Package org.spoutcraft.diff

Source Code of org.spoutcraft.diff.JBDiff

package org.spoutcraft.diff;

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

* Java Binary Diff utility. Based on bsdiff (v4.2) by Colin Percival (see
* ) and distributed under BSD license.
* <p>
* Running this on large files will probably require an increae of the default
* maximum heap size (use java -Xmx200m)
* </p>
* @author Joe Desbonnet,
public class JBDiff {

  private static final String  VERSION  = "jbdiff-0.1.0";

  private static final int min(int x, int y) {
    return x < y ? x : y;

  private final static void split(int[] I, int[] V, int start, int len, int h) {

    int i, j, k, x, tmp, jj, kk;

    if (len < 16) {
      for (k = start; k < start + len; k += j) {
        j = 1;
        x = V[I[k] + h];
        for (i = 1; k + i < start + len; i++) {
          if (V[I[k + i] + h] < x) {
            x = V[I[k + i] + h];
            j = 0;

          if (V[I[k + i] + h] == x) {
            tmp = I[k + j];
            I[k + j] = I[k + i];
            I[k + i] = tmp;


        for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
          V[I[k + i]] = k + j - 1;
        if (j == 1) I[k] = -1;


    x = V[I[start + len / 2] + h];
    jj = 0;
    kk = 0;
    for (i = start; i < start + len; i++) {
      if (V[I[i] + h] < x) jj++;
      if (V[I[i] + h] == x) kk++;

    jj += start;
    kk += jj;

    i = start;
    j = 0;
    k = 0;
    while (i < jj) {
      if (V[I[i] + h] < x) {
      } else if (V[I[i] + h] == x) {
        tmp = I[i];
        I[i] = I[jj + j];
        I[jj + j] = tmp;
      } else {
        tmp = I[i];
        I[i] = I[kk + k];
        I[kk + k] = tmp;


    while (jj + j < kk) {
      if (V[I[jj + j] + h] == x) {
      } else {
        tmp = I[jj + j];
        I[jj + j] = I[kk + k];
        I[kk + k] = tmp;


    if (jj > start) {
      split(I, V, start, jj - start, h);

    for (i = 0; i < kk - jj; i++) {
      V[I[jj + i]] = kk - 1;

    if (jj == kk - 1) {
      I[jj] = -1;

    if (start + len > kk) {
      split(I, V, kk, start + len - kk, h);


   * Fast suffix sporting. Larsson and Sadakane's qsufsort algorithm. See
   * @param I
   * @param V
   * @param oldBuf
  private static void qsufsort(int[] I, int[] V, byte[] oldBuf) {

    int oldsize = oldBuf.length;

    int[] buckets = new int[256];
    int i, h, len;

    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
      buckets[i] = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < oldsize; i++) {
      buckets[oldBuf[i] & 0xff]++;

    for (i = 1; i < 256; i++) {
      buckets[i] += buckets[i - 1];

    for (i = 255; i > 0; i--) {
      buckets[i] = buckets[i - 1];

    buckets[0] = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < oldsize; i++) {
      I[++buckets[oldBuf[i] & 0xff]] = i;

    I[0] = oldsize;
    for (i = 0; i < oldsize; i++) {
      V[i] = buckets[oldBuf[i] & 0xff];
    V[oldsize] = 0;

    for (i = 1; i < 256; i++) {
      if (buckets[i] == buckets[i - 1] + 1) {
        I[buckets[i]] = -1;

    I[0] = -1;

    for (h = 1; I[0] != -(oldsize + 1); h += h) {
      len = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < oldsize + 1;) {
        if (I[i] < 0) {
          len -= I[i];
          i -= I[i];
        } else {
          // if(len) I[i-len]=-len;
          if (len != 0) {
            I[i - len] = -len;
          len = V[I[i]] + 1 - i;
          split(I, V, i, len, h);
          i += len;
          len = 0;


      if (len != 0) {
        I[i - len] = -len;

    for (i = 0; i < oldsize + 1; i++) {
      I[V[i]] = i;

