* Copyright (c) 2011 Research In Motion Limited.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package rimx.location.simplelocation;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import javax.microedition.location.Location;
import javax.microedition.location.LocationException;
import javax.microedition.location.LocationListener;
import javax.microedition.location.LocationProvider;
import net.rim.device.api.gps.BlackBerryCriteria;
import net.rim.device.api.gps.BlackBerryLocation;
import net.rim.device.api.gps.BlackBerryLocationProvider;
import net.rim.device.api.gps.GPSInfo;
//#ifdef BlackBerrySDK6.0.0
import net.rim.device.api.gps.LocationInfo;
import net.rim.device.api.system.EventLogger;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.Dialog;
* This is the starting point for applications using the Simple Location API. An instance of this class must
* be created in order to get a single location fix or to start a tracking session.
* <p><b>Simple Location API features:</b></p>
* <ul>
* <li> Simplified and worry-free location API that leverages on-device GPS and RIM's Geolocation services.
* <li> Dynamically detects availability of GPS and Geolocation on the device before trying them.
* <li> Chooses the best location mode based on the modes available on the device. (See {@link SimpleLocationProvider#MODE_OPTIMAL}).
* <li> Built-in retry mechanism with dynamic delay (to save battery) based on a retry factor set by the API user. (See {@link SimpleLocationProvider#setRetryFactor(int)}).
* <li> Performs both single or tracking location fixes.
* <li> Simplified events via {@link SimpleLocationListener} interface.
* <li> Capable of starting, stopping and restarting tracking session in a reliable thread-safe way.
* <li> Designed to eliminate/reduce misuse of location API
* </ul>
* <p><b>Single location fix in default mode</b></p>
* <pre>
* try{
* simpleProvider = new SimpleLocationProvider();
* } catch(LocationException le){ // thrown if the default mode {@link #MODE_OPTIMAL} is not available.
* ...
* }
* BlackBerryLocation location = simpleProvider.getLocation(120); // 120 seconds timeout
* </pre>
* <p><b>Single location fix in a specified mode:</b></p>
* <pre>
* try{
* simpleProvider = new SimpleLocationProvider(SimpleLocationProvider.MODE_GPS);
* } catch(LocationException le){ // thrown if the selected mode (in this case {@link #MODE_GPS}) is not available.
* ...
* }
* BlackBerryLocation location = simpleProvider.getLocation(120); // 120 seconds timeout
* </pre>
* <p><b>Tracking session in default mode</b></p>
* <pre>
* try{
* simpleProvider = new SimpleLocationProvider();
* } catch(LocationException le){ // thrown if the default mode {@link #MODE_OPTIMAL} is not available.
* ...
* }
* // Location fixes will be delivered to simpleLocationListenerImpl (an implementation of {@link SimpleLocationListener}) every 6 seconds.
* simpleProvider.addSimpleLocationListener(simpleLocationListenerImpl, 6);
* </pre>
* <p><b>Tracking session in a specific mode</b></p>
* <pre>
* try{
* simpleProvider = new SimpleLocationProvider(SimpleLocationProvider.MODE_GPS);
* } catch(LocationException le){ // thrown if the selected mode (in this case {@link #MODE_GPS}) is not available.
* ...
* }
* // Location fixes will be delivered to simpleLocationListenerImpl (an implementation of {@link SimpleLocationListener}) every 6 seconds.
* simpleProvider.addSimpleLocationListener(simpleLocationListenerImpl, 6);
* </pre>
* @author Shadid Haque
public class SimpleLocationProvider implements LocationListener{
* Operates in both Geolocation and GPS mode based on availability. First fix is computed in Geolocation mode, subsequent fixes in
* Standalone mode. However if Standalone mode fails, falls back to Geolocation mode temporarily until a retry is attempted in
* Standalone mode after a certain waiting period has passed. See {@link #setRetryFactor(int)}.
