* --------- BEGIN COPYRIGHT NOTICE ---------
* Copyright 2002-2012 Extentech Inc.
* Copyright 2013 Infoteria America Corp.
* This file is part of OpenXLS.
* OpenXLS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* OpenXLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with OpenXLS. If not, see
* <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* ---------- END COPYRIGHT NOTICE ----------
package com.extentech.ExtenXLS;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.AbstractList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
import com.extentech.formats.LEO.BlockByteReader;
import com.extentech.formats.LEO.InvalidFileException;
import com.extentech.formats.LEO.LEOFile;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.BiffRec;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.BookProtectionManager;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.Boundsheet;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.CellNotFoundException;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.ChartNotFoundException;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.Condfmt;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.Font;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.Formula;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.FormulaNotFoundException;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.FunctionNotSupportedException;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.Hlink;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.ImageNotFoundException;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.Mergedcells;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.Mulblank;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.Name;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.OOXMLAdapter;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.OOXMLReader;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.OOXMLWriter;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.PivotCache;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.PivotTableNotFoundException;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.Sxview;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.WorkBookFactory;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.WorkSheetNotFoundException;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.XLSConstants;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.Xf;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.charts.Chart;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.charts.OOXMLChart;
import com.extentech.toolkit.JFileWriter;
import com.extentech.toolkit.Logger;
import com.extentech.toolkit.ProgressListener;
import com.extentech.toolkit.ResourceLoader;
import com.extentech.toolkit.StringTool;
import com.extentech.toolkit.TempFileManager;
/** The WorkBookHandle provides a handle to the XLS file and includes
* convenience methods for working with the WorkSheets and Cell values within
* the XLS file. For example:
* <br><code>
* WorkBookHandle book = new WorkBookHandle("testxls.xls");<br>
* WorkSheetHandle sheet = book.getWorkSheet("Sheet1");<br>
* CellHandle cell = sheet.getCell("B22");<br>
* </code>
* <p>
* By default, ExtenXLS will lock open WorkBook files. To close the file after
* parsing and work with a temporary file instead, use the following setting:
* <br><code>
* System.getProperties().put(WorkBookHandle.USETEMPFILE, "true");
* </code><br>
* If you enable this mode you will need to periodically clean up the generated
* temporary files in your working directory. All ExtenXLS temporary file names
* begin with "ExtenXLS_".
public class WorkBookHandle
extends DocumentHandle
implements WorkBook, Handle {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7040065539645064209L;
/** A Writer to which a record dump should be written on input.
* This is used by the dumping code in WorkBookFactory.
public static Writer dump_input = null;
protected com.extentech.formats.XLS.WorkBook mybook;
protected LEOFile myLEOFile;
protected WorkBookFactory myfactory = null;
protected ProgressListener plist;
/** Format constant for BIFF8 (Excel '97-2007). */
public static final int FORMAT_XLS = 100;
/** Format constant for normal OOXML (Excel 2007). */
public static final int FORMAT_XLSX = 101;
/** Format constant for macro-enabled OOXML (Excel 2007). */
public static final int FORMAT_XLSM = 102;
/** Format constant for OOXML template (Excel 2007). */
public static final int FORMAT_XLTX = 103;
/** Format constant for macro-enabled OOXML template (Excel 2007). */
public static final int FORMAT_XLTM = 104;
private static byte[] protobook;
private static byte[] protochart;
private static byte[] protosheet;
public static java.text.SimpleDateFormat simpledateformat= new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(); // static to reuse
/** How many recursion levels to allow formulas to be calculated before throwing a circular reference error */
public static int RECURSION_LEVELS_ALLOWED = 107;
/** This is **/
public static String CONVERTMULBLANKS = "deprecated";
protected static byte[] getPrototypeBook() {
if (protobook == null) try {
protobook = ResourceLoader.getBytesFromJar(
"/com/extentech/ExtenXLS/templates/prototype.ser" );
} catch (IOException e) {}
return protobook;
protected static byte[] getPrototypeSheet() {
if (protosheet == null) try {
WorkBookHandle bookhandle = new WorkBookHandle();
com.extentech.formats.XLS.WorkBook book = bookhandle.getWorkBook();
Boundsheet sheet = book.getWorkSheetByNumber( 0 );
protosheet = sheet.getSheetBytes();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException( e );
return protosheet;
protected static byte[] getPrototypeChart() {
if (protochart == null) {
try {
byte[] bookbytes = ResourceLoader.getBytesFromJar(
"/com/extentech/ExtenXLS/templates/prototypechart.ser" );
WorkBookHandle chartBook = new WorkBookHandle(bookbytes);
ChartHandle ch= chartBook.getCharts()[0];
protochart = ch.getSerialBytes();
return protochart;
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.logErr("Unable to get default chart bytes");
return protochart;
/** Gets the internal Factory object.
* <p><strong>WARNING:</strong> This method is not part of the public API.
* Its use is not supported and behavior is subject to change.</p>
public WorkBookFactory getFactory() {
return myfactory;
/** Gets the internal LEOFile object.
* <p><strong>WARNING:</strong> This method is not part of the public API.
* Its use is not supported and behavior is subject to change.</p>
public LEOFile getLEOFile() {
return myLEOFile;
/** Searches all Cells in the workbook for the string occurrence and
* replaces with the replacement text.
* @return the number of replacements that were made
public int searchAndReplace(String searchfor, String replacewith) {
CellHandle[] cx = getCells();
int foundcount = 0;
for(int t=0;t<cx.length;t++) {
if(!(cx[t].getCell() instanceof Formula)){
// find the string
if(!cx[t].isNumber()) {
String v = cx[t].getStringVal();
if(v.indexOf(searchfor)>-1) {
cx[t].setVal(StringTool.replaceText(v,searchfor, replacewith));
return foundcount;
* Returns all strings that are in the SharedStringTable for this workbook. The SST contains
* all standard string records in cells, but may not include such things as strings that are contained
* within formulas. This is useful for such things as full text indexing of workbooks
* @return Strings in the workbook.
public String[] getAllStrings() {
return this.mybook.getAllStrings();
/** Get either the default color table, or the color table from the custom palatte(if exists)
* from the WorkBook
* @return
public java.awt.Color[] getColorTable()
return this.getWorkBook().getColorTable();
/** Returns whether this book uses the 1904 date format.
* @deprecated Use {@link #getDateFormat()} instead.
public boolean is1904() {
return mybook.is1904();
/** Gets the date format used by this book. */
public DateConverter.DateFormat getDateFormat() {
return mybook.getDateFormat();
/** Returns the lowest version of Excel compatible with the input file.
* @return an Excel version string
public String getXLSVersionString() {
return mybook.getXLSVersionString();
/** Return useful statistics about this workbook.
* @return a string contatining various statistics.
* @param use html line breaks
public String getStats(boolean usehtml) {
return mybook.getStats(usehtml);
/** Return useful statistics about this workbook.
* @return a string contatining various statistics.
public String getStats() {
return mybook.getStats();
/** Returns the Cell at the specified Location
* @param address
* @return
public CellHandle getCell(String address)
throws CellNotFoundException, WorkSheetNotFoundException{
int shtpos = address.indexOf("!");
if(shtpos<0)throw new CellNotFoundException(address + " not found. You need to specify a location in the format: Sheet1!A1");
String sheetstr = address.substring(0,shtpos);
WorkSheetHandle sht = this.getWorkSheet(sheetstr);
String celstr = address.substring(shtpos+1);
return sht.getCell(celstr);
/** Returns an Array of the CellRanges existing in this WorkBook
* specifically the Ranges referenced in Formulas, Charts, and
* Named Ranges.
