package cnslab.gui;
import java.util.*;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import thinlet.*;
import cnslab.cnsnetwork.SimulatorParser;
* Presents a list of XML models to choose from and validates selected.
* @version
* $Date: 2011-11-01 15:06:31 -0500 (Tue, 01 Nov 2011) $
* $Rev: 273 $
* $Author: croft $
* @author
* Yi Dong
* @author
* David Wallace Croft
public final class ContentProcess
implements Runnable
private static final Logger
LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger ( ContentProcess.class );
private final Thinlet thinlet;
public ContentProcess ( final Thinlet thinlet )
this.thinlet = thinlet;
public void run ( )
final File dir = new File ( "model" );
final FilenameFilter
filter = new FilenameFilter ( )
public boolean accept (
final File dirFile,
final String name )
return name.endsWith ( ".xml" ) || name.endsWith ( ".XML" );
// System.out.println(thin.getCount(thin.find("xmlModles")));
final String [ ] children = dir.list ( filter );
if ( thinlet.getCount ( thinlet.find ( "xmlModles" ) )
!= children.length )
Arrays.sort ( children );
thinlet.removeAll ( thinlet.find ( "xmlModles" ) );
//System.out.println("files:" +children.length);
for ( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
// System.out.println("file:"+children[i]);
final Object
o = Thinlet.create ( "choice" );
thinlet.setString (
children [ i ] );
thinlet.add (
thinlet.find ( "xmlModles" ),
o );
if ( thinlet.getSelectedItem ( thinlet.find ( "xmlModles" ) )
!= null )
// System.out.println(
// getString(getSelectedItem(find("xmlModles")),"text"));
final SimulatorParser
simulatorParser = new SimulatorParser ( );
final String
out = simulatorParser.validate (
thinlet.getString (
thinlet.getSelectedItem ( thinlet.find ( "xmlModles" ) ),
"text" ) );
LOGGER.debug ( "parser validation output: {}", out );
if ( out.equals ( "" ) )
thinlet.setString (
thinlet.find ( "simStatusDisplay" ),
thinlet.getString (
thinlet.getSelectedItem ( thinlet.find ( "xmlModles" ) ),
"text" )
+ " ...OK!\n" );
thinlet.setBoolean (
thinlet.find ( "startSim" ),
true );
thinlet.setBoolean (
thinlet.find ( "stopSim" ),
false );
thinlet.setBoolean (
thinlet.find ( "showXML" ),
true );
thinlet.setString (
thinlet.find ( "simStatusDisplay" ),
thinlet.getString (
thinlet.getSelectedItem ( thinlet.find ( "xmlModles" ) ),
"text" )
+ " ...Error!\n" + out );
thinlet.setBoolean (
thinlet.find ( "startSim" ),
false );
thinlet.setBoolean (
thinlet.find ( "stopSim" ),
false );
thinlet.setBoolean (
thinlet.find ( "showXML" ),
true );