* <p>
* For single fix calls to {@link #getLocation(int)}, Geolocation mode is used first with a fallback to
* Standalone mode if Geolocation mode fails.
public static final int MODE_OPTIMAL = 0;
* Operates strictly in GPS (aka Standalone/Autonomous) mode.
public static final int MODE_GPS = 1;
* Operates strictly in Geolocation mode. One of WLAN and CELL based is attempted based on availability.
public static final int MODE_GEOLOCATION = 2;
//#ifdef BlackBerrySDK6.0.0
* Operates strictly in cell based Geolocation mode. <i>BlackBerry 6.0 and above only</i>.
public static final int MODE_GEOLOCATION_CELL = 3;
* Operates strictly in WLAN based Geolocation mode. <i>BlackBerry 6.0 and above only</i>.
public static final int MODE_GEOLOCATION_WLAN = 4;
/********************** PRIVATE VARIABLES *********************************/
/** Reference to the last location fix */
private BlackBerryLocation location = null;
/** A SimpleLocationListener where events should be sent for a tracking session */
private SimpleLocationListener simpleLocationListener = null;
/** A reference to the current SimpleLocationThread */
private SimpleLocationThread locationThread;
/** A reference to the BlackBerryLocationProvider of the current locationThread:SimpleLocationThread. Updated everytime startTracking is called */
BlackBerryLocationProvider locationProviderReference;
/** Interval between fixes for multiple fix session. Default is 5 seconds */
private int trackingInterval = 5;
/** Retry factor that determines the delay between retries. Default is 1. See setRetryFactor() */
private int retryFactor = 1;
/** Current mode. Set to MODE_OPTIMAL by default. */
private int mode = MODE_OPTIMAL;
/** Reference to the current BlackBerryCriteria object */
private BlackBerryCriteria criteria;
/** Flag to indicate whether the current optimal mode is geolocation. */
private boolean currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation = true;
/** Flag to indicate that optimal mode should switch to GPS next */
private boolean switchToGPS = false;
/** Flag to indicate whether a tracking session is in progress */
private boolean trackingInProgress = false;
/** Time of the last valid fix */
private long lastValidFixTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
/** Interval after which a GPS fix request should be considered a failure. After this interval the current tracking session is stopped and a retry is considered. */
private int gpsTimeout = 30;
/** Interval after which a Geolocation fix request should be considered a failure. After this interval the current tracking session is stopped and a retry is considered. */
private int geolocationTimeout = 20;
/** Maximum length of time this SimpleLocationProvider is allowed to wait (in seconds) before a retry is attempted. Default is 2 hours. */
private int maxRetryDelay = 7200;
/** Represents the number of retries since the last valid fix. Used in combination with retryFactor */
private int retryAttempt = 0;
/** A TimerTask that is used to restart/retry tracking */
private Timer restartTimer = null;
private TimerTask restartTask = null;
private Dialog askUserPermission;
private boolean userPermissionResult;
* Initializes the default SimpleLocationProvider in MODE_OPTIMAL.
* @throws LocationException If the default mode is not available.
* @throws IllegalStateException If Location Services is OFF in device options. <i>BlackBerry 6.0 and above only</i>.
public SimpleLocationProvider() throws LocationException, IllegalStateException{
EventLogger.register(0xf9768e659ebd0dfcL, "SimpleLocation", EventLogger.VIEWER_STRING);
log("Initializing default SimpleLocationProvider..");
//#ifdef BlackBerrySDK6.0.0
throw new IllegalStateException("Location Services is OFF. Please turn on Location Services in device options.");
throw new LocationException(getModeString(mode) + " is not currently available on this device.");
* Initializes a SimpleLocationProvider in the specified mode.
* @param mode One of {@link #MODE_OPTIMAL}, {@link #MODE_GPS}, {@link #MODE_GEOLOCATION}, {@link #MODE_GEOLOCATION_CELL}, {@link #MODE_GEOLOCATION_WLAN}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the specified mode is invalid.
* @throws LocationException If the specified mode is not available.
* @throws IllegalStateException If Location Services is OFF in device options. <i>BlackBerry 6.0 and above only</i>.
public SimpleLocationProvider(int mode) throws IllegalArgumentException, LocationException, IllegalStateException{
EventLogger.register(0xf9768e659ebd0dfcL, "SimpleLocation", EventLogger.VIEWER_STRING);
log("Initializing SimpleLocationProvider in " + getModeString(mode));
//#ifdef BlackBerrySDK6.0.0
throw new IllegalStateException("Location Services is OFF. Please turn on Location Services in device options.");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mode: " + mode + " is invalid. Please use one of SimpleLocationProvider.MODE_*.");
throw new LocationException(getModeString(mode) + " is not currently available on this device.");
* Adds a {@link SimpleLocationListener} implementation to this {@link SimpleLocationProvider} and starts a tracking session.
