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package jaid.ais.message;
import nav.util.string.StringUtil;
* This message is used as a standard position report for aircraft involved in SAR
* operations. Stations other than aircraft involved in SAR operations should not
* transmit this message. The default reporting interval for this message should be 10s.
* For further details see ITU-R M.1371-3.
* @author Benjamin Jakobu
* @since 1.0
* @version 1.0
public class AISMsg9 extends AISMsg{
/* The target's altitude. */
private String altitude;
/* The target's speed over ground in nautical milers per hour. */
private int speed;
/* The target's course over ground in degrees from 0 to 359. */
private float course;
* Constructs a new AIS message type 9.
* @param data The AIS feed to parse.
* @since 1.0
public AISMsg9(String data){
// Message type (bits 0-5)
// Repeat Indicator (7-8)
// MMSI (9-38)
StringUtil su = new StringUtil();
super.setMmsi(su.padNumZero(Integer.parseInt(data.substring(8,38), 2),9));
// Altitude (38-50)
// Speed Over Ground (50-60)
speed = Integer.parseInt(data.substring(50,60),2);
// Position Accuracy (60-61)
// Position (61-116: 28 for long, 27 for lat)
// Course Over Ground (116-128)
course = ((float)Integer.parseInt(data.substring(116,128),2))/10;
// Time Stamp (128-134)
public String print(){
StringUtil u = new StringUtil();
String outStr = "";
outStr += "TYPE: " + super.getMsgType() + "\n";
outStr += " UTC: " + super.getUtcTimeStampStr() + "\n";
outStr += " RI: " + super.getRepeatIndicator() + "\n";
outStr += "MMSI: " + super.getMMSI() + "\n";
outStr += " SOG: " + u.padNum(speed,2,1) + "\n";
outStr += "PACC: " + super.getPosAccuracy() + "\n";
outStr += " LAT: " + super.getPosition().toStringDegMinLat() + "\n";
outStr += " LNG: " + super.getPosition().toStringDegMinLng() + "\n";
outStr += " COG: " + u.padNum(course,3,1) + "∞";
return outStr;
* Returns the speed over ground in nautical milers per hour.
* @return speed The speed over ground.
* @since 1.0
public float getSpeed(){
return speed;
* Decodes the target's altitude.
* @param data Binary altitude data.
* @since 1.0
private void decodeAlt(String data){
int val = Integer.parseInt(data,2);
switch (val) {
case 4095:
altitude = "not available";
altitude = String.valueOf(val);