   * Count the number of bytes that match in oldBuf (starting at offset
   * oldOffset) and newBuf (starting at offset newOffset).
   * @param oldBuf
   * @param oldOffset
   * @param newBuf
   * @param newOffset
   * @return
  private final static int matchlen(byte[] oldBuf, int oldOffset, byte[] newBuf, int newOffset) {
    int end = min(oldBuf.length - oldOffset, newBuf.length - newOffset);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < end; i++) {
      if (oldBuf[oldOffset + i] != newBuf[newOffset + i]) {
    return i;

  private final static int search(int[] I, byte[] oldBuf, byte[] newBuf, int newBufOffset, int start, int end, IntByRef pos) {
    int x, y;

    if (end - start < 2) {
      x = matchlen(oldBuf, I[start], newBuf, newBufOffset);
      y = matchlen(oldBuf, I[end], newBuf, newBufOffset);

      if (x > y) {
        pos.value = I[start];
        return x;
      } else {
        pos.value = I[end];
        return y;

    x = start + (end - start) / 2;
    if (Util.memcmp(oldBuf, I[x], newBuf, newBufOffset) < 0) {
      return search(I, oldBuf, newBuf, newBufOffset, x, end, pos);
    } else {
      return search(I, oldBuf, newBuf, newBufOffset, start, x, pos);


  public static void bsdiff(File oldFile, File newFile, File diffFile) throws IOException {

    int oldsize = (int) oldFile.length();
    byte[] oldBuf = new byte[oldsize];

    FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(oldFile);
    Util.readFromStream(in, oldBuf, 0, oldsize);

    int[] I = new int[oldsize + 1];
    int[] V = new int[oldsize + 1];

    qsufsort(I, V, oldBuf);

    // free(V)
    V = null;

    int newsize = (int) newFile.length();
    byte[] newBuf = new byte[newsize];
    in = new FileInputStream(newFile);
    Util.readFromStream(in, newBuf, 0, newsize);

    // diff block
    int dblen = 0;
    byte[] db = new byte[newsize];

    // extra block
    int eblen = 0;
    byte[] eb = new byte[newsize];

     * Diff file is composed as follows:
     * Header (32 bytes) Data (from offset 32 to end of file)
     * Header: Offset 0, length 8 bytes: file magic "jbdiff40" Offset 8, length
     * 8 bytes: length of ctrl block Offset 16, length 8 bytes: length of
     * compressed diff block Offset 24, length 8 bytes: length of new file
     * Data: 32 (length ctrlBlockLen): ctrlBlock 32+ctrlBlockLen (length
     * diffBlockLen): diffBlock (gziped) 32+ctrlBlockLen+diffBlockLen (to end of
     * file): extraBlock (gziped)
     * ctrlBlock comprises a set of records, each record 12 bytes. A record
     * comprises 3 x 32 bit integers. The ctrlBlock is not compressed.

    DataOutputStream diffOut = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(diffFile));

     * Write as much of header as we have now. Size of ctrlBlock and diffBlock
     * must be filled in later.
    diffOut.writeLong(-1); // place holder for ctrlBlockLen
    diffOut.writeLong(-1); // place holder for diffBlockLen

    int oldscore, scsc;

    int overlap, Ss, lens;
    int i;
    int scan = 0;
    int len = 0;
    int lastscan = 0;
    int lastpos = 0;
    int lastoffset = 0;