* Once added, the implementation can expect to get location fixes at the specified interval via
* {@link SimpleLocationListener#locationEvent(int, Object)}. NOTE: The first fix may take longer than the interval.
* @param listener A {@link SimpleLocationListener} implementation.
* @param interval An interval in seconds - describing how often the implementation requires a fix. -1 represents the default interval value of 5.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If listener is null.
public void addSimpleLocationListener(SimpleLocationListener listener, int interval) throws IllegalArgumentException{
if(listener == null){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null SimpleLocationListener");
retryAttempt = 0;
lastValidFixTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation = true;
switchToGPS = false;
this.simpleLocationListener= listener;
if(interval > 0){
this.trackingInterval = interval;
log("SimpleLocationListener added.");
* Stops tracking and removes the current {@link SimpleLocationListener} implementation from this.
public void removeSimpleLocationListener(){
retryAttempt = 0;
lastValidFixTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation = true;
switchToGPS = false;
simpleLocationListener = null;
log("SimpleLocationListener removed.");
* Triggers an immediate retry by restarting the current tracking session. Note that {@link SimpleLocationProvider} implements an optimal logic
* to decide when to retry for location fixes if location fixes fail or are not available at a given time (see {@link #setRetryFactor(int)}).
* However, if an application chooses to trigger an immediate retry at will, it can do so by simply calling this method.
* @throws IllegalStateException If no tracking session exists. Essentially you cannot restart a tracking session that was never started. See {@link #addSimpleLocationListener(SimpleLocationListener, int)}
public void restart() throws IllegalStateException{
log("Restarting SimpleLocationProvider..");
retryAttempt = 0;
lastValidFixTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation = true;
switchToGPS = false;
} else{
throw new IllegalStateException("No existing tracking session found.");
* Gets a single location fix and stops. Note that if this method is called in the middle of a tracking session, this method
* will stop the tracking session before attempting a single location fix. This is a blocking call.
* @param timeout Maximum time this method is allowed to spend to get a location. If a location could not be obtained in that time, returns a null Location object. Using -1 will force the default timeout value 120.
* @return A Location object or null if it was unable to obtain a location within timeout many seconds.
public BlackBerryLocation getLocation(int timeout) {
retryAttempt = 0;
lastValidFixTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation = true;
switchToGPS = false;
log("Acquiring single location fix.. timeout="+timeout);
return getSingleFix(timeout);
* Returns the last known location.
* @return the last known location of this SimpleLocationProvider or null if no location is computed so far.
public BlackBerryLocation getLastKnownLocation(){
log("Acquiring last known location..");
log("No location available. Returning null.");
} else if(location.isValid() && (location.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLatitude()!=0 && location.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLongitude()!=0)){
log("Returning " + location.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLatitude() + ", " + location.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLongitude());
} else{
log("No valid location available. Returning invalid location");
return location;
* Sets/changes the current mode of this SimpleLocationProvider. This method can be used to dynamically change the current
* mode in the middle of a tracking session. All subsequent fixes after this call will be computed in the new mode.
* @param mode One of {@link #MODE_OPTIMAL}, {@link #MODE_GPS}, {@link #MODE_GEOLOCATION}, {@link #MODE_GEOLOCATION_CELL}, {@link #MODE_GEOLOCATION_WLAN}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the specified mode is invalid.
* @throws LocationException If the specified mode is not available.
public void setMode(int mode) throws IllegalArgumentException, LocationException{
retryAttempt = 0;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mode: " + mode + " is invalid. Please use one of SimpleLocationProvider.MODE_*.");
throw new LocationException(getModeString(mode) + " is not currently available on this device.");
lastValidFixTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation = true;
switchToGPS = false;
this.mode = mode;
log("Mode set to " + getModeString(mode));
} else {
this.mode = mode;
log("Mode set to " + getModeString(mode));
* Returns the current mode of this SimpleLocationProvider
* @return One of {@link #MODE_OPTIMAL}, {@link #MODE_GPS}, {@link #MODE_GEOLOCATION}, {@link #MODE_GEOLOCATION_CELL}, {@link #MODE_GEOLOCATION_WLAN}.
public int getMode(){
return mode;
* Sets the retry factor to the specified value. Obtaining location fixes can fail for many reasons (e.g. out of gps coverage, network error etc.). In case of such
* failures we cannot afford to continuously retry until we get a fix since that will rapidly drain the battery.
