package com.j2xq.generator;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import com.j2xq.annotation.J2XQ;
import com.j2xq.exception.TypeNotSupportedException;
import com.j2xq.type.TypeConverter;
import com.j2xq.type.TypeUtils;
import com.j2xq.util.FSUtil;
import com.j2xq.util.OSDetector;
import com.j2xq.util.ResourceLoader;
* Responsible to generate the XQuery stubs
* @author soumadri
public class XQueryStubGenerator {
static final String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator");
* Generates the prolog for the XQuery bridge (main module) module
* @param class1 The class object (interface) for which the import statement has to be generated
* @param ns Optional namespace the module belongs to. Empty string will result in 'local' namespace
* @return The import module statement
* @throws IOException
public static String generateProlog(Class<?> class1,String ns) throws IOException{
String tmpName = MethodConverter.convertName(class1.getSimpleName());
String nsPrefix = getNamespacePrefix(class1).equals("")?(tmpName.startsWith("-")?tmpName.substring(1) : tmpName):getNamespacePrefix(class1);
String fname = tmpName.startsWith("-")?tmpName.substring(1) : tmpName;
nsPrefix = nsPrefix.equals("")?"local":nsPrefix;
String op = ResourceLoader.readAsText("licenseXQ.template") + newLine + "import module namespace " + nsPrefix + " = \"" + ns + "\" at \"" + fname + ".xqy\";" + newLine;
return op;
* Generates empty function definition
* @param method The Method object representing the method declared in the interface
* @param nsPrefix Optional namespace prefix the function belongs to. Empty string specifies 'local' namespace prefix
* @return The empty function definition
* @throws TypeNotSupportedException
private static String generateFunction(Method method,String nsPrefix) throws TypeNotSupportedException{
String funcPre = nsPrefix.equals("")?"declare function local:":"declare function "+nsPrefix+":";
String signature = "";
signature += funcPre + MethodConverter.convertName(method.getName()) + "(";
signature += funcPre + getMethodName(method) + "(";
signature += MethodConverter.convertParameter(method);
signature += ")";
if(method.getReturnType().getName() != "void"){
Class<?> class1 = method.getReturnType();
signature += " as " + TypeConverter.convertJavaTypeToXQueryType(TypeUtils.resolveType(class1));
signature += "\n{\n\"\"\n};\n";
return signature;
* Returns the XQuery equivalent function name
* @param method
* @return
public static String getFunctionName(Method method){
Class<?> class1 = method.getDeclaringClass();
String tmpName = MethodConverter.convertName(class1.getSimpleName());
String nsPrefix = getNamespacePrefix(class1).equals("")?(tmpName.startsWith("-")?tmpName.substring(1) : tmpName):getNamespacePrefix(class1);
nsPrefix = nsPrefix.equals("")?"local:":nsPrefix+":";
return nsPrefix+MethodConverter.convertName(method.getName());
return nsPrefix+getMethodName(method);
* Generates the XQuery stub library modules
* @param dClass The Class object representing the input interface
* @param dir The directory to write the files to
* @return The namespace of the module so that it can be included in the main module's prolog
* @throws IOException
* @throws TypeNotSupportedException
public static String generateStub(Class<?> dClass, String dir) throws IOException, TypeNotSupportedException{
String fname = MethodConverter.convertName(dClass.getName());
fname = fname.indexOf("-")>-1?fname.substring(fname.indexOf("-")+1) + ".xqy" :fname + ".xqy";//fname.startsWith("-")?fname.substring(1) + ".xqy" :fname + ".xqy";
String path = dir + OSDetector.getPathSeperator() + fname;
Method methods[] = dClass.getMethods();
String contentToWrite = "";
String nsPrefix = "";
String ns = "";
String tmpName = MethodConverter.convertName(dClass.getName());
nsPrefix = getNamespacePrefix(dClass).equals("")?(tmpName.startsWith("-")?tmpName.substring(1) : tmpName):getNamespacePrefix(dClass);
ns = getNamespace(dClass);
contentToWrite += "module namespace "+nsPrefix+" = \""+ns+"\";\n\n";
String tmpName = MethodConverter.convertName(dClass.getName());
nsPrefix = getNamespacePrefix(dClass).equals("")?(tmpName.startsWith("-")?tmpName.substring(1) : tmpName):getNamespacePrefix(dClass);
ns = "" + nsPrefix;
contentToWrite += "module namespace "+nsPrefix+" = \""+ns+"\";\n\n";
for (Method method : methods) {
contentToWrite += XQueryStubGenerator.generateFunction(method,nsPrefix)+"\n";
return ns;
* Gets the namespace from the annotation in the input interface (if provided)
* @param aClass Class object for input interface
* @return The namespace specified in the annotation (if provided, "" otherwise)
private static String getNamespace(Class<?> aClass){
Annotation[] annotations = aClass.getAnnotations();
for(Annotation annotation : annotations){
if(annotation instanceof J2XQ){
J2XQ annot = (J2XQ) annotation;
return annot.value();
return "";
* Gets the namespace prefix from the annotation in the input interface (if provided)
* @param aClass Class object for input interface
* @return The namespace prefix specified in the annotation (if provided, "" otherwise)
private static String getNamespacePrefix(Class<?> aClass){
Annotation[] annotations = aClass.getAnnotations();
for(Annotation annotation : annotations){
if(annotation instanceof J2XQ){
J2XQ annot = (J2XQ) annotation;
return annot.nsprefix();
return "";
* Gets the name of the XQuery function to be generated which would be called from the generated Java code
* @param method Method object representing the Java method declared in the input interface
* @return The name of the function specified in the annotation
private static String getMethodName(Method method){
Annotation[] annotations = method.getAnnotations();
for(Annotation annotation : annotations){
if(annotation instanceof J2XQ){
J2XQ annot = (J2XQ) annotation;
return annot.value();
return "";