* This is necessary to allow for automatic updating of references
* when adding/removing/moving Cells within these ranges, as well
* as shifting references to Cells in Formulas when Formula records
* are moved.
* @return all existing Cell Range references used in Formulas, Charts, and Names
public CellRange[] getCellRanges(){
return this.mybook.getRefTracker().getCellRanges();
/** get a handle to a PivotTable in the WorkBook
@param String name of the PivotTable
@return PivotTable the PivotTable
public PivotTableHandle getPivotTable(String ptname)
throws PivotTableNotFoundException{
Sxview st = mybook.getPivotTableView(ptname);
if(st==null)throw new PivotTableNotFoundException(ptname);
return new PivotTableHandle(st, this);
/** get an array of handles to all PivotTables in the WorkBook
@return PivotTable[] all of the WorkBooks PivotTables
public PivotTableHandle[] getPivotTables()
throws PivotTableNotFoundException{
Sxview[] sxv = mybook.getAllPivotTableViews();
if(sxv == null ||
throw new PivotTableNotFoundException("There are no PivotTables defined in: " + this.getName());
PivotTableHandle[] pth = new PivotTableHandle[sxv.length];
for(int t = 0;t<pth.length;t++){
pth[t] = new PivotTableHandle(sxv[t],this);
return pth;
/** Set the calculation mode for the workbook.
* CALCULATE_AUTO is the default for new workbooks.
* Calling Cell.getVal() will calculate formulas if they exist
* within the cell.
* CALCULATE_EXPLICIT will return present, cached value of the cell.
* Formula calculation will ONLY occur when explicitly called through
* the Formula Handle.calculate() method.
* CALCULATE_ALWAYS will ignore the cache and force a recalc
* every time a cell value is requested.
* @param CalcMode Calculation mode to use in workbook.
public void setFormulaCalculationMode(int CalcMode) {
/** Get the calculation mode for the workbook.
* CALCULATE_ALWAYS is the default for new workbooks.
* Calling Cell.getVal() will calculate formulas if they exist
* within the cell.
* CALCULATE_EXPLICIT will return present value of the cell.
* Formula calculation will only occur when explicitly called through
* the Formula Handle
* WorkBookHandle.CALCULATE_ALWAYS -- recalc every time the cell value is requested (no cacheing)
* WorkBookHandle.CALCULATE_EXPLICIT -- recalc only when FormulaHandle.calculate() called
* WorkBookHandle.CALCULATE_AUTO -- only recac when changes
* @param CalcMode Calculation mode to use in workbook.
public int getFormulaCalculationMode() {
return mybook.getCalcMode();
/** set the workbook to protected mode
Note: the password cannot be decrypted or changed
in Excel -- protection can only be set/removed using
@param boolean whether to protect the book
public void setProtected(boolean protect){
//TODO: Check that this behavior is correct
// This is what the old implementation did
BookProtectionManager protector = mybook.getProtectionManager();
// Excel default... no kidding!
if (protect) protector.setPassword("VelvetSweatshop");
else protector.setPassword( null );
protector.setProtected( protect );
/** set Default row height in twips (=1/20 of a point)
Note: only affects undefined Rows containing Cells
@param int Default Row Height
// should be a double as Excel units are 1/20 of what is stored in defaultrowheight
// e.g. 12.75 is Excel Units, twips = 12.75*20 = 256 (approx)
// should expect users to use Excel units and target method do the 20* conversion
public void setDefaultRowHeight(int t){
/** Set the default column width across all worksheets
This setting is a worksheet level setting, so will be applied to all existing worksheets.
individual worksheets can also be set using WorkSheetHandle.setDefaultColWidth
This setting is roughly the width of the character '0'
The default width of a column is 8.
public void setDefaultColWidth(int t){
/** Returns a Formula Handle
@return FormulaHandle a formula handle in the WorkBook
public FormulaHandle getFormulaHandle(String celladdress)
throws FormulaNotFoundException{
Formula formula = mybook.getFormula(celladdress);
return new FormulaHandle(formula, this);
/** Returns all ImageHandles in the workbook
* @return
public ImageHandle[] getImages() {
List ret = new Vector();
for(int t=0;t<this.getNumWorkSheets();t++) {
try {
ImageHandle[] r = this.getWorkSheet(t).getImages();
for(int x=0;x<r.length;x++)
}catch(Exception ex) {
ImageHandle[] retx = new ImageHandle[ret.size()];
return retx;
/** Returns an ImageHandle for manipulating images in the WorkBook
* @param imagename
* @return
public ImageHandle getImage(String imagename)
throws ImageNotFoundException{
for(int t=0;t<this.getNumWorkSheets();t++) {
try {
ImageHandle[] r = this.getWorkSheet(t).getImages();
for(int x=0;x<r.length;x++)
return r[x];
}catch(Exception ex) {
throw new ImageNotFoundException("Image not found: " + imagename + " in " + this.toString());
/** Returns a Named Range Handle
@return NameHandle a Named range in the WorkBook
public NameHandle getNamedRange(String rangename)
throws CellNotFoundException{
Name nand = mybook.getName(rangename.toUpperCase()); // case-insensitive
if(nand == null)throw new CellNotFoundException(rangename);
return new NameHandle(nand, this);
/** Returns a Named Range Handle if it exists in the specified scope.
* This can be used to distinguish between multiple named ranges with the same name
* but differing scopes
*@return NameHandle a Named range in the WorkBook that exists in the scope
public NameHandle getNamedRangeInScope(String rangename)
throws CellNotFoundException{
Name nand = mybook.getScopedName(rangename);
if(nand == null)throw new CellNotFoundException(rangename);
return new NameHandle(nand, this);
* Create a named range in the workbook
* Note that the named range designation can conform to excel specs, that is, boolean values, references, or string variables
* can be set. Remember to utilize the sheet name when setting referential names.
* NameHandle nh = createNamedRange("cellRange", "Sheet1!A1:B3");
* NameHandle nh = createNamedRange("trueRange", "=true");
* @param name The name that should be used to reference this named range
* @param rangeDef Range of the cells for this named range, in excel syntax including sheet name, ie "Sheet1!A1:D1"
* @return NameHandle for modifying the named range
public NameHandle createNamedRange(String name, String rangeDef) {
NameHandle nh = new NameHandle(name, rangeDef, this);
return nh;
/** Returns a Chart Handle
@return ChartHandle a Chart in the WorkBook
// KSC: NOTE: this methodology needs work as a book may contain charts in different sheets containing the same name
// TODO: rethink
public ChartHandle getChart(String chartname)
throws ChartNotFoundException{
return new ChartHandle(mybook.getChart(chartname), this);
/** Returns all Chart Handles contained in the WorkBook
@return ChartHandle[] an array of all Charts in the WorkBook
public ChartHandle[] getCharts(){
AbstractList cv = mybook.getChartVect();
ChartHandle[] cht = new ChartHandle[cv.size()];
for(int x=0;x<cv.size();x++){
cht[x] = new ChartHandle((Chart)cv.get(x), this);
return cht;
/** retrieve a ChartHandle via id
* @param id
* @return
* @throws ChartNotFoundException
public ChartHandle getChartById(int id)
throws ChartNotFoundException{
AbstractList cv = mybook.getChartVect();
Chart cht = null;
for(int x=0;x<cv.size();x++){
cht = (Chart)cv.get(x);
return new ChartHandle(cht, this);
throw new ChartNotFoundException("Id " + id);
/** Returns all Named Range Handles
@return NameHandle[] all of the Named ranges in the WorkBook
public NameHandle[] getNamedRanges(){
Name[] nand = mybook.getNames();
NameHandle[] nands = new NameHandle[nand.length];
for(int x=0;x<nand.length;x++){
nands[x] = new NameHandle(nand[x], this);
return nands;
/** Returns all Named Range Handles scoped to WorkBook.