* Instead a retryFactor is used that controls the delay (in seconds) between retries according to the following expression -
* (((5 << attempt) - 5) * retryFactor) seconds. Value of attempt is reset to 0 when a valid location fix is obtained. However, if the selected
* mode is {@link #MODE_OPTIMAL}, value of attempt is reset to 0 only when a valid GPS location fix is obtained.
* <p>
* Setting a negative/zero value as the retry factor has no effect.
* @param retryFactor A retry factor. Default is 1.
public void setRetryFactor(int factor){
log("Invalid retryFactor. Must be greater than 0");
this.retryFactor = factor;
log("retryFactor set to " + retryFactor);
* Gets the current retry factor.
* @return Value of current retry factor. See {@link #setRetryFactor(int)}
public int getRetryFactor(){
return retryFactor;
* Sets the maxRetryDelay value that dictates the maximum time this provider can wait until a
* retry is performed. This essentially overrides and sets a cap to the value computed by the
* expression documented in {@link #setRetryFactor(int)}. Default value is 7200 seconds.
* <p>
* Setting a negative/zero value as the retry factor has no effect.
* @param maxRetryDelay A value in seconds.
public void setMaxRetryDelay(int delay){
log("Invalid maxRetryDelay. Must be greater than 0");
this.maxRetryDelay = delay;
log("maxRetryDelay set to " + maxRetryDelay);
* Gets the current value of maxRetryDelay.
* @return the current value of maxRetryDelay.
public int getMaxRetryDelay(){
return maxRetryDelay;
* Sets the interval used between fixes in a tracking session. This method can be used to dynamically change the current
* interval in the middle of a tracking session. All subsequent fixes after this call will be delivered at the new interval.
* <p>
* Setting a negative/zero value as the tracking interval has no effect.
* @param interval Interval in seconds.
public void setTrackignInterval(int interval) {
log("Invalid trackingInterval. Must be greater than 0");
this.trackingInterval = interval;
log("trackingInterval set to " + trackingInterval);
retryAttempt = 0;
lastValidFixTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation = true;
switchToGPS = false;
* Gets the current tracking interval.
* @return Current value of tracking interval.
public int getTrackingInterval(){
return this.trackingInterval;
* Sets the Geolocation timeout. This is how long SimpleLocationProvider can spend in trying to get a Geolocation fix in a tracking session.
* After this timeout, {@link SimpleLocationListener#EVENT_LOCATION_FAILED} is triggered and a retry is scheduled. Default value is 20.
* <p>
* Setting this timeout to a negative/zero value has no effect.
* @param timeout A value for Geolocation timeout in seconds.
public void setGeolocationTimeout(int timeout){
log("Invalid geolocationTimeout. Must be greater than 0");
this.geolocationTimeout = timeout;
log("geolocationTimeout set to " + geolocationTimeout);
* Gets the current value of Geolocation timeout.
* @return Current value of Geolocation timeout.
public int getGeolocationTimeout(){
return geolocationTimeout;
* Sets the GPS timeout. This is how long SimpleLocationProvider can spend in trying to get a GPS fix in a tracking session.
* After this timeout, {@link SimpleLocationListener#EVENT_LOCATION_FAILED} is triggered and a retry is scheduled. Default value is 30.
* <p>
* Setting this timeout to a negative/zero value has no effect.
* @param timeout A value for GPS timeout in seconds.
public void setGPSTimeout(int timeout){
log("Invalid gpsTimeout. Must be greater than 0");
this.gpsTimeout = timeout;
log("gpsTimeout set to " + gpsTimeout);
* Gets the current value of GPS timeout.
* @return Current value of GPS timeout.
public int getGPSTimeout(){
return gpsTimeout;
* Logs a message to standard output as well as to the device eventlog.
* @param msg Message to log.
public void log(String msg){
EventLogger.logEvent(0xf9768e659ebd0dfcL, msg.getBytes(), EventLogger.ALWAYS_LOG);
/************** PRIVATE METHODS *************************/
* Starts a tracking session in a LocationThread.
private void startTracking(){
log("Starting tracking session..");
log("Tracking session exists. Stopping..");
if(switchToGPS || !isModeAvailable(MODE_GEOLOCATION)){
currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation = false;
trackingInProgress = true;
locationThread = new SimpleLocationThread(criteria, trackingInterval, this, this);
log("New tracking session started..");
simpleLocationListener.locationEvent(SimpleLocationListener.EVENT_ACQUIRING_LOCATION, new Long(retryAttempt));
* Stops the current tracking session.
private void stopTracking(){
locationProviderReference = null; //null location provider reference to stop unnecessary updated to LocationListener
log("Stopping tracking session..");
restartTimer = null;
log("TimerTask canceled.");
new Thread(){ // Doing this in a separate thread. If the provider is currently acquiring a location a reset may block.
public void run(){
trackingInProgress = false;
log("Tracking session stopped");
* Gets a single location fix. Will stop any tracking session that is currently active for this SimpleLocationProvider.
