/* Translator.java
Thu Nov 3 12:10:15 TST 2011, Created by tomyeh
Copyright (C) 2011 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
package org.zkoss.zuss.impl.out;
import org.zkoss.zuss.Resolver;
import org.zkoss.zuss.ZussException;
import org.zkoss.zuss.metainfo.*;
import org.zkoss.zuss.util.Classes;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.*;
* The translator used to translate ZUSS to CSS.
* @author tomyeh
public class Translator {
private static final Object NULL = new Object() {
public String toString() {
return "";
private final ZussDefinition _zuss;
private final Writer _out;
private final Resolver _resolver;
private final Resolver _builtin = new BuiltinResolver();
public Translator(ZussDefinition zuss, Writer out, Resolver resolver) {
_zuss = zuss;
_out = out;
_resolver = resolver;
/** Generates the CSS content.
* <p>Notice that this method can be called only once.
public void translate() throws IOException {
try {
final Scope scope = new Scope(null);
outChildren(scope, null, _zuss);
} finally {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
private ZussException error(String msg, NodeInfo node) {
return new ZussException(msg, _zuss.getFilename(), node.getLine());
private ZussException error(String msg, int lineno) {
return new ZussException(msg, _zuss.getFilename(), lineno);
private ZussException error(String msg, int lineno, Throwable t) {
return new ZussException(msg, _zuss.getFilename(), lineno, t);
private void outChildren(Scope scope, List<String> outerSels, NodeInfo node)
throws IOException {
for (NodeInfo child: node.getChildren())
outNode(scope, outerSels, child);
private void outNode(Scope scope, List<String> outerSels, NodeInfo node)
throws IOException {
if (node instanceof RuleDefinition) {
outRule(scope, outerSels, (RuleDefinition)node);
//Like JavaScript, a rule doesn't instantiate a new scope.
//Otherwise, it is tough to implement the local scope
} else if (node instanceof Expression) {
//here must be a mixin, since outChildren is called at the same level
//as rules (such as at top-level or in @media)
final MixinInfo mixin = getMixinInfo(scope, (Expression)node);
if (mixin == null)
throw error("only a mixin invocation is allowed", node);
final Scope subsc = new LocalScope(scope, mixin.argmap, mixin.argmap.values());
for (NodeInfo subnd: mixin.mixin.getChildren())
outRuleInner(subsc, outerSels, subnd, "", "", true);
} else {
outOther(scope, outerSels, node);
/** Generates the rule definitions.
* @param outerSels the selectors of enclosing rules.
* @param rdef the rule definition to generate
private void outRule(Scope scope, List<String> outerSels, RuleDefinition rdef)
throws IOException {
final List<String> thisSels;
if (outerSels == null) {
thisSels = rdef.getSelectors();
} else {
thisSels = new LinkedList<String>();
for (String s: rdef.getSelectors())
for (String os: outerSels)
thisSels.add(s.startsWith("&") ? os + s.substring(1): os + ' ' + s);
final String head = cat(thisSels) + "{\n", end = "}\n";
boolean empty = true;
for (NodeInfo node: rdef.getChildren())
empty = outRuleInner(scope, thisSels, node, head, end, empty);
if (!empty)
private boolean outRuleInner(Scope scope, List<String> thisSels,
NodeInfo node, String head, String end, boolean empty)
throws IOException {
if (node instanceof RuleDefinition) {
if (!empty) {
empty = true;
outRule(scope, thisSels, (RuleDefinition)node);
} else if (node instanceof StyleDefinition) {
if (empty) {
empty = false;
outStyle(scope, (StyleDefinition)node);
} else if (node instanceof Expression) { //could be mixin or value expression
final Expression expr = (Expression)node;
final MixinInfo mixin = getMixinInfo(scope, expr);
if (mixin != null) { //yes, a minin
if (empty) {
empty = false;
final Scope subsc = new LocalScope(scope, mixin.argmap, mixin.argmap.values());
for (NodeInfo subnd: mixin.mixin.getChildren()) {
empty = outRuleInner(subsc, thisSels, subnd, head, end, empty);
} else {
//handle normal expression
final Object o = evalExpression(scope, expr);
if (o != null) {
if (empty) {
empty = false;
} else if (node instanceof IfDefinition) { //in a rule
for (NodeInfo child: node.getChildren()) {
final BlockDefinition block = (BlockDefinition)child;
final Expression expr = block.getCondition();
if (expr == null || isTrue(scope, expr)) {
for (NodeInfo subnd: block.getChildren()) {
empty = outRuleInner(scope, thisSels, subnd, head, end, empty);
break; //done
} else {
outOther(scope, thisSels, node);
return empty;
/** Returns the map of arguments, or null if expr is not a mixin.