    IntByRef pos = new IntByRef();
    int ctrlBlockLen = 0;

    while (scan < newsize) {

      oldscore = 0;

      for (scsc = scan += len; scan < newsize; scan++) {

        len = search(I, oldBuf, newBuf, scan, 0, oldsize, pos);

        for (; scsc < scan + len; scsc++) {
          if ((scsc + lastoffset < oldsize) && (oldBuf[scsc + lastoffset] == newBuf[scsc])) {

        if (((len == oldscore) && (len != 0)) || (len > oldscore + 8)) {

        if ((scan + lastoffset < oldsize) && (oldBuf[scan + lastoffset] == newBuf[scan])) {

      if ((len != oldscore) || (scan == newsize)) {
        int s = 0;
        int Sf = 0;
        int lenf = 0;
        for (i = 0; (lastscan + i < scan) && (lastpos + i < oldsize);) {
          if (oldBuf[lastpos + i] == newBuf[lastscan + i]) s++;
          if (s * 2 - i > Sf * 2 - lenf) {
            Sf = s;
            lenf = i;

        int lenb = 0;
        if (scan < newsize) {
          s = 0;
          int Sb = 0;
          for (i = 1; (scan >= lastscan + i) && (pos.value >= i); i++) {
            if (oldBuf[pos.value - i] == newBuf[scan - i]) s++;
            if (s * 2 - i > Sb * 2 - lenb) {
              Sb = s;
              lenb = i;

        if (lastscan + lenf > scan - lenb) {
          overlap = (lastscan + lenf) - (scan - lenb);
          s = 0;
          Ss = 0;
          lens = 0;
          for (i = 0; i < overlap; i++) {
            if (newBuf[lastscan + lenf - overlap + i] == oldBuf[lastpos + lenf - overlap + i]) {
            if (newBuf[scan - lenb + i] == oldBuf[pos.value - lenb + i]) {
            if (s > Ss) {
              Ss = s;
              lens = i + 1;

          lenf += lens - overlap;
          lenb -= lens;

        // ? byte casting introduced here -- might affect things
        for (i = 0; i < lenf; i++) {
          db[dblen + i] = (byte) (newBuf[lastscan + i] - oldBuf[lastpos + i]);

        for (i = 0; i < (scan - lenb) - (lastscan + lenf); i++) {
          eb[eblen + i] = newBuf[lastscan + lenf + i];

        dblen += lenf;
        eblen += (scan - lenb) - (lastscan + lenf);

         * Write control block entry (3 x int)
        diffOut.writeInt((scan - lenb) - (lastscan + lenf));
        diffOut.writeInt((pos.value - lenb) - (lastpos + lenf));
        ctrlBlockLen += 12;

        lastscan = scan - lenb;
        lastpos = pos.value - lenb;
        lastoffset = pos.value - scan;
      } // end if
    } // end while loop

    GZIPOutputStream gzOut;

     * Write diff block
    gzOut = new GZIPOutputStream(diffOut);
    gzOut.write(db, 0, dblen);
    int diffBlockLen = diffOut.size() - ctrlBlockLen - 32;
    // System.err.println ("diffBlockLen=" + diffBlockLen);

     * Write extra block
    gzOut = new GZIPOutputStream(diffOut);
    gzOut.write(eb, 0, eblen);
    long extraBlockLen = diffOut.size() - diffBlockLen - ctrlBlockLen - 32;
    // System.err.println ("extraBlockLen=" + extraBlockLen);


     * Write missing header info. Need to reopen the file with RandomAccessFile
     * for this.
    RandomAccessFile diff = new RandomAccessFile(diffFile, "rw");;
    diff.writeLong(ctrlBlockLen); // ctrlBlockLen (compressed) @offset 8
    diff.writeLong(diffBlockLen); // diffBlockLen (compressed) @offset 16

   * Run JBDiff from the command line. Params: oldfile newfile difffile. diff
   * file will be created.
   * @param arg
   * @throws IOException
  public static void main(String[] arg) throws IOException {

    if (arg.length != 3) {
      System.err.println("usage example: java -Xmx200m ie.wombat.jbdiff.JBDiff oldfile newfile patchfile\n");

    File oldFile = new File(arg[0]);
    File newFile = new File(arg[1]);
    File diffFile = new File(arg[2]);

    bsdiff(oldFile, newFile, diffFile);


  private static class IntByRef {
    public int  value;

Related Classes of org.spoutcraft.diff.JBDiff

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