* Note this will not include worksheet scoped named ranges
* @return NameHandle[] all of the Named ranges that are scoped to WorkBook
public NameHandle[] getNamedRangesInScope(){
Name[] nand = mybook.getWorkbookScopedNames();
NameHandle[] nands = new NameHandle[nand.length];
for(int x=0;x<nand.length;x++){
nands[x] = new NameHandle(nand[x], this);
return nands;
/** Returns the name of this WorkBook
@return String name of WorkBook
public String getName(){
if(name != null)
return name;
return "New Spreadsheet";
/** Returns an array containing all cells in the WorkBook
* @return CellHandle array of all book cells
public CellHandle[] getCells() {
BiffRec[] allcz = this.mybook.getCells();
CellHandle[] ret = new CellHandle[allcz.length];
Mulblank aMul= null;
short c= -1;
for(int t=0;t<ret.length;t++) {
ret[t] = new CellHandle(allcz[t],this);
if (allcz[t].getOpcode()==XLSConstants.MULBLANK) {
// handle Mulblanks: ref a range of cells; to get correct cell address,
// traverse thru range and set cellhandle ref to correct column
if (allcz[t]==aMul) {
} else {
aMul= (Mulblank)allcz[t];
c= (short)aMul.getColFirst();
ret[t].setBlankRef(c); // for Mulblank use only -sets correct column reference for multiple blank cells ...
return ret;
/** Returns the number of Cells in this WorkBook
@return int number of Cells
public int getNumCells(){return mybook.getNumCells();}
/** Returns whether the sheet selection tabs should be shown. */
public boolean showSheetTabs() {
return mybook.showSheetTabs();
/** Sets whether the sheet selection tabs should be shown. */
public void setShowSheetTabs (boolean show) {
mybook.setShowSheetTabs( show );
/** Gets the spreadsheet as a byte array in BIFF8 (Excel '97-2003) format.
* @deprecated Writing the spreadsheet to a byte array uses a great deal of
* memory and generally provides no benefit over streaming
* output. Use the {@link #write} family of methods instead.
* If you need a byte array use {@link ByteArrayOutputStream}.
public byte[] getBytes(){
ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
return bout.toByteArray();
}catch (Exception e1){
Logger.logErr("Getting Spreadsheet bytes failed.",e1);
return null;
/** Writes the document to the given path.
* If the filename ends with ".xlsx" or ".xlsm", the workbook will be
* written as OOXML (XLSX). Otherwise it will be written as BIFF8 (XLS).
* For OOXML, if the file has a VBA project the file extension must be
* ".xlsm". It will be changed if necessary.
* @param path the path to which the document should be written
* @deprecated The filename-based format choosing is counter-intuitive and
* failure-prone. Use {@link #write(OutputStream,int)} instead.
public void write (String path) {
String ext = path.toLowerCase();
write( path, ext.endsWith(".xlsx") || ext.endsWith(".xlsm") );
/** Writes the document to the given file in either XLS or XLSX.
* For OOXML, if the file has a VBA project the file extension must be
* ".xlsm". It will be changed if necessary.
* @param path the path to which the document should be written
* @param ooxml If <code>true</code>, write as OOXML (XLSX).
* Otherwise, write as BIFF8 (XLS).
* @deprecated The boolean format parameter is not flexible enough to
* represent all supported formats.
* Use {@link #write(File,int)} instead.
public void write (String path, boolean ooxml) {
int format;
if (ooxml) {
if (this.getIsExcel2007()) format = this.getFormat(path);
else format = FORMAT_XLSX;
if (!OOXMLAdapter.hasMacros(this))
path= StringTool.replaceExtension(path, ".xlsx");
else // it's a macro-enabled workbook
path= StringTool.replaceExtension(path, ".xlsm");
} else format = FORMAT_XLS;
try {
this.write( new File( path ), format );
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new WorkBookException( "error writing workbook",
WorkBookException.WRITING_ERROR, e );
/** Writes the document to the given stream in either XLS or XLSX format.
* @param dest the stream to which the document should be written
* @param ooxml If <code>true</code>, write as OOXML (XLSX).
* Otherwise, write as BIFF8 (XLS).
* @deprecated The boolean format parameter is not flexible enough to
* represent all supported formats.
* Use {@link #write(OutputStream,int)} instead.
public void write(OutputStream dest, boolean ooxml) {
int format;
if (ooxml) {
if (this.getIsExcel2007()) format = this.getFormat();
else format = FORMAT_XLSX;
} else format = FORMAT_XLS;
try {
if (format > WorkBookHandle.FORMAT_XLS && this.file!=null) {
this.write( dest, format );
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new WorkBookException( "error writing workbook",
WorkBookException.WRITING_ERROR, e );
/** Gets the constant representing this document's native format.
public int getFormat() {
String name = this.getFileName().toLowerCase();
if (this.getIsExcel2007()) {
if (OOXMLAdapter.hasMacros( this ))
return name.endsWith(".xltm") ? FORMAT_XLTM : FORMAT_XLSM;
else return name.endsWith(".xltx") ? FORMAT_XLTX : FORMAT_XLSX;
else return FORMAT_XLS;
/** Gets the constant representing this document's desired format
public int getFormat(String path) {
if (path==null) return getFormat();
if (this.getIsExcel2007()) {
if (OOXMLAdapter.hasMacros( this ))
return path.endsWith(".xltm") ? FORMAT_XLTM : FORMAT_XLSM;
else return path.endsWith(".xltx") ? FORMAT_XLTX : FORMAT_XLSX;
else return FORMAT_XLS;
public String getFileExtension() {
switch (this.getFormat()) {
return ".xlsx";
return ".xlsm";
return ".xltx";
return ".xltm";
return ".xls";
return "";
/** Writes the document to the given stream in the requested format.
* <p>format choices:
* <p>WorkBookHandle.FORMAT_XLS for 2003 and previous versions
* <br>WorkBookHandle.FORMAT_XLSX for non-macro-enabled 2007 version
* <br>WorkBookHandle.FORMAT_XLSM for macro-enabled 2007 version
* <br>WorkBookHandle.FORMAT_XLTM for macro-enabled 2007 templates.