* This is a blocking call.
* @return
private BlackBerryLocation getSingleFix(int timeout){
timeout = 120;
log("Tracking session exists. Stopping..");
if( (mode!=MODE_OPTIMAL) || (mode==MODE_OPTIMAL && isModeAvailable(MODE_GEOLOCATION)) ){
log("mode==MODE_OPTIMAL && isModeAvailable(MODE_GEOLOCATION)");
currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation = true;
locationThread = new SimpleLocationThread(setupCriteria(), trackingInterval, this, this);
location = locationThread.getSingleFix(timeout);
} else{
log("Geolocation mode is not available, hence, not attempted.");
if(mode==MODE_OPTIMAL && isModeAvailable(MODE_GPS) && ((location==null) || (location!=null && !location.isValid()) || (location!=null && location.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLatitude()==0 && location.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLongitude()==0))){
log("Single location fix failed/skipped in Geolocation mode!");
log("Attempting GPS mode..");
currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation = false;
locationThread = new SimpleLocationThread(setupCriteria(), trackingInterval, this, this);
location = locationThread.getSingleFix(timeout);
if(location==null || (location!=null && !location.isValid()) || (location!=null && location.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLatitude()==0 && location.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLongitude()==0)){
log("Single location fix failed in GPS mode! Returning invalid or null location..");
} else if(location.isValid()){
log("Got single fix in GPS mode");
log("Returning " + location.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLatitude() + ", " + location.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLongitude());
} else if(location.isValid()){
log("Got single fix in Geolocation mode");
log("Returning " + location.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLatitude() + ", " + location.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLongitude());
return location;
* Initializes an appropriate Criteria object based on the selected mode.
* @return
private BlackBerryCriteria setupCriteria(){
criteria = new BlackBerryCriteria(GPSInfo.GPS_MODE_AUTONOMOUS);
criteria.setSatelliteInfoRequired(true, false);
log("Criteria set for GPS_MODE_AUTONOMOUS");
return criteria;
//#ifdef BlackBerrySDK5.0.0
else if(mode==MODE_GEOLOCATION){
criteria = new BlackBerryCriteria(GPSInfo.GPS_MODE_CELLSITE);
log("Criteria set for GPS_MODE_CELLSITE");
return criteria;
} else if(mode==MODE_OPTIMAL && currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation){
criteria = new BlackBerryCriteria(GPSInfo.GPS_MODE_CELLSITE);
log("Criteria set for GPS_MODE_CELLSITE");
return criteria;
} else if(mode==MODE_OPTIMAL && !currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation){
criteria = new BlackBerryCriteria(GPSInfo.GPS_MODE_AUTONOMOUS);
log("Criteria set for GPS_MODE_AUTONOMOUS");
criteria.setSatelliteInfoRequired(true, false);
return criteria;
//#ifdef BlackBerrySDK6.0.0
else if(mode==MODE_GEOLOCATION){
criteria = new BlackBerryCriteria(LocationInfo.GEOLOCATION_MODE);
log("Criteria set for GEOLOCATION_MODE");
return criteria;
} else if(mode==MODE_GEOLOCATION_CELL){
criteria = new BlackBerryCriteria(LocationInfo.GEOLOCATION_MODE_CELL);
log("Criteria set for GEOLOCATION_MODE_CELL");
return criteria;
} else if(mode==MODE_GEOLOCATION_WLAN){
criteria = new BlackBerryCriteria(LocationInfo.GEOLOCATION_MODE_WLAN);
log("Criteria set for GEOLOCATION_MODE_WLAN");
return criteria;
} else if(mode==MODE_OPTIMAL && currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation){
criteria = new BlackBerryCriteria(LocationInfo.GEOLOCATION_MODE);
log("Criteria set for GEOLOCATION_MODE");
return criteria;
} else if(mode==MODE_OPTIMAL && !currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation){
criteria = new BlackBerryCriteria(GPSInfo.GPS_MODE_AUTONOMOUS);
log("Criteria set for GPS_MODE_AUTONOMOUS");
criteria.setSatelliteInfoRequired(true, false);
return criteria;
return null;
void updateLocationProviderReference(BlackBerryLocationProvider provider){
this.locationProviderReference = provider;
* Checks the validity of a given mode value. Also checks whether the selected mode is actually available on the device.