private MixinInfo getMixinInfo(Scope scope, Expression expr)
throws IOException {
final List<NodeInfo> exprList = expr.getChildren();
final int j;
final FunctionValue fv;
Object fn;
if ((j = exprList.size() - 1) >= 0
&& ((fn=exprList.get(j)) instanceof FunctionValue)
&& (fn = scope.getVariable((fv=(FunctionValue)fn).getName(), false))
instanceof MixinDefinition) {
List<Object> values = evalExpression(scope, exprList.subList(0, j));
return new MixinInfo((MixinDefinition)fn,
getArguments(values, fv.getArgumentNumber(), fv.getLine())));
return null;
private static class MixinInfo {
private final MixinDefinition mixin;
private final Map<String, Object> argmap;
private MixinInfo(MixinDefinition mixin, Map<String, Object> argmap) {
this.mixin = mixin;
this.argmap = argmap;
private void outStyle(Scope scope, StyleDefinition sdef) throws IOException {
for (NodeInfo node: sdef.getChildren()) {
final Object value = evalNode(scope, node);
if (value != null) {
write(' ');
/** Generates definitions other than rules, styles and mixins. */
private void outOther(Scope scope, List<String> outerSels, NodeInfo node) throws IOException {
if (node instanceof VariableDefinition) {
final VariableDefinition vdef = (VariableDefinition)node;
scope.setVariable(vdef.getName(), evalDefinition(scope, vdef));
//spec: evaluate when it is defined (not when it is used)
} else if (node instanceof FunctionDefinition) {
final FunctionDefinition fd = (FunctionDefinition)node;
scope.setVariable(fd.getName(), fd);
} else if (node instanceof MixinDefinition) {
final MixinDefinition fd = (MixinDefinition)node;
scope.setVariable(fd.getName(), fd);
} else if (node instanceof IfDefinition) { //assume not in a rule (outerSel shall be null)
for (NodeInfo child: node.getChildren()) {
final BlockDefinition block = (BlockDefinition)child;
final Expression expr = block.getCondition();
if (expr == null || isTrue(scope, expr)) {
outChildren(scope, outerSels, block);
break; //done
} else if (node instanceof MediaDefinition) {
write("@media ");
outChildren(scope, outerSels, node);
write ("}\n");
} else if (node instanceof RawValue) {
} else {
throw error("unknown "+node, node);
private Object evalNode(Scope scope, NodeInfo node) {
if (node instanceof ConstantValue)
return ((ConstantValue)node).getValue();
if (node instanceof FunctionValue)
return evalFunctionValue(scope, (FunctionValue)node, new Object[0]);
if (node instanceof Expression)
return evalExpression(scope, (Expression)node); //must be value expression, not mixin
throw error("unknown "+node, node);
/** @param expr it must be a value expression, not mixin. */
private Object evalExpression(Scope scope, Expression expr) {
final List<Object> values = evalExpression(scope, expr.getChildren());
if (values.size() != 1)
throw error("failed evaluate "+expr+": "+values, expr);
return values.get(0);
private boolean isTrue(Scope scope, Expression expr) {
final Boolean b = (Boolean)Classes.coerce(Boolean.class,
evalExpression(scope, expr));
return b != null && b.booleanValue();
private List<Object> evalExpression(Scope scope, List<NodeInfo> exprList) {
final List<Object> values = new LinkedList<Object>();
for (NodeInfo node: exprList) {
if (node instanceof Operator) {
final Operator.Type opType = ((Operator)node).getType();
values, opType.getArgumentNumber(), node.getLine())));
} else if (node instanceof FunctionValue) {
final FunctionValue fv = (FunctionValue)node;
values.add(evalFunctionValue(scope, fv,
getArguments(values, fv.getArgumentNumber(), fv.getLine())));
} else {
values.add(evalNode(scope, node));
return values;
private Object evalFunctionValue(Scope scope, FunctionValue fv, Object[] args) {
final Object o = scope.getVariable(fv.getName(), true); //NULL is expected
final int lineno = fv.getLine();
if (o instanceof MixinDefinition)
throw error("Mixin not allowed, "+o, lineno);
if (o instanceof FunctionDefinition)
return evalDefinition(scope, (FunctionDefinition)o, args, lineno);
if (o != null)
return o != NULL ? o: null;
//check if it is a method provided by the resolver
final String name = fv.getName();
final Method mtd = getMethod(name);
if (mtd == null) {
if (fv.isVariableLook()) //parenthesis not specified
return null; //consider as null