* <br>WorkBookHandle.FORMAT_XLTX for 2007 templates,
* <p><b>IMPORTANT NOTE:</b> if the resulting filename contains the .XLSM extension
* <br>the WorkBook <b>MUST</b> be written in FORMAT_XLSM; otherwise open errors will occur
* <p><b>NOTE:</b> If the format is FORMAT_XLSX and the filename contains macros
* <br>the file will be written as Macro-Enabled i.e. in FORMAT_XLSM. In these cases,
* <br>the filename must contain the .XLSM extension
* @param dest the stream to which the document should be written
* @param format the constant representing the desired output format
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given type code is invalid
* @throws IOException if an error occurs while writing to the stream
public void write (OutputStream dest, int format)
throws IOException {
if (format == FORMAT_NATIVE) format = this.getFormat();
switch (format) {
try {
if (this.file!=null)
OOXMLWriter adapter = new OOXMLWriter();
adapter.setFormat( format );
adapter.getOOXML( this, dest );
} catch (IOException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
//TODO: OOXMLAdapter only throws IOException, change its throws
throw new WorkBookException( "error writing workbook",
WorkBookException.WRITING_ERROR, e );
try {
this.mybook.getStreamer().writeOut( dest );
} catch (com.extentech.formats.XLS.WorkBookException e) {
Throwable cause = e.getCause();
if (cause instanceof IOException) throw (IOException) cause;
throw e;
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "unknown output format" );
/** Writes the document to the given stream in the requested OOXML format.
* @param dest the stream to which the document should be written
* @param format the constant representing the desired output format
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given type code is invalid
* @throws IOException if an error occurs while writing to the stream
* @deprecated This method is like {@link #write(OutputStream,int)} except
* it only supports OOXML formats. Use that instead.
public void writeXLSXBytes (OutputStream dest, int format)
throws Exception {
this.write( dest, format );
/** Writes the document to the given stream in the default OOXML format.
* @param dest the stream to which the document should be written
* @throws IOException if an error occurs while writing to the stream
* @deprecated Use {@link #write(OutputStream,int}) instead.
public void writeXLSXBytes (OutputStream dest)
throws Exception {
this.write( dest, true );
* Returns whether the underlying spreadsheet is in Excel 2007 format
* by default.
* Even if this method returns true, it is still possible to write out
* the file as a BIFF8 (Excel 97-2003) file, but unsupported features
* will be dropped, and some files could experience corruption.
* @return whether the underlying spreadsheet is Excel 2007 format
public boolean getIsExcel2007(){
return this.mybook.getIsExcel2007();
* Sets whether this Workbook is in Excel 2007 format.
* Excel 2007 format contains larger maximum column and row contraints, for example.
* <br>
* Even if the workbook is set to Excel 2007 format, it is still possible to write out
* the file as a BIFF8 (Excel 97-2003) file, but unsupported features
* will be dropped, and some files could experience corruption.
* @param isExcel2007
public void setIsExcel2007(boolean isExcel2007) {
/** Writes the document to the given stream in BIFF8 (XLS) format.
* <p>To output a debugging <code>StringBuffer</code>, you must first set
* the autolockdown setting:<br/><code>
* props.put("com.extentech.ExtenXLS.autocreatelockdown","true");
* </code></p>
* @param dest the stream to which the document should be written
* @return for debugging: a StringBuffer containing an output of the record bytes streamed
* @deprecated Use {@link #write(OutputStream,int)} instead.
public StringBuffer writeBytes (OutputStream dest){
StringBuffer sb = this.mybook.getStreamer().writeOut( dest );
return sb;
/** Default constructor creates a new, empty Spreadsheet with
3 WorkSheets: "Sheet1","Sheet2",and "Sheet3".
public WorkBookHandle() {
// Xf.DEFAULTIXFE= 15; // reset to default in cases of having previously read Excel2007 template which may have set defaultXF differently
* Constructor creates a new, empty Spreadsheet with
* 3 worksheets: "Sheet1", "Sheet2" and "Sheet3"
* <br>
* This version allows flagging the workbook
* as Excel 2007 format.
* <br>Excel 2007 format contains larger maximum column and row contraints, for example.
* <br>Even if the workbook is set to Excel 2007 format, it is still possible to write out the file as a BIFF8 (Excel 97-2003) file, but unsupported features will be dropped, and some files could experience corruption.
* @param boolean Excel2007 - true if set to Excel 2007 version
public WorkBookHandle(boolean Excel2007) {
* another handle to the useful ability to load a book from the prorotype bytes
protected void initDefault(){
byte[] b = getPrototypeBook();
if (b == null) {throw new com.extentech.formats.XLS.WorkBookException(
"Unable to load prototype workbook.",
ByteBuffer bbf = ByteBuffer.wrap(b);
myLEOFile = new LEOFile(bbf);
}catch(Exception e) {
throw new InvalidFileException("WorkBook could not be instantiated: "+ e.toString());
/** constructor which takes an InputStream containing the bytes of a valid XLS file.
@param InputStream contains the valid BIFF8 bytes for reading
public WorkBookHandle(InputStream inx) {
* Initialization of this workbook handle from a leoFile;
* */
private void initFromLeoFile(LEOFile leo) {
this.myLEOFile = leo;
try {
BlockByteReader bar = myLEOFile.getXLSBlockBytes();
}catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof com.extentech.formats.XLS.WorkBookException)
throw (com.extentech.formats.XLS.WorkBookException) e;
throw new com.extentech.formats.XLS.WorkBookException(
"ERROR: instantiating WorkBookHandle failed: " + e,
WorkBookException.UNSPECIFIED_INIT_ERROR, e );
* Initialize this workbook from a stream, unfortunately our byte backer
* requires a file, so create a tempfile and init from that
* */
protected void initFromStream(InputStream input) {
File target = TempFileManager.createTempFile("WBP", ".tmp");
if (this.myLEOFile!=null)// it would be if XLSX or XLSM ... 20090323 KSC
//this.myLEOFile.close(); // close now flushes buffers + storages ...
File fdel = new File(target.toString());
Logger.logWarn("Could not delete tempfile: " + target.toString());
}catch(IOException ex){
Logger.logErr("Initializing WorkBookHandle failed.",ex);
/** Create a new WorkBookHandle from the byte array passed in. Byte array passed in must
* contain a valid xls or xlsx workbook file
@param byte[] byte array containing the valid XLS or XLSX file for reading
public WorkBookHandle(byte[] barray) {
* Protected method that handles WorkBookHandle(byte[]) constructor
* @param barray
protected void initializeFromByteArray(byte[] barray){
// check first bytes to see if this is a zipfile (OOXML)
if((char)barray[0] == 'P' && (char)barray[1] == 'K'){
// added "." fixes Baxter Open Bug [BugTracker 2909]
File ftmp = TempFileManager.createTempFile("WBP", ".tmp");
FileOutputStream fous = new FileOutputStream(ftmp);
}catch(Exception e){
Logger.logErr("Could not parse XLSX from bytes." + e.toString());
ByteBuffer bbf = ByteBuffer.wrap(barray);
myLEOFile = new LEOFile(bbf);
try {
BlockByteReader bar = myLEOFile.getXLSBlockBytes();
}catch (Throwable e) {
if(e instanceof OutOfMemoryError)throw (Error)e;
if(e instanceof WorkBookException)throw (WorkBookException)e;
String errstr ="Instantiating WorkBookHandle failed: " + e.toString();
throw new com.extentech.formats.XLS.WorkBookException(errstr, WorkBookException.UNSPECIFIED_INIT_ERROR);
Logger.logWarn("Initializing WorkBookHandle failed: byte array does not contain a supported Excel WorkBook.");
throw new InvalidFileException("byte array does not contian a supported Excel WorkBook.");
* Fetches a workbook from a URL
* If you need to authenticate your URL connection first then
* use the InputStream constructor
* @param urlx
* @return
* @throws Exception
public WorkBookHandle(URL url){
* OK, both this method and the (inputstream) constructor set a temp file,
* is this not possible to do without hitting the disk?