* @param mode Mode to validate.
* @return True if valid. False otherwise.
private boolean isModeValid(int mode){
//#ifdef BlackBerrySDK6.0.0
if(mode>=0 && mode<=4){
return true;
} else {
return false;
//#ifdef BlackBerrySDK5.0.0
if(mode>=0 && mode<=2){
return true;
} else {
return false;
private boolean isModeAvailable(int mode){
if(mode==MODE_GPS && !GPSInfo.isGPSModeAvailable(GPSInfo.GPS_MODE_AUTONOMOUS)){
log("MODE_GPS is not available!");
return false;
//#ifdef BlackBerrySDK5.0.0
else if(mode==MODE_GEOLOCATION && !GPSInfo.isGPSModeAvailable(GPSInfo.GPS_MODE_CELLSITE)){
log("MODE_GEOLOCATION is not available!");
return false;
} else if(mode==MODE_OPTIMAL && !GPSInfo.isGPSModeAvailable(GPSInfo.GPS_MODE_CELLSITE) && !GPSInfo.isGPSModeAvailable(GPSInfo.GPS_MODE_AUTONOMOUS)){
log("MODE_OPTIMAL is not available!");
return false;
//#ifdef BlackBerrySDK6.0.0
else if(mode==MODE_GEOLOCATION && !LocationInfo.isModeAvailable(LocationInfo.GEOLOCATION_MODE)){
log("MODE_GEOLOCATION is not available!");
return false;
} else if(mode==MODE_GEOLOCATION_CELL && !LocationInfo.isModeAvailable(LocationInfo.GEOLOCATION_MODE_CELL)){
log("MODE_GEOLOCATION_CELL is not available!");
return false;
} else if(mode==MODE_GEOLOCATION_WLAN && !LocationInfo.isModeAvailable(LocationInfo.GEOLOCATION_MODE_WLAN)){
log("MODE_GEOLOCATION_WLAN is not available!");
return false;
} else if(mode==MODE_OPTIMAL && !LocationInfo.isModeAvailable(LocationInfo.GEOLOCATION_MODE) && !GPSInfo.isGPSModeAvailable(GPSInfo.GPS_MODE_AUTONOMOUS)){
log("MODE_OPTIMAL is not available!");
return false;
return true;
private String getModeString(int mode){
return "MODE_OPTIMAL";
case MODE_GPS:
return "MODE_GPS";
//#ifdef BlackBerrySDK6.0.0
return "UNKNOWN";
/********************* END OF PRIVATE METHODS **********************/
/******************************** LocationListener IMPLEMENTATION ***************************************/
* This is used by this API internally and must NOT be called.
public void locationUpdated(LocationProvider provider, Location location) {
if(provider != this.locationProviderReference){ // if this is an update from an old location provider that is in the process of being stopped, ignore the update.
BlackBerryLocation bbLocation = (BlackBerryLocation) location;
if(bbLocation!=null && bbLocation.isValid() && (bbLocation.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLatitude()!=0 && bbLocation.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLongitude()!=0)){
log("Tracking: Acquired valid location - " + location.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLatitude() + ", " + location.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLongitude());
this.location = (BlackBerryLocation) location;
* retryAttempt should not be reset in MODE_OPTIMAL when currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation
* because last GPS fix might have failed and this is only a fall back to Geolocation that has passed.