throw error("Function not found: "+name, lineno);
int j = mtd.getParameterTypes().length;
if (args.length != j) { //if not enough, all others assume null
final Object[] as = args;
args = new Object[j];
if (j > as.length)
j = as.length;
while (--j >= 0)
args[j] = as[j];
try {
return mtd.invoke(null, args);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw error("Unable to invoke "+mtd, lineno, ex);
private Method getMethod(String name) {
if (_resolver != null) {
final Method mtd = _resolver.getMethod(name);
if (mtd != null)
return mtd;
return _builtin.getMethod(name);
private Object evalDefinition(Scope scope, VariableDefinition vdef) {
return evalExpression(scope, vdef.getExpression());
private Object evalDefinition(Scope scope, FunctionDefinition fdef, Object[] args,
int lineno) {
final ArgumentDefinition[] adefs = fdef.getArgumentDefinitions();
final Object value;
final Expression expr = fdef.getExpression();
if (expr != null) {
final Map<String, Object> argmap = getArgumentMap(adefs, args);
value = evalExpression(new LocalScope(scope, argmap, argmap.values()), expr);
//a local scope for function invocation
} else {
final Method m = fdef.getMethod();
final Class<?>[] argTypes = m.getParameterTypes();
final Object[] as = args;
if (args.length != argTypes.length)
args = new Object[argTypes.length];
for (int j = 0; j < argTypes.length; ++j)
args[j] = Classes.coerce(argTypes[j],
j < as.length ? as[j]: adefs[j].getDefaultValue());
try {
value = m.invoke(null, args);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
throw error("failed to invoke "+m, lineno, ex);
return value;
private static Map<String, Object>
getArgumentMap(ArgumentDefinition[] adefs, Object[] args) {
final Map<String, Object> argmap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); //preserve order
for (int j = 0; j < adefs.length; ++j) {
j < args.length ? args[j]: adefs[j].getDefaultValue());
return argmap;
private Object[] getArguments(List<Object> values, int argc, int lineno) {
int sz = values.size();
if (sz < argc)
throw error("Not enough argument: "+sz, lineno);
final Object[] args = new Object[argc];
while ( --argc >= 0)
args[argc] = values.remove(--sz);
return args;
private void write(String s) throws IOException {
private void write(char c) throws IOException {
private static String cat(List<String> list) {
final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (String s: list) {
if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append(',');
return sb.toString();
private class Scope {
private final Scope _parent;
private final Map<String, Object> _vars = new HashMap<String, Object>();
private Scope(Scope parent) {
_parent = parent;
* @param vars the initial variables
private Scope(Scope parent, Map<String, Object> vars) {
_parent = parent;
public Scope getParent() {
return _parent;
/** Stores a variable. */
public void setVariable(String name, Object value) {
for (Scope scope = this; scope != null; scope = scope._parent) {
if (scope._vars.containsKey(name)) {
scope._vars.put(name, value); //replace
_vars.put(name, value);
/** Returns the variable value with the given name.
* Notice: the returned value could be FunctionDefinition or MixinDefinition.
* @param nullAware if true and the value is null, {@link #NULL} is returned.
public Object getVariable(String name, boolean nullAware) {
for (Scope scope = this; scope != null; scope = scope._parent) {
final Object o = scope._vars.get(name);
if (o != null || scope._vars.containsKey(name))
return o != null || !nullAware ? o: NULL;
if (_resolver != null) {
final Object o = _resolver.getVariable(name);
if (o != null)
return o;
return _builtin.getVariable(name);
public String toString() {
return "scope("+_parent+')';
/** Represents a local scope used by the evaluation of mixin and function.
private class LocalScope extends Scope {
private final Collection _args;
private LocalScope(Scope parent, Map<String, Object> vars, Collection args) {
super(parent instanceof LocalScope ? parent._parent: parent, vars);
//LocalScope's parent can not be another LocalScope
_args = args;
public Object getVariable(String name, boolean nullAware) {
final Object o = super.getVariable(name, nullAware);
if (o != null)
return o;
return "arguments".equals(name) ? _args: null;