* TODO: look into fix
/** Constructor which takes the XLS file name(
@param String filePath the name of the XLS file to read
public WorkBookHandle(String filePath){
this(filePath, 0);
/** constructor which takes the XLS file name and has an optional
* debug setting to assist with output. Setting this value will cause verbose logging
* and is discouraged unless required for support.
@param String filePath the name of the XLS file to read
@param Debug level
public WorkBookHandle(String filePath, int debug) {
File f= new File( filePath ) ;
this.file= f; // XXX KSC: Save for potential re-input of pass-through ooxml files
/** constructor which takes the XLS file
@param File the XLS file to read
@param Debug level
public WorkBookHandle(File fx) {
protected void initWorkBookFactory() {
myfactory = new WorkBookFactory();
/** initialize from an XLSX/OOXML workbook.
private boolean initXLSX (String fname){
// do before parseNBind so can set myfactory & fname
// set state vars for this workbookhandle
if (plist != null)myfactory.register(plist); // register progress notifier
// iterate sheets,inputting cell values, named ranges and formula strings
OOXMLReader oe = new OOXMLReader();
WorkBookHandle bk= new WorkBookHandle();
oe.parseNBind(bk, fname);
this.sheethandles= bk.sheethandles;
this.mybook = bk.mybook;
}catch(Exception e) {
throw new WorkBookException("WorkBookHandle OOXML Read failed: " +e.toString(),WorkBookException.UNSPECIFIED_INIT_ERROR, e);
return true;
/** do all initialization with a filename
* @param fname
protected void initFromFile(File fx){
String fname = fx.getPath();
String finch = "";
// handle csv import
FileReader fincheck;
try {
fincheck = new FileReader(fx);
if(fx.length() > 100){
char[] cbuf = new char[100];
finch = new String(cbuf);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
Logger.logErr("WorkBookHandle: Cannot open file " + fname + ": " +e);
} catch (Exception e1) {
Logger.logErr("Invalid XLSX/OOXML File.");
this.name= fname; // 20081231 KSC: set here
if(finch.toUpperCase().startsWith("PK")){ // it's a zip file... give XLSX parsing a shot
if (this.file!=null)
myLEOFile = new LEOFile(fx, this.DEBUGLEVEL);
}catch(InvalidFileException ifx){
// init a blank workbook
// map CSV into workbook
WorkSheetHandle sheet = getWorkSheet( 0 );
sheet.readCSV( new BufferedReader( new FileReader( fx ) ) );
}catch(Exception e){
throw new WorkBookException(
"Error encountered importing CSV: " + e.toString(), WorkBookException.ILLEGAL_INIT_ERROR);
throw ifx;
// total failure to load
Logger.logErr("Initializing WorkBookHandle failed: " + fname + " does not contain a supported Excel WorkBook.");
throw new InvalidFileException(fname + " does not contian a supported Excel WorkBook.");
/** Constructor which takes a ProgressListener which monitors the progress
of creating a new Excel file.
@param ProgressListener object which is monitoring progress of WorkBook read
public WorkBookHandle(ProgressListener pn) {
this.plist = pn;
try {
byte[] b = getPrototypeBook();
ByteBuffer bbf = ByteBuffer.wrap(b);
myLEOFile = new LEOFile(bbf);
}catch(Exception e) {
throw new InvalidFileException("WorkBook could not be instantiated: "+ e.toString());
/** Constructor which takes the XLS file name
and a ProgressListener which monitors the progress
of reading the Excel file.
@param String fname the name of the XLS file to read
@param ProgressListener object which is monitoring progress of WorkBook read
public WorkBookHandle(String fname, ProgressListener pn) {
this.plist = pn;
this.initFromFile( new File( fname ) );
* For internal creation of a workbook handle from
* @param leo
protected WorkBookHandle(LEOFile leo) {
/** init the new WorkBookHandle
protected synchronized void initBytes(BlockByteReader blockByteReader) {
if (plist != null)myfactory.register(plist); // register progress notifier
mybook = (com.extentech.formats.XLS.WorkBook)myfactory.getWorkBook(blockByteReader, myLEOFile);
if (dump_input!=null) {
try {
dump_input = null;
} catch (Exception e) {;}
* Handles tasks that need to occur after workbook has been loaded
void postLoad() {
mybook.initializeNames(); // must initialize name expressions AFTER loading sheet records
initPivotCache(); // if any
void initMerges(){
AbstractList mergelookup = mybook.getMergecelllookup();
for(int t=0;t<mergelookup.size();t++){
Mergedcells mc = (Mergedcells)mergelookup.get(t);
void initHlinks(){
AbstractList hlinklookup = mybook.getHlinklookup();
for(int t=0;t<hlinklookup.size();t++){
Hlink hl = (Hlink)hlinklookup.get(t);
* reads in the pivot cache storage and parses the pivot cache records
* <br>pivot cache(s) are used by pivot tables as data source storage
void initPivotCache() {
if (myLEOFile.hasPivotCache()) {
PivotCache pc= new PivotCache(); // grab any pivot caches
try {
pc.init(myLEOFile.getDirectoryArray(), this);
} catch (Exception e) {
/** Closes the WorkBook and releases resources.
public void close() {
try {
myLEOFile= null;
}catch(Exception e) {
if(DEBUGLEVEL > 3)Logger.logWarn("Closing Document: " + toString() + " failed: " + e.toString());
if (mybook!=null)
mybook.close(); // clear out object refs to release memory
mybook= null;
myfactory= null;
name= null;
sheethandles= null;
// Runtime.getRuntime().gc();
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
public void reset() {
initFromFile( new File( myLEOFile.getFileName() ) );
/** Returns an array of handles to all
of the WorkSheets in the Workbook.
@return WorkSheetHandle[] Array of all WorkSheets in WorkBook
public WorkSheetHandle[] getWorkSheets(){
if(myfactory != null){
int numsheets =mybook.getNumWorkSheets();
if(numsheets == 0)throw new WorkSheetNotFoundException("WorkBook has No Sheets.");
WorkSheetHandle[] sheets = new WorkSheetHandle[numsheets];
for(int i =0;i<numsheets;i++){
Boundsheet bs = mybook.getWorkSheetByNumber(i);
sheets[i] = new WorkSheetHandle(bs, this);
return sheets;
return null;
}catch (WorkSheetNotFoundException a){
Logger.logWarn("getWorkSheets() failed: " + a);
return null;
/** returns the handle to a WorkSheet by number.
Sheet 0 is the first Sheet.
@param index of worksheet (ie: 0)
@return WorkSheetHandle the WorkSheet
@exception WorkSheetNotFoundException if the specified WorkSheet is
not found in the WorkBook.
public WorkSheetHandle getWorkSheet(int sheetnum)
throws WorkSheetNotFoundException{
Boundsheet st = mybook.getWorkSheetByNumber(sheetnum);
if(sheethandles.get(st.getSheetName())!=null)return (WorkSheetHandle)sheethandles.get(st.getSheetName());
else {
WorkSheetHandle shth = new WorkSheetHandle(st, this);
return shth;
Hashtable sheethandles = new Hashtable();
/** returns the handle to a WorkSheet by name.
