* --------- BEGIN COPYRIGHT NOTICE ---------
* Copyright 2002-2012 Extentech Inc.
* Copyright 2013 Infoteria America Corp.
* This file is part of OpenXLS.
* OpenXLS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* OpenXLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with OpenXLS. If not, see
* <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* ---------- END COPYRIGHT NOTICE ----------
package com.extentech.formats.OOXML;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Stack;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.WorkBookHandle;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.Font;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.OOXMLAdapter;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.Sst;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.Unicodestring;
import com.extentech.toolkit.Logger;
* text (Comment Text)
This element contains rich text which represents the text of a comment. The maximum length for this text is a
spreadsheet application implementation detail. A recommended guideline is 32767 chars
* parent: comment
* children: t (text), r (Rich Text Run), rPh (phonetic run), phoneticPr (phonetic properties)
// TODO: finish elements rPh and phoneticPr
// TODO: preserve
public class Text implements OOXMLElement{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5886384020139606328L;
private Unicodestring str= null;
* create a new comment WITH formatting
* @param strref
public Text(Unicodestring str) {
this.str= str;
public Text(Text t) {
this.str= t.str;
* create a new comment with NO formatting
* @param s
public Text(String s) {
this.str= Sst.createUnicodeString(s, null, Sst.STRING_ENCODING_AUTO);
* parse this Text element into a unicode string with formatting runs
public static Text parseOOXML(XmlPullParser xpp, Stack<String> lastTag, WorkBookHandle bk) {
Unicodestring str= null;
String s= "";
ArrayList<short[]> formattingRuns= null;
try {
int eventType = xpp.getEventType();
while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
if(eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
String tnm= xpp.getName();
if (tnm.equals("rPr")) { // intra-string formatting properties
int idx= s.length(); // index into character string to apply formatting to
Ss_rPr rp= (Ss_rPr) Ss_rPr.parseOOXML(xpp, bk); //.cloneElement();
Font f= rp.generateFont(bk); // NOW CONVERT ss_rPr to a font!!
int fIndex= bk.getWorkBook().getFontIdx(f); // index for specific font formatting
if (fIndex==-1) // must insert new font
fIndex= bk.getWorkBook().insertFont(f)+1;
if (formattingRuns==null) formattingRuns= new ArrayList<short[]>();
formattingRuns.add(new short[] {Integer.valueOf(idx).shortValue(), Integer.valueOf(fIndex).shortValue()});
} else if (tnm.equals("t")) {
/*boolean bPreserve= false;
if (xpp.getAttributeCount()>0) {
if (xpp.getAttributeName(0).equals("space") && xpp.getAttributeValue(0).equals("preserve"))
bPreserve= true;
eventType = xpp.next();
while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT &&
eventType != XmlPullParser.END_TAG &&
eventType != XmlPullParser.TEXT) {
eventType = xpp.next();
if (eventType==XmlPullParser.TEXT) {
s= s+ xpp.getText();
}else if(eventType == XmlPullParser.END_TAG && xpp.getName().equals("text")) {
str= Sst.createUnicodeString(s, formattingRuns, Sst.STRING_ENCODING_UNICODE); // create a new unicode string with formatting runs
eventType = xpp.next();
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.logErr("r.parseOOXML: " + e.toString());
Text oe= new Text(str);
return oe;
public String getOOXML() {
return null;
* return the OOXML representation of this Text (Comment) element
* @param bk
* @return
public String getOOXML(com.extentech.formats.XLS.WorkBook bk) {
StringBuffer ooxml= new StringBuffer();
if (str!=null) {
String s= OOXMLAdapter.stripNonAsciiRetainQuote(str.getStringVal()).toString();
ArrayList runs= str.getFormattingRuns();
if (runs==null) { // no intra-string formatting
if(s.indexOf(" ")==0 || s.lastIndexOf(" ")==s.length()-1) {
ooxml.append("<t xml:space=\"preserve\">" + s + "</t>");
}else {
ooxml.append("<t>" + s + "</t>");
} else { // have formatting runs which split up string into areas with separate formats applied
* <element name="rPr" type="CT_RPrElt" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<element name="t" type="ST_Xstring" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
int begIdx= 0;
ooxml.append("<r>"); // new rich text run
for (int j= 0; j < runs.size(); j++) {
short[] idxs= (short[])runs.get(j);
if (idxs[0]>begIdx) {
ooxml.append(("<t xml:space=\"preserve\">" + OOXMLAdapter.stripNonAscii(s.substring(begIdx, idxs[0])) + "</t>"));
ooxml.append("</r>"); ooxml.append("\r\n");
begIdx= idxs[0];
Ss_rPr rp= Ss_rPr.createFromFont(bk.getFont(idxs[1]));
if (begIdx<s.length()) // output remaining string
s= s.substring(begIdx);
s= "";
ooxml.append("<t xml:space=\"preserve\">" + OOXMLAdapter.stripNonAscii(s) + "</t>");
return ooxml.toString();
public OOXMLElement cloneElement() {
return new Text(this);
* return the String value of this Text (Comment) element
* i.e. without formatting
* @return
public String getComment() {
if (str!=null)
return str.getStringVal();
return null;
* return the String value of this Text (Comment) element
* Including formatting runs
* @return
public Unicodestring getCommentWithFormatting() {
return str;