Package docs.samples.Comments

Source Code of docs.samples.Comments.TestComments

* --------- BEGIN COPYRIGHT NOTICE ---------
* Copyright 2002-2012 Extentech Inc.
* Copyright 2013 Infoteria America Corp.
* This file is part of OpenXLS.
* OpenXLS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* OpenXLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
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* ---------- END COPYRIGHT NOTICE ----------
package docs.samples.Comments;

import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.*;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.WorkSheetNotFoundException;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.CommentHandle;
import com.extentech.toolkit.Logger;

public class TestComments {

    public WorkBookHandle book;
    public WorkSheetHandle sheet;
    String workingdir = System.getProperty("user.dir")+"/docs/samples/Comments/";

  public static void main(String[] args){
    TestComments t = new TestComments();
    t.addNotes();    // illustrate adding notes/comments to a new workbook
    t.manipulateComments()// illustrate basic note/comment manipulation
    t.showNotes();    // illustrate how to manipulate note/comment visible state (hidden upon loss of focus/always shown)
    t.hideNotes();    // ""
    t.removeNotes()// illustrates how to remove comments/notes
    t.editFormats()// illustrate how to add notes/comments with formatting information
     * shows how to adding notes or Comments to a new workbook
     * <br>Comments can be added via WorkSheetHandle.createNote or
     * <br>CellHandle.createComment
  public void addNotes() {
    book = new WorkBookHandle();
      try {
          sheet = book.getWorkSheet(0);
          sheet.add("Cell A1", "A1");
          sheet.add("Cell D2", "D2");
          CellHandle cell = sheet.add("Cell F7", "F7");
          // add a note to cell A1, specifying note text and author name
          sheet.createNote("A1", "This is a note attached to Cell A1", "cagney");
          // add a note to cell D2, specifying note text and author name
          CommentHandle nh= sheet.createNote("D2", "this is a note attached to D2\nshown", "maya");
 make note at D2 always shown 
          cell.createComment("Another Note attached to F7.  This is very very long\nMultiLine\nRambling ...", "elmer");
          book.write(workingdir + "testAddNotesOUT.xls");
      }catch(Exception e) {
   * shows how to manipulate notes via a CommentHandle
    public void manipulateComments() {
        book = new WorkBookHandle();
        try {
            sheet = book.getWorkSheet(0);
            // create and modify a CommentHandle
            CellHandle cell = sheet.add("Cell A1", "A1");
            // CommentHandle can be used to manipulate comments
            CommentHandle comment = cell.createComment("This is my comment", "noteAuthor");
            comment.setCommentText("New comment text");           
            // retrieve CommentHandle from a worksheet and delete it.
            comment = null;
            comment = cell.getComment();
            // get all comments from the worksheet
            CommentHandle[] comments = sheet.getCommentHandles();
            book.write(workingdir + "testNotesOUT.xls");
        }catch(WorkSheetNotFoundException e) {
        } catch (DocumentObjectNotFoundException e) {