@param String name of worksheet (ie: "Sheet1")
@return WorkSheetHandle the WorkSheet
@exception WorkSheetNotFoundException if the specified WorkSheet is
not found in the WorkBook.
public WorkSheetHandle getWorkSheet(String handstr)
throws WorkSheetNotFoundException{
return (WorkSheetHandle)sheethandles.get(handstr);
else throw new WorkSheetNotFoundException(handstr + " not found");
if(myfactory != null){
Boundsheet bs = mybook.getWorkSheetByName(handstr);
if(bs != null){
WorkSheetHandle ret = new WorkSheetHandle(bs, this);
sheethandles.put(handstr, ret);
return ret;
throw new WorkSheetNotFoundException(handstr);
throw new WorkSheetNotFoundException("Cannot find WorkSheet " + handstr);
* returns the active or selected worksheet tab
* @return WorkSheetHandle
* @throws WorkSheetNotFoundException
public WorkSheetHandle getActiveSheet() throws WorkSheetNotFoundException {
return this.getWorkSheet(this.getWorkBook().getSelectedSheetNum());
/** Returns a low-level WorkBook.
NOTE: The WorkBook class is NOT a part of the
published API. Any of the methods and/or
variables on a WorkBook object are subject
to change without notice in new versions of ExtenXLS.
public com.extentech.formats.XLS.WorkBook getWorkBook(){
return (com.extentech.formats.XLS.WorkBook)this.mybook;
/** Set Encoding mode of new Strings added to file.
ExtenXLS has 3 modes for handling the internal encoding of
String data that is added to the file.
ExtenXLS can save space in the file if it knows that all characters
in your String data can be represented with a single byte (Compressed.)
If your String contains characters which need 2 bytes to represent (such
as Eastern-language characters) then it needs to be stored in an uncompressed
Unicode format.
ExtenXLS can either automatically detect the mode for each String, or you
can set it explicitly. The auto mode is the most flexible but requires processing
Default mode is WorkBookHandle.STRING_ENCODING_AUTO.
Valid Modes Are:
WorkBookHandle.STRING_ENCODING_AUTO Use if you are adding mixed Unicode and non-unicode
Strings and can accept the performance hit
-slowest String adds
-optimal file size for mixed Strings
WorkBookHandle.STRING_ENCODING_UNICODE Use if all of your new Strings are Unicode - faster than AUTO
-faster than AUTO
-largest file size
WorkBookHandle.STRING_ENCODING_COMPRESSED Use if all of your new Strings are non-Unicode and can have high-bytes compressed
-faster than AUTO
-smallest file size
@param int String Encoding Mode
public void setStringEncodingMode(int mode){
/** Set Duplicate String Handling Mode.
The Duplicate String Mode determines the behavior of
the String table when inserting new Strings.
The String table shares a single entry for multiple
Cells containing the same string. When multiple Cells
have the same value, they share the same underlying string.
Changing the value of any one of the Cells will change
the value for any Cells sharing that reference.
For this reason, you need to determine
the handling of new strings added to the sheet that
are duplicates of strings already in the table.
If you will be changing the values of these
new Cells, you will need to set the Duplicate
String Mode to ALLOWDUPES. If the string table
encounters a duplicate entry being added, it
will insert a duplicate that can then be subsequently
changed without affecting the other duplicate Cells.
Valid Modes Are:
WorkBookHandle.ALLOWDUPES - faster String inserts, larger file sizes, changing Cells has no effect on dupe Cells
WorkBookHandle.SHAREDUPES - slower inserts, dupe smaller file sizes, Cells share changes
@param int Duplicate String Handling Mode
public void setDupeStringMode(int mode){
/** Copies an existing Chart to another WorkSheet
* @param chartname
* @param sheetname
public void copyChartToSheet(String chartname, String sheetname)
throws ChartNotFoundException, WorkSheetNotFoundException{
mybook.copyChartToSheet(chartname, sheetname);
/** Copies an existing Chart to another WorkSheet
* @param chart
* @param sheet
public void copyChartToSheet(ChartHandle chart, WorkSheetHandle sheet)
throws ChartNotFoundException, WorkSheetNotFoundException{
mybook.copyChartToSheet(chart.getTitle(), sheet.getSheetName());
/** Copy (duplicate) a worksheet in the workbook and add it to the end of the workbook with a new name
@param String the Name of the source worksheet;
@param String the Name of the new (destination) worksheet;
@return the new WorkSheetHandle
public WorkSheetHandle copyWorkSheet(String SourceSheetName, String NewSheetName)
throws WorkSheetNotFoundException{
mybook.copyWorkSheet(SourceSheetName, NewSheetName);
}catch(Exception e){
throw new WorkBookException("Failed to copy WorkSheet: "+ SourceSheetName + ": " + e.toString(), WorkBookException.RUNTIME_ERROR);
// update the merged cells (requires a WBH, that's why it's here)
WorkSheetHandle wsh = this.getWorkSheet(NewSheetName);
if (wsh!=null) {
List mc = wsh.getMysheet().getMergedCellsRecs();
for (int i=0;i<mc.size();i++) {
Mergedcells mrg = (Mergedcells)mc.get(i);
if (mrg != null)mrg.initCells(this);
// now conditional formats
mc = wsh.getMysheet().getConditionalFormats();
for (int i=0;i<mc.size();i++) {
Condfmt mrg = (Condfmt)mc.get(i);
if (mrg != null)mrg.initCells(this);
return wsh;
/** Forces immediate recalculation of every formula in the workbook.
* @throws FunctionNotSupportedException if an unsupported function is
* used by any formula in the workbook
* @see #forceRecalc()
* @see #recalc()
public void calculateFormulas() {
/** Marks every formula in the workbook as needing a recalc.
* This method does not actually calculate formulas, for that use
* {@link #recalc()}.
public void markFormulasDirty() {
Formula[] formulas = mybook.getFormulas();
for (int idx = 0; idx < formulas.length; idx ++)
/** Recalculates all dirty formulas in the workbook immediately.
* <p>
* You generally need not call this method. Dirty formulas will
* automatically be recalculated when their values are queried. This method
* is only useful for forcing calculation to occur at a certain time. In
* the case of functions such as NOW() whose value is volatile the formula
* will still be recalculated every time it is queried.
* @throws FunctionNotSupportedException if an unsupported function is
* used by any formula in the workbook
* @see #markFormulasDirty()
public void recalc() {
int calcmode= mybook.getCalcMode();
mybook.setCalcMode(CALCULATE_AUTO); // ensure referenced functions are calcualted as necesary!
Formula[] formulas = mybook.getFormulas();
for (int idx = 0; idx < formulas.length; idx ++) {
try {
}catch (FunctionNotSupportedException fe) {
Logger.logErr("WorkBookHandle.recalc: Error calculating Formula " + fe.toString());
// KSC: Clear out lookup caches!
mybook.setCalcMode(calcmode); // reset
/** Removes all of the WorkSheets from this WorkBook.
* Bytes streamed from this WorkBook will create invalid
* Spreadsheet files unless a WorkSheet(s) are added to it.
* NOTE: A WorkBook with no sheets is *invalid* and will not open in Excel. You must add
* sheets to this WorkBook for it to be valid.
public void removeAllWorkSheets(){
Object ob = this.mybook.getTabID().getTabIDs().get(0);
}catch(Exception ex) {
WorkSheetHandle[] ws = this.getWorkSheets();
for(int x=0;x<ws.length;x++ ){
try{ws[x].remove();}catch(WorkBookException e) {;} // ignore the invalid WorkBook problem
}catch(Exception e){
; // in case sheets already gone...
this.mybook.closeSheets(); // replaced below with this
// init new book
// save records then reset to avoid ByteStreamer.stream records expansion
Object[] recs= this.getWorkBook().getStreamer().getBiffRecords();
// keep Excel 2007 status
boolean isExcel2007= this.getIsExcel2007();
WorkBookHandle ret = new WorkBookHandle(this.getBytes());
this.mybook = ret.getWorkBook();
/** Returns a WorkBookHandle containing an empty
* version of this WorkBook.
* Use in conjunction with addSheetFromWorkBook() to create
* new output WorkBooks containing various sheets from a master
* template.
* ie:
* WorkBookHandle emptytemplate = this.getNoSheetWorkBook();
* emptytemplate.addSheetFromWorkBook(this, "Sheet1", "TargetSheet");
* @return WorkBookHandle - the empty WorkBookHandle duplicate
* @see addSheetFromWorkBook
public WorkBookHandle getNoSheetWorkBook(){
// to avoid ByteStreamer.stream records expansion
Object[] recs= this.getWorkBook().getStreamer().getBiffRecords();
byte[] gb = this.getBytes();
WorkBookHandle ret = new WorkBookHandle(gb);
return ret;
/** Inserts a worksheet from a Source WorkBook.
* @param sourceBook - the WorkBook containing the sheet to copy
* @param sourceSheetName - the name of the sheet to copy
* @param destSheetName - the name of the new sheet in this workbook
* @deprecated - use addWorkSheet(WorkSheetHandle sht, String NewSheetName){
public boolean addSheetFromWorkBook(WorkBookHandle sourceBook, String sourceSheetName, String destSheetName){
try {
WorkSheetHandle sheet = this.addWorkSheet(sourceBook.getWorkSheet(sourceSheetName), destSheetName);
return true;
}catch(WorkSheetNotFoundException e) {
Logger.logErr("Error adding sheet from workbook" + e);
return false;
/** Inserts a worksheet from a Source WorkBook. Brings all string data and formatting information from the source workbook.
* Be aware this is programmatically creating a large amount of new formatting information in the destination workbook. A higher performance
* option will usually be using getNoSheetWorkbook and addSheetFromWorkBook.
* @param sourceBook - the WorkBook containing the sheet to copy
* @param sourceSheetName - the name of the sheet to copy
* @param destSheetName - the name of the new sheet in this workbook
* @deprecated - use addWorkSheet(WorkSheetHandle sht, String NewSheetName){
public boolean addSheetFromWorkBookWithFormatting(WorkBookHandle sourceBook, String sourceSheetName, String destSheetName){
try {
WorkSheetHandle sheet = this.addWorkSheet(sourceBook.getWorkSheet(sourceSheetName), destSheetName);
return true;
}catch(WorkSheetNotFoundException e) {
Logger.logErr("Error adding sheet from workbook" + e);
return false;
// TODO: Handle if sheet name already exists!
WorkSheetHandle sourceSheet = sourceBook.getWorkSheet(sourceSheetName);
sourceSheet.getSheet().populateForTransfer(); // copy all formatting + images for this sheet
List chts = sourceSheet.getSheet().getCharts(); // 20080630 KSC: Moved from populateForTransfer as it's necessary for ALL copies/adds
for(int i=0;i<chts.size();i++) {
Chart cxi = (Chart)chts.get(i);
byte[] bao = sourceSheet.getSerialBytes();
// 20080114 KSC: if only has charts/no images, msodg won't be present; must create msodg here
if (mybook.msodg==null && mybook.getCharts().length > 0 && sourceBook.getWorkBook().msodg!=null) {
mybook.msodg.initNewMsodrawingGroup(); // generate and add required records for drawing records
WorkSheetHandle wsh = this.getWorkSheet(destSheetName);
// 20080303 KSC: added for merged cells (stolen from addSheetFromWorkBook
// update the merged cells (requires a WBH, that's why it's here)
if (wsh!=null) {
List mc = wsh.getMysheet().getMergedCellsRecs();
for (int i=0;i<mc.size();i++) {
Mergedcells mrg = (Mergedcells)mc.get(i);
if (mrg != null)
// 20080303 KSC: must also init cond. formats
// 20090606 KSC: now via sheet List mc = mybook.getConditionalFormats();
List mc = wsh.getMysheet().getConditionalFormats();
for (int i=0;i<mc.size();i++) {
Condfmt mrg = (Condfmt)mc.get(i);
if (mrg != null)
/* TODO: Finish!!
Name[] n= sourceBook.getWorkBook().getNames();
for (int i= 0; i < n.length; i++) {
this.getWorkBook().addNameUpdateSheetRefs(n[i], sourceBook.getName());
*/// 20080709 KSC: try below as above isn't finished according to comments
// handle moving the built-in name records. These handle such items as print area, header/footer, etc
Name[] ns = this.getWorkBook().getNames();
for (int i=0;i<ns.length;i++) {
if (ns[i].isBuiltIn() && ((ns[i].getIxals() == sourceSheet.getSheetNum()+1)||(ns[i].getItab() == sourceSheet.getSheetNum()+1)) ) {
// it's a built in record, move it to the new sheet
byte b = ns[i].builtInType;
int sheetnum = wsh.getSheetNum();
int xref = this.getWorkBook().getExternSheet(true).insertLocation(sheetnum, sheetnum);
Name n = (Name)ns[i].clone();
// need to set ixalis for the original sheet and the new sheet, as the cannot be 'global' names any more, which
// is the default for built in
// update the ixals field. This is wierd as it doesn't use the externsheet reference, rather the boundsheet order. wt?
// oh, also it's one based. Lame. who wrote this pos at microsoft?
}catch(WorkSheetNotFoundException a){
Logger.logWarn("adding sheet from WorkBook failed: " + a);
return false;
return true;
/** Inserts a WorkSheetHandle from a separate WorkBookhandle into the current WorkBookHandle.
copies charts, images, formats from source workbook
Worksheet will be the same name as in the source workbook. To add a custom named worksheet
use the addWorkSheet(WorkSheetHandle, String sheetname) method
@param WorkSheetHandle the source WorkSheetHandle;
public WorkSheetHandle addWorkSheet(WorkSheetHandle sourceSheet){
return this.addWorkSheet(sourceSheet, sourceSheet.getSheetName());
/** Inserts a WorkSheetHandle from a separate WorkBookhandle into the current WorkBookHandle.
copies charts, images, formats from source workbook
@param WorkSheetHandle the source WorkSheetHandle;
@param String the Name of the new (destination) worksheet;
public WorkSheetHandle addWorkSheet(WorkSheetHandle sourceSheet, String NewSheetName){
sourceSheet.getSheet().populateForTransfer(); // copy all formatting + images for this sheet
List chts = sourceSheet.getSheet().getCharts();
for(int i=0;i<chts.size();i++) {
Chart cxi = (Chart)chts.get(i);
byte[] bao = sourceSheet.getSerialBytes();
try {
mybook.addBoundsheet(bao, sourceSheet.getSheetName(), NewSheetName, StringTool.stripPath(sourceSheet.getWorkBook().getName()), true);
WorkSheetHandle wsh = this.getWorkSheet(NewSheetName);
if (wsh!=null) {
List mc = wsh.getMysheet().getMergedCellsRecs();
for (int i=0;i<mc.size();i++) {
Mergedcells mrg = (Mergedcells)mc.get(i);
if (mrg != null)mrg.initCells(this);
return wsh;
}catch(Exception e) {
throw new WorkBookException("Failed to copy WorkSheet: " + e.toString(), WorkBookException.RUNTIME_ERROR);
* Utility method to copy a format handle from a separate WorkBookHandle to this
* WorkBookHandle
* @param externalFormat - FormatHandle from an external WorkBookHandle
* @return
public FormatHandle transferExternalFormatHandle(FormatHandle externalFormat){
Xf xf = externalFormat.getXf();
FormatHandle newHandle = new FormatHandle(this);
return newHandle;
/** Creates a new Chart and places it at the end of the workbook
@param String the Name of the newly created Chart
@return the new ChartHandle
public ChartHandle createChart(String name, WorkSheetHandle wsh){
if (wsh == null) {
// this is a sheetless chart - TODO:
/* a chart needs a supbook, externsheet, & MSO object in the book stream.
* I think this is due to the fact that the referenced series are usually stored
* in the fashon 'Sheet1!A4:B6' The sheet1 reference requires a supbook, though the
* reference is internal.
try {
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(
new ByteArrayInputStream( getPrototypeChart() ) );
Chart newchart= (Chart) ois.readObject();
if (this.getIsExcel2007())
newchart= new OOXMLChart(newchart, this);
mybook.addChart(newchart, name, wsh.getSheet());
/* add font recs if nec: for the default chart:
default chart text fonts are # 5 & 6
title # 7
axis # 8
ChartHandle bs= new ChartHandle(newchart, this);
int nfonts= mybook.getNumFonts();
while (nfonts < 8) { // ensure
Font f= new Font("Arial",Font.PLAIN,200);
Font f= mybook.getFont(8); // axis title font
if (f.toString().equals("Arial,400,200 java.awt.Color[r=0,g=0,b=0] font style:[falsefalsefalsefalse00]")) {
// it's default text font -- change to default axis title font
f= new Font("Arial",Font.BOLD,240);
f= mybook.getFont(7); // chart title font
if (f.toString().equals("Arial,400,200 java.awt.Color[r=0,g=0,b=0] font style:[falsefalsefalsefalse00]")) {
// it's default text font -- change to default title font
f= new Font("Arial",Font.BOLD,360);
bs.removeSeries(0); // remove the "dummied" series
bs.setAxisTitle(ChartHandle.XAXIS, null); // remove default axis titles, if any
bs.setAxisTitle(ChartHandle.YAXIS, null); // ""
return bs;
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.logErr("Creating New Chart: " + name + " failed: " + e);
return null;
* delete an existing chart of the workbook
* @param chartname
public void deleteChart(String chartname, WorkSheetHandle wsh)
throws ChartNotFoundException {
try {
mybook.deleteChart(chartname, wsh.getSheet());
} catch (ChartNotFoundException e) {
throw new ChartNotFoundException("Removing Chart: " + chartname + " failed: " + e);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.logErr("Removing Chart: " + chartname + " failed: " + e);
/** Returns the number of Sheets in this WorkBook
@return int number of Sheets
public int getNumWorkSheets(){return mybook.getNumWorkSheets();}
/** Creates a new worksheet and places it at the specified position.
* The new sheet will be inserted before the sheet currently at the given
* index. If the given index is higher than the last index currently in
* use, the sheet will be added to the end of the workbook and will receive
* an index one higher than that of the current final sheet. If the given
* index is negative it will be interpreted as 0.
* @param name the name of the newly created worksheet
* @param sheetpos the index at which the sheet should be inserted
* @return the new WorkSheetHandle
public WorkSheetHandle createWorkSheet(String name, int sheetpos){
if(sheetpos > this.getNumWorkSheets())sheetpos = this.getNumWorkSheets();
if(sheetpos < 0)sheetpos = 0;
WorkSheetHandle s = this.createWorkSheet(name);
return s;
/** Creates a new worksheet and places it at the end of the workbook.
* @param name the name of the newly created worksheet
* @return the new WorkSheetHandle
public WorkSheetHandle createWorkSheet(String name){
throw new WorkBookException("Attempting to add worksheet with duplicate name. " + name + " already exists in " + this.toString(), WorkBookException.RUNTIME_ERROR);
}catch(WorkSheetNotFoundException ex) {
; // good!
Boundsheet bo = null;
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(
new ByteArrayInputStream( getPrototypeSheet() ) );
bo = (Boundsheet) ois.readObject();
mybook.addBoundsheet(bo, null, name, null, false);
WorkSheetHandle bs = this.getWorkSheet(name);
if(this.mybook.getNumWorkSheets()==1) {
bs.setSelected(true); //it's the only sheet so select!
return bs;
}catch(WorkSheetNotFoundException e){
Logger.logWarn("Creating New Sheet: " + name + " failed: " + e);
return null;
}catch(Exception e){
Logger.logWarn( "Error loading prototype sheet: " + e );
return null;
* Returns an array of all FormatHandles in the workbook
public FormatHandle[] getFormats() {
List l = this.mybook.getXfrecs();
FormatHandle[] formats = new FormatHandle[l.size()];
Iterator its = l.iterator();
int i=0;
Xf x = (Xf)its.next();
// passing (this) with the format handle breaks the relationship to the font.
// if you need to pass it in we will have to handle it differently
formats[i] = new FormatHandle();
}catch(Exception ex){
return formats;
* Returns an array of all Conditional Formats in the workbook
* these are formats referenced and used by the conditionally formatted
* ranges in the workbook.
* @return
public FormatHandle[] getConditionalFormats() {
// the idea is to create a fake IXFE for use by
// sheetster to find formats
// int cfxe = this.getWorkBook().getNumFormats() + 50000; // there would have to be 50k styles on the sheet to conflict here....
// int cfxe = this.getWorkBook().getNumXfs() + 50000; // there would have to be 50k styles on the sheet to conflict here....
List retl = new Vector();
AbstractList v = this.mybook.getSheetVect();
Iterator its = v.iterator();
Boundsheet shtx = (Boundsheet)its.next();
List fmtlist =shtx.getConditionalFormats();
Iterator ixa = fmtlist.iterator();
Condfmt cfm = (Condfmt)ixa.next();
//cfm.initCells(this); // added!
int cfxe= cfm.getCfxe();
FormatHandle fz = new FormatHandle(cfm, this, cfxe, null);
FormatHandle[] formats = new FormatHandle[retl.size()];
for(int t=0;t<formats.length;t++)
formats[t] = (FormatHandle)retl.get(t);
return formats;
* Set the recursion levels allowed for formulas calculated in this workbook before a circular reference
* is thrown.
* Default setting is 250 levels of recursion
* @param recursion_allowed
public static void setFormulaRecursionLevels(int recursion_allowed) {
RECURSION_LEVELS_ALLOWED = recursion_allowed;