* We still need to preserve the retryAttempt until a GPS fix works in MODE_OPTIMAL. Otherwise
* we will simply waste battery by trying GPS fixes too frequently when it is not available.
if( mode!=MODE_OPTIMAL || (mode==MODE_OPTIMAL && !currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation) ){
retryAttempt = 0;
log("Tracking: retryAttempt reset to 0");
/** Update lastValidFixTime */
lastValidFixTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
log("Tracking: lastValidFixTime updated.");
/** Trigger events via SimpleLocationListener */
simpleLocationListener.locationEvent(SimpleLocationListener.EVENT_GPS_LOCATION, bbLocation);
log("Tracking: Location delivered to SimpleLocationListener as EVENT_GPS_LOCATION");
//#ifdef BlackBerrySDK5.0.0
else if(bbLocation.getGPSMode()==GPSInfo.GPS_MODE_CELLSITE){
simpleLocationListener.locationEvent(SimpleLocationListener.EVENT_CELL_GEOLOCATION, bbLocation);
log("Tracking: Location delivered to SimpleLocationListener as EVENT_CELL_GEOLOCATION");
//#ifdef BlackBerrySDK6.0.0
else if(bbLocation.getGPSMode()==LocationInfo.GEOLOCATION_MODE_CELL){
simpleLocationListener.locationEvent(SimpleLocationListener.EVENT_CELL_GEOLOCATION, bbLocation);
log("Tracking: Location delivered to SimpleLocationListener as EVENT_CELL_GEOLOCATION");
} else if(bbLocation.getGPSMode()==LocationInfo.GEOLOCATION_MODE_WLAN){
simpleLocationListener.locationEvent(SimpleLocationListener.EVENT_WLAN_GEOLOCATION, bbLocation);
log("Tracking: Location delivered to SimpleLocationListener as EVENT_WLAN_GEOLOCATION");
else{ // This should not occur
simpleLocationListener.locationEvent(SimpleLocationListener.EVENT_UNKNOWN_MODE, bbLocation);
log("Tracking: Location delivered to SimpleLocationListener as EVENT_UNKNOWN_MODE");
/** Create a TimerTask to switch to MODE_GPS when appropriate */
if(mode == MODE_OPTIMAL && currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation && isModeAvailable(MODE_GPS)){
if(restartTimer == null){
log("Tracking: Scheduling switch to GPS");
switchToGPS = true;
restartTimer = new Timer();
restartTask = new RestartTask();
long nextRetry = getNextRetryDelay();
lastValidFixTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + nextRetry;
restartTimer.schedule(restartTask, nextRetry);
log("Tracking: GPS will be attempted after " + (nextRetry/1000) + " seconds.");
} else{
log("Tracking: Invalid fix.");
/** If Geolocation fails in MODE_OPTIMAL, try GPS (if available) after waiting an appropriate interval */
if( mode == MODE_OPTIMAL && currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation && (((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastValidFixTime) / 1000) > geolocationTimeout) ) {
switchToGPS = false;
currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation = true;
log("Cannot switch to GPS because MODE_GPS is not available.");
} else{
currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation = false;
log("Switching to GPS");
long nextRetry = getNextRetryDelay();
simpleLocationListener.locationEvent(SimpleLocationListener.EVENT_LOCATION_FAILED, new Long(nextRetry));
restartTimer = null;
restartTimer = new Timer();
restartTask = new RestartTask();
lastValidFixTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + nextRetry;
restartTimer.schedule(restartTask, nextRetry);
log("Tracking: Next attempt after " + (nextRetry/1000) + " seconds.");
/** If GPS fails in MODE_OPTIMAL, try Geolocation (if available) immediately */
else if( mode == MODE_OPTIMAL && !currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation && (((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastValidFixTime) / 1000) > gpsTimeout) ) {
switchToGPS = false;
long nextRetry = 0;
currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation = false;
nextRetry = getNextRetryDelay();
log("Cannot switch to Geolocation because MODE_GEOLOCATION is not available.");
} else{
currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation = true;
nextRetry = 0;
log("Switching to Geolocation.");
simpleLocationListener.locationEvent(SimpleLocationListener.EVENT_LOCATION_FAILED, new Long(nextRetry));
restartTimer = null;
restartTimer = new Timer();
restartTask = new RestartTask();
lastValidFixTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + nextRetry;
restartTimer.schedule(restartTask, nextRetry);
log("Tracking: Next attempt after " + (nextRetry/1000) + " seconds.");
/** If Geolocation fails, retry after waiting an appropriate interval */
else if( (mode == MODE_GEOLOCATION
//#ifdef BlackBerrySDK6.0.0
) && (((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastValidFixTime) / 1000) > geolocationTimeout) ) {
switchToGPS = false;
long nextRetry = getNextRetryDelay();
simpleLocationListener.locationEvent(SimpleLocationListener.EVENT_LOCATION_FAILED, new Long(nextRetry));
restartTimer = null;
restartTimer = new Timer();
restartTask = new RestartTask();
lastValidFixTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + nextRetry;
restartTimer.schedule(restartTask, nextRetry);
log("Tracking: Geolocation will be attempted after " + (nextRetry/1000) + " seconds.");
/** If GPS fails, retry after waiting an appropriate interval */
else if( mode == MODE_GPS && (((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastValidFixTime) / 1000) > gpsTimeout) ) {
switchToGPS = false;
long nextRetry = getNextRetryDelay();
simpleLocationListener.locationEvent(SimpleLocationListener.EVENT_LOCATION_FAILED, new Long(nextRetry));
restartTimer = null;
restartTimer = new Timer();
restartTask = new RestartTask();
lastValidFixTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + nextRetry;
restartTimer.schedule(restartTask, nextRetry);
log("Tracking: GPS will be attempted after " + (nextRetry/1000) + " seconds.");
* This is used by this API internally and must NOT be called.
public void providerStateChanged(LocationProvider provider, int newState) {
if(newState == LocationProvider.TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE){
log("Tracking: Location temporarily unavailable");
/** If Geolocation fails in MODE_OPTIMAL, try GPS after waiting an appropriate interval */
if( mode == MODE_OPTIMAL && currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation ) {
switchToGPS = false;
currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation = true;
log("Cannot switch to GPS because MODE_GPS is not available.");
} else{
currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation = false;
log("Switching to GPS");
long nextRetry = getNextRetryDelay();
simpleLocationListener.locationEvent(SimpleLocationListener.EVENT_LOCATION_FAILED, new Long(nextRetry));
restartTimer = null;
restartTimer = new Timer();
restartTask = new RestartTask();
lastValidFixTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + nextRetry;
restartTimer.schedule(restartTask, nextRetry);
log("Tracking: Next attempt after " + (nextRetry/1000) + " seconds.");
/** If GPS fails in MODE_OPTIMAL, try Geolocation immediately */
else if( mode == MODE_OPTIMAL && !currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation ) {
switchToGPS = false;
long nextRetry = 0;
currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation = false;
nextRetry = getNextRetryDelay();
log("Cannot switch to Geolocation because MODE_GEOLOCATION is not available.");
} else{
currentOptimalModeIsGeolocation = true;
nextRetry = 0;
log("Switching to Geolocation.");
simpleLocationListener.locationEvent(SimpleLocationListener.EVENT_LOCATION_FAILED, new Long(nextRetry));
restartTimer = null;
restartTimer = new Timer();
restartTask = new RestartTask();
lastValidFixTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + nextRetry;
restartTimer.schedule(restartTask, nextRetry);
log("Tracking: Next attempt after " + (nextRetry/1000) + " seconds.");
/** If Geolocation fails, retry after waiting an appropriate interval */
else if( mode == MODE_GEOLOCATION
//#ifdef BlackBerrySDK6.0.0
) {
switchToGPS = false;
long nextRetry = getNextRetryDelay();
simpleLocationListener.locationEvent(SimpleLocationListener.EVENT_LOCATION_FAILED, new Long(nextRetry));
restartTimer = null;
restartTimer = new Timer();
restartTask = new RestartTask();
lastValidFixTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + nextRetry;
restartTimer.schedule(restartTask, nextRetry);
log("Tracking: Geolocation will be attempted after " + (nextRetry/1000) + " seconds.");
/** If GPS fails, retry after waiting an appropriate interval */
else if( mode == MODE_GPS ) {
switchToGPS = false;
long nextRetry = getNextRetryDelay();
simpleLocationListener.locationEvent(SimpleLocationListener.EVENT_LOCATION_FAILED, new Long(nextRetry));
restartTimer = null;
restartTimer = new Timer();
restartTask = new RestartTask();
lastValidFixTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + nextRetry;
restartTimer.schedule(restartTask, nextRetry);
log("Tracking: GPS will be attempted after " + (nextRetry/1000) + " seconds.");
/******************************** END OF LocationListener IMPLEMENTATION. ***************************************/
private long getNextRetryDelay(){
long nextRetry = ((5000 << retryAttempt) - 5000) * retryFactor;
if(nextRetry > maxRetryDelay*1000){
nextRetry = maxRetryDelay;
return nextRetry;
private class RestartTask extends TimerTask{
public void run() {
if(restartTimer != null){