   * shows altering the text of existing notes
  public void editNotes() {
    // contains 3 notes at locations: A1, D2 and D8
      book = new WorkBookHandle(workingdir + "testNotes-SIMPLEII.xls");
      try {
          sheet = book.getWorkSheet(0);
          CommentHandle[] nhs= sheet.getCommentHandles();
          // assert initial state - NOTE: getCommentText includes Author Name if present
          Logger.logInfo("A1: " + nhs[0].getCommentText());   // "Ted:\nA note for cell A1"
          Logger.logInfo("Location" + nhs[0].getAddress())// "Sheet1!A1"
          Logger.logInfo("D2: " + nhs[1].getCommentText());    // "Maya:\na note attached to cell D2";
          Logger.logInfo("Location" + nhs[1].getAddress())// "Sheet1!D2"
          Logger.logInfo("D8: " + nhs[2].getCommentText());    // "James:\nThis is a longer comment attached to D8, it is also, along with D2, NOT hidden");
          Logger.logInfo("Location" + nhs[2].getAddress())// "Sheet1!D8"
          // change 'em         
          nhs[0].setCommentText("A new note for A1");
          nhs[2].setCommentText("A considerably shorter note for D8");
          book.write(workingdir + "testNotesEditOUT.xls");         
      } catch (Exception e) {
   * shows how to remove notes from an exisitng wb
  public void removeNotes() {
      book = new WorkBookHandle(workingdir + "testNotes-SIMPLEII.xls");
      try {
          sheet = book.getWorkSheet(0);
          CommentHandle[] nhs= sheet.getCommentHandles();
          // has 3 notes - remove 1
          book.write(workingdir + "testNotesRemoveOUT.xls");         
      } catch (Exception e) {
   * shows how to set a comment to always be displayed i.e not hidden upon loss of focus
  public void showNotes() {
    // SIMPLE has one hidden note at A1
      book = new WorkBookHandle(workingdir + "testNotes-SIMPLE.xls");
      try {
          sheet = book.getWorkSheet(0);
          CommentHandle[] nhs= sheet.getCommentHandles();
          nhs[0].show()// make always shown - getIsHidden() should return false
          Logger.logInfo("Is Hidden? " + nhs[0].getIsHidden());   // getIsHidden indicataes whether it is hidden - normal state - or always shown (false)        
          book.write(workingdir + "testNotesShowOUT.xls");         
      } catch (Exception e) {
   * shows how to set a note to be hidden on loss of focus (the default setting)
  public void hideNotes() {
    // SIMPLEII has one hidden note at A1 and two shown notes at D2 and D8
      book = new WorkBookHandle(workingdir + "testNotes-SIMPLEII.xls");
      try {
          sheet = book.getWorkSheet(0);
          CommentHandle[] nhs= sheet.getCommentHandles();
          // assert initial state
          Logger.logInfo("Location of Comment= " + nhs[0].getAddress()); //"Sheet1!A1"
          Logger.logInfo("Is Hidden? " + nhs[0].getIsHidden())// true
          Logger.logInfo("Location of Comment= " + nhs[1].getAddress()); // "Sheet1!D2"
          Logger.logInfo("Is Hidden? " + nhs[1].getIsHidden())// false i.e it's always shown
          Logger.logInfo("Location of Comment= " + nhs[2].getAddress()); // "Sheet1!D8"
          Logger.logInfo("Is Hidden? " + nhs[2].getIsHidden())// false
          nhs[0].show()// show A1
          nhs[0].setCommentText(nhs[0].getCommentText() + "\nSHOW");
          nhs[1].setCommentText(nhs[1].getCommentText() + "\nHIDDEN");
          nhs[2].setCommentText(nhs[2].getCommentText() + "\nHIDDEN");
          book.write(workingdir + "testNotesHideOUT.xls");         
      } catch (Exception e) {

   * shows how to format comments via embedded formatting information within the comment text
   * <p>the format of the embedded information is as follows:
   * <p>&lt;font specifics>text segment&lt;font specifics for next segment>text segment...
   * <br>where font specifics can be one or more of:
   * <ul>b    if present, bold
   * <br>i    if present, italic
   * <br>s    if present, strikethru
   * <br>u    if present, underlined
   * <br>f=""    font name e.g. "Arial"
   * <br>sz=""  font size in points e.g. "10"
   * <br>delimited by ;'s
   * <br>For Example:
   * <br>&lt;f="Tahoma";b;sz="16">Note: < f="Tahoma";sz="12">This is an important point
  public void editFormats() {
    book= new WorkBookHandle();
    String outputfile= "testEditFormatsOUT.xls";
    try {
      sheet= book.getWorkSheet(0);
      sheet.add("CellA1", "A1");
      String noteTextWithFormats= "<f=\"Tahoma\";b;sz=\"14\">Note: <f=\"Tahoma\";i;sz=\"10\">Testing: <f=\"Tahoma\";u;sz=\"10\">A new note for A1";
      String noteTextWithoutFormats= "Note: Testing: A new note for A1";
      CommentHandle nh= sheet.createNote("A1", noteTextWithFormats, "an author");
          if (!noteTextWithoutFormats.equals(nh.getCommentText()))
            Logger.logInfo("Note text does not equal expected");
          book.write(workingdir + outputfile);       
    } catch (Exception e) {

Related Classes of docs.samples.Comments.TestComments

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