/* Skandium: A Java(TM) based parallel skeleton library.
* Copyright (C) 2009 NIC Labs, Universidad de Chile.
* Skandium is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Skandium is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Skandium. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package cl.niclabs.skandium.skeletons;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import cl.niclabs.skandium.Skandium;
import cl.niclabs.skandium.Stream;
import cl.niclabs.skandium.events.GenericListener;
import cl.niclabs.skandium.events.IndexListener;
import cl.niclabs.skandium.events.When;
import cl.niclabs.skandium.events.Where;
import cl.niclabs.skandium.system.events.GenericListenerRegistry;
import cl.niclabs.skandium.system.events.PatternEventRegistry;
import cl.niclabs.skandium.system.events.SkandiumEventListener;
* Abstract skeleton class from which all skeletons extends.
* @author mleyton
* @param <P> The input type of the skeleton.
* @param <R> The output type of the skeleton.
public abstract class AbstractSkeleton<P,R> implements Skeleton<P,R> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
//holds reference to source code instantiation, for skeleton logical exceptions.
StackTraceElement trace;
PatternEventRegistry eregis;
protected AbstractSkeleton(){
trace = getInitStackElement();
eregis = new PatternEventRegistry();
* {@inheritDoc}
public Future<R> input(P param){
Skandium skandium = Skandium.getSingleton();
Stream<P,R> stream = skandium.newStream(this);
return stream.input(param);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Future<R>[] input(P param[]){
Skandium skandium = Skandium.getSingleton();
Stream<P,R> stream = skandium.newStream(this);
return stream.input(param);
* @return A representation of the line where this skeleton was instantiated.
private StackTraceElement getInitStackElement(){
StackTraceElement[] stackElements = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
boolean start = false;
/* Loop until we find the end of the first exception block of this class.
cl.niclabs.skandium.examples.nqueensnaive.NQueens.main(NQueens.java:53) <== This is the line we are looking for
int i;
start = true;
}else if(start){
//We mix the calling stackElement with the instantiation stackElement
String className = stackElements[i-1].getClassName(); //cl.niclabs.skandium.skeletons.DaC
String method = stackElements[i-1].getMethodName(); //<init>
String file = stackElements[i].getFileName(); //NQueens.java
int line = stackElements[i].getLineNumber(); //53
return new StackTraceElement(className, method, file, line);
public StackTraceElement getTrace() {
return trace;
public PatternEventRegistry getEregis() {
return eregis;
* Returns the listeners related the event: this {@link cl.niclabs.skandium.skeletons.Skeleton}, {@link When} and {@link Where}.
* An event is uniquely identified by this tree parameters.
* @param when Defines the event {@link When} dimension, it could be {@link When#BEFORE} or {@link When#AFTER}
* @param where Defines the event {@link Where} dimension, it could be {@link Where#SKELETON}, {@link Where#CONDITION}, {@link Where#SPLIT}, {@link Where#NESTED_SKELETON} or {@link Where#MERGE}
* @return Array of {@link cl.niclabs.skandium.system.events.SkandiumEventListener}s related to the event.
public SkandiumEventListener[] getListeners(When when, Where where) {
return eregis.getListeners(when, where);
* Register a {@link GenericListener} l
* @param l Listener to be registered
* @param pattern If its value is <code>Skeleton.class</code>, this listener is registered to
* all nested skeletons from this current skeleton (included). If <code>pattern</code> is an
* specific skeleton class, the listener is registered to all nested skeleton instances of
* such class (i.e. <code>Seq.class</code>)
* @param when If <code>null</code> is passed as value, the listener is registered to all
* {@link When#BEFORE} and {@link When#AFTER} events. If <code>when</code> has a specific value
* of {@link When} enumeration the listener is registered to all events related to that value.
* (i.e. All {@link When#AFTER} events)
* @param where If <code>null</code> is passed as value, the listener is registered to all
* {@link Where} events. If <code>where</code> has a specific value
* of {@link Where} enumeration the listener is registered to all events related to that value.
* (i.e. All {@link Where#CONDITION} related events)
* @return true if listener <code>l</code> has been registered successfully, false otherwise
public boolean addGeneric(GenericListener l, Class pattern, When when, Where where) {
GenericListenerRegistry gres = new GenericListenerRegistry(false, pattern, when, where, l);
return gres.getR();
* Removes a {@link GenericListener} l
* @param l Listener to be removed
* @param pattern If its value is <code>Skeleton.class</code>, the listener related to
* all nested skeletons from this current skeleton (included) is removed.
* If <code>pattern</code> is an specific skeleton class, the listener related to all nested
* skeleton instances of such class (i.e. <code>Seq.class</code>) is removed
* @param when If <code>null</code> is passed as value, the listener related to all
* {@link When#BEFORE} and {@link When#AFTER} events is removed. If <code>when</code> has a
* specific value of {@link When} enumeration, the listener related to all events related to
* that value (i.e. All {@link When#AFTER} events) is removed.
* @param where If <code>null</code> is passed as value, the listener related to all
* {@link Where} events is removed. If <code>where</code> has a specific value
* of {@link Where} enumeration, the listener related to that value is removed.
* @return true if listener <code>l</code> has been removed successfully, false otherwise
public boolean removeGeneric(GenericListener l, Class pattern, When when, Where where) {
GenericListenerRegistry gres = new GenericListenerRegistry(true, pattern, when, where, l);
return gres.getR();
public boolean addBefore(IndexListener<P> l) {
return eregis.addListener(When.BEFORE, Where.SKELETON, l);
public boolean removeBefore(IndexListener<P> l) {
return eregis.removeListener(When.BEFORE, Where.SKELETON, l);
public boolean addAfter(IndexListener<R> l) {
return eregis.addListener(When.AFTER, Where.SKELETON, l);
public boolean removeAfter(IndexListener<R> l) {
return eregis.removeListener(When.AFTER, Where.SKELETON, l);