOXMLReader.parseBoolean( v ) );
else if (tnm.equals("col"))
{ // min, max, width
int min= 0, max= 0, style= 0;
double width= 0;
boolean hidden= false;
for (int i= 0; i < xpp.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
String nm= xpp.getAttributeName(i);
String v= xpp.getAttributeValue(i);
if (nm.equals("min"))
min= Integer.valueOf(v).intValue();
else if (nm.equals("max"))
max= Integer.valueOf(v).intValue();
else if (nm.equals("width"))
width= new Double(v).doubleValue();
else if (nm.equals("hidden"))
hidden= true;
else if (nm.equals("style")) // customFormat?
style= Integer.valueOf(v).intValue();
if (max > WorkBook.MAXCOLS) max= WorkBook.MAXCOLS-1;
ColHandle col= sheet.addCol(min-1, max-1);
if (style>0)
if (hidden) col.setHidden(true);
else if (tnm.equals("row"))
int ht= -1, ixfe= 0;
boolean customHeight= false;
for (int i= 0; i < xpp.getAttributeCount(); i++) { // r, v= row #+1, ht, ...
String nm= xpp.getAttributeName(i);
String v= xpp.getAttributeValue(i);
if (nm.equals("r")) {
int rownum= Integer.valueOf(v).intValue()-1;
r = this.insertRow(rownum, false); // now insertRow with no shift rows does NOT add a blank cell so no need to delete extra cell anymore
} else if (nm.equals("ht")) {
ht= (int)(new Double(v).doubleValue()*OOXMLReader.rowHtFactor);
} else if (nm.equals("s")) { // customFormat?
ixfe= Integer.valueOf(v).intValue();
} else if (nm.equals("customFormat")) {
} else if (nm.equals("hidden")) {
} else if (nm.equals("collapsed")) { // 20090513 KSC: Added collapsed, outlineLevel [BUGTRACKER 2371]
boolean h= r.isHidden(); // setCollapsed unconditionally sets hidden
if (!h) r.setHidden(false);
} else if (nm.equals("outlineLevel")) {
} else if (nm.equals("customHeight")) {
customHeight= true;
} else if (nm.equals("thickBot")){
} else if (nm.equals("thickTop")){
if (ht!=-1 && customHeight) // if customHeight is NOT set do not set row height (encountered in Baxter XLSM templates)
// if customheight is NOT specified do not set row height
else if (tnm.equals("c"))
{// element c child v= value
if (cellAddr!=null) {
if (r.getExplicitFormatSet() || ((formatId!=this.getWorkBook().getDefaultIxfe() && formatId!=0))) { //default or not specified NOTE: default for OOXML is 0 not 15
int[] rc = ExcelTools.getRowColFromString(cellAddr);
cellAddr= null;
formatId= 0;
type= "n"; // reset for those cells that don't specify a type, default = number
for (int i= 0; i < xpp.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
String nm= xpp.getAttributeName(i); // r, s=style, t= type
String v= xpp.getAttributeValue(i);
if (nm.equals("r")) { // cell address
cellAddr = v; // save for setting later
} else if (nm.equals("s")){
formatId= Integer.valueOf(v).intValue(); // save for setting later
}else if (nm.equals("t")) {
type= v;
// would be great if could peek at next tag to determine
// whether to add a blank cell here rather than catch it at
// end tag below
else if (tnm.equals("is"))
{ // inline string child of <c cell element
if (inlineStrs==null) inlineStrs= new HashMap();
String s= OOXMLReader.getInlineString(xpp);
inlineStrs.put(this.getSheetName() + "!" + cellAddr, s);
int[] rc = ExcelTools.getRowColFromString(cellAddr);
OOXMLReader.sheetAdd(sheet, "", rc[0], rc[1], formatId); // add placeholder here
cellAddr= null;
else if (tnm.equals("f"))
{ // formula
if (cellAddr!=null) {
// do not process now since formulas may be dependent upon other sheet data; save and process after all sheets have been added
String ftype= type, ref= "", si= "", ca=null;
for (int i= 0; i < xpp.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
String nm= xpp.getAttributeName(i);
String v= xpp.getAttributeValue(i);
if (nm.equals("t"))
ftype+= "/" + v; // add to data type the formula type: shared, array, datatable, normal
else if (nm.equals("ref")) // only valid for master shared formula or array record
ref= v;
else if (nm.equals("si")) // shared index only valid for shared formulas
si= String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(v)+sfindex);
else if (nm.equals("ca")) // calculate cell, always set for volatile functions
ca= "1";
String v= OOXMLReader.getNextText(xpp);
formulas.add(new String[] {this.getSheetName(), cellAddr, "=" + v, si, ref, ftype, ca, Integer.valueOf(formatId).toString(), ""});
type= "f"; // cell will not be added below; rather, formula cells are processed en mass in parse
else if (tnm.equals("v"))
* Cell Value
* handle based upon cell data type
if (cellAddr!=null) { // shouldn't be
String v= OOXMLAdapter.getNextText(xpp);
// use fast add method - uses int[] location
int[] rc = ExcelTools.getRowColFromString(cellAddr);
if (type.equals("s")) { // shared string
// the SST has already been populated, now we just need to add
// Labelsst recs and hook up with the isst.
Labelsst labl = Labelsst.getPrototype(null,bk.getWorkBook());
this.addRecord(labl, rc);
} else if (type.equals("n")) {
try {
else // Should nepver get here
Logger.logWarn("OOXMLAdapter.parse: Unexpected null encountered at: " + cellAddr);
} catch (NumberFormatException n) { // could be a double or float instead of an int
try {
OOXMLReader.sheetAdd(sheet,new Double(v),rc[0],rc[1],formatId);
}catch(NumberFormatException nn) {
OOXMLReader.sheetAdd(sheet,new Float(v),rc[0],rc[1],formatId);
} else if (type.equals("b")) {
boolean trx = (v.equals("1") || v.equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
} else if (type.equals("f")) { // grab cached value
String[] s= (String[]) formulas.get(formulas.size()-1);
s[8]= v;
formulas.set(formulas.size()-1, s);
} else if (!type.equals("e")) { // added handling for 'e' type which is a formula as well (containing an ERR cachedval)
cellAddr= null; // denote we processed this cell
else if (tnm.equals("mergeCell"))
String ref= xpp.getAttributeValue(0);
try {
CellRange cr= new CellRange(this.getSheetName() + "!" + ref, bk);
} catch (CellNotFoundException e) { /* necessary to report error?? */ }
} else if (tnm.equals("conditionalFormatting")) {
Condfmt.parseOOXML(xpp, bk, this);
} else if (tnm.equals("dataValidations")) {
Dval.parseOOXML(xpp, this);
} else if (tnm.equals("autoFilter")) { // Appears to sometimes work in tandem with dataValidtions (see Modeling Workbook - WKSHT.xlsm)
this.setOOAutoFilter((com.extentech.formats.OOXML.AutoFilter) com.extentech.formats.OOXML.AutoFilter.parseOOXML(xpp));
} else if (tnm.equals("hyperlink")) {
String ref= "", rid= "", desc= "";
for (int i= 0; i < xpp.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
if (xpp.getAttributeName(i).equals("ref"))
ref= xpp.getAttributeValue(i);
else if (xpp.getAttributeName(i).equals("id")) // external ref
rid= xpp.getAttributeValue(i);
else if (xpp.getAttributeName(i).equals("display")) // display or description text
desc= xpp.getAttributeValue(i);
// TODO: Also handle location, tooltip ...
hyperlinks.add(new String[] {rid, ref, desc}); // must save hyperlink refernce cell and id and link to target info in .rels file
// External OOXML Objects controls=embedded controls, oleObject= embedded objects
// These external objects contain link information which links to id's in vmlDrawingX.vml, activeX.xml ... must save and reset for later use
} else if (tnm.equals("pageSetup")) { // scale orientation r:id ...
this.addExternalInfo(shExternalLinkInfo, xpp);
} else if (tnm.equals("oleObject")) { // progId shapeId r:id ...
this.addExternalInfo(shExternalLinkInfo, xpp);
} else if (tnm.equals("control")) { // progId shapeId r:id ...
this.addExternalInfo(shExternalLinkInfo, xpp);
// TODO: handle AlternateContent Machinery!
// for now, we are ignoring choice and fallback and ONLY
// extracting control element
} else if (tnm.equals("AlternateContent")) { // defines a mechanism for the storage of content which is not defined by this Office Open XML
// Standard, for example extensions developed by future software applications which leverage the Open XML formats
// skip, for now - may have elements
// Choice->
// control->controlPr
// Fallback
// control
// i.e. 1st choice is a control with control settings
// if not possible, fallback is
} else if (tnm.equals("Fallback")) {
OOXMLReader.getCurrentElement(xpp); // skip as can replicate Choice
} else if (tnm.equals("controlPr")) {
OOXMLReader.getCurrentElement(xpp); // skip for now!!
} else if (tnm.equals("extLst")) { // skip for now!!
OOXMLReader.getCurrentElement(xpp); // skip for now!!
} /*else {
if (true)
Logger.logWarn("unprocessed XLSX sheet element: " + tnm);
} else if(eventType == XmlPullParser.END_TAG) {
String endTag= xpp.getName();
if (endTag.equals("row") && cellAddr!=null) {
int[] rc = ExcelTools.getRowColFromString(cellAddr);
// if masking an explicit row format or if it's a unique format, set to new blank cell
if (r.getExplicitFormatSet() || ((formatId != this.getWorkBook().getDefaultIxfe() && formatId!=0))) { //default or not specified NOTE: default for OOXML is 0 not 15 (unless converted from XLS ((:
// if (r.myRow.getExplicitFormatSet() || (/*formatId!=15 && */formatId!=0 && uniqueFormat)) { //default or not specified NOTE: default for OOXML==0 NOT 15
OOXMLReader.sheetAdd(sheet, null,rc[0],rc[1],formatId);
// } else{
// sheetAdd(sheet,null,rc[0],rc[1],formatId);
cellAddr= null;
} else /**/if (endTag.equals("worksheet")) // we're done!
eventType = xpp.next();
* associates external reference info with the r:id of the external reference
* for instance, oleObject elements are associated with a shape Id that links back to a .vml file entry
* @param externalobjs
* @param xpp
protected static void addExternalInfo(Map<String, String> externalobjs, XmlPullParser xpp) {
//String[] attrs= new String[xpp.getAttributeCount()-1];
ArrayList attrs= new ArrayList();
String rId= "";
//int j= 0;
for (int i= 0; i < xpp.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
String n=xpp.getAttributeName(i);
if (n.equals("id"))
rId= xpp.getAttributeValue(i);
//attrs[j++]= n+ "=\"" + xpp.getAttributeValue(i) +"\"";
attrs.add(n+ "=\"" + xpp.getAttributeValue(i) +"\"");
String s= Arrays.asList(attrs.toArray()).toString(); // 1.6 only Arrays.toString(attrs.toArray());
if (s.length()>2) {
s= s.substring(1, s.length()-1);
//1.6 only s= s.replace(",", ""); // only issue is embedded ,'s in quoted strings, lets assume not!
s= StringTool.replaceText(s, ",", ""); // only issue is embedded ,'s in quoted strings, lets assume not!
externalobjs.put(rId, s);
* parses OOXML content files given a content list cl from zip file zip
* recurses if content file has it's own content
* *************************************
* NOTE: certain elements we do not as of yet process; we "pass-through" or store such elements along with any embedded objects associated with them
* for example, activeX objects, vbaProject.bin, etc.
* *************************************
* @param bk WorkBookHandle
* @param sheet WorkSheetHandle (set if recursing)
* @param zip currently open ZipOutputStream
* @param cl ArrayList of Contents (type, filename, rId) to parse
* @param parentDir Parent Directory for relative paths in content lists
* @param formulas, hyperlinks, inlineStrs -- ArrayLists/Hashmaps stores sheet-specific info for later entry
* @throws CellNotFoundException
* @throws XmlPullParserException
protected void parseSheetElements(WorkBookHandle bk, ZipFile zip, ArrayList cl, String parentDir, String externalDir, ArrayList formulas, ArrayList hyperlinks, HashMap inlineStrs, HashMap<String, WorkSheetHandle> pivotTables) throws XmlPullParserException, CellNotFoundException {
String p;
ZipEntry target;
try {
for (int i = 0; i < cl.size(); i++) {
String[] c = (String[]) cl.get(i);
String ooxmlElement= c[0];
// Logger.logInfo("OOXMLReader.parse: " + ooxmlElement + ":" + c[1] + ":" + c[2]);
p= StringTool.getPath(c[1]);
p= OOXMLReader.parsePathForZip(p, parentDir);
if (!ooxmlElement.equals("hyperlink")) // if it's a hyperlink reference, don't strip path info :)
c[1]= StringTool.stripPath(c[1]);
String f= c[1];
String rId= c[2];
if (ooxmlElement.equals("drawing")) { // images, charts
// parse drawing rels to obtain image file names and chart xml files
target= OOXMLReader.getEntry(zip,p + "_rels/" + f.substring(f.lastIndexOf("/")+1)+".rels");
ArrayList drawingFiles= null;
if (target!=null) // first retrieve enbedded content in .rels (images, charts ...)
drawingFiles= OOXMLReader.parseRels(OOXMLReader.wrapInputStream(OOXMLReader.wrapInputStream(zip.getInputStream(target)))); // obtain a list of image file references for use in later parsing
target= OOXMLReader.getEntry(zip,p + f); // now get drawingml file and process it
parseDrawingXML(bk, drawingFiles, OOXMLReader.wrapInputStream(zip.getInputStream(target)), zip, p, externalDir);
} else if (ooxmlElement.equals("vmldrawing")) { // legacy drawing elements
target = OOXMLReader.getEntry(zip,p + f);
StringBuffer vml= parseLegacyDrawingXML(bk, OOXMLReader.wrapInputStream(zip.getInputStream(target)));
target = OOXMLReader.getEntry(zip,p + "_rels/" // get external objects linked to the vml by parsing it's rels
+ f.substring(f.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + ".rels");
if (target != null) {
String[] embeds= OOXMLReader.storeEmbeds(zip, target, p, externalDir); // passes thru embedded objects
this.addOOXMLShape(new Object[] { vml, embeds});
} else
/**/ } else if (ooxmlElement.equals("hyperlink")) { // hyperlinks
c = (String[]) cl.get(i); // don't strip path
for (int j= 0; j < hyperlinks.size(); j++) {
if (rId.equals(((String[]) hyperlinks.get(j))[0])) {
String[] h= (String[]) hyperlinks.get(j);
try { // target= cl[2], ref= h[1], desc= h[2]
bk.getWorkSheet(this.getSheetName()).getCell(h[1]).setURL(rId, h[2], ""); // TODO: hyperlink text mark
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.logErr("OOXMLAdapter.parse: failed setting hyperlink to cell " + h[1] + ":" + e.toString());
} else if (OOXMLReader.parsePivotTables && ooxmlElement.equals("pivotTable")) { // sheet-parent
* TODO: Do we really need to get rels ????
// must lookup cacheid from rid of pivotCacheDefinitionX.xml in pivotTableDefinitionX.xml.rels
target= OOXMLReader.getEntry(zip,p + "_rels/" + f.substring(f.lastIndexOf("/")+1)+".rels");
* ArrayList ptrels= parseRels(wrapInputStream(wrapInputStream(zip.getInputStream(target))));
if (ptrels.size() > 1) { // what could this be?
Logger.logWarn("OOXMLReader.parse: Unknown Pivot Table Association: " + ptrels.get(1));
String pcd= ((String[])ptrels.get(0))[1];
pcd= pcd.substring(pcd.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
Object cacheid= null;
for (int z= 0; z < pivotCaches.size(); z++) {
Object[] o= (Object[]) pivotCaches.get(z);
if (pcd.equals(o[0])) {
cacheid= o[1];
target = getEntry(zip,p + f);
PivotTableDefinition.parseOOXML(bk, /*cacheid, * /this, wrapInputStream(zip.getInputStream(target)));*/
try { // SAVE FOR LATER INPUT -- must do after all sheets are input ...
pivotTables.put(p + f, bk.getWorkSheet(this.getSheetName()));
} catch (WorkSheetNotFoundException we) {}
} else if (ooxmlElement.equals("comments")) { // parse comments or notes
target = OOXMLReader.getEntry(zip,p + f);
parseCommentsXML(bk, OOXMLReader.wrapInputStream(zip.getInputStream(target)));
// Below are elements we do not as of yet handle
} else if (ooxmlElement.equals("macro")
|| ooxmlElement.equals("activeX")
|| ooxmlElement.equals("table")
|| ooxmlElement.equals("vdependencies")
|| ooxmlElement.equals("oleObject")
|| ooxmlElement.equals("image")
|| ooxmlElement.equals("printerSettings")) {
String attrs= "";
if (shExternalLinkInfo!=null && shExternalLinkInfo.get(rId)!=null)
attrs= shExternalLinkInfo.get(rId);
OOXMLReader.handleSheetPassThroughs(zip, bk, this, p, externalDir, c, attrs);
// OOXMLReader.handlePassThroughs(zip, bk, this, p, c); // pass-through this file and any embedded objects as well
} else { // unknown type
Logger.logWarn("OOXMLAdapter.parse: XLSX Option Not yet Implemented " + ooxmlElement);
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.logErr("OOXMLAdapter.parse failed: " + e.toString());
shExternalLinkInfo= null;
* NOTE: commentsX.xml also needs legacy drawing info (vmlDrawingX.vml)
* to define the text box itself including position and size, plus the vml elements
* also define whether the note is hidden
void parseCommentsXML(WorkBookHandle bk, InputStream ii) {
try {
XmlPullParserFactory factory = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance();
XmlPullParser xpp = factory.newPullParser();
xpp.setInput(ii, null); // using XML 1.0 specification
int eventType = xpp.getEventType();
java.util.Stack lastTag= new java.util.Stack(); // keep track of element hierarchy
ArrayList authors= new ArrayList();
String addr= "";
int authId= -1;
Unicodestring comment= null;
//ignore for now: phonetic properties (phoneticPr), phonetic run (rPh)
while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
if(eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
String tnm = xpp.getName();
if (tnm.equals("author")) {
} else if (tnm.equals("comment")) {
if (comment!=null && !"".equals(addr)) {
this.createNote(addr, comment, (String)authors.get(authId));
addr= xpp.getAttributeValue("", "ref");
authId= Integer.valueOf(xpp.getAttributeValue("", "authorId")).intValue();
comment= null;
} else if (tnm.equals("text")) {
// read in text element
Text t= (Text) Text.parseOOXML(xpp, lastTag, bk);
// don't reset state vars as can there can be more
comment= t.getCommentWithFormatting();
} else if(eventType == XmlPullParser.END_TAG) {
eventType = xpp.next();
if (!"".equals(comment) && !"".equals(addr)) {
this.createNote(addr, comment, (String)authors.get(authId));
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.logErr("OOXMLAdapter.parseCommentsXML: " + e.toString());
* parse vml - legacy drawing info e.g. mso shapes and lines + note textboxes
* <br>for now, legacy drawing info is just stored and not parsed into BIFF8 structures
* <br>i.e. store everything but note textboxes at this time; intention is later on
* to store all mso shapes and objects in BIFF8 records
* <br>this vml is stored at the sheet level in the boundsheet's OOXMLShapes storage
* <br>Notes textboxes are being created upon writeLegacyDrawingXML
* @param bk
* @param sheet
* @param ii
* @return StringBuffer rep of saved vml
StringBuffer parseLegacyDrawingXML(WorkBookHandle bk, InputStream ii) {
* more info:
* The Shape element is the basic building block of VML. A shape may exist on its own or within a Group
element. Shape defines many attributes and sub-elements that control the look and behavior of the shape. A
shape must define at least a Path and size (Width, Height). VML 1 also uses properties of the CSS2 style
attribute to specify positioning and sizing
The ShapeType element defines a definition, or template, for a shape. Such a template is “instantiated” by
creating a Shape element that references the ShapeType. The shape can override any value specified by its
ShapeType, or define attributes and elements the ShapeType does not provide. A ShapeType may not
reference another ShapeType.
The attributes and elements a ShapeType uses are identical to those of the Shape element, with these
exceptions: ShapeType may not use the Type element, Visibility is always hidden.
Regarding Notes:
The visible box shown for comments attached to cells is persisted using VML. The comment contents are
stored separately as part of SpreadsheetML.
StringBuffer savedVml= new StringBuffer();
try {
XmlPullParserFactory factory = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance();
XmlPullParser xpp = factory.newPullParser();
xpp.setInput(ii, null); // using XML 1.0 specification
int eventType = xpp.getEventType();
// NOTE: since vml controls visibility (hidden or shown), text box size, etc., notes are created upon VML parsing
// and edited here for the actual text and formats ... ms's legacy drawing stuff makes for alot of convoluted processing ((;
FastAddVector nhs= new FastAddVector();
CommentHandle[] anhs= bk.getWorkSheet(this.getSheetName()).getCommentHandles();
for (int i= 0; i < anhs.length; i++){
while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
if(eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
String tnm = xpp.getName();
if (tnm.equals("shapelayout")) {
// just store
} else if (tnm.equals("shapetype")) {
// if spt==202 (shape-type=text box) id="_x0000_t202" then it's note textbox
if (!xpp.getAttributeValue("urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office", "spt").equals("202")) {// if it's not a note textbox shapetype, store it
} else // ignore element - will be rebuilt upon write
} else if (tnm.equals("shape")) { // this is basic
// several types: can contain images, shapes and notes
if (!xpp.getAttributeValue("", "type").endsWith("_x0000_t202")) {// if it's not a note textbox, save it
// if type="#_x0000_t202" it's a note textbox
} else {// add note here, text and formatting will be input upon Comments parse;
int r= -1, c= -1;
boolean visible= false;
short[] bounds= new short[8];
while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
if(eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
tnm = xpp.getName(); // Anchor
if (tnm.equals("Row"))
r= Integer.valueOf(OOXMLReader.getNextText(xpp)).intValue();
else if (tnm.equals("Column"))
c= Integer.valueOf(OOXMLReader.getNextText(xpp)).intValue();
else if (tnm.equals("Visible"))
visible= true;
else if (tnm.equals("Anchor")) {
// get a string rep of the bounds
String sbounds= OOXMLReader.getNextText(xpp);
// prepare for parsing
sbounds= sbounds.replaceAll("[^0-9,]+", "");
String[] s= sbounds.split(",");
for (int i= 0; i < 8; i++) {
bounds[i]= Short.valueOf(s[i]).shortValue();
} else if(eventType == XmlPullParser.END_TAG) {
if (xpp.getName().equals("shape"))
eventType = xpp.next();
String addr= ExcelTools.formatLocation(new int[] {r, c});
for (int i= 0; i < nhs.size(); i++) {
CommentHandle nh= (CommentHandle) nhs.get(i);
if (nh.getAddress().endsWith(addr)) {
if (visible)
} else if (tnm.equals("xml")) { // ignore :)
} else if (tnm.equals("imagedata")) {
} else { // just store --
} else if(eventType == XmlPullParser.END_TAG) {
eventType = xpp.next();
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.logErr("OOXMLAdapter.parseLegacyDrawingXML: " + e.toString());
return savedVml;
* given drawingML drawing.xml inputstream, parse each twoCellAnchor tag into appropriate image or chart and insert into sheet
* @param bk
* @param sheet
* @param imgFiles list of image or chart files (referenced in drawing.xml via rId)
* @param ii InputStream
* @param zip Current Open ZipOutputStream
void parseDrawingXML(WorkBookHandle bk, ArrayList drawingFiles, InputStream ii, ZipFile zip, String parentDir, String externalDir) {
try {
java.util.Stack lastTag= new java.util.Stack(); // keep track of element hierarchy
XmlPullParserFactory factory = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance();
XmlPullParser xpp = factory.newPullParser();
xpp.setInput(ii, null); // using XML 1.0 specification
int eventType = xpp.getEventType();
while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
if(eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
String tnm = xpp.getName();
if(tnm.equals("twoCellAnchor")) { // beginning of DrawingML for a single image or chart
// TODO: handle group shapes which combine images, shapes and/or charts ********************************************************
TwoCellAnchor t= (TwoCellAnchor) TwoCellAnchor.parseOOXML(xpp, lastTag, bk).cloneElement();
if (t.hasImage()) {
String s= t.getEmbed(); // rid of embedded object
if (s.indexOf("rId")==0) { // should!
String imgFile= OOXMLReader.parsePathForZip(OOXMLReader.getFilename(drawingFiles, s), parentDir);
ZipEntry img= new ZipEntry(imgFile);
BufferedInputStream is= new BufferedInputStream(zip.getInputStream(img));
ImageHandle im= new ImageHandle(is, this);
im.setBounds(TwoCellAnchor.convertBoundsToBIFF8(this, t.getBounds())); // must do after insert
im.setSpPr(t.getSppr()); // set image shape properties
im.setEditMovement(t.getEditAs()); // specify how to resize or move
im.update(); // update underlying image record with set data
} else if (t.hasChart()) {
String s= t.getChartRId();
if (s.indexOf("rId")==0) { // should!
String chartfilename= OOXMLReader.getFilename(drawingFiles, s);
String name= t.getName();
if (name==null || name.equals("null")) {
name="Untitled Chart";
ChartHandle ch= bk.createChart(name, bk.getWorkSheet(this.getSheetName()));
ch.setRelativeBounds(TwoCellAnchor.convertBoundsToBIFF8(this, t.getBounds())); // must do after insert
ch.setEditMovement(t.getEditAs()); // specify how to resize or move
chartfilename= OOXMLReader.parsePathForZip(chartfilename, parentDir);
ZipEntry chFile= new ZipEntry(chartfilename);
// must account for default chart settings: set fontx recs to default font for this workbook ...
ch.resetFonts(); // reset all fonts for the chart
ch.removeLegend(); // not all charts have legends!
int ps= chartfilename.lastIndexOf("/") + 1;
ZipEntry rels= OOXMLReader.getEntry(zip,chartfilename.substring(0, ps) + "_rels/" + chartfilename.substring(ps)+".rels");
if (rels!=null) { // chart file has embeds - usually drawing ml which defines userShapes
//xxx TODO: REFACTOR to get these specifics out
ArrayList chartEmbeds= OOXMLReader.parseRels(OOXMLReader.wrapInputStream(zip.getInputStream(rels)));
for (int i= 0; i < chartEmbeds.size(); i++) {
String[] dr= (String[]) chartEmbeds.get(i);
if (dr[0].equals("userShape")) { // should!
dr[1]= dr[1].substring(dr[1].lastIndexOf("/")+1);
ch.addChartEmbed(new String[] {dr[0], externalDir + dr[1]});
OOXMLReader.passThrough(zip, parentDir + dr[1], externalDir + dr[1]); // Store Embedded Object on disk for later retrieval
} else if (dr[0].equals("image")) {
String parentp= OOXMLReader.parsePathForZip(dr[1], parentDir);
parentp= parentp.substring(0, parentp.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
dr[1]= dr[1].substring(dr[1].lastIndexOf("/")+1);
ch.addChartEmbed(new String[] {dr[0], externalDir + dr[1]});
OOXMLReader.passThrough(zip, parentp+dr[1], externalDir +dr[1]); // save the original target file for later re-packaging
} else if (dr[0].equals("themeOverride")) {
String parentp= OOXMLReader.parsePathForZip(dr[1], parentDir);
parentp= parentp.substring(0, parentp.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
dr[1]= dr[1].substring(dr[1].lastIndexOf("/")+1);
ch.addChartEmbed(new String[] {dr[0], externalDir + dr[1]});
ZipEntry target= OOXMLAdapter.getEntry(zip, parentp + dr[1]);
bk.getWorkBook().getTheme().parseOOXML(bk, OOXMLAdapter.wrapInputStream(zip.getInputStream(target)));
} else {
Logger.logWarn("OOXMLAdapter.parseDrawingML: unknown chart embed " + dr[0]);
// do after parsing rels in case there is override theme colors ...
} else if (t.hasShape()) {
this.addOOXMLShape(t); // just store shape for later output since prev. versions do not handle shapes
if (t.getEmbed()!=null) { // if this shape has embedded objects such as images
String imgFile= OOXMLReader.parsePathForZip(OOXMLReader.getFilename(drawingFiles, t.getEmbed()), parentDir); // look up embedded rid in content list to get filename
t.setEmbedFilename(imgFile); // save embedded filename for later retrieval
OOXMLReader.passThrough(zip, imgFile, externalDir + imgFile); // Store Embedded Object on disk for later retrieval
} else { // TESTING!
Logger.logErr("OOXMLAdapter.parseDrawingXML: Unknown twoCellAnchor type");
} else if (tnm.equals("oneCellAnchor")) { // unclear if this can be root of charts and images as well as shapes
OneCellAnchor oca= (OneCellAnchor) OneCellAnchor.parseOOXML(xpp, lastTag, bk).cloneElement();
if (oca.hasImage()) {
String s= oca.getEmbed(); // rid of embedded object
if (s.indexOf("rId")==0) { // should!
String imgFile= OOXMLReader.parsePathForZip(OOXMLReader.getFilename(drawingFiles, s), parentDir);
ZipEntry img= new ZipEntry(imgFile);
BufferedInputStream is= new BufferedInputStream
ImageHandle im= new ImageHandle(is, this);
im.setBounds(oca.getBounds()); // must do after insert
im.setSpPr(oca.getSppr()); // set image shape properties
im.update(); // update underlying image record with set data
} else if (oca.hasChart()) {
String s= oca.getEmbed();
if (s.indexOf("rId")==0) { // should!
String chart= OOXMLReader.getFilename(drawingFiles, s);
String name= oca.getName();
if (name==null || name.equals("null")) {
name="Untitled Chart";
ChartHandle ch= bk.createChart(name, bk.getWorkSheet(this.getSheetName()));
chart= OOXMLReader.parsePathForZip(chart, parentDir);
ZipEntry chFile= new ZipEntry(chart);
} else if (oca.hasShape()) {
this.addOOXMLShape(oca); // just store shape for later output since prev. versions do not handle shapes
} else { // TESTING!
Logger.logErr("OOXMLAdapter.parseDrawingXML: Unknown oneCellAnchor type");
} else if (tnm.equals("userShapes")) { // drawings ONTOP of charts = Reference to Chart Drawing Part
Logger.logErr("OOXMLAdapter.parseDrawingXML: USER SHAPE ENCOUNTERED");
eventType = xpp.next();
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.logErr("OOXMLAdapter.parseDrawingXML: failed " + e.toString());
* clear out object references in prep for closing workbook
public void close() {
wkbook= null;
for (Colinfo info : colinfos.values()) {
if (null != info) info.close();
Iterator ii= rows.keySet().iterator();
while (ii.hasNext()) {
Row r= (Row) rows.get(ii.next());
cellsByRow =
new TreeMap<CellAddressible,BiffRec>(
new CellAddressible.RowMajorComparator() );
cellsByCol =
new TreeMap<CellAddressible,BiffRec>(
new CellAddressible.ColumnMajorComparator() );
// TODO: clear recs
// TODO: clear recs
// TODO: clear recs
if (ooxmlShapes!=null) ooxmlShapes.clear();
ooautofilter= null;
sheetview= null; // OOXML sheet view object
sheetPr= null; // OOXML sheetPr object
if (lastselection!=null) {
lastselection= null;
if (protector!=null) {
protector= null;
if (sheetNameRecs!=null) {
ii= sheetNameRecs.keySet().iterator();
while (ii.hasNext()) {
Name n= (Name) sheetNameRecs.get(ii.next());
for (int i= 0; i < cond_formats.size(); i++) {
Condfmt c= (Condfmt) cond_formats .get(i);
for (int i= 0; i < autoFilters.size(); i++) {
AutoFilter a= (AutoFilter) autoFilters.get(i);
if (lastCell!=null) {
lastCell= null;
if (lastRow!=null) {
lastRow= null;
if (win2!=null) {
win2= null;
if (scl!=null) {
scl= null;
if (pane!=null) {
pane= null;
if (dval!=null) {
dval= null;
if (hdr!=null) {
hdr= null;
if (ftr!=null) {
ftr= null;
if (wsbool!=null) {
wsbool= null;
if (guts!=null) {
guts= null;
if (dimensions!=null) {
dimensions= null;
if (mybof!=null) {
mybof= null;
if (myeof!=null) {
myeof= null;
if (myidx!=null) {
myidx= null;
for (int i= 0; i < printRecs.size(); i++) {
XLSRecord r= (XLSRecord)printRecs.get(i);
// clear out refs by sheet recs
for (int j= 0; j < SheetRecs.size(); j++) {
XLSRecord r= (XLSRecord) SheetRecs.get(j);
if (localrecs!=null)
// col records
public DefColWidth getDefColWidth() {
return defColWidth;
public void setDefColWidth(DefColWidth defColWidth) {
this.defColWidth